Ghazascanner File Manager
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# Widget Manager plugin for Movable Type # Author: Byrne Reese, Six Apart (http://www.sixapart.com) # Released under the Artistic License # # $Id: CMS.pm 1238 2008-01-15 12:18:28Z takayama $ package WidgetManager::CMS; use strict; sub plugin { return MT->component('WidgetManager'); } sub _permission_check { my $app = MT->instance; return ($app->user && $app->user->blog_perm($app->param('blog_id'))->can_edit_templates); } sub save { my $app = shift; return $app->error($app->translate('Permission denied.')) unless _permission_check(); my $q = $app->param(); my $blog_id = scalar $q->param('blog_id'); my $str = build_module_list($q->param('modules')); # Load the current widgetmanager data my $current = $q->param('widgetmanager') || ''; $current = $q->param('name') if $current eq 'New Widget Manager'; my $modulesets = plugin()->load_selected_modules($blog_id); $modulesets = {} unless $modulesets; # delete old set delete $modulesets->{$q->param('widgetmanager') || ''}; # Handle renaming: Delete the entry that has changed names. delete $modulesets->{$q->param('old_name')}; # unless $q->param('old_name') eq $q->param('name'); if(exists $modulesets->{$q->param('name')}) { return $app->error($app->translate( "Can't duplicate the existing '[_1]' Widget Manager. Please go back and enter a unique name.", $q->param('name'))) } # add it back with a potential new name $modulesets->{$q->param('name')} = $str; plugin()->set_config_value('modulesets',$modulesets,"blog:$blog_id"); return $app->redirect( $app->uri( mode => 'list_widget', args => { blog_id => $blog_id, rebuild => 1 } ) ); } sub delete { my $app = shift; return $app->error($app->translate('Permission denied.')) unless _permission_check(); my $q = $app->param(); my $blog_id = scalar $q->param('blog_id'); my $modulesets = plugin()->load_selected_modules($blog_id); $modulesets = {} unless $modulesets; my @ids = $q->param('id'); delete $modulesets->{$_} for @ids; plugin()->set_config_value('modulesets',$modulesets,"blog:$blog_id"); return $app->redirect( $app->uri( mode => 'list_widget', args => { blog_id => $blog_id, deleted => 1 } ) ); } sub edit { my $app = shift; my (%opt) = @_; return $app->error($app->translate('Permission denied.')) unless _permission_check(); my $q = $app->param(); my $blog_id = scalar $q->param('blog_id'); install_default_widgets($blog_id, 1); my $tmpl = $app->load_tmpl('edit.tmpl'); $tmpl->param('blog_id' => $blog_id); $app->add_breadcrumb($app->translate('Main Menu'),$app->{mtscript_url}); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load ($blog_id); $app->add_breadcrumb($blog->name, $app->mt_uri(mode => 'menu', args => { blog_id => $blog_id })); $app->add_breadcrumb($app->translate('Widget Manager'),'?__mode=list_widget&blog_id='.$blog_id); $app->add_breadcrumb($q->param('widgetmanager')); my $modulesets = plugin()->load_selected_modules($blog_id); $modulesets = {} unless $modulesets; my @names = sort keys %$modulesets; my $widgetmanager = $q->param('widgetmanager') || $names[0] || ''; # Find non-conflicting name for new Widget Manager if ($widgetmanager eq $app->translate('New Widget Set')) { $widgetmanager = $app->translate('Widget Manager'); if (grep(/^\Q$widgetmanager\E$/, @names)) { my $i = 1; while (grep(/^\Q$widgetmanager $i\E$/, @names)) { $i++; } # $widgetmanager = "$widgetmanager $i"; $widgetmanager = ""; } } my @selected = exists($modulesets->{$widgetmanager}) ? split(/\s*,\s*/,$modulesets->{$widgetmanager}) : (); my %constraints; $constraints{blog_id} = $blog_id; $constraints{type} = 'widget'; my %options; $options{sort} = 'name'; $options{direction} = 'ascend'; require MT::Template; my $iter = MT::Template->load_iter( \%constraints, \%options ); my @avail_modules; my @inst_modules; while (my $m = $iter->()) { my $name = $m->name(); push @avail_modules, { id => $m->id(), name => $name, selected => in_array($m->id,@selected), }; } foreach my $mid (@selected) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#avail_modules; $i++) { if ($avail_modules[$i]->{id} == $mid) { push @inst_modules,$avail_modules[$i]; splice(@avail_modules,$i,1); } } } my @widgetmanagers = map { { widgetmanager => $_ } } keys %$modulesets; $tmpl->param(object_loop => \@widgetmanagers); $tmpl->param(available => \@avail_modules); $tmpl->param(installed => \@inst_modules); $tmpl->param(name => $widgetmanager); $app->{breadcrumbs}[-1]{is_last} = 1; $tmpl->param(breadcrumbs => $app->{breadcrumbs}); $tmpl->param(plugin_version => $MT::Plugin::WidgetManager::VERSION); $tmpl->param(rebuild => $opt{rebuild}); return $app->build_page($tmpl); } sub list { my $app = shift; my (%opt) = @_; return $app->return_to_dashboard(redirect => 1) unless $app->param('blog_id'); return $app->return_to_dashboard(permission => 1) unless _permission_check(); my $q = $app->{query}; my $blog_id = scalar $q->param('blog_id'); my $tmpl = $app->load_tmpl('list.tmpl'); $tmpl->param('blog_id' => $blog_id); $app->add_breadcrumb($app->translate("Main Menu"),$app->{mtscript_url}); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load ($blog_id); $app->add_breadcrumb($blog->name,$app->mt_uri( mode => 'menu', args => { blog_id => $blog_id })); $app->add_breadcrumb($app->translate("Widget Manager")); my $modulesets = plugin()->load_selected_modules($blog_id) || {}; my (%constraints, %options); $constraints{blog_id} = $blog_id; $constraints{type} = 'widget'; $options{sort} = 'name'; $options{direction} = 'ascend'; require MT::Template; my $iter = MT::Template->load_iter( \%constraints, \%options ); my %avail; while (my $m = $iter->()) { my $name = $m->name(); $avail{$m->id()} = $name; } my @names = sort keys %$modulesets; my $widgetmanager = $q->param('widgetmanager') || $names[0] || ''; my @widgetmanagers; my @keys = sort keys %$modulesets; my $offset = $app->param('offset') || 0; $tmpl->param( list_start => $offset + 1 ); $tmpl->param( list_end => $offset + scalar @keys ); foreach my $key (@keys) { # Collect the available widgets for this key. my @w = (); for my $w ( split /\s*,\s*/, $modulesets->{$key} ) { push @w, $avail{$w} if $avail{$w}; } push @widgetmanagers,{ widgetmanager => $key, names => join(',', @w), widgets => $modulesets->{$key} }; } if ($widgetmanager eq 'New Widget Manager') { $widgetmanager = $q->param('name'); } $tmpl->param(object_loop => \@widgetmanagers); $tmpl->param(object_type => "widgetset"); $app->{breadcrumbs}[-1]{is_last} = 1; $tmpl->param(breadcrumbs => $app->{breadcrumbs}); $tmpl->param(plugin_version => $MT::Plugin::WidgetManager::VERSION); $tmpl->param(rebuild => $app->param('rebuild') || 0); $tmpl->param(deleted => $app->param('deleted') || 0); $tmpl->param(listing_screen => 1); $tmpl->param(screen_id => "list-widget-set"); return $app->build_page($tmpl); } sub build_module_list { my $str = shift; my @mods = split /;/, $str; my @inst; for (@mods) { my ($id, $col) = /(\d+)=(\d+)\.(\d+)/; push @inst, $id if $col == 1; } return join ',', @inst; } sub in_array { my ($needle, @haystack) = @_; for (@haystack) { return 1 if $_ eq $needle; } return 0; } sub install_module { my($blog_id, $name, $text) = @_; my $app = MT->instance; require MT::Template; my $tmpl = MT::Template->new; $tmpl->blog_id($blog_id); $tmpl->type('widget'); $tmpl->name($app->translate($name)); $tmpl->text($app->translate_templatized($text)); $tmpl->save; return $tmpl; } sub create_default_widgetsets { my $app = MT->instance; my ($blog_id) = @_; my ( %constraints, %options ); $constraints{blog_id} = $blog_id; $constraints{type} = 'widget'; $options{sort} = 'name'; $options{direction} = 'ascend'; require MT::Template; my $iter = MT::Template->load_iter( \%constraints, \%options ); my %widgets; while ( my $tmpl = $iter->() ) { my $name = $tmpl->name(); $widgets{$name} = $tmpl->id(); } my $widgetsets = [ { label => '2-column layout - Sidebar', widgets => [ 'Search', 'About This Page', 'Home Page Widgets', 'Archives', 'Page Listing', 'Syndication', 'Powered By', ], }, { label => '3-column layout - Primary Sidebar', widgets => [ 'Archives', 'Page Listing', 'Syndication', 'Powered By', ], }, { label => '3-column layout - Secondary Sidebar', widgets => [ 'Search', 'Home Page Widgets', 'About This Page', ], }, ]; my $modulesets = plugin()->load_selected_modules($blog_id); $modulesets = {} unless $modulesets; foreach my $widgetset ( @{$widgetsets} ) { my $label = plugin()->translate( $widgetset->{label} ); my @ids; foreach my $widget ( @{ $widgetset->{widgets} } ) { my $name = plugin()->translate($widget); push @ids, $widgets{$name}; } $modulesets->{$label} = join ',', @ids; } plugin()->set_config_value( 'modulesets', $modulesets, "blog:$blog_id" ); } sub install_default_widgets { my $app = MT->instance; my ( $blog_id, $reinstall ) = @_; my ($tmpl,$default_widget_templates); # Gather the existing modules. my $modules = {}; require MT::Template; for ( MT::Template->load({ blog_id => $blog_id, type => 'widget' }) ) { my $name = $_->name(); $modules->{$name} = $_->linked_file(); # XXX The linked_file is undef for this plugin modules for some reason. } use File::Spec; my $widgets_dir = File::Spec->catfile(plugin()->{full_path}, 'default_widgets'); my $cfg_file = File::Spec->catfile($widgets_dir, 'widgets.cfg'); local(*FH, $_, $/); $/ = "\n"; open FH, $cfg_file or return $app->error(MT->translate( "Error opening file '[_1]': [_2]", $cfg_file, "$!" )); my $cfg = join('',<FH>); eval "$cfg;"; close FH; foreach (@$default_widget_templates) { next if exists $modules->{plugin()->translate($_->{label})}; open(TMPL, File::Spec->catfile($widgets_dir, $_->{template})) or die "Error: $!\n"; while (my $line = <TMPL>) { $_->{text} .= $line; } close TMPL; $tmpl = install_module($blog_id, $_->{label}, $_->{text}); } unless( $reinstall ) { # Set the 'installed' bit in the config installed($blog_id, 1); # Now that the plugin is installed for this blog, create a default widget sets # with all modules pre-installed. create_default_widgetsets($blog_id); } } sub installed { my $config = {}; my $app = MT->instance; my ( $blog_id, $save ) = @_; my $plugin = plugin(); if ($save) { # Set the installed bit, save and return return $plugin->set_config_value('installed',1,"blog:$blog_id"); } else { # Return early if status check return $plugin->get_config_value('installed',"blog:$blog_id"); } } 1;