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# Movable Type (r) (C) 2006-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: multiblog.pl 1185 2008-01-10 06:42:38Z auno $ # Original Copyright (c) 2004-2006 David Raynes package MT::Plugin::MultiBlog; use strict; use warnings; use base qw( MT::Plugin ); our $VERSION = '2.0'; my $plugin = MT::Plugin::MultiBlog->new({ id => 'multiblog', name => 'MultiBlog', description => '<MT_TRANS phrase="MultiBlog allows you to publish content from other blogs and define publishing rules and access controls between them.">', version => $VERSION, author_name => 'Six Apart, Ltd.', author_link => 'http://www.sixapart.com/', system_config_template => 'system_config.tmpl', blog_config_template => 'blog_config.tmpl', settings => new MT::PluginSettings([ [ 'default_access_allowed', { Default => 1, Scope => 'system' }], [ 'rebuild_triggers', { Default => '', Scope => 'blog' } ], [ 'blog_content_accessible', { Default => '', Scope => 'blog' } ], [ 'other_triggers', { Scope => 'blog' } ], [ 'all_triggers', { Scope => 'system' } ], [ 'default_mtmultiblog_action', { Default => 1, Scope => 'blog' } ], [ 'default_mtmulitblog_blogs', { Default => '', Scope => 'blog' } ], ]), l10n_class => 'MultiBlog::L10N', registry => { applications => { 'cms' => { methods => { multiblog_add_trigger => '$multiblog::MT::Plugin::MultiBlog::add_trigger', }, }, }, tags => { help_url => sub { MT->translate('http://www.movabletype.org/documentation/appendices/tags/%t.html') }, block => { Entries => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Categories => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Comments => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Pages => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Folders => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Blogs => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Assets => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Comments => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Pings => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Authors => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', Tags => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', MultiBlog => 'MultiBlog::Tags::MultiBlog', OtherBlog => 'MultiBlog::Tags::MultiBlog', MultiBlogLocalBlog => 'MultiBlog::Tags::MultiBlogLocalBlog', 'MultiBlogIfLocalBlog?' => 'MultiBlog::Tags::MultiBlogIfLocalBlog', }, function => { 'Include' => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', 'BlogCategoryCount' => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', 'BlogEntryCount' => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', 'BlogPingCount' => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', 'TagSearchLink' => 'MultiBlog::preprocess_native_tags', }, }, }, }); MT->add_plugin($plugin); # Register entry post-save callback for rebuild triggers MT->add_callback( 'cms_post_save.entry', 10, $plugin, sub { $plugin->runner( 'post_entry_save', @_ ) } ); # Register Comment/TB post-save callbacks for rebuild triggers MT->add_callback( 'MT::Comment::post_save', 10, $plugin, sub { $plugin->runner( 'post_feedback_save', 'comment_pub', @_ ) } ); MT->add_callback( 'MT::TBPing::post_save', 10, $plugin, sub { $plugin->runner( 'post_feedback_save', 'tb_pub', @_ ) } ); sub instance { $plugin } sub add_trigger { my $app = shift; return $plugin->translate("Permission denied.") unless $app->user->is_superuser() || ($app->blog && $app->user->permissions($app->blog->id)->can_administer_blog()); my $blog_id = $app->blog->id; my $dialog_tmpl = $plugin->load_tmpl('dialog_create_trigger.tmpl'); my $tmpl = $app->listing({ template => $dialog_tmpl, type => 'blog', code => sub { my ($obj, $row) = @_; if ($obj) { $row->{label} = $obj->name; $row->{link} = $obj->site_url; } }, terms => { id => [ $blog_id ], }, args => { not => { id => 1 }, }, params => { panel_type => 'blog', dialog_title => $plugin->translate('MultiBlog'), panel_title => $plugin->translate('Create Trigger'), panel_label => $plugin->translate("Weblog Name"), search_prompt => $plugin->translate("Search Weblogs") . ':', panel_description => $plugin->translate("Description"), panel_multi => 0, panel_first => 1, panel_last => 1, panel_searchable => 1, multiblog_trigger_loop => trigger_loop(), multiblog_action_loop => action_loop(), list_noncron => 1, trigger_caption => $plugin->translate('When this'), }, }); if (!$app->param('search')) { if (my $loop = $tmpl->param('object_loop')) { unshift @$loop, { id => '_all', label => $plugin->translate('* All Weblogs'), description => $plugin->translate('Select to apply this trigger to all weblogs'), }; } } return $app->build_page($tmpl); } sub trigger_loop { [ { trigger_key => 'entry_save', trigger_name => $plugin->translate('saves an entry'), }, { trigger_key => 'entry_pub', trigger_name => $plugin->translate('publishes an entry'), }, { trigger_key => 'comment_pub', trigger_name => $plugin->translate('publishes a comment'), }, { trigger_key => 'tb_pub', trigger_name => $plugin->translate('publishes a TrackBack'), }, ]; } sub action_loop { [ { action_id => 'ri', action_name => $plugin->translate('rebuild indexes.'), }, { action_id => 'rip', action_name => $plugin->translate('rebuild indexes and send pings.'), }, ]; } sub load_config { my $plugin = shift; my ($args, $scope) = @_; $plugin->SUPER::load_config(@_); if ( $scope =~ /blog:(\d+)/ ) { my $blog_id = $1; require MT::Blog; $args->{multiblog_trigger_loop} = trigger_loop(); my %triggers = map { $_->{trigger_key} => $_->{trigger_name} } @{ $args->{multiblog_trigger_loop}}; $args->{multiblog_action_loop} = action_loop(); my %actions = map { $_->{action_id} => $_->{action_name} } @{ $args->{multiblog_action_loop} }; my $rebuild_triggers = $args->{rebuild_triggers}; my @rebuilds = map { my ( $action, $id, $trigger ) = split ( /:/, $_ ); if ($id eq '_all') { { action_name => $actions{$action}, action_value => $action, blog_name => $plugin->translate('* All Weblogs'), blog_id => $id, trigger_name => $triggers{$trigger}, trigger_value => $trigger, }; } elsif (my $blog = MT::Blog->load($id, { cached_ok => 1 })) { { action_name => $actions{$action}, action_value => $action, blog_name => $blog->name, blog_id => $id, trigger_name => $triggers{$trigger}, trigger_value => $trigger, }; } else { (); } } split ( /\|/, $rebuild_triggers ); $args->{rebuilds_loop} = \@rebuilds; } my $app = MT->instance; if ($app->isa('MT::App')) { $args->{blog_id} = $app->blog->id if $app->blog; } } sub save_config { my $plugin = shift; my ($args, $scope) = @_; $plugin->SUPER::save_config(@_); my ($blog_id); if ( $scope =~ /blog:(\d+)/ ) { $blog_id = $1; # Save blog-level content aggregation policy to single # system config hash for easy lookup my ($cfg_old, $cfg_new) = 0; my $override = $plugin->get_config_value( 'access_overrides', "system" ) || {}; $cfg_new = $args->{blog_content_accessible}; if ( exists $override->{$blog_id} ) { $cfg_old = $override->{$blog_id}; } if ( $cfg_old != $cfg_new ) { $override->{$blog_id} = $cfg_new or delete $override->{$blog_id}; $plugin->set_config_value( 'access_overrides' , $override , 'system' ); } # Fiddle with rebuild triggers... my $rebuild_triggers = $args->{rebuild_triggers}; my $old_triggers = $args->{old_rebuild_triggers}; # Check to see if the triggers changed if ( $old_triggers ne $rebuild_triggers ) { # If so, remove all references to the current blog from the triggers cached in other blogs foreach ( split ( /\|/, $old_triggers ) ) { my ( $action, $id, $trigger ) = split ( /:/, $_ ); my $name = $id eq '_all' ? "all_triggers" : "other_triggers"; my $scope = $id eq '_all' ? "system" : "blog:$id"; my $d = $plugin->get_config_value($name, $scope); next unless exists $d->{$trigger}{$blog_id}; delete $d->{$trigger}{$blog_id}; $plugin->set_config_value($name, $d, $scope); } } foreach ( split ( /\|/, $rebuild_triggers ) ) { my ($action, $id, $trigger) = split ( /:/, $_ ); my $name = $id eq '_all' ? "all_triggers" : "other_triggers"; my $scope = $id eq '_all' ? "system" : "blog:$id"; my $d = $plugin->get_config_value($name, $scope) || {}; $d->{$trigger}{$blog_id}{$action} = 1; $plugin->set_config_value($name, $d, $scope); } } } sub reset_config { my $plugin = shift; my ($args, $scope) = @_; if ( $scope =~ /blog:(\d+)/ ) { my $blog_id = $1; # Get the blogs this one triggers from and update them # And then save the triggers this blog runs my $other_triggers = $plugin->get_config_value( 'other_triggers', $scope ); my $rebuild_triggers = $plugin->get_config_value( 'rebuild_triggers', $scope ); my $all_triggers = $plugin->get_config_value( 'all_triggers', 'system' ); foreach ( split ( /\|/, $rebuild_triggers ) ) { my ( $action, $id, $trigger ) = split ( /:/, $_ ); next if $id eq '_all'; my $d = $plugin->get_config_value( 'other_triggers', "blog:$id" ); delete $d->{$trigger}{$blog_id} if exists $d->{$trigger}{$blog_id}; $plugin->set_config_value( 'other_triggers', $d, "blog:$id" ); } # remove this blog from the 'all_triggers' if ($all_triggers) { my $changed = 0; foreach my $trigger (keys %$all_triggers) { if (exists $all_triggers->{$trigger}{$blog_id}) { delete $all_triggers->{$trigger}{$blog_id}; $changed = 1; } } if ($changed) { $plugin->set_config_value('all_triggers', $all_triggers, 'system'); } } $plugin->SUPER::reset_config(@_); $plugin->set_config_value( 'other_triggers', $other_triggers, "blog:$blog_id" ); } else { # reset should not alter the 'all_triggers' element which is # configured through the blog-level settings my $all_triggers = $plugin->get_config_value('all_triggers'); $plugin->SUPER::reset_config(@_); $plugin->set_config_value('all_triggers', $all_triggers, 'system'); } } # Run-time loading for MultiBlog core methods sub runner { my $plugin = shift; my $method = shift; require MultiBlog; no strict 'refs'; return $_->( $plugin, @_ ) if $_ = \&{"MultiBlog::$method"}; die "Failed to find MultiBlog::$method"; } 1;