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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: convert-db 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ use strict; use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( "old:s" => \my($old_config), "new:s" => \my($new_config)); use lib 'extlib'; use lib 'lib'; unless ($new_config) { print "Need configuration file location. cf: convert-db --new==mt-config.cgi.new"; exit; } $old_config ||= '.'; my @CLASSES = qw( MT::Author MT::Blog MT::Category MT::Comment MT::Entry MT::IPBanList MT::Log MT::Notification MT::Permission MT::Placement MT::Template MT::TemplateMap MT::Trackback MT::TBPing MT::Session MT::PluginData MT::Config MT::FileInfo MT::Tag MT::ObjectTag MT::Group MT::Role MT::Association MT::Asset ); use File::Spec; eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "**** WARNING: $_[0]\n" }; require MT; my $mt = MT->new(Config => $old_config) or die MT->errstr; my $cfg = $mt->{cfg}; my $cfg_file_orig = $mt->{cfg_file}; my $cfg_file_new = $mt->find_config({Config=>$new_config}); $cfg->read_config($cfg_file_new); warn $cfg_file_orig; warn $cfg_file_new; require MT::Object; MT::Object->set_driver($cfg->ObjectDriver) or die MT::ObjectDriver->errstr; use MT::Upgrade; my @stmts; foreach (@CLASSES) { push @stmts, MT::Upgrade->check_class($_); } print "Loading database schema...\n\n"; MT::Upgrade->do_upgrade(Install => 1); ## %ids will hold the highest IDs of each class. my %ids; print "Loading data...\n"; for my $class (@CLASSES ) { print $class, "\n"; $cfg->read_config($cfg_file_orig); MT::Object->set_driver($cfg->ObjectDriver); eval "use $class"; my $iter = $class->load_iter; my %names; my %cat_parent; $cfg->read_config($cfg_file_new); MT::Object->set_driver($cfg->ObjectDriver); while (my $obj = $iter->()) { print " ", $obj->id, "\n"; $obj = clean_object($obj); # Update IDs only auto_increment. $ids{$class} = $obj->id if $obj->column_defs->{id}->{auto} && (!$ids{$class} || $obj->id > $ids{$class}); ## Look for duplicate template, category, and author names, ## because we have uniqueness constraints in the DB. if ($class eq 'MT::Template') { my $key = $obj->blog_id . ':' . lc($obj->name); if ($names{$class}{$key}++) { print " Found duplicate template name '" . $obj->name; $obj->name($obj->name . ' ' . $names{$class}{$key}); print "'; renaming to '" . $obj->name . "'\n"; } ## Touch the text column to make sure we read in ## any linked templates. my $text = $obj->text; } elsif ($class eq 'MT::Author') { my $key = lc($obj->name); if ($names{$class . $obj->type}{$key}++) { print " Found duplicate author name '" . $obj->name; $obj->name($obj->name . ' ' . $names{$class}{$key}); print "'; renaming to '" . $obj->name . "'\n"; } $obj->email('') unless defined $obj->email; $obj->set_password('') unless defined $obj->password; } elsif ($class eq 'MT::Comment') { $obj->visible(1) unless defined $obj->visible; } elsif ($class eq 'MT::TBPing') { $obj->visible(1) unless defined $obj->visible; } elsif ($class eq 'MT::Category') { my $key = lc($obj->label) . $obj->blog_id; if ($names{$class}{$key}++) { print " Found duplicate category label '" . $obj->label; $obj->label($obj->label . ' ' . $names{$class}{$key}); print "'; renaming to '" . $obj->label . "'\n"; } # save the parent value for assignment at the end if ($obj->parent) { $cat_parent{$obj->id} = $obj->parent; $obj->parent(0); } } elsif ($class eq 'MT::Trackback') { $obj->entry_id(0) unless defined $obj->entry_id; $obj->category_id(0) unless defined $obj->category_id; } elsif ($class eq 'MT::Entry') { $obj->allow_pings(0) if defined $obj->allow_pings && $obj->allow_pings eq ''; $obj->allow_comments(0) if defined $obj->allow_comments && $obj->allow_comments eq ''; } $obj->save or die $obj->errstr; } # fix up the category parents foreach my $id (keys %cat_parent) { my $cat = MT::Category->load($id); $cat->parent( $cat_parent{$id} ); $cat->save; } print "\n"; } if ($cfg->ObjectDriver =~ /postgres/) { print "Updating sequences\n"; my $dbh = MT::Object->driver->{dbh}; for my $class (keys %ids) { print " $class => $ids{$class}\n"; my $seq = 'mt_' . $class->datasource . '_' . $class->properties->{primary_key}; $dbh->do("select setval('$seq', $ids{$class})") or die $dbh->errstr; } } elsif ($cfg->ObjectDriver =~ /oracle/) { print "Updating sequences\n"; for my $class (keys %ids) { print " $class => $ids{$class}\n"; MT::Object->driver->drop_sequence($class); MT::Object->driver->create_sequence($class); } } $cfg->SchemaVersion(MT->schema_version(), 1); $cfg->save_config(); }; if ($@) { print "An error occurred while loading data: $@\n"; } else { print "Done copying data! All went well.\n"; } sub clean_object { my $obj = shift; my $defs = $obj->column_defs; foreach my $col (keys %{$defs}) { my $def = $defs->{$col}; if ($def->{type} =~ /(?:integer|smallint)/ && $obj->$col) { my $val = $obj->$col; if ($val =~ /\D/) { $val =~ s/\D//g; $obj->$col($val); } } if ($def->{type} =~ /(?:string)/ && $obj->$col) { require MT::I18N; my $val = $obj->$col; if (MT::I18N::length_text($val) > $def->{size}) { $obj->$col(MT::I18N::substr_text($val,0,$def->{size})); } } } return $obj; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME convert-db - A tool to convert backend database of Movable Type =head1 SYNOPSIS convert-db --new=mt-config.cgi.new [--old=mt-config.cgi.current] =head1 DESCRIPTION I<convert-db> is a tool to convert database of Movable Type to others. It is useful when it is necessary to switch like from MySQL to PostgreSQL. The following options are available: --new mt-config.cgi file of destination --old mt-config.cgi file of source (optional) It is also useful to replicate Movable Type database. =cut