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<mt:setvarblock name="page_title"><__trans phrase="Edit Widget Set"></mt:setvarblock> <$mt:setvar name="position_actions_bottom" value="1"$> <mt:setvarblock name="html_head" append="1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<mt:var name="static_uri">plugins/WidgetManager/styles/app.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<mt:var name="static_uri">plugins/WidgetManager/js/app.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var colWidth = 350; var modWidth = 275; var modHeight = 30; var gCols; var isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0; var isOpera = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0; var isSafari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0; var curMod, curCol; var dragStartX, dragStartY; var topZIndex = 10; function checkName() { widgetname = getByID('name').value; if (!widgetname) { alert('<__trans phrase="Please use a unique name for this widget set." escape="js">'); return false; } oldname = getByID('old_name').value; var1 = "<mt:loop name="widgetmanagers"><mt:var name="widgetmanager">,</mt:loop>"; var2 = var1.split(","); for (var i=0; i < var2.length; i++) { if (var2[i] == widgetname && (widgetname != oldname)) { alert('<__trans phrase="You already have a widget set named '[_1].' Please use a unique name for this widget set." params="$name" escape="js">'.replace(/\$name/, widgetname)); return false; } } } var gDropIndex, gDrop; var gCanDrop = 0; function init () { gDrop = new Object(); gDrop.node = getByID('stage-drop'); gCols = new Array(); gCols[0] = new Column('installed-column', 0, 0); <mt:loop name="installed"> gCols[0].addModule('<mt:var name="id">'); </mt:loop> gCols[1] = new Column('available-column', 1, 322); <mt:loop name="available"> gCols[1].addModule('<mt:var name="id">'); </mt:loop> calculateHeight(); } function Column (label, index, left) { this.label = label; this.node = getByID(label); this.node.style.height = '110px'; this.x = left; this.y = 0; this.offsetX = offsetX(this.node) - this.x; this.offsetY = offsetY(this.node) - this.y; this.startX = this.x + 5; this.startY = this.y + 35; this.index = index; this.width = colWidth; this.height = 100; this.modules = new Array(); return this; } Column.prototype.addModule = function (key, label) { var row = this.modules.length; this.modules[row] = new Module(key, label, row, this.index, this); } Column.prototype.moveModule = function (module, index) { var inCol = (curCol.index == module.col); if (inCol && (module.row == index)) { module.move(module.x, module.y); return; } if (inCol && module.row < index) index--; // Remove the module from the old column... var i; var oldMods = gCols[module.col].modules; for (i = module.row + 1; i < oldMods.length; i++) { oldMods[i].y -= modHeight; oldMods[i].row--; oldMods[i].move(oldMods[i].x, oldMods[i].y); oldMods[i-1] = oldMods[i]; } oldMods.length--; if (inCol && index > oldMods.length) index--; // ... and insert it into the new column. var newMods = curCol.modules; for (i = newMods.length-1; i >= index; i--) { newMods[i].y += modHeight; newMods[i].row++; newMods[i].move(newMods[i].x, newMods[i].y); newMods[i+1] = newMods[i]; } module.colObj = curCol; module.row = index; module.col = curCol.index; module.x = curCol.startX; module.y = curCol.startY + index * modHeight; module.move(module.x, module.y); newMods[index] = module; calculateHeight(); } function Module (key, label, row, col, colObj) { this.key = key; this.label = label; this.row = row; this.col = col; this.colObj = colObj; this.node = getByID('module-' + key); this.node.onmousedown = this.dragStart; this.node.module = this; this.x = colObj.startX; this.y = colObj.startY + modHeight * row; this.move(this.x, this.y); this.node.style.width = modWidth + 'px'; this.node.style.display = 'block'; return this; } Module.prototype.move = function (x, y) { move(this.node, x, y); } Module.prototype.dragStart = function (event) { document.onmousemove = dragMove; document.onmouseup = dragStop; gCanDrop = 0; var module = this.module; dragStartX = cursorX(event); dragStartY = cursorY(event); module.node.style.zIndex = topZIndex; curMod = module; return false; } function dragMove (event) { if (!curMod) return true; var x = cursorX(event); var y = cursorY(event); curMod.move(curMod.x + x - dragStartX, curMod.y + y - dragStartY); var i; curCol = null; for (i = 0; i< gCols.length; i++) { var adjX = gCols[i].x + gCols[i].offsetX; var adjY = gCols[i].y + gCols[i].offsetY; if ((x > adjX) && (x < adjX + gCols[i].width) && (y > adjY) && (y < adjY + gCols[i].height)) { curCol = gCols[i]; break; } } if (curCol == null) { gDrop.node.style.display = 'none'; gCanDrop = 0; return false; } gDropIndex = Math.floor((y - curCol.y - curCol.offsetY) / modHeight + 0.0); if (gDropIndex < 0) gDropIndex = 0; if (gDropIndex > curCol.modules.length) gDropIndex = curCol.modules.length; if (!gCanDrop) { gCanDrop = 1; gDrop.node.style.display = 'block'; } move(gDrop.node, curCol.startX, curCol.startY + gDropIndex * modHeight - 8); return false; } function dragStop (event) { if (!curMod) return true; gDrop.node.style.display = 'none'; if (!curCol || !gCanDrop) curMod.move(curMod.x, curMod.y); else curCol.moveModule(curMod, gDropIndex); curMod = null; return false; } function moduleListStr () { var s = ''; var i, j; for (i = 0; i < gCols.length; i++) for (j = 0; j < gCols[i].modules.length; j++) s += gCols[i].modules[j].key + '=' + (i+1) + '.' + (j+1) + ';'; return s; } function move (node, x, y) { node.style.left = x + 'px'; node.style.top = y + 'px'; } function offsetX (node) { var o = node.offsetLeft; while((node = node.offsetParent) != null) o += node.offsetLeft; return o; } function offsetY (node) { var o = node.offsetTop; while((node = node.offsetParent) != null) o += node.offsetTop; return o; } function cursorX (event) { var x; if (isIE || isOpera) { x = window.event.clientX; if (document.documentElement.scrollLeft) x += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; if(!isOpera) x += document.body.scrollLeft; } else { x = event.clientX; if (!isSafari) x += window.scrollX; } return x; } function cursorY (event) { var y; if (isIE || isOpera) { y = window.event.clientY; if (document.documentElement.scrollTop) y += document.documentElement.scrollTop; if(!isOpera) y += document.body.scrollTop; } else { y = event.clientY; if (!isSafari) y += window.scrollY; } return y; } function calculateHeight () { var i, newHeight; var maxMods = 0; for (i = 0; i < gCols.length; i++) { if (gCols[i].modules.length > maxMods) { maxMods = gCols[i].modules.length; } } if ((maxMods * modHeight) < 100) { newHeight = 100; } else { newHeight = (maxMods + 1) * modHeight; } for (i = 0; i < gCols.length; i++) { gCols[i].height = newHeight; gCols[i].node.style.height = (newHeight + 10) + 'px'; } getByID('center-column').style.height = (newHeight + 10) + 'px'; getByID('stage').style.height = (newHeight + 10) + 'px'; return true; } TC.attachLoadEvent( init ); --> </script> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:include name="include/header.tmpl"> <div id="msg-block"> <mt:if name="rebuild"> <mtapp:statusmsg id="saved-msg" class="success" rebuild="all"> <__trans phrase="Your changes to the Widget Set have been saved."> </mtapp:statusmsg> </mt:if> </div> <div id="edit-form"> <form onsubmit="this.modules.value = moduleListStr(); return checkName();" id="manager" name="manager" method="post" action="<mt:var name="script_url">"> <input type="hidden" name="__mode" value="save_widget" /> <input type="hidden" name="blog_id" value="<mt:var name="blog_id">" /> <input type="hidden" name="old_name" id="old_name" value="<mt:var name="name">" /> <input type="hidden" name="modules" value="" /> <fieldset> <mtapp:setting id="name" label="<__trans phrase="Set Name">"> <div class="textarea-wrapper"> <input name="name" id="name" class="full-width" value="<mt:var name="name">" /> </div> </mtapp:setting> <mtapp:setting id="widgets" label="<__trans phrase="Drag and drop the widgets you want into the Installed column.">"> <div id="stage" class="pkg"> <div id="installed-column" class="pkg"> <p><__trans phrase="Installed Widgets"></p> <mt:loop name="installed"> <div id="module-<mt:var name="id">" class="module pkg"> <div class="module-name"><a href="javascript:void(0)"><mt:var name="name"></a></div> <div class="module-edit"><a href="<mt:var name="script_url">?__mode=view&_type=template&id=<mt:var name="id">&blog_id=<mt:var name="blog_id">" target="_new"><__trans phrase="edit"></a></div> </div> </mt:loop> </div> <div id="center-column" class="pkg"> </div> <div id="available-column" class="pkg"> <p><__trans phrase="Available Widgets"></p> <mt:loop name="available"> <div id="module-<mt:var name="id">" class="module pkg"> <div class="module-name"><a href="javascript:void(0)"><mt:var name="name"></a></div> <div class="module-edit"><a href="<mt:var name="script_url">?__mode=view&_type=template&id=<mt:var name="id">&blog_id=<mt:var name="blog_id">" target="_new"><__trans phrase="edit"></a></div> </div> </mt:loop> </div> <div id="stage-drop"> </div> </div> </mtapp:setting> </fieldset> <mt:setvarblock name="action_buttons"> <button type="submit" accesskey="s" title="<__trans phrase="Save changes to this widget set (s)">" class="primary-button" ><__trans phrase="Save Changes"></button> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:include name="include/actions_bar.tmpl" bar_position="bottom" hide_pager="1" settings_bar="1"> </form> </div> <mt:include name="include/footer.tmpl">