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package Class::Trigger; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = "0.10_01"; use Carp (); my (%Triggers, %TriggerPoints); sub import { my $class = shift; my $pkg = caller(0); $TriggerPoints{$pkg} = { map { $_ => 1 } @_ } if @_; # export mixin methods no strict 'refs'; my @methods = qw(add_trigger call_trigger); *{"$pkg\::$_"} = \&{$_} for @methods; } sub add_trigger { my $proto = shift; my $triggers = __fetch_triggers($proto); while (my($when, $code) = splice @_, 0, 2) { __validate_triggerpoint($proto, $when); Carp::croak('add_trigger() needs coderef') unless ref($code) eq 'CODE'; push @{$triggers->{$when}}, $code; } 1; } sub call_trigger { my $self = shift; my $when = shift; if (my @triggers = __fetch_all_triggers($self, $when)) { # any triggers? $_->($self, @_) for @triggers; } else { # if validation is enabled we can only add valid trigger points # so we only need to check in call_trigger() if there's no # trigger with the requested name. __validate_triggerpoint($self, $when); } } sub __fetch_all_triggers { my ($obj, $when, $list, $order) = @_; my $class = ref $obj || $obj; my $return; unless ($list) { # Absence of the $list parameter conditions the creation of # the unrolled list of triggers. These keep track of the unique # set of triggers being collected for each class and the order # in which to return them (based on hierarchy; base class # triggers are returned ahead of descendant class triggers). $list = {}; $order = []; $return = 1; } no strict 'refs'; my @classes = @{$class . '::ISA'}; push @classes, $class; foreach my $c (@classes) { next if $list->{$c}; if (UNIVERSAL::can($c, 'call_trigger')) { $list->{$c} = []; __fetch_all_triggers($c, $when, $list, $order) unless $c eq $class; if (defined $when && $Triggers{$c}{$when}) { push @$order, $c; $list->{$c} = $Triggers{$c}{$when}; } } } if ($return) { my @triggers; foreach my $class (@$order) { push @triggers, @{ $list->{$class} }; } if (ref $obj && defined $when) { my $obj_triggers = $obj->{__triggers}{$when}; push @triggers, @$obj_triggers if $obj_triggers; } return @triggers; } } sub __validate_triggerpoint { return unless my $points = $TriggerPoints{ref $_[0] || $_[0]}; my ($self, $when) = @_; Carp::croak("$when is not valid triggerpoint for ".(ref($self) ? ref($self) : $self)) unless $points->{$when}; } sub __fetch_triggers { my ($obj, $proto) = @_; # check object based triggers first return ref $obj ? $obj->{__triggers} ||= {} : $Triggers{$obj} ||= {}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Class::Trigger - Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers =head1 SYNOPSIS package Foo; use Class::Trigger; sub foo { my $self = shift; $self->call_trigger('before_foo'); # some code ... $self->call_trigger('middle_of_foo'); # some code ... $self->call_trigger('after_foo'); } package main; Foo->add_trigger(before_foo => \&sub1); Foo->add_trigger(after_foo => \&sub2); my $foo = Foo->new; $foo->foo; # then sub1, sub2 called # triggers are inheritable package Bar; use base qw(Foo); Bar->add_trigger(before_foo => \&sub); # triggers can be object based $foo->add_trigger(after_foo => \&sub3); $foo->foo; # sub3 would appply only to this object =head1 DESCRIPTION Class::Trigger is a mixin class to add / call triggers (or hooks) that get called at some points you specify. =head1 METHODS By using this module, your class is capable of following two methods. =over 4 =item add_trigger Foo->add_trigger($triggerpoint => $sub); $foo->add_trigger($triggerpoint => $sub); Adds triggers for trigger point. You can have any number of triggers for each point. Each coderef will be passed a the object reference, and return values will be ignored. If C<add_trigger> is called as object method, whole current trigger table will be copied onto the object and the new trigger added to that. (The object must be implemented as hash.) my $foo = Foo->new; # this trigger ($sub_foo) would apply only to $foo object $foo->add_trigger($triggerpoint => $sub_foo); $foo->foo; # And not to another $bar object my $bar = Foo->new; $bar->foo; Any triggers added to the class after adding a trigger to an object will not be fired for the object because the object now has a private copy of the triggers. =item call_trigger $foo->call_trigger($triggerpoint, @args); Calls triggers for trigger point, which were added via C<add_trigger> method. Each triggers will be passed a copy of the object as the first argument. Remaining arguments passed to C<call_trigger> will be passed on to each trigger. Triggers are invoked in the same order they were defined. =back =head1 TRIGGER POINTS By default you can make any number of trigger points, but if you want to declare names of trigger points explicitly, you can do it via C<import>. package Foo; use Class::Trigger qw(foo bar baz); package main; Foo->add_trigger(foo => \&sub1); # okay Foo->add_trigger(hoge => \&sub2); # exception =head1 FAQ B<Acknowledgement:> Thanks to everyone at POOP mailing-list (http://poop.sourceforge.net/). =over 4 =item Q. This module lets me add subs to be run before/after a specific subroutine is run. Yes? =item A. You put various call_trigger() method in your class. Then your class users can call add_trigger() method to add subs to be run in points just you specify (exactly where you put call_trigger()). =item Q. Are you aware of the perl-aspects project and the Aspect module? Very similar to Class::Trigger by the look of it, but its not nearly as explicit. Its not necessary for foo() to actually say "triggers go *here*", you just add them. =item A. Yep ;) But the difference with Aspect would be that Class::Trigger is so simple that it's easy to learn, and doesn't require 5.6 or over. =item Q. How does this compare to Sub::Versive, or Hook::LexWrap? =item A. Very similar. But the difference with Class::Trigger would be the explicitness of trigger points. In addition, you can put hooks in any point, rather than pre or post of a method. =item Q. It looks interesting, but I just can't think of a practical example of its use... =item A. (by Tony Bowden) I originally added code like this to Class::DBI to cope with one particular case: auto-upkeep of full-text search indices. So I added functionality in Class::DBI to be able to trigger an arbitary subroutine every time something happened - then it was a simple matter of setting up triggers on INSERT and UPDATE to reindex that row, and on DELETE to remove that index row. See L<Class::DBI::mysql::FullTextSearch> and its source code to see it in action. =back =head1 AUTHOR Original idea by Tony Bowden E<lt>tony@kasei.comE<gt> in Class::DBI. Code by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa E<lt>miyagawa@bulknews.netE<gt>. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Class::Data::Inheritable> =cut