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/* # Movable Type (r) (C) 2004-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: autocomplete.js 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC.AutoComplete auto-completion of words using an input box and a DHTML selection menu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* - Given an array of possible auto-completion words... - Keep in memory the current word being typed - on keyDown: - if the character is a space, kill the internal word memory - if the character is a tab, autocomplete with the selected word - otherwise, narrow down the list of possible matches - present a DHTML menu with the list of matches */ TC.AutoComplete = function( id, words ) { this.id = id; this.autoCompleteNode = new TC.AutoCompleteNode(); for ( var i = 0; i < words.length; i++ ) this.autoCompleteNode.add( words[i] ); this.currentWord = ''; TC.AutoComplete.instances[ this.id ] = this; this.clearCompletions(); this.attachElements(); } TC.AutoComplete.instances = new Array(); TC.AutoComplete.prototype.attachElements = function() { if ( !this.attachAttempts ) this.attachAttempts = 0; else if ( this.attachAttempts > 5 ) return; this.attachAttempts++; if ( !this.input_box ) { this.input_box = document.getElementById(this.id); if ( this.input_box ) { var self = this; var keyDown = function( event ) { return self.keyDown( event ); } TC.attachEvent( this.input_box, "keydown", keyDown ); } } if (!this.completion_box) this.completion_box = document.getElementById( this.id + '_completion' ); // try again on failure if( !this.input_box ) window.setTimeout( "TC.AutoComplete.instances[ '" + this.id + "' ].attachElements();", 1000 ); } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.keyDown = function( evt ) { evt = evt || event; var element = evt.target || evt.srcElement; if ( evt.keyCode == 9 ) { if (this.hasCompletions) this.handleAutoComplete(); return TC.stopEvent( evt ); } else if ( evt.keyCode == 8 ) this.truncateWord(); else if ( evt.keyCode == 32 ) { this.currentWord = ''; this.clearCompletions(); } else if ( evt.keyCode == 38 ) this.selectCompletion( -1 ); else if ( evt.keyCode == 40 ) this.selectCompletion( 1 ); else this.updateWord( String.fromCharCode(evt.keyCode).toLowerCase() ); return true; } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.selectCompletion = function( offset ) { if (!this.hasCompletions) return; var i = this.selectedCompletion + offset; if ( ( i < 0 ) || ( i > this.suggestedCompletions.length - 1 ) ) return; this.completion_box.childNodes[ this.selectedCompletion ].className = 'complete-none'; this.completion_box.childNodes[ i ].className = 'complete-highlight'; this.selectedCompletion = i; } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.updateWord = function( c ) { this.currentWord += c; this.lookForCompletions(); } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.truncateWord = function() { this.currentWord = this.currentWord.substring( 0, this.currentWord.length - 1 ); if (!this.currentWord.length) this.clearCompletions(); else this.lookForCompletions(); } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.handleAutoComplete = function( word ) { if ( !this.hasCompletions ) return; var inputValue = this.input_box.value; word = word || this.suggestedCompletions[ this.selectedCompletion ]; var lastSpace = inputValue.lastIndexOf( ' ' ); this.input_box.value = inputValue.substring( 0, lastSpace ) + (lastSpace != -1 ? ' ' : '') + word + ' '; this.currentWord = ''; this.clearCompletions(); } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.lookForCompletions = function() { if (!this.currentWord) return; this.suggestedCompletions = new Array(); this.autoCompleteNode.getStrings(this.currentWord, '', this.suggestedCompletions); this.hasCompletions = this.suggestedCompletions.length ? 1 : 0; if (this.hasCompletions) this.constructCompletionBox(); else this.clearCompletions(); } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown = function() { this.autoComplete.handleAutoComplete(this.innerHTML); } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver = function() { this.className = 'complete-highlight'; } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut = function() { this.className = 'complete-none'; } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.constructCompletionBox = function() { var div = this.completion_box; while ( div.hasChildNodes() ) div.removeChild( div.firstChild ); for ( var i = 0; i < this.suggestedCompletions.length; i++ ) { var inner = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(inner); inner.innerHTML = this.suggestedCompletions[ i ]; inner.onmousedown = TC.AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown; inner.onmouseover = TC.AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver; inner.onmouseout = TC.AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut; inner.autoComplete = this; } div.style.display = 'block'; if (div.firstChild) div.firstChild.className = 'complete-highlight'; } TC.AutoComplete.prototype.clearCompletions = function() { this.hasCompletions = 0; this.suggestedCompletions = new Array(); this.selectedCompletion = 0; if (this.completion_box) this.completion_box.style.display = 'none'; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC.AutoCompleteNode a tree structure for fast auto-completion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TC.AutoCompleteNode = function() { this.isLeaf = false; this.childCount = 0; this.nodeValue = new Object; } TC.AutoCompleteNode.prototype.add = function( str ) { this.childCount++; if ( str == '' ) this.isLeaf = true; else { var first = str.substring( 0, 1 ); var rest = str.substring( 1, str.length ); if ( !this.nodeValue[ first ] ) this.nodeValue[ first ] = new TC.AutoCompleteNode(); this.nodeValue[ first ].add( rest ); } } TC.AutoCompleteNode.prototype.getStrings = function(str1, str2, outStr) { if ( str1 == '' ) { if ( this.isLeaf ) outStr.push( str2 ); for ( var i in this.nodeValue ) this.nodeValue[ i ].getStrings( str1, str2 + i, outStr ); } else { var letter = str1.substring( 0, 1 ); var rest = str1.substring( 1, str1.length ); letter = letter.toLowerCase(); if ( this.nodeValue[ letter ] ) this.nodeValue[ letter ].getStrings( rest, str2 + letter, outStr ); letter = letter.toUpperCase(); if ( this.nodeValue[ letter ] ) this.nodeValue[ letter ].getStrings( rest, str2 + letter, outStr ); } }