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/* # Movable Type (r) (C) 2003-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: gestalt.js 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC.Gestalt browser capability checking class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* constructor */ TC.Gestalt = function() { } /* config */ TC.Gestalt.prototype.cookieName = "tc-gestalt"; TC.Gestalt.prototype.names = [ "document.addEventListener", "document.all", "document.appendChild", "document.attachEvent", "document.createElement", "document.designMode", "document.execCommand", "document.getElementById", "document.getElementsByName", "document.getElementsByTagName", "document.getSelection", "document.images", "document.implementation", "document.layers", "window.ActiveXObject", "window.frames", "window.getSelection", "window.XMLHttpRequest" ]; /* static variables */ TC.Gestalt.instance = null; /* static methods */ TC.Gestalt.detect = function( name ) { var g = TC.Gestalt.init(); if( g ) g.detect(); } TC.Gestalt.get = function( name ) { var g = TC.Gestalt.init(); if( g ) g.get( name ); } TC.Gestalt.bake = function() { var g = TC.Gestalt.init(); if( g ) g.bake(); } TC.Gestalt.init = function() { if( !TC.Gestalt.instance ) TC.Gestalt.instance = new TC.Gestalt(); return TC.Gestalt.instance; } /* instance methods */ TC.Gestalt.prototype.detect = function() { this.init(); var x; var y; // walk navigator if( navigator ) { if( navigator.userAgent ) this.properties[ "navigator.userAgent" ] = navigator.userAgent; for( var i in navigator ) { if( i.toLowerCase() == "useragent" ) continue; var value = navigator[ i ]; if( typeof value == "string" ) this.properties[ "navigator." + i ] = navigator[ i ]; else if( typeof value == "boolean" ) this.properties[ "navigator." + i ] = navigator[ i ] ? 1 : 0; } } // walk capability list for( var i in this.names ) { var name = this.names[ i ]; x = eval( name ); this.properties[ name ] = (TC.defined( x ) && x != null) ? 1 : 0; } // dom/events this.properties[ "dom" ] = (document.getElementById && document.createElement) ? 1 : 0; this.properties[ "events" ] = (document.addEventListener || document.attachEvent) ? 1 : 0; // content editable this.properties[ "contentEditable" ] = (document.body && document.body.contentEditable != null) ? 1 : 0; // design mode this.properties[ "designMode" ] = 0; this.properties[ "execCommand" ] = 0; if( document.execCommand ) { x = "" + typeof document.execCommand; y = "" + document.execCommand; if( x.indexOf( "function" ) == 0 || x.indexOf( "function" ) == 0 ) { this.properties[ "designMode" ] = document.designMode ? 1 : 0; this.properties[ "execCommand" ] = 1; } } // xml http request if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) x = new XMLHttpRequest(); else if( window.ActiveXObject ) { try { x = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ); } catch( e ) { x = null; } if( !x ) this.properties[ "window.ActiveXObject" ] = 0; } else x = null; this.properties[ "xmlRequest" ] = x ? 1 : 0; // first-pass check for platform this.properties[ "guess.platform" ] = 0; if( navigator.platform ) { var platform = "" + navigator.platform; platform = platform.toLowerCase(); if( platform.indexOf( "mac" ) >= 0 ) this.properties[ "guess.platform" ] = "mac"; else if( platform.indexOf( "mac" ) >= 0 ) this.properties[ "guess.platform" ] = "windows"; } // first-pass check for browser this.properties[ "guess.browser" ] = navigator.appName ? navigator.appName : 0; // create some dummy vars x = new Array(); // mozilla (has xul controllers array) if( window.controllers ) { this.properties[ "guess.browser" ] = "mozilla"; } // recent ie windows (by selection and activex and document.all) else if( this.properties[ "window.ActiveXObject" ] && document.all && !window.getSelection && !document.getSelection ) { this.properties[ "guess.platform" ] = "windows"; this.properties[ "guess.browser" ] = "ie"; } // ie mac (array object does not support the shift method) else if( !x.shift && document.all ) { this.properties[ "guess.platform" ] = "mac"; this.properties[ "guess.browser" ] = "ie"; } // safari (by selection) else if( window.getSelection && !document.getSelection ) { this.properties[ "guess.browser" ] = "safari"; } // opera (by useragent) else if( navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.match( /opera/i ) ) { this.properties[ "guess.browser" ] = "opera"; } // icab (by useragent) else if( navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.match( /icab/i ) ) { this.properties[ "guess.browser" ] = "icab"; } // screen if( screen ) { this.properties[ "screen.width" ] = screen.width; this.properties[ "screen.height" ] = screen.height; this.properties[ "screen.colorDepth" ] = screen.colorDepth; } // done this.detected = true; } TC.Gestalt.prototype.get = function( name ) { this.init(); if( !this.detected ) this.detect(); return this.properties[ name ]; } TC.Gestalt.prototype.set = function( name, value ) { this.init(); return this.properties[ name ] = value; } TC.Gestalt.prototype.toString = function() { var value = ''; for( var i in this.properties ) { if( value ) value += "&"; value += escape( i ) + "=" + escape( this.properties[ i ] ? this.properties[ i ] : 0 ); } return value; } TC.Gestalt.prototype.bake = function() { this.init(); if( !this.detected ) this.detect(); // create cookie if( !this.cookie ) { if( TC.Cookie ) this.cookie = new TC.Cookie( this.cookieName ); if( !this.cookie ) return; } // concat value var value = this.toString(); // bake this.cookie.value = value; this.cookie.path = "/"; this.cookie.bake(); } TC.Gestalt.prototype.init = function() { if( this.inited ) return; this.detected = false; this.properties = []; this.inited = true; }