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# Movable Type (r) (C) 2007 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id$ # Original Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Arvind Satyanarayan package CustomFields::App::CMS; use strict; use CustomFields::Util qw( get_meta save_meta field_loop _get_html ); use MT::Util qw( remove_html dirify encode_html ); sub load_list_filters { my $plugin = shift; my $app = MT->app; my $blog_id = $app->param('blog_id') || undef; my %filters; my $objects = MT->registry('customfield_objects'); foreach my $object ( keys %$objects ) { next if defined($blog_id) && $objects->{$object}{context} eq 'system'; my $class = MT->model($object); $filters{"cf_list_$object"} = { label => sub { $plugin->translate('[_1] Fields', $class->class_label_plural) }, handler => sub { my ( $terms, $args ) = @_; $terms->{obj_type} = $object; }, }; } my @objects = sort { $filters{$a}{label} cmp $filters{$b}{label} } keys %filters; my $order = 100; foreach (@objects) { $filters{$_}{order} = $order; $order += 100; } $filters{cf_list_entry}{order} = 0; return { field => \%filters }; } sub load_customfield_types { my $customfield_types = { # type_key => { # label => ' ', # order => 999, # field_html => '' # options_field => '', # options_delimiter => '', # default_value => '', # column_def => '' # }, 'text' => { label => 'Single-Line Text', field_html => { default => q{ <div class="textarea-wrapper"> <input type="text" name="<mt:var name="field_name">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">" value="<mt:var name="field_value" escape="html">" class="full-width ti" /> </div> }, author => q{ <input type="text" name="<mt:var name="field_name">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">" value="<mt:var name="field_value" escape="html">" class="half-width" /> }, }, column_def => 'string(255)', order => 100 }, 'textarea' => { label => 'Multi-Line Textfield', field_html => { default => q{ <div class="textarea-wrapper"><textarea name="<mt:var name="field_name">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">" class="full-width ta" rows="3" cols="72"><mt:var name="field_value" escape="html"></textarea></div> }, author => q{ <textarea name="<mt:var name="field_name">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">" class="half-width" rows="3" cols="72"><mt:var name="field_value" escape="html"></textarea> }, }, column_def => 'text', order => 200 }, 'checkbox' => { label => 'Checkbox', field_html => q{ <p class="hint"><input type="hidden" name="<mt:var name="field_name">_cb_beacon" value="1" /><input type="checkbox" name="<mt:var name="field_name">" value="1" id="<mt:var name="field_id">"<mt:if name="field_value"> checked="checked"</mt:if> class="cb" /> <label for="<mt:var name="field_id">"><mt:var name="description"></label></p> }, column_def => 'boolean', order => 300 }, 'url' => { label => 'URL', field_html => { default => q{ <div class="textarea-wrapper"> <input type="text" name="<mt:var name="field_name">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">" value="<mt:var name="field_value" escape="html">" class="full-width ti" /> </div> }, author => q{ <input type="text" name="<mt:var name="field_name">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">" value="<mt:var name="field_value" escape="html">" class="half-width" /> }, }, default_value => 'http://', column_def => 'string(255)', order => 400, }, 'datetime' => { label => 'Date and Time', field_html => 'date-picker.tmpl', field_html_params => sub { my ($key, $tmpl_key, $tmpl_param) = @_; my $app = MT->instance; my $blog = $app->blog; my $ts = $tmpl_param->{value} || ''; if (ref $ts) { $tmpl_param->{'date'} = $ts->{'date'}; $tmpl_param->{'time'} = $ts->{'time'}; return; } $ts =~ s/\D//g; if ($ts) { require MT::Util; $tmpl_param->{date} = MT::Util::format_ts( "%Y-%m-%d", $ts, $blog, $app->user ? $app->user->preferred_language : undef ); $tmpl_param->{time} = MT::Util::format_ts( "%H:%M:%S", $ts, $blog, $app->user ? $app->user->preferred_language : undef ); } }, options_field => q{ <__trans phrase="Show">: <select name="options" id="options"> <option value="datetime"<mt:if name="options" eq="datetime"> selected="selected"</mt:if>><__trans phrase="Date & Time"></option> <option value="date"<mt:if name="options" eq="date"> selected="selected"</mt:if>><__trans phrase="Date Only"></option> <option value="time"<mt:if name="options" eq="time"> selected="selected"</mt:if>><__trans phrase="Time Only"></option> </select> }, no_default => 1, order => 500, column_def => 'datetime' }, 'select' => { label => 'Drop Down Menu', field_html => q{ <select name="<mt:var name="field_name">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">" class="se" mt:watch-change="1"> <mt:loop name="option_loop"> <option value="<mt:var name="option" escape="html">"<mt:if name="is_selected"> selected="selected"</mt:if>><mt:var name="option" escape="html"></option> </mt:loop> </select> }, options_field => q{ <div class="textarea-wrapper"><input type="text" name="options" value="<mt:var name="options" escape="html">" id="options" class="full-width" /></div> <p class="hint"><__trans phrase="Please enter all allowable options for this field as a comma delimited list"></p> }, options_delimiter => ',', column_def => 'string(255)', order => 600 }, 'radio' => { label => 'Radio Buttons', field_html => q{ <mt:loop name="option_loop"> <label for="<mt:var name="field_id">_<mt:var name="__counter__">"><input type="radio" name="<mt:var name="field_name">" value="<mt:var name="option" escape="html">" id="<mt:var name="field_id">_<mt:var name="__counter__">"<mt:if name="is_selected"> checked="checked"</mt:if> class="rb" /> <mt:var name="option" escape="html"></label> </mt:loop> }, options_field => q{ <div class="textarea-wrapper"><input type="text" name="options" value="<mt:var name="options" escape="html">" id="options" class="full-width" /></div> <p class="hint"><__trans phrase="Please enter all allowable options for this field as a comma delimited list"></p> }, options_delimiter => ',', column_def => 'string(255)', order => 700 } }; # Add asset choosers require MT::Asset; my $asset_types = MT::Asset->class_labels; my @asset_types = sort { $asset_types->{$a} cmp $asset_types->{$b} } keys %$asset_types; my $order = 800; foreach my $a_type (@asset_types) { my $asset_type = $a_type; $asset_type =~ s/^asset\.//; $customfield_types->{$a_type} = { label => sub { MT::Asset->class_handler($a_type)->class_label }, field_html => 'asset-chooser.tmpl', field_html_params => sub { $_[2]->{asset_type} = $asset_type; $_[2]->{asset_type_label} = MT->translate($asset_type); }, no_default => 1, column_def => 'text', order => $order, context => 'blog' }; $order += 100; } return $customfield_types; } sub list_field { my ($app) = @_; my $plugin = $app->component('Commercial'); my $q = $app->param; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); return $app->errtrans("Permission denied.") if !$app->user->is_superuser && !$blog_id; my (@customfield_objs); my $hasher = sub { my ($obj, $row) = @_; my $type_def = $app->registry('customfield_types', $obj->type); my $class = $app->model($obj->obj_type); $row->{type_label} = $type_def->{label}; $row->{obj_type_label} = $class->class_label; my $fld_blog_id = $obj->blog_id; if(!$blog_id && $fld_blog_id) { require MT::Blog; my $fld_blog = MT::Blog->load($fld_blog_id); $row->{blog_name} = $fld_blog ? $fld_blog->name : "* " . $app->translate('Orphaned') . " *"; } }; $app->add_breadcrumb($app->translate("Custom Fields")); return $app->listing({ terms => { $blog_id ? ( blog_id => [ $blog_id, 0 ] ) : () }, args => { sort => 'name', 'direction' => 'ascend' }, no_limit => 1, type => 'field', code => $hasher, template => File::Spec->catdir($plugin->path,'tmpl','list_field.tmpl'), params => { ($blog_id ? ( blog_id => [ $blog_id, 0 ], edit_blog_id => $blog_id, ) : ( system_overview => 1 )), list_noncron => 1, saved_deleted => $q->param('saved_deleted') || 0, saved => $q->param('saved') || 0, obj_types_loop => \@customfield_objs, cfg_customfield => 1, use_plugins => $app->config->UsePlugins }, }); } sub edit_field { my ($app, $param) = @_; my $q = $app->param; my $plugin = $app->component("Commercial"); my $blog = $app->blog; my $blog_id = $blog ? $blog->id : 0; return $app->errtrans("Permission denied.") if !$app->user->is_superuser && !$blog_id; my $id = $app->param('id'); my (@obj_types, @types_loop); require CustomFields::Field; for my $key (@{ CustomFields::Field->column_names() }) { if (my $val = $q->param($key)) { $param->{$key} = $val; } } $param->{object_label} = CustomFields::Field->class_label; my $obj_type = $q->param('obj_type'); if ($id) { my $field = CustomFields::Field->load( { blog_id => $blog_id, id => $id } ); $app->redirect( $app->uri( mode => 'list_field', args => { blog_id => $blog_id } ) ) if !$field; $obj_type ||= $field->obj_type; while (my ($key, $val) = each %{ $field->column_values() }) { $param->{$key} ||= encode_html($val); } } $param->{basename_limit} = ( $blog ? $blog->basename_limit : 0 ) || 30; my $customfield_objs = $app->registry('customfield_objects'); foreach my $key (keys %$customfield_objs) { my $context = $customfield_objs->{$key}->{context}; next if $context eq 'blog' && !$blog_id; next if $context eq 'system' && $blog_id; my $class = $app->model($key); push @obj_types, { obj_type => $key, obj_type_label => ucfirst($class->class_label), ($obj_type && $key eq $obj_type) ? ( selected => 1) : () }; } my $customfield_types = $app->registry('customfield_types'); my @customfield_types_loop; # Resort it by the order key my @cf_types = sort { $customfield_types->{$a}{order} <=> $customfield_types->{$b}{order} } keys %$customfield_types; foreach my $key (@cf_types) { next if ref $key eq 'HASH'; my $type = $customfield_types->{$key}; my $context = $customfield_types->{$key}->{context} || ''; next if $context eq 'blog' && !$blog_id; next if $context eq 'system' && $blog_id; # This $tmpl_param is used to build the default field and options field my $tmpl_param = $param; $tmpl_param->{key} = $key; $tmpl_param->{field_name} = 'default'; $tmpl_param->{field_id} = 'default'; $tmpl_param->{field_value} = $id ? $param->{default} : ( $param->{default} || $type->{default_value} ); $tmpl_param->{options} = $param->{options}; # If an options_delimiter is present, we need to populate an option_loop if($type->{options_delimiter} && $param->{options}) { my @option_loop; my $expr = '\s*' . $type->{options_delimiter} . '\s?'; my @options = split /$expr/, $param->{options}; foreach my $option (@options) { my $option_row = { option => $option }; $option_row->{is_selected} = defined $tmpl_param->{field_value} ? ($tmpl_param->{field_value} eq $option) : 0; push @option_loop, $option_row; } $tmpl_param->{option_loop} = \@option_loop; } my $row = { key => $key, label => $type->{label}, $type->{no_default} ? ( ) : ( default_field => _get_html($key, 'field_html', $tmpl_param) ), $type->{options_field} ? ( options_field => _get_html($key, 'options_field', $tmpl_param) ) : (), options_delimiter => $type->{options_delimiter} }; foreach my $k (keys %$row) { my $value = $row->{$k}; if (ref($value) eq 'CODE') { # handle coderefs $value = $value->(@_); } $row->{$k} = $value; } push @customfield_types_loop, $row; } $param->{customfield_types_loop} = \@customfield_types_loop; $param->{obj_type_loop} = \@obj_types; eval { require MT::Image; MT::Image->new or die; }; $param->{do_thumb} = !$@ ? 1 : 0; $param->{saved} = $app->param('saved') || 0; $param->{cfg_customfield} = 1; # $param->{return_args} = $app->param('return_args'); $app->add_breadcrumb($app->translate("Custom Fields"), $app->uri('mode' => 'list_field', args => { $blog_id ? (blog_id => $blog_id) : () })); $app->add_breadcrumb($app->translate('Edit Field')); $app->build_page($plugin->load_tmpl('edit_field.tmpl'), $param); } # This routine decrements the schema_version stored for the plugin # to automatically trigger an "upgrade" sub prep_customfields_upgrade { my $plugin = shift; my ($app) = @_; my $cfg = MT->config; my $plugin_schema = $cfg->PluginSchemaVersion || {}; $plugin_schema->{$plugin->id} = $plugin->schema_version - '0.0001'; if (keys %$plugin_schema) { $cfg->PluginSchemaVersion($plugin_schema, 1); } $cfg->save_config; $app->call_return; } sub save_field_order { my $app = shift; return '' if !$app->user; my $author_id = $app->user->id; my $blog_id = $app->param('blog_id') || 0; my $obj_type = $app->param('_type'); require MT::PluginData; my $plugindata = MT::PluginData->get_by_key({ plugin => 'CustomFields', key => "field_order_$author_id" }); my $data = $plugindata->data || {}; $data->{$blog_id} ||= {}; $data->{$blog_id}->{$obj_type} = $app->param('order'); $plugindata->data($data); $plugindata->save or die $plugindata->errstr; } sub CMSPostSave_customfield_objs { my ($cb, $app, $obj) = @_; my $q = $app->param; return 1 if !$q->param('customfield_beacon'); my $meta; foreach ($q->param()) { next if $_ eq 'customfield_beacon'; if (m/^customfield_(.*?)$/) { my $field_name = $1; if ( m/^customfield_(.+?)_cb_beacon$/ ) { $field_name = $1; $meta->{$field_name} = defined( $q->param("customfield_$field_name") ) ? $q->param("customfield_$field_name") : '0'; } else { $meta->{$field_name} = $q->param("customfield_$field_name"); } } } save_meta($obj, $meta); 1; } sub CMSSaveFilter_customfield_objs { my ( $eh, $app ) = @_; my $q = $app->param; return 1 if !$q->param('customfield_beacon'); my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id') || 0; my $obj_type = $app->param('_type'); require CustomFields::Field; my $iter = CustomFields::Field->load_iter( { $blog_id ? ( blog_id => [ $blog_id, 0 ] ) : (), obj_type => $obj_type, } ); my %fields; while ( my $field = $iter->() ) { my $row = $field->column_values(); my $field_name = "customfield_" . $row->{basename}; if ( $row->{type} eq 'datetime' ) { my $ts = ''; if ($q->param("d_$field_name") || $q->param("t_$field_name")) { my $date = $q->param("d_$field_name"); $date = '1970-01-01' if $row->{options} eq 'time'; my $time = $q->param("t_$field_name"); $time = '00:00:00' if $row->{options} eq 'date'; my $ao = $date . ' ' . $time; unless ( $ao =~ m!^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?$! ) { return $eh->error( $app->translate( "Invalid date '[_1]'; dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.", $ao ) ); } my $s = $6 || 0; return $eh->error( $app->translate( "Invalid date '[_1]'; dates should be real dates.", $ao ) ) if ( $s > 59 || $s < 0 || $5 > 59 || $5 < 0 || $4 > 23 || $4 < 0 || $2 > 12 || $2 < 1 || $3 < 1 || ( MT::Util::days_in( $2, $1 ) < $3 && !MT::Util::leap_day( $0, $1, $2 ) ) ); $ts = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $s; } $q->param( "$field_name", $ts ); } elsif ( $row->{type} =~ m/^asset/ ) { if (my $file = $q->param("file_$field_name")) { # see asset-chooser.tmpl for parameter $q->param( "$field_name", $file ); } } elsif ( ( $row->{type} eq 'url' ) && $q->param($field_name) ) { require MT::Util; return $eh->error( $app->translate("Please enter valid URL for the URL field: [_1]", $row->{name}) ) unless MT::Util::is_url( $q->param($field_name) ); } if ( $row->{required} ) { return $eh->error( $app->translate( "Please enter some value for required '[_1]' field.", $row->{name}) ) if !defined $q->param($field_name) || $q->param($field_name) eq ''; } } 1; } # Fixes bug where required checkbox became uncheckable sub CMSPreSave_field { my ($cb, $app, $obj, $original) = @_; if($app->param('required') eq '') { $obj->required(0); $original->required(0); } if ( 'checkbox' eq $app->param('type') && ( $app->param('default_cb_beacon') && !$app->param('default') ) ) { $obj->default('0'); } 1; } # This callback is run only if the basename of the field changes # and updates $meta to use the basename. Why am I sticking with basename # and not using the field_id as in v2.0? Because basename makes a lot of # operations (such as custom sorting and posting from a 3rd party client) # MUCH faster since I don't need to LOAD customfields and can just use the # basenames in the key => value sub CMSPostSave_field { my ($cb, $app, $field) = @_; my $q = $app->param; # If 'required' was not found, this field changes to not required. if (!$app->param('required')) { $field->required(0); $field->save; } # Dirify to tag name my $tag = MT::Util::dirify($field->tag); if ($tag ne $field->tag) { $field->tag($tag); $field->save; } # Sanitize my $sanitize_spec = $app->config->GlobalSanitizeSpec; my $blog = $app->blog; $sanitize_spec = $blog->sanitize_spec if $blog && $blog->sanitize_spec; require MT::Sanitize; my $description = $q->param('description'); if ($description) { $description = MT::Sanitize->sanitize($description, $sanitize_spec); $field->description($description); $field->save; } # Skip if the basename hasn't been manually changed (or if it's for a new field) return 1 unless ($q->param('basename_manual') && $q->param('basename_old')); my $basename_old = $q->param('basename_old'); my $basename_new = $field->basename; my $class = $app->model($field->obj_type); my $iter = $class->load_iter({ $field->blog_id ? ( blog_id => $field->blog_id ) : () }); while (my $obj = $iter->()) { my $meta = get_meta($obj); next if !$meta->{$basename_old}; # TODO: shouldn't we delete the old one? $meta->{$basename_new} = $meta->{$basename_old}; save_meta($obj, $meta); } 1; } sub CMSSaveFilter_field { my ($eh, $app) = @_; my $q = $app->param; # Are the required fields supplied? my @required_fields = qw( obj_type name type tag ); if ($q->param('basename_manual')) { push @required_fields, 'basename'; } for my $field (@required_fields) { if (!$q->param($field)) { return $eh->error( $app->translate("Please ensure all required fields have been filled in.") ); } } my %terms; my $tag = MT::Util::dirify($q->param('tag')); return $eh->error( $app->translate("The template tag '[_1]' is an invalid tag name.", $q->param('tag')) ) unless $tag; %terms = ( tag => $tag ); if (my $id = $q->param('id')) { $terms{id} = { op => '!=', value => $id }; } require CustomFields::Field; return $eh->error( $app->translate("The template tag '[_1]' is already in use.", $tag) ) if CustomFields::Field->count(\%terms); # Is the basename already used? my $basename = $q->param('basename') || MT::Util::dirify($q->param('name')); %terms = ( basename => $basename ); if (my $id = $q->param('id')) { $terms{id} = { op => '!=', value => $id }; } if (my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id')) { $terms{blog_id} = $blog_id; } return $eh->error( $app->translate("The basename '[_1]' is already in use.", $basename) ) if CustomFields::Field->count(\%terms); if ( 'url' eq $q->param('type') && $q->param('default') ) { require MT::Util; return $eh->error( $app->translate("Default value must be valid URL.") ) unless MT::Util::is_url( $q->param('default') ); } 1; } sub CMSPrePreview_customfield_objs { my ($cb, $app, $obj, $data) = @_; my $q = $app->param; return 1 if !$q->param('customfield_beacon'); my $meta; foreach ($q->param()) { if (m/^(d_|t_)?customfield_(.*?)$/) { push @$data, { data_name => "$1customfield_$2", data_value => scalar $q->param("$1customfield_$2") }; next if $_ eq 'customfield_beacon'; if ($1 eq 'd_' || $1 eq 't_') { my $date = $q->param("d_customfield_$2"); $date = '1970-01-01' if $date eq ''; my $time = $q->param("t_customfield_$2"); $time = '00:00:00' if $time eq ''; my $ts = $date . ' ' . $time; $meta->{"$2"} = $ts; } else { $meta->{"$2"} = $q->param("customfield_$2"); } } } $obj->meta('customfields', $meta); 1; } # Transformer callbacks sub add_reorder_widget { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; my $plugin = $cb->plugin; # Get our header include using the DOM my ($header); my $includes = $tmpl->getElementsByTagName('include'); foreach my $include (@$includes) { if($include->[1]->{name} =~ /header.tmpl$/) { $header = $include; last; } } return 1 unless $header; require MT::Template; bless $header, 'MT::Template::Node'; require File::Spec; my $reorder_widget_tmpl = File::Spec->catdir($plugin->path,'tmpl','reorder_fields.tmpl'); my $reorder_widget = $tmpl->createElement('include', { name => $reorder_widget_tmpl }); $tmpl->insertBefore($reorder_widget, $header); } sub add_app_fields { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl, $marker, $where) = @_; # For some reason, directly calling app:fields doesn't populate # a field_loop param. So populate_field_loop($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl); # Where should include the DOM method to insert app:fields relative to the marker $where ||= 'insertAfter'; # Marker can contain either a node or an ID of a node unless(ref $marker eq 'MT::Template::Node') { $marker = $tmpl->getElementById($marker); } my $appfields = $tmpl->createElement('app:fields'); $tmpl->$where($appfields, $marker); } # Although app:fields gives us the entire field loop, on the entry page # we actually want the field_loop *before* we add the app:fields tag sub populate_field_loop { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; my $plugin = $cb->plugin; my $q = $app->param; my $mode = $app->mode; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $object_id = $q->param('id'); my $object_type = $q->param('_type'); my $is_entry = ($object_type eq 'entry' || $object_type eq 'page' || $mode eq 'cfg_entry'); my %param = ( $blog_id ? ( blog_id => $blog_id ) : (), ($mode eq 'cfg_entry') ? ( object_type => 'entry' ) : ( object_type => $object_type, object_id => $object_id ) ); $param->{field_loop} = field_loop(%param); foreach my $field (@{$param->{field_loop}}) { my $basename = $field->{basename}; my $show = !$is_entry ? 1 : $field->{required} ? 1 : $param->{"disp_prefs_show_customfield_$basename"} ? 1 : 0 ; $field->{show_field} = $show; } } sub add_calendar_src { my ($cb, $app, $tmpl) = @_; my $plugin = $cb->plugin; my $js_include = <<TMPL; <mt:setvarblock name="js_include" append="1"> <!--// this MUST loaded after mt.js // --> <script type="text/javascript" src="<mt:var name="static_uri">js/edit.js?v=<mt:var name="mt_version" escape="url">"></script> <mt:include name="include/calendar.tmpl"> </mt:setvarblock> TMPL $$tmpl = $js_include . $$tmpl; } sub edit_entry_param { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; my $plugin = $cb->plugin; # YAY DOM # Add the custom fields to the customizable_fields and custom_fields javascript variables # for Display Options toggline my $header = $tmpl->getElementById('header_include'); my $html_head = $tmpl->createElement('setvarblock', { name => 'html_head', append => 1 }); my $innerHTML = q{ <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ <mt:loop name="field_loop"> customizable_fields.push('customfield_<mt:var name="basename">'); <mt:if name="show_field">custom_fields.push('customfield_<mt:var name="basename">');</mt:if> </mt:loop> /* ]]> */ </script> }; $html_head->innerHTML($innerHTML); $tmpl->insertBefore($html_head, $header); # Add custom fields to the display options widget my $entry_fields = $tmpl->getElementById('entry_fields'); my $text = <<HTML; <ul> <mt:loop name="field_loop"> <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="custom_prefs" id="custom-prefs-customfield_<mt:var name="basename">" value="customfield_<mt:var name="basename">" onclick="setCustomFields(); return true"<mt:if name="show_field"> checked="checked"</mt:if><mt:if name="required"> disabled="disabled"</mt:if> class="cb" /> <mt:var name="name"></label></li> </mt:loop> </ul> HTML my $fields_ul = $tmpl->createTextNode($text); $entry_fields->appendChild($fields_ul); # Add <mtapp:fields> before tags add_app_fields($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl, 'tags', 'insertBefore'); # Finally display our reorder widget add_reorder_widget($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl); } sub edit_category_param { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; # Add <mtapp:fields> after description add_app_fields($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl, 'description', 'insertAfter'); # Finally display our reorder widget add_reorder_widget($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl); } sub edit_author_param { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; # Add <mtapp:fields> after description add_app_fields($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl, 'url', 'insertAfter'); # Finally display our reorder widget add_reorder_widget($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl); } sub asset_insert_param { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; my $plugin = $cb->plugin; return 1 unless $app->param('edit_field') =~ /customfield/; my $block = $tmpl->getElementById('insert_script'); return 1 unless $block; $block->innerHTML(qq{top.insertCustomFieldAsset('<mt:var name="upload_html" escape="js">', '<mt:var name="edit_field">') }); } sub cfg_content_nav_param { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; my $plugin = $cb->plugin; my $more = $tmpl->getElementById('more_items'); return 1 unless $more; my $existing = $more->innerHTML; $more->innerHTML(<<HTML); $existing <li<mt:if name="cfg_customfield"> class="active"</mt:if>><a href="<mt:var name="script_url">?__mode=list_field<mt:if name="blog_id">&blog_id=<mt:var name="blog_id"></mt:if>"><b><__trans_section component="commercial"><__trans phrase="Custom Fields"></__trans_section></b></a></li> HTML } sub cfg_entry_param { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; my $plugin = $cb->plugin; my $more = $tmpl->getElementById('more_fields'); return 1 unless $more; my $existing = $more->innerHTML; $more->innerHTML(<<HTML); $existing <mt:loop name="field_loop"> <li><input type="checkbox" name="custom_prefs" id="custom-prefs-customfield_<mt:var name="basename">" value="customfield_<mt:var name="basename">" <mt:if name="show_field"> checked="checked"</mt:if> class="cb" /> <label for="custom-prefs-<mt:var name="basename">"><mt:var name="name"></label></li> </mt:loop> HTML populate_field_loop($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl); } sub new_version_widget { my ($cb, $app, $param, $tmpl) = @_; $param->{feature_loop} ||= []; unshift @{ $param->{feature_loop} }, { feature_label => MT->translate('Custom Fields'), feature_url => $app->help_url('professional/custom-fields.html'), feature_description => MT->translate('Customize the forms and fields for entries, pages, folders, categories, and users, storing exactly the information you need.') }; } sub post_remove_object { my ($eh, $obj) = @_; return 1 if $obj->has_meta(); my $type = $obj->class_type || $obj->datasource; my $id = $obj->id; require MT::PluginData; MT::PluginData->remove({ plugin => 'CustomFields', key => "${type}_${id}" }); } 1;