Ghazascanner File Manager
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/* # Movable Type (r) (C) 2003-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: display.js 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC.Mixer.Display class for displaying mixer entry lists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* constructor */ TC.Mixer.Display = function( mixer, elementOrId, source, start, count, imageProperty ) { // basic setup this.mixer = mixer; this.id = elementOrId; this.source = source; this.start = start; this.count = count; this.imageProperty = imageProperty; this.simple = false; this.pager = true; this.events = true; this.entryElements = []; this.dirty = true; this.displayed = false; // setup closures var self = this; this.entryClickClosure = function( evt ) { return self.entryClick( evt, this.getAttribute( "entryName" ) ); }; this.prevClickClosure = function( evt ) { return self.prevClick( evt ); }; this.nextClickClosure = function( evt ) { return self.nextClick( evt ); }; } /* config */ TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.entryClassName = "tc-mixer-entry"; TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.selectedClassName = "tc-mixer-selected"; TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.selectedEntryClassName = "tc-mixer-entry tc-mixer-selected"; TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.disabledClassName = "tc-mixer-disabled"; TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.propsClassName = "tc-mixer-props"; TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.entryProperties = { "title" : "Title:", "description" : "Description:", "author" : "Author:", "tags" : "Tags:" ,"url" : "URL:" }; /* instance methods */ TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.clone = function() { var clone = new TC.Mixer.Display; for( var i in this ) clone[ i ] = this[ i ]; return clone; } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.display = function() { if( !this.init() ) return; if( this.source.length == 0 ) { this.clear(); return; } if( TC.getStyle( this.displayElement, "display" ) == "none" || TC.getStyle( this.displayElement, "visibility" ) == "hidden" ) { this.displayed = false; return; } // mark displayed this.displayed = true; // debug code // this.displayElement.innerHTML = "Page " + (this.page + 1) + " of " + // this.pageCount + " with " + this.absCount + " per page (" + this.source.length + " total)"; // start values < 0 are offsets from end var start = this.start + (this.page * this.count); if( start < 0 ) start += this.source.length; if( start < 0 || start >= this.source.length ) return; // pin end var end = start + this.count; if( end < 0 ) end = -1; else if( end >= this.source.length ) end = this.source.length; // calc delta var delta = this.count < 0 ? -1 : 1; // walk the source entry list var changed = false; var entryElements = []; for( var i = start; i != end; i += delta ) { var entry = this.source[ i ]; if( !entry ) { changed = true; continue; } var element = this.entryElements[ entryElements.length ]; // test for preexisting entry element var name = element ? element.getAttribute( "entryName" ) : null; if( entry.name != name ) { element = this.makeEntryElement( entry ); changed = true; } // set class element.className = (entry == this.mixer.entry) ? this.selectedEntryClassName : this.entryClassName; // add to list entryElements.push( element ); } // no changed? if( !changed ) return; // redisplay this.entryElements = entryElements; this.clear(); for( var i in entryElements ) { var element = entryElements[ i ]; if (typeof(element) != 'object') continue; this.displayElement.appendChild( element ); if( this.events ) { element.onclick = this.entryClickClosure; for( var j in this.mixer.entryEvents ) element[ "on" + j ] = this.mixer.entryEvents[ j ]; } } // change button display this.displayOther(); } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.displayOther = function() { // prev button if( this.pageCount == 1 || this.page == 0 ) TC.addClassName( this.prevElement, this.disabledClassName ); else TC.removeClassName( this.prevElement, this.disabledClassName ); // next button if( this.pageCount == 1 || this.page == (this.pageCount - 1) ) TC.addClassName( this.nextElement, this.disabledClassName ); else TC.removeClassName( this.nextElement, this.disabledClassName ); } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.makeEntryElement = function( entry ) { if( !entry ) return null; // check for preexisting element var element = this.simple ? this.simpleElement : this.element; if( element ) { var clone = element.cloneNode( true ); if( clone ) return clone; else return element; } // wrapper div element = this.document.createElement( "div" ); element.setAttribute( "entryName", entry.name ); element.title = entry.title || entry.name; element.className = this.entryClassName; // span var span = this.document.createElement( "span" ); span.className = "hidden"; span.innerHTML = entry.url; element.appendChild( span ); // image var img = this.document.createElement( "img" ); img.src = entry[ this.imageProperty ]; img.alt = entry.title || entry.name; element.appendChild( img ); // properties (title, description, etc) if( !this.simple ) { // property container var props = this.document.createElement( "div" ); props.className = this.propsClassName; element.appendChild( props ); for( var ep in this.entryProperties ) { // get natural language label var epLabel = this.entryProperties[ ep ]; var epValue = entry[ ep ] || " "; // fix array values if( epValue.join ) epValue = epValue.join( ", " ); // only handle strings if( typeof( epValue ) != "string" ) continue; // property var prop = this.document.createElement( "div" ); prop.className = ep; props.appendChild( prop ); // label var label = this.document.createElement( "span" ); label.className = "label"; label.appendChild( this.document.createTextNode( epLabel ) ); prop.appendChild( label ); // content var content = this.document.createElement( "span" ); content.className = "content"; if ( epLabel == "URL:") { var link = this.document.createElement( "a" ); link.href = epValue; link.appendChild( this.document.createTextNode( "CSS File" )); content.appendChild( link ); } else { content.appendChild( this.document.createTextNode( epValue ) ); } prop.appendChild( content ); } } // store it if( this.simple ) entry.simpleElement = element; else entry.element = element; // return entry element return element; } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.clear = function() { if( !this.document ) return; // find entry elements var elements = this.displayElement.childNodes; var entryElements = []; for( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) { if( TC.hasClassName( elements[ i ], this.entryClassName ) ) entryElements.push( elements[ i ] ); } // remove them for( var i in entryElements ) { try { this.displayElement.removeChild( entryElements[ i ] ); } catch( e ) {}; } } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.init = function() { // element initialization if( !this.document ) { // get display element (the content well) this.displayElement = TC.elementOrId( this.id ); if( this.displayElement ) this.id = this.displayElement.id; if( !this.displayElement ) return false; // get owner document this.document = this.displayElement.ownerDocument; if( !this.document ) this.document = document; // get prev/next buttons this.prevElement = this.document.getElementById( this.id + "-prev" ); TC.attachEvent( this.prevElement, "click", this.prevClickClosure ); this.nextElement = this.document.getElementById( this.id + "-next" ); TC.attachEvent( this.nextElement, "click", this.nextClickClosure ); // clear display this.clear(); } // check dirty bit if( !this.dirty ) return true; // calculate pages this.initPages(); // flag clean this.dirty = false; return true; } /* page functions */ TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.initPages = function() { // basic page setup this.absCount = Math.abs( this.count ); this.pageCount = Math.ceil( this.source.length / this.absCount ); this.page = 0; // use paging? if( !this.pager ) return; // find page with current entry if( this.source.length <= this.count || this.count == 1 ) return; // walk the source entry list var delta = this.count < 0 ? -1 : 1; for( var i = 0; i < this.source.length; i++ ) { // find actual offset var n = this.start + (i * delta); while( n < 0 ) n += this.source.length; while( n >= this.source.length ) n -= this.source.length; // test entry var entry = this.source[ n ]; if( entry == this.mixer.entry ) { this.page = Math.floor( i / this.absCount ); break; } } } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.setPage = function( page ) { if( page < 0 ) page = 0; else if( page >= this.pageCount ) page = this.pageCount - 1; this.page = page; } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.prevPage = function() { return this.setPage( this.page - 1 ); } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.nextPage = function() { return this.setPage( this.page + 1 ); } /* event functions */ TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.entryClick = function( evt, name ) { evt = evt || event; if( name ) this.mixer.selectEntry( name ); } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.prevClick = function( evt ) { this.prevPage(); this.display(); } TC.Mixer.Display.prototype.nextClick = function( evt ) { this.nextPage(); this.display(); }