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/* # Movable Type (r) (C) 2003-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: colorpicker.js 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC.ColorPicker dhtml color picker class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* constructor */ TC.ColorPicker = function() { } /* config */ TC.ColorPicker.prototype.cookieName = "tc-colorpicker-recent"; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.className = "tc-colorpicker"; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.colorsClassName = "tc-colorpicker-colors"; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.recentClassName = "tc-colorpicker-recent"; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.noneClassName = "tc-colorpicker-none"; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.style = { "position" : "absolute" }; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.recentCount = 8; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.recentNone = false; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.allowNone = false; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.defaultColor = "#777777"; TC.ColorPicker.prototype.colors = [ "#FFFFFF", "#CCCCCC", "#999999", "#666666", "#333333", "#000000", "#FFCC00", "#FF9900", "#FF6600", "#FF3300", "#000000", "#333333", "#666666", "#999999", "#CCCCCC", "#FFFFFF", "#99CC00", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#CC9900", "#FFCC33", "#FFCC66", "#FF9966", "#FF6633", "#CC3300", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#CC0033", "#CCFF00", "#CCFF33", "#333300", "#666600", "#999900", "#CCCC00", "#FFFF00", "#CC9933", "#CC6633", "#330000", "#660000", "#990000", "#CC0000", "#FF0000", "#FF3366", "#FF0033", "#99FF00", "#CCFF66", "#99CC33", "#666633", "#999933", "#CCCC33", "#FFFF33", "#996600", "#993300", "#663333", "#993333", "#CC3333", "#FF3333", "#CC3366", "#FF6699", "#FF0066", "#66FF00", "#99FF66", "#66CC33", "#669900", "#999966", "#CCCC66", "#FFFF66", "#996633", "#663300", "#996666", "#CC6666", "#FF6666", "#990033", "#CC3399", "#FF66CC", "#FF0099", "#33FF00", "#66FF33", "#339900", "#66CC00", "#99FF33", "#CCCC99", "#FFFF99", "#CC9966", "#CC6600", "#CC9999", "#FF9999", "#FF3399", "#CC0066", "#990066", "#FF33CC", "#FF00CC", "#00CC00", "#33CC00", "#336600", "#669933", "#99CC66", "#CCFF99", "#FFFFCC", "#FFCC99", "#FF9933", "#FFCCCC", "#FF99CC", "#CC6699", "#993366", "#660033", "#CC0099", "#330033", "#33CC33", "#66CC66", "#00FF00", "#33FF33", "#66FF66", "#99FF99", "#CCFFCC", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#CC99CC", "#996699", "#993399", "#990099", "#663366", "#660066", "#006600", "#336633", "#009900", "#339933", "#669966", "#99CC99", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#FFCCFF", "#FF99FF", "#FF66FF", "#FF33FF", "#FF00FF", "#CC66CC", "#CC33CC", "#003300", "#00CC33", "#006633", "#339966", "#66CC99", "#99FFCC", "#CCFFFF", "#3399FF", "#99CCFF", "#CCCCFF", "#CC99FF", "#9966CC", "#663399", "#330066", "#9900CC", "#CC00CC", "#00FF33", "#33FF66", "#009933", "#00CC66", "#33FF99", "#99FFFF", "#99CCCC", "#0066CC", "#6699CC", "#9999FF", "#9999CC", "#9933FF", "#6600CC", "#660099", "#CC33FF", "#CC00FF", "#00FF66", "#66FF99", "#33CC66", "#009966", "#66FFFF", "#66CCCC", "#669999", "#003366", "#336699", "#6666FF", "#6666CC", "#666699", "#330099", "#9933CC", "#CC66FF", "#9900FF", "#00FF99", "#66FFCC", "#33CC99", "#33FFFF", "#33CCCC", "#339999", "#336666", "#006699", "#003399", "#3333FF", "#3333CC", "#333399", "#333366", "#6633CC", "#9966FF", "#6600FF", "#00FFCC", "#33FFCC", "#00FFFF", "#00CCCC", "#009999", "#006666", "#003333", "#3399CC", "#3366CC", "#0000FF", "#0000CC", "#000099", "#000066", "#000033", "#6633FF", "#3300FF", "#00CC99", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#0099CA", "#33CCFF", "#66CCFF", "#6699FF", "#3366FF", "#0033CC", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#000000", "#3300CC", "#FFFFFF", "#CCCCCC", "#999999", "#666666", "#333333", "#000000", "#00CCFF", "#0099FF", "#0066FF", "#0033FF", "#000000", "#333333", "#666666", "#999999", "#CCCCCC", "#FFFFFF" ]; /* static variables */ TC.ColorPicker.instance = null; /* static methods */ TC.ColorPicker.pick = function( evt, pickFunc, color ) { TC.ColorPicker.init(); if( TC.ColorPicker.instance ) return TC.ColorPicker.instance.pick( evt, pickFunc, color ); return false; } TC.ColorPicker.init = function() { if( !TC.ColorPicker.instance ) TC.ColorPicker.instance = new TC.ColorPicker(); } /* instance methods */ TC.ColorPicker.prototype.pick = function( evt, pickFunc, color ) { evt = evt || event; var element = evt.target || evt.srcElement; this.init(); this.pickFunc = pickFunc; this.window.show(); // eventually use smart window placement code var pos = TC.getAbsolutePosition( element ); this.window.element.style.left = pos.left + "px"; this.window.element.style.top = pos.top + "px"; return false; } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.pickColor = function( color ) { this.window.hide(); this.addRecentColor( color ); this.showRecentColors(); this.bakeRecentColors(); if( this.pickFunc ) this.pickFunc( color ); } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.addRecentColor = function( color ) { if( !color ) { if( !this.recentNone ) return; color = ""; } var colors = [ color ]; for( var i in this.recentColors ) if( color != this.recentColors[ i ] ) colors[ colors.length ] = this.recentColors[ i ]; if( colors.length > this.recentElements.length ) colors.length = this.recentElements.length; this.recentColors = colors; } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.clearRecentColors = function() { for( var i in this.recentColors ) this.recentColors[ i ] = ""; } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.showRecentColors = function() { for( var i = 0; i < this.recentColors.length; i++ ) this.setElementColor( this.recentElements[ i ], this.recentColors[ i ] ); } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.fetchRecentColors = function() { if( !this.cookie ) return; if( !this.cookie.fetch() ) return false; if( !this.cookie.value ) return false; var colors = this.cookie.value.split( "," ); for( var i in this.recentColors ) this.recentColors[ i ] = colors[ i ] ? colors[ i ] : ""; } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.bakeRecentColors = function() { if( !this.cookie ) return; var colors = []; this.cookie.value = this.recentColors.join( "," ); this.cookie.expires = new Date(); this.cookie.expires.setFullYear( parseInt( this.cookie.expires.getFullYear() ) + 100 ); this.cookie.bake(); } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.setElementColor = function( element, color, title ) { if( !element ) return; if( !color ) color = this.allowNone ? "" : this.defaultColor; if( !title ) title = color; if( !title ) title = ""; if( !color ) element.className = this.noneClassName; else if( element.className ) element.className = ""; element.style.backgroundColor = color; element.setAttribute( "color", color ); element.setAttribute( "title", title ); } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.clickColor = function( evt ) { evt = evt || event; var element = evt.target || evt.srcElement; var color = element ? element.getAttribute( "color" ) : ""; this.pickColor( color ); return TC.stopEvent( evt ); } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.init = function() { if( this.inited ) return; // basic setup this.recentColors = []; this.recentElements = []; this.window = new TC.Window(); this.window.quick = true; this.window.element.className = this.className; this.window.setStyle( this.style ); // cookie setup if( TC.Cookie ) this.cookie = new TC.Cookie( this.cookieName ); // make closures var self = this; this.clickColorClosure = function( evt ) { return self.clickColor( evt ); }; // create tables var recent = this.createPicker( this.recentClassName, this.recentCount ); var picker = this.createPicker( this.colorsClassName, this.colors.length, this.colors ); // set recent colors this.fetchRecentColors(); this.showRecentColors(); // attach this.window.element.appendChild( recent ); this.window.element.appendChild( picker ); this.window.attach(); // we're good this.inited = true; } TC.ColorPicker.prototype.createPicker = function( className, count, colors ) { // set empty array if( !colors ) colors = []; // create wrapper div var div = document.createElement( "div" ); div.className = className; // create color links var swatch; for( var c = 0; c < count; c++ ) { // try to duplicate node if( swatch ) swatch = swatch.cloneNode( true ); // create new node if( !swatch ) { swatch = document.createElement( "a" ); swatch.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) ); } // event handler swatch.onclick = this.clickColorClosure; // get color var color = ""; if( c < colors.length ) color = colors[ c ]; else { this.recentColors[ this.recentColors.length ] = color; this.recentElements[ this.recentElements.length ] = swatch; } // color bleeds this.setElementColor( swatch, color ); // attach div.appendChild( swatch ); } return div; }