Ghazascanner File Manager
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# Movable Type (r) (C) 2005-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: CMS.pm 1314 2008-01-22 03:41:19Z bchoate $ package StyleCatcher::CMS; use strict; use File::Basename qw(basename); our $DEFAULT_STYLE_LIBRARY; sub style_library { return MT->registry("stylecatcher_libraries"); } sub file_mgr { my $app = MT->instance; require MT::FileMgr; my $filemgr = MT::FileMgr->new('Local') or return $app->error( MT::FileMgr->errstr ); $filemgr; } sub listify { my ($data) = @_; my @list; foreach my $k (keys %$data) { my %entry = %{ $data->{$k} }; $entry{key} = $k; delete $entry{plugin}; $entry{label} = $entry{label}->() if ref($entry{label}); $entry{description_label} = $entry{description_label}->() if ref($entry{description_label}); push @list, \%entry; } @list = sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } @list; \@list; } sub view { my $app = shift; my $blog_id = $app->param('blog_id'); $app->return_to_dashboard( redirect => 1 ) unless $blog_id; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); return $app->errtrans("Invalid request") unless $blog; my $static_path = $app->static_file_path; if (! -d $static_path ) { return $app->errtrans("Your mt-static directory could not be found. Please configure 'StaticFilePath' to continue."); } my $themeroot = File::Spec->catdir( $app->static_file_path, 'support', 'themes' ); my $webthemeroot = $app->static_path . 'support/themes'; my $stylelibrary = listify(style_library()); my $theme_data = make_themes(); my $styled_blogs = fetch_blogs(); my $config = plugin()->get_config_hash(); my @blog_loop; my %current_themes; my ($blog_theme, $blog_layout); foreach my $blog (@$styled_blogs) { my $curr_theme = $config->{"current_theme_" . $blog->id} || ''; my $curr_layout = $config->{"current_layout_" . $blog->id} || 'layout-wtt'; push @blog_loop, { blog_id => $blog->id, blog_name => $blog->name, layout => $curr_layout, theme_id => $curr_theme, view_link => $blog->site_url, }; if ($blog->id == $blog_id) { $blog_theme = $curr_theme; $blog_layout = $curr_layout; } if ( $theme_data->{themes} && $curr_theme ) { foreach my $theme ( @{ $theme_data->{themes} } ) { if ( ($theme->{prefix} || '') . ':' . $theme->{name} eq $curr_theme ) { push @{ $theme->{blogs} }, $blog->id; next if exists $current_themes{ $theme->{name} }; $current_themes{ $theme->{name} } = 1; push @{ $theme->{tags} }, 'collection:current'; } } } } push @{ $theme_data->{categories} }, 'current' if %current_themes; require JSON; my $url = $app->param('url'); my %param = ( version => plugin()->version, # blog_loop => \@blog_loop, blog_id => $blog_id, themes_json => JSON::objToJson( $theme_data, { pretty => 1, indent => 2, delimiter => 1 } ), auto_fetch => $url ? 1 : 0, style_library => $stylelibrary, current_theme => $blog_theme || '', current_layout => $blog_layout || 'layout-wtt', dynamic_blog => (($blog->custom_dynamic_templates || '') eq 'all'), ); if ( $blog_id && @$styled_blogs ) { my $blog = $styled_blogs->[0]; $param{blog_name} = $blog->name; $param{blog_url} = $blog->site_url; } my $path = $app->static_path; $path .= '/' unless $path =~ m!/$!; $path .= plugin()->envelope . "/"; $path = $app->base . $path if $path =~ m!^/!; $param{plugin_static_uri} = $path; $app->build_page( 'view.tmpl', \%param ); } # AJAX/JSON modes # returns a json structure of styles given a particular url sub js { # ydnar's remixer uses javascript files for each collection of styles - # we generate these js files from css metadata # StyleCatcher will pick up any metadata in the theme css file in the # format of 'key: value' in comment-space # The remixer only uses name, author, description at the moment. my $app = shift; my $data = fetch_themes($app->param('url')) or return $app->json_error( $app->errstr ); return $app->json_result( $data ); } # does the work after user selects a particular theme to apply to a blog sub apply { my $app = shift; my $blog_id = $app->param('blog_id'); my $url = $app->param('url'); my $layout = $app->param('layout'); my $name = $app->param('name'); # Load the default stylesheet for this blog my $tmpl = load_style_template($blog_id); $app->validate_magic or return $app->json_error($app->translate("Invalid request")); return $app->json_error($app->translate("Invalid request")) unless $blog_id && $url && $tmpl; my $static_path = $app->static_file_path; if (! -d $static_path ) { return $app->json_error($app->translate("Your mt-static directory could not be found. Please configure 'StaticFilePath' to continue.")); } my $themeroot = File::Spec->catdir( $static_path, 'support', 'themes' ); my $webthemeroot = $app->static_path . 'support/themes/'; my $mtthemeroot = $app->static_path . 'themes/'; my $mtthemebase = $app->static_path . 'themes-base/'; # Break up the css url in to a couple useful pieces my @url = split( /\//, $url ); # if this isn't a local url, then we have to grab some files from # yonder... my $filemgr = file_mgr() or return $app->json_error( MT::FileMgr->errstr ); if ( $url !~ m/^(\Q$webthemeroot\E|\Q$mtthemeroot\E)/ ) { my $new_url = ''; for (0..(scalar(@url)-2)) { $new_url .= $url[$_] . '/'; } my ( $basename, $extension ) = split( /\./, $url[-1] ); if ($basename eq 'screen') { $basename = $url[-2]; } # Pick up the stylesheet my $user_agent = $app->new_ua; my $css_request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); my $response = $user_agent->request($css_request); # Pick up the thumbnail and thumbnail-large my $thumbnail_request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $new_url . "thumbnail.gif" ); my $thumbnail_response = $user_agent->request($thumbnail_request); my $thumbnail_large_request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $new_url . "thumbnail-large.gif" ); my $thumbnail_large_response = $user_agent->request($thumbnail_large_request); # Parse out image filenames in the css and then write out the css file # and thumbnails to our theme folder my $content = $response->content; $content =~ s!/\*.*?\*/!!gs; # strip all comments first my @images = $content =~ m/\b(?:url\(\s*)([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png))(?:\s*?\))/gi; $filemgr->mkpath( File::Spec->catdir( $themeroot, $basename ) ) or return $app->json_error( $app->translate( "Could not create [_1] folder - Check that your 'themes' folder is webserver-writable.", $basename ) ); $filemgr->put_data( $response->content, File::Spec->catfile( $themeroot, $basename, $basename . '.css' ) ); if (($thumbnail_response->code >= 200) && ($thumbnail_response->code < 400)) { $filemgr->put_data( $thumbnail_response->content, File::Spec->catfile( $themeroot, $basename, "thumbnail.gif" ), 'upload' ); } else { return $app->json_error($app->translate("Error downloading image: [_1]", $new_url . 'thumbnail.gif')) } if (($thumbnail_large_response->code >= 200) && ($thumbnail_large_response->code < 400)) { $filemgr->put_data( $thumbnail_large_response->content, File::Spec->catfile( $themeroot, $basename, "thumbnail-large.gif" ), 'upload' ); } else { return $app->json_error($app->translate("Error downloading image: [_1]", $new_url . 'thumbnail-large.gif')) } # Pick up the images we parsed earlier and write them to the theme folder for my $image_url (@images) { my $image_request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $new_url . $image_url ); my $image_response = $user_agent->request($image_request); my @image_url = split( /\//, $image_url ); my $image_filename = $image_url[-1]; if (($response->code >= 200) && ($response->code < 400)) { $filemgr->put_data( $image_response->content, File::Spec->catfile( $themeroot, $basename, $image_filename ), 'upload' ) or return $app->json_error( $filemgr->errstr ); } else { return $app->json_error($app->translate("Error downloading image: [_1]", $new_url . $image_url)); } } $url = "$webthemeroot$basename/$basename.css"; } my $url2 = $mtthemebase . "blog.css"; # Replacing the theme import or adding a new one at the beginning my $template_text = $tmpl->text(); my $replaced = 0; my $header = '/* This is the StyleCatcher theme addition. Do not remove this block. */'; my $footer = '/* end StyleCatcher imports */'; my $styles = $header . "\n" . <<"EOT" . $footer; \@import url($url2); \@import url($url); EOT if ($template_text =~ s/\Q$header\E.*\Q$footer\E/$styles/s) { $tmpl->text( $template_text ); $replaced = 1; } unless ($replaced) { # we're dealing with a template that wasn't modified before now # we will need to backup the existing one to make sure the new # style is applied properly. my @ts = MT::Util::offset_time_list( time, $blog_id ); my $ts = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $ts[5] + 1900, $ts[4] + 1, @ts[ 3, 2, 1, 0 ]; my $backup = $tmpl->clone; delete $backup->{column_values} {id}; # make sure we don't overwrite original delete $backup->{changed_cols}{id}; $backup->name( $backup->name . ' (Backup from ' . $ts . ')' ); $backup->outfile(''); $backup->linked_file( $tmpl->linked_file ); $backup->rebuild_me(0); $backup->build_dynamic(0); $backup->identifier(undef); $backup->type('backup'); $backup->save; $tmpl->linked_file(''); # make sure this one isn't linked now $tmpl->identifier('styles'); $tmpl->text($styles); } # Putting the stylesheet back together again $tmpl->save or return $app->json_error( $tmpl->errstr ); my $blog = MT->model('blog')->load($blog_id) or return $app->json_error( $app->translate('No such blog [_1]', $blog_id) ); $blog->page_layout($layout); $blog->save(); # rebuild only the stylesheet! forcibly. with prejudice. $app->rebuild_indexes( BlogID => $tmpl->blog_id, Template => $tmpl, Force => 1 ); my $p = plugin(); $name =~ s/^repo_\d+:/local:/; $name =~ s/\.css$//; $p->set_config_value('current_theme_' . $blog_id, $name); if ($layout) { $p->set_config_value('current_layout_' . $blog_id, $layout); } else { $p->set_config_value('current_layout_' . $blog_id, undef); } return $app->json_result( { message => $app->translate("Successfully applied new theme selection.") } ); } # Utility methods sub fetch_blogs { my $app = MT->app; my $user = $app->user; my $blog_id = $app->param('blog_id'); my @blogs; if ($blog_id) { @blogs = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); } else { if ( $user->is_superuser() ) { if ($blog_id) { @blogs = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); } } else { my $args = { author_id => $user->id }; $args->{blog_id} = $blog_id if $blog_id; require MT::Permission; my @perms = MT::Permission->load( { author_id => $user->id } ); foreach my $perm (@perms) { next unless $perm->can_edit_templates; push @blogs, MT::Blog->load( $perm->blog_id ); } } } my @styled_blogs; foreach my $blog (@blogs) { my $tmpl = load_style_template( $blog->id ); if ($tmpl) { push @styled_blogs, $blog; } } @styled_blogs = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @styled_blogs; \@styled_blogs; } sub load_style_template { my ($blog_id) = @_; require MT::Template; my $tmpl; $tmpl = MT::Template->load( { blog_id => $blog_id, identifier => 'styles' } ); $tmpl ||= MT::Template->load( { blog_id => $blog_id, outfile => "styles.css" } ); # MT 3.x era stylesheet file $tmpl ||= MT::Template->load( { blog_id => $blog_id, outfile => "styles-site.css" } ); unless ($tmpl) { # Create one since we didn't find a candidate $tmpl = new MT::Template; $tmpl->blog_id($blog_id); $tmpl->identifier('styles'); $tmpl->outfile("styles.css"); $tmpl->text(<<'EOT'); @import url(<$MTStaticWebPath$>themes-base/blog.css); @import url(<$MTStaticWebPath$>themes/minimalist-red/styles.css); EOT $tmpl->save(); } $tmpl; } # pulls a list of themes available from a particular url sub fetch_themes { my $app = MT->app; my ($url) = @_; return undef unless $url; my $blog_id = $app->param('blog_id'); my $data = {}; # If we have a url then we're specifying a specific theme (css) or repo (html) # Pick up the file (html with <link>s or a css file with metadata) my $user_agent = $app->new_ua; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); my $response = $user_agent->request($request); # Make a repo if you've got a ton of links or an automagic entry if # you're a css file my $type = $response->headers->{'content-type'}; $type = shift @$type if ref $type eq 'ARRAY'; if ( $type =~ m!^text/css! ) { $data->{auto}{url} = $url; my $theme = fetch_theme( $url, ['collection:auto'] ); $data->{themes} = [$theme]; } elsif ( $type =~ m!^text/html! ) { my @repo_themes; for my $link ( ref( $response->headers->{'link'} ) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $response->headers->{'link'} } : $response->headers->{'link'} ) { my ( $css, @parsed_link ) = split( /;/, $link ); $css =~ s/[<>]//g; my %attr; foreach (@parsed_link) { my ( $name, $val ) = split /=/, $_, 2; $name =~ s/^ //; $val =~ s/^['"]|['"]$//g; next if $name eq '/'; $attr{ lc($name) } = $val; } next unless lc $attr{rel} eq 'theme'; next unless lc $attr{type} eq 'text/x-theme'; # Fix for relative theme locations if ($css !~ m!^https?://!) { my $new_css = $url; $new_css =~ s!/[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z]+?$|/$!/!; $new_css .= $css; $css = $new_css; } push @repo_themes, $css; } my $themes = []; for my $repo_theme (@repo_themes) { my $theme = fetch_theme( $repo_theme, [] ); push @$themes, $theme if $theme; } $data->{themes} = $themes; if ( $data->{repo}{display_name} = $response->headers->{'title'} ) { $data->{repo}{name} = MT::Util::dirify( $data->{repo}{display_name} ); } else { $data->{repo}{display_name} = $url; $data->{repo}{name} = MT::Util::dirify($url); } $data->{repo}{url} = $url; } else { return $app->error( $app->translate('Invalid URL: [_1]', $url) ); } $data; } # sets up the object structure we return through json to populate # the mixer. sub make_themes { my $app = MT->instance; # categories # current (for active theme) # repo (for themes found at repo link) # my-designs (for themes that are stored locally) # mt-designs (for themes that are local and installed by default) # auto (for link to a single css file) # structure of "data" # categories => [ one, two, three ] ie: 'current', 'repo' # themes => [ # { theme } # ] # repo => { # display_name => 'display name', # name => 'repo name', # url => 'url of repo', # } # structure of "theme" # theme => { # name => 'theme_dir', # imageSmall => 'link_to/thumbnail.gif', # imageBig => 'link_to/thumbnail-large.gif', # title => 'Theme Title', # description => 'Theme description.', # url_css => 'link_to/theme.css', # url_zip => 'link_to/theme.zip', # author => 'Author Name', # author_url => 'http://author.com/' # author_affiliation => 'Author Co.', # layouts => "comma,delimited,layout,list" # sort => 'theme_sortable_name', # tags => ['association:tag'] ie, 'color:blue', 'designer:author', 'collection:repo' # } my ( $categories, $themes ); my $sys_root = File::Spec->catdir( $app->static_file_path, 'themes' ); # Generate our list of themes within the themeroot directory my @sys_list = glob( File::Spec->catfile( $sys_root, "*" ) ); $categories->{'mt-designs'} = 1 if @sys_list; for my $theme (@sys_list) { my $theme_dir = $theme; my $theme_url = $app->static_path . 'themes'; next unless -d $theme; $theme =~ s/.*[\\\/]//; $themes->{$theme} = fetch_theme( $theme_dir, ['collection:mt-designs'], $theme_url, $theme_dir ); $themes->{$theme}{name} = $themes->{$theme}{name}; $themes->{$theme}{prefix} = 'default'; } my $themeroot = File::Spec->catdir( $app->static_file_path, 'support', 'themes' ); # Generate our list of themes within the themeroot directory my @themeroot_list = glob( File::Spec->catfile( $themeroot, "*" ) ); $categories->{'my-designs'} = 1 if @themeroot_list; for my $theme (@themeroot_list) { my $theme_dir = $theme; next unless -d $theme; $theme =~ s/.*[\\\/]//; $themes->{$theme} = fetch_theme( $theme_dir, ['collection:my-designs'] ); $themes->{$theme}{prefix} = 'local'; } my $data = { categories => [ keys %$categories ], themes => [ values %$themes ] }; $data; } sub fetch_theme { my $app = MT->app; my ( $url, $tags, $baseurl, $basepath ) = @_; my $theme; my $stylesheet; my $new_url; my $themeroot; if ( $url =~ m/^https?:/i ) { # Pick up the css file my $user_agent = $app->new_ua; my $css_request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); my $response = $user_agent->request($css_request); $stylesheet = $response->content if ($response->code >= 200) && ($response->code < 400); return unless $stylesheet; # Break up the css url in to a couple useful pieces (generalize and break me out) $theme = $url; # discard any generic 'screen.css' filename $theme =~ s!/screen.css$!!; $theme =~ s/.*[\\\/]//; my @url = split( /\//, $url ); for ( 0 .. ( scalar(@url) - 2 ) ) { $new_url .= $url[$_] . '/'; } } else { $themeroot = $basepath || File::Spec->catdir( $app->static_file_path, 'support', 'themes' ); my $webthemeroot = $baseurl || $app->static_path . 'support/themes'; $theme = $url; $theme =~ s/.*[\\\/]//; my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $url, "$theme.css" ); $new_url = "$webthemeroot/$theme/"; if ( -e $file ) { $stylesheet = file_mgr()->get_data($file); $url = $new_url . "$theme.css"; } else { $file = File::Spec->catfile( $url, "screen.css" ); if ( -e $file ) { $stylesheet = file_mgr()->get_data($file); $url = $new_url . "screen.css"; } } } # Pick up the metadata from the css my @css_lines = split( /\r?\n/, $stylesheet || '' ); my $commented = 0; my @comments; for my $line (@css_lines) { my $pos; $pos = index( $line, "/*" ); unless ( $pos == -1 ) { $line = substr( $line, $pos + 2 ); $commented = 1; } if ($commented) { $pos = index( $line, "*/" ); unless ( $pos == -1 ) { $line = substr( $line, 0, $pos ); $commented = 0; } push @comments, $line; } } my $comment; my %metadata; # Trim me white space, yarr for (@comments) { # TBD: strip any "risky" content; we don't want any # XSS in this content. # Strip any null bytes tr/\x00//d; s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my ( $key, $value ) = split( /:/, $_, 2 ) or next; next unless defined $value; $value =~ s/^\s+//; $metadata{ lc $key } = $value; } my $thumbnail_link; $thumbnail_link = $new_url . 'thumbnail.gif'; my $thumbnail_large_link; $thumbnail_large_link = $new_url . 'thumbnail-large.gif'; require MT::Util; my $data = { name => $theme, description => $metadata{description} || '', title => $metadata{name} || '(Untitled)', url => $url, imageSmall => $thumbnail_link, imageBig => $thumbnail_large_link, author => $metadata{designer} || $metadata{author} || '', author_url => $metadata{designer_url} || $metadata{author_url} || '', author_affiliation => $metadata{author_affiliation} || '', layouts => $metadata{layouts} || '', 'sort' => $metadata{name} || '', tags => $tags, blogs => [], }; $data; } sub plugin { return MT->component('StyleCatcher'); } 1;