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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id$ if (MULTIBLOG_ENABLED) { function smarty_block_mtmultiblog($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { # Set default mode for backwards compatibility $mode = $args['mode']; $mode or $mode = 'loop'; if (!isset($content)) { # Check for nested MTMultiBlog tags if ($ctx->stash('multiblog_context')) { $repeat = false; return ''; } # If MTMultiBlog was called with no arguments, we check the # blog-level settings for the default includes/excludes. if ( !( $args['blog_ids'] or $args['include_blogs'] or $args['exclude_blogs'] )) { $id = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); global $multiblog_blog_config; if (!$multiblog_blog_config) $multiblog_blog_config = array(); if (!isset($multiblog_blog_config[$id])) $multiblog_blog_config[$id] = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_plugin_data("MultiBlog", "configuration:blog:$id"); if (!isset($multiblog_blog_config[$id])) $multiblog_blog_config[$id] = array(); $is_include = $multiblog_blog_config[$id]['default_mtmultiblog_action']; if ($multiblog_blog_config[$id]['default_mtmulitblog_blogs']) $blogs = $multiblog_blog_config[$id]['default_mtmulitblog_blogs']; if ($blogs && isset($is_include)) { $args[$is_include ? 'include_blogs' : 'exclude_blogs'] = $blogs; } # No blog-level config set # Set mode to context as this will mimic no MTMultiBlog tag else { $mode = 'context'; # Override 'loop' mode } } # Filter MultiBlog args through access controls if ( ! multiblog_filter_blogs_from_args($ctx, $args) ) { if ($mode == 'loop') { $repeat = false; return ''; } } else { if (($mode != 'loop') && ($mode != 'context')) { # Throw error if mode is unknown $repeat = false; return ''; } } } # Run MultiBlog in specified mode if ($mode == 'loop') { $content = multiblog_loop($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); } elseif ($mode == 'context') { $content = multiblog_context($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); } return $content; } # Multiblog's "context" mode: # The container's contents are evaluated once with a multi-blog context function multiblog_context($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { $localvars = array('multiblog_context', 'multiblog_blog_ids'); if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); # Assuming multiblog context, set it. if ($args['include_blogs'] or $args['exclude_blogs']) { $mode = $args['include_blogs'] ? 'include_blogs' : 'exclude_blogs'; $ctx->stash('multiblog_context', $mode); $ctx->stash('multiblog_blog_ids', $args[$mode]); } $ctx->stash('local_blog_id', $ctx->stash('blog_id')); } else { # Restore localized variables once we have content # since we only go through this loop twice $ctx->restore($localvars); } return $content; } # Multiblog's "loop" mode: # The container's contents are evaluated once per specified blog function multiblog_loop($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { $localvars = array('entries', 'current_timestamp', 'current_timestamp_end', 'category', 'archive_category', '_blogs', '_blogs_counter', 'blog', 'blog_id', 'multiblog_context', 'multiblog_blog_ids'); if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); if ($args['ignore_archive_context']) { $ctx->stash('entries', null); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp', null); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end', null); $ctx->stash('category', null); $ctx->stash('archive_category', null); } $blogs = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_blogs($args); $ctx->stash('_blogs', $blogs); $counter = 0; } else { $blogs = $ctx->stash('_blogs'); $counter = $ctx->stash('_blogs_counter'); } if ($counter < count($blogs)) { $blog = $blogs[$counter]; $ctx->stash('blog', $blog); $ctx->stash('blog_id', $blog['blog_id']); $ctx->stash('_blogs_counter', $counter + 1); $ctx->stash('multiblog_context', 'include_blogs'); $ctx->stash('multiblog_blog_ids', $blog['blog_id']); $repeat = true; } else { # Restore localized variables once we're # finished with all blogs in scope $ctx->restore($localvars); $repeat = false; } return $content; } } ?>