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# Movable Type (r) (C) 2005-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: GoogleSearch.pl 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ # GoogleSearch plugin for Movable Type # Author: Six Apart (http://www.sixapart.com) # Released under the Artistic and GPLv2 License package MT::Plugin::GoogleSearch; use strict; use MT::Plugin; @MT::Plugin::GoogleSearch::ISA = qw(MT::Plugin); use MT; my $plugin = new MT::Plugin::GoogleSearch({ name => "Google Search", version => '1.0-dev', description => "<MT_TRANS phrase=\"Adds template tags to allow you to search for content from Google. You will need to configure this plugin using a <a href='http://www.google.com/apis/'>license key.</a>\">", author_name => "Six Apart, Ltd.", author_link => "http://www.sixapart.com/", settings => new MT::PluginSettings([ ['google_api_key'], ]), config_template => 'config.tmpl', l10n_class => 'GoogleSearch::L10N', }); MT->add_plugin($plugin); use MT::Template::Context; MT::Template::Context->add_container_tag(GoogleSearch => \&_hdlr_google_search); MT::Template::Context->add_tag(GoogleSearchResult => \&_hdlr_google_search_result); sub google_api_key { my $plugin = shift; my ($blog_id) = @_; my %plugin_param; $plugin->load_config(\%plugin_param, 'blog:'.$blog_id); my $key = $plugin_param{google_api_key}; unless ($key) { $plugin->load_config(\%plugin_param, 'system'); $key = $plugin_param{google_api_key}; } $key; } sub load_config { my $plugin = shift; my ($param, $scope) = @_; if ($scope && $scope eq 'system') { $plugin->SUPER::load_config(@_); return; } # load blog $scope =~ s/.*://; # strip off id, leave identifier my $blog = MT::Blog->load($scope); $param->{google_api_key} = $blog->google_api_key; } sub save_config { my $plugin = shift; my ($param, $scope) = @_; if ($scope && $scope eq 'system') { $plugin->SUPER::save_config(@_); return; } # load blog $scope =~ s/.*://; # strip off id, leave identifier use MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($scope); $blog->google_api_key($param->{google_api_key}); $blog->save or die $blog->errstr; } sub _hdlr_google_search { my($ctx, $args, $cond) = @_; my $query; my $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); if ($query = $args->{query}) { } elsif (my $url = $args->{related}) { $query = 'related:' . ($url eq '1' ? $blog->site_url : $url); } elsif ($args->{title}) { $query = $ctx->_hdlr_entry_title or return ''; } elsif ($args->{excerpt}) { $query = $ctx->_hdlr_entry_excerpt or return ''; } elsif ($args->{keywords}) { $query = $ctx->_hdlr_entry_keywords or return ''; } elsif ($args->{tags}) { require MT::Tag; my $entry = $ctx->stash('entry'); if ($entry) { my @tags = $entry->tags; @tags = grep /^[^@]/, @tags; $query = ''; foreach my $tag (@tags) { $query .= '"'.$tag.'" '; } } $query = $ctx->_hdlr_entry_title unless $query; } $query = $ctx->stash('search_string') unless defined $query; if (!defined $query) { return $ctx->error($plugin->translate( 'You used [_1] without a query.', '<MTGoogleSearch>' )); } my $enc = MT->instance->config('PublishCharset') || undef; use utf8; $query = MT::I18N::decode_utf8($query, $enc); my $key = $plugin->google_api_key($blog->id) or return $ctx->error($plugin->translate( 'You need a Google API key to use [_1]', '<MTGoogleSearch>' )); my $max = $args->{results} || 10; my $lang = $args->{lang} || 'lang_en'; require SOAP::Lite; require File::Basename; ## Look for GoogleSearch.wsdl in the plugin/GoogleSearch directory. my $dir = File::Basename::dirname(__FILE__); my $wsdl = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'GoogleSearch.wsdl'); { ## Turn off warnings, because the following can cause a ## "subroutine redefined" warning. local $^W = 0; *SOAP::XMLSchema1999::Deserializer::as_boolean = *SOAP::XMLSchemaSOAP1_1::Deserializer::as_boolean = \&SOAP::XMLSchema2001::Deserializer::as_boolean; } my $result; eval { my $googleSearch = SOAP::Lite -> service("file:" . $wsdl); $result = $googleSearch->doGoogleSearch($key, $query, 0, $max, "false", "", "false", $lang, "UTF-8", "UTF-8"); }; warn $@, return '' if $@; my $tokens = $ctx->stash('tokens'); my $builder = $ctx->stash('builder'); my $res = ''; for my $rec (@{ $result->{resultElements} }) { $ctx->stash('google_result', $rec); my $out = $builder->build($ctx, $tokens, $cond); return $ctx->error( $builder->errstr ) unless defined $out; $res .= $out; } $res; } sub _hdlr_google_search_result { my($ctx, $args) = @_; my $res = $ctx->stash('google_result') or return $ctx->error($plugin->translate( "You used an [_1] tag outside of the proper context.", '<$MTGoogleSearchResult$>' )); my $prop = $args->{property} || 'title'; my $enc = MT->instance->config('PublishCharset') || undef; exists $res->{$prop} or return $ctx->error($plugin->translate( 'You used a non-existent property from the result structure.' )); MT::I18N::encode_text(MT::I18N::utf8_off($res->{$prop}), 'utf-8', $enc) || ''; } 1;