Ghazascanner File Manager
server :Linux phosweb011 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 19 16:18:59 UTC 2020 x86_64
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<mt:unless name="cfg_exists"> <mt:setvarblock name="page_title"><__trans phrase="Welcome to Movable Type"></mt:setvarblock> <mt:else> <mt:setvarblock name="page_title"><__trans phrase="Configuration File Exists"></mt:setvarblock> </mt:unless> <mt:unless name="valid_static_path"> <mt:setvarblock name="html_head" append="1"> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> body { font-family: Candara, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background-color: #fff; } .chromeless body { text-align: center; height: 100%; } .chromeless #container { position: relative; margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; } .chromeless #container { width: 450px; } .chromeless #header { position: relative; height: 34px; } .chromeless #footer { padding: 5px 20px 20px; bottom: 0px; } .chromeless body { background-color: #fff; } .chromeless #container { margin-top: 50px; } .chromeless #content { border: 1px solid #cfdde5; background-color: #fafbfc; padding: 20px; } .chromeless #page-title { font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; margin-top: 10px; } .chromeless p.intro { font-size: 14px; } h1 { margin-top: 0; } #set_static_uri_to { width: 100%; } #set_static_file_to { width: 100%; } .no-static-path, fieldset { /* border: 1px solid #C60;*/ /* color: #C60;*/ /* background: #feffb4;*/ border: 1px solid #cfdde5; /* color: #666;*/ background: #fff; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 1em; } .no-static-path h3 { margin-top: 0; } #footer { color: #999; font-size: 85%; text-align: center; } #footer a { color: #999; } label { font-weight: bold; } .hint { color: #666; font-size: 85%; } .msg { margin: 0 0 10px 0; padding: 16px 10px 16px 46px; } .msg-error { background-color: #FF9; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function getByID(n, d) { if (!d) d = document; if (d.getElementById) return d.getElementById(n); else if (d.all) return d.all[n]; } function hide(id, d) { var el = getByID(id, d); if (!el) return; el.style.display = 'none'; } // --> </script> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:else> <mt:setvarblock name="js_include" append="1"> <style type="text/css"> .msg { margin: 0 0 10px 0; padding: 16px 10px 16px 10px; } .msg-error { background-color: #FF9; } #container div.no-static-path, #container #static_webpath_config { display: none; } #container.bad-static-path div.no-static-path, #container.bad-static-path #static_webpath_config { display: block; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function js_check() { if (! openManual ) { // mt.js not loading properly; static path incorrect var c = getByID("container"); c.className = "bad-static-path"; } } window.onload = js_check; // --> </script> </mt:setvarblock> </mt:unless> <mt:include name="../cms/include/chromeless_header.tmpl"> <mt:if name="cfg_exists"> <p><__trans phrase="A configuration (mt-config.cgi) file already exists, <a href="[_1]">sign in</a> to Movable Type." params="mt.cgi"></p> <p><__trans phrase="To create a new configuration file using the Wizard, remove the current configuration file and then refresh this page"></p> <mt:else> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="__mode" value="next_step" /> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="pre_start" /> <input type="hidden" name="config" value="<mt:var name="config" escape="html">" /> <noscript> <p><__trans phrase="Movable Type requires that you enable JavaScript in your browser. Please enable it and refresh this page to proceed."></p> </noscript> <p class="intro"><__trans phrase="This wizard will help you configure the basic settings needed to run Movable Type."></p> <mt:if name="uri_invalid"> <mtapp:statusmsg id="uri_invalid" can_close="0" class="error"> <__trans phrase="<strong>Error: '[_1]' could not be found.</strong> Please move your static files to the directory first or correct the setting if it is incorrect." params="<$mt:var name="set_static_uri_to"$>"> </mtapp:statusmsg> </mt:if> <mt:if name="file_invalid"> <mtapp:statusmsg id="file_invalid" can_close="0" class="error"> <__trans phrase="<strong>Error: '[_1]' could not be found.</strong> Please move your static files to the directory first or correct the setting if it is incorrect." params="<$mt:var name="set_static_file_to"$>"> </mtapp:statusmsg> </mt:if> <div class="no-static-path"> <h3><__trans phrase="Configure Static Web Path"></h3> <p><__trans phrase="Movable Type ships with directory named [_1] which contains a number of important files such as images, javascript files and stylesheets." params="<strong>mt-static</strong>"></p> <mt:if name="mt_static_exists"> <p><__trans phrase="The [_1] directory is in the main Movable Type directory which this wizard script resides, but due to your web server's configuration, the [_1] directory is not accessible in this location and must be moved to a web-accessible location (e.g., your web document root directory)." params="<strong>mt-static</strong>"></p> <mt:else> <p><__trans phrase="This directory has either been renamed or moved to a location outside of the Movable Type directory."></p> </mt:if> <p><__trans phrase="Once the [_1] directory is in a web-accessible location, specify the location below." params="<strong>mt-static</strong>"></p> </div> <div id="static_webpath_config"> <fieldset> <mt:setvarblock name="hintfoo"> <__trans phrase="This URL path can be in the form of [_1] or simply [_2]" params="<strong>http://example.com/mt-static/</strong>%%<strong>/mt-static</strong>"> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:setvarblock name="hintfp"> <__trans phrase="This path must be in the form of [_1]" params="<strong>/absolute/path/to/mt-static/</strong>"> </mt:setvarblock> <mtapp:setting id="set_static_uri_to" label="<__trans phrase="Static web path">" label_class="top-label" show_hint="1" hint="$hintfoo"> <input type="text" name="set_static_uri_to" id="set_static_uri_to" class="ti" value="<$mt:var name="set_static_uri_to" default="$static_uri"$>" size=""> </mtapp:setting> <br/> <mtapp:setting id="set_static_file_to" label="<__trans phrase="Static file path">" label_class="top-label" show_hint="1" hint="$hintfp"> <input type="text" name="set_static_file_to" id="set_static_file_to" class="ti" value="<$mt:var name="set_static_file_to" default="$static_file_path"$>" size=""> </mtapp:setting> </fieldset> </div> <div class="right"><input type="submit" class="sb" value="<__trans phrase="Begin">" /></div> </form> </mt:if> <mt:include name="../cms/include/chromeless_footer.tmpl">