Ghazascanner File Manager
server :Linux phosweb009 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 19 16:18:59 UTC 2020 x86_64
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#webliberty::File.pm (2007/02/27) #Copyright(C) 2002-2007 Knight, All rights reserved. package webliberty::File; use strict; ### コンストラクタ sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { file => shift }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } ### ファイル名取得 sub get_name { my $self = shift; $self->{file} =~ /([^\/\\]*)\.[^.\/\\]*$/; return lc($1); } ### ファイル拡張子取得 sub get_ext { my $self = shift; $self->{file} =~ /[^\/\\]*\.([^.\/\\]*)$/; return lc($1); } ### ファイルサイズ取得 sub get_size { my $self = shift; my($width, $height); my $ext = $self->get_ext; open(webliberty_File, $self->{file}) or return(0, 0); binmode(webliberty_File); if ($ext eq 'gif') { ($width, $height) = $self->_get_gifsize(*webliberty_File); } elsif ($ext eq 'jpeg' or $ext eq 'jpg' or $ext eq 'jpe') { ($width, $height) = $self->_get_jpegsize(*webliberty_File); } elsif ($ext eq 'png') { ($width, $height) = $self->_get_pngsize(*webliberty_File); } close(webliberty_File); return($width, $height); } ### ファイル複製 sub copy { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; open(webliberty_File_ORG, "$self->{file}") or return 0; binmode(webliberty_File_ORG); open(webliberty_File_COPY, ">$file") or return 0; binmode(webliberty_File_COPY); print webliberty_File_COPY <webliberty_File_ORG>; close(webliberty_File_COPY); close(webliberty_File_ORG); return 1; } ### GIFサイズ取得(参考:http://www.bloodyeck.com/wwwis/) sub _get_gifsize { my $self = shift; my($GIF) = @_; my($type, $a, $b, $c, $d, $s) = 0; if (defined($GIF) and read($GIF, $type, 6) and $type =~ /GIF8[7,9]a/ and read($GIF, $s, 4) == 4) { ($a, $b, $c, $d) = unpack("C"x4, $s); return ($b << 8 | $a, $d << 8 | $c); } return(0, 0); } ### JPEGサイズ取得(参考:http://www.bloodyeck.com/wwwis/) sub _get_jpegsize { my $self = shift; my($JPEG) = @_; my($done, $c1, $c2, $ch, $s, $length, $dummy) = 0; my($a, $b, $c, $d); if (defined($JPEG) and read($JPEG, $c1, 1) and read($JPEG, $c2, 1) and ord($c1) == 0xFF and ord($c2) == 0xD8) { while (ord($ch) != 0xDA and !$done) { while (ord($ch) != 0xFF) { return(0, 0) unless read($JPEG, $ch, 1); } while (ord($ch) == 0xFF) { return(0, 0) unless read($JPEG, $ch, 1); } if ((ord($ch) >= 0xC0) and (ord($ch) <= 0xC3)) { return(0, 0) unless read($JPEG, $dummy, 3); return(0, 0) unless read($JPEG, $s, 4); ($a, $b, $c, $d) = unpack("C"x4, $s); return ($c << 8 | $d, $a << 8 | $b); } else { return(0, 0) unless read ($JPEG, $s, 2); ($c1, $c2) = unpack("C"x2, $s); $length = $c1 << 8 | $c2; last if (!defined($length) or $length < 2); read($JPEG, $dummy, $length - 2); } } } return(0, 0); } ### PNGサイズ取得(参考:http://www.bloodyeck.com/wwwis/) sub _get_pngsize { my $self = shift; my($PNG) = @_; my $head; my($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h) = 0; if (defined($PNG) and read($PNG, $head, 8) == 8 and $head eq "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a" and read($PNG, $head, 4) == 4 and read($PNG, $head, 4) == 4 and $head eq "IHDR" and read($PNG, $head, 8) == 8){ ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h) = unpack("C"x8, $head); return ($a << 24 | $b << 16 | $c << 8 | $d, $e << 24 | $f << 16 | $g << 8 | $h); } return(0, 0); } 1;