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/* # Movable Type (r) (C) 2003-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: preview.js 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC.Preview base class for live html preview and spellcheck -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* constructor */ TC.Preview = function( id, spellCheck ) { this.id = id; this.spellCheck = spellCheck; this.updateLatency = TC.Preview.updateLatency; this.spellCheckLatency = TC.Preview.spellCheckLatency; this.spellCheckURL = TC.Preview.spellCheckURL; this.preHTML = TC.Preview.preHTML; this.postHTML = TC.Preview.postHTML; this.emptyHTML = TC.Preview.emptyHTML; TC.Preview.instances[ this.id ] = this; this.attachElements(); } /* config */ TC.Preview.updateLatency = 250; // ms TC.Preview.spellCheckLatency = 1000; TC.Preview.spellCheckURL = "/t/app/weblog/spell"; TC.Preview.preHTML = ""; TC.Preview.postHTML = ""; // "<br class='end_of_line'/>"; TC.Preview.emptyHTML = "<span class='dim'>(empty post)</span>"; /* static variables */ TC.Preview.instances = new Array(); /* static methods */ TC.Preview.clickWord = function( evt ) { evt = evt || event; var element = evt.target || evt.srcElement; // extract element and word id var bits = element.id.split( "_" ); if( !bits || bits.length != 4 ) return TC.stopEvent( evt ); // id must be in the form of: word_<ID>_<NUM>_<FRAGMENT> var id = bits[ 1 ]; var wordNum = bits[ 2 ]; var fragmentNum = bits[ 3 ]; var instance = TC.Preview.instances[ id ]; if( !instance ) return TC.stopEvent( evt ); // hand off instance.clickWord( evt, wordNum ); return TC.stopEvent( evt ); } /* instance methods */ TC.Preview.prototype.attachElements = function() { if( !this.attachAttempts ) this.attachAttempts = 0; else if( this.attachAttempts > 5 ) return; this.attachAttempts++; // get textarea editor if( !this.textarea ) { this.textarea = document.getElementById( this.id ); if( this.textarea ) { TC.allowTabs( this.textarea ); TC.attachEvent( this.textarea, "change", this.eventClosure() ); TC.attachEvent( this.textarea, "keydown", this.eventClosure() ); TC.attachEvent( this.textarea, "drop", this.eventClosure() ); TC.attachEvent( this.textarea, "dragdrop", this.eventClosure() ); TC.attachEvent( this.textarea, "mouseup", this.eventClosure() ); } } // get preview pane if( !this.preview ) this.preview = document.getElementById( this.id + "_preview" ); // try again on failure if( !this.textarea || !this.preview ) window.setTimeout( "TC.Preview.instances[ '" + this.id + "' ].attachElements();", 1000 ); // size it if( this.preview ) this.updatePreviewLatent(); } TC.Preview.prototype.eventClosure = function() { var self = this; return function( evt ) { evt = evt || event; var element = evt.target || evt.srcElement; self.updatePreviewLatent(); }; } TC.Preview.prototype.setPreviewHTML = function( html ) { // w3c iframe if( this.preview.contentDocument ) { this.preview.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = this.preHTML + html + this.postHTML; this.resizePreviewLatent(); this.resizePreview(); } // ie iframe else if( this.preview.contentWindow && this.preview.contentWindow.document && this.preview.contentWindow.document.body ) { this.preview.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = this.preHTML + html + this.postHTML; this.resizePreviewLatent(); this.resizePreview(); } // inline div else this.preview.innerHTML = this.preHTML + html + this.postHTML; } TC.Preview.prototype.resizePreviewLatent = function() { window.setTimeout( "TC.Preview.instances[ '" + this.id + "' ].resizePreview();", 25 ); } TC.Preview.prototype.resizePreview = function() { // w3c iframe if( this.preview.contentDocument ) this.preview.style.height = this.preview.contentDocument.body.scrollHeight; // ie iframe else if( this.preview.contentWindow ) this.preview.style.height = this.preview.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight; } TC.Preview.prototype.updatePreviewLatent = function() { // update this.cancelUpdatePreview(); this.previewTimeout = window.setTimeout( "TC.Preview.instances[ '" + this.id + "' ].updatePreview();", this.updateLatency ); // spell check this.cancelSpellCheck(); this.spellCheckTimeout = window.setTimeout( "TC.Preview.instances[ '" + this.id + "' ].initSpellCheck();", this.spellCheckLatency ); } TC.Preview.fractureLineRegExp = /(\s+)?(\S+)(\s+)?/g; TC.Preview.prototype.updatePreview = function() { if( !this.textarea || !this.preview ) return; // update with empty html if( !this.textarea || !this.textarea.value.length ) this.setPreviewHTML( this.emptyHTML ); // update with raw non-spellchecked html else if( !this.spellCheck || !this.badWordList || !this.badWordList.length ) this.setPreviewHTML( this.textarea.value ); // update with annotated html else { this.fractureHTML(); this.clickWords = new Array(); // walk fractured html var html = ''; for( var i = 0; i < this.fractured.length; i++ ) { if( this.fractured[ i ].length == 0 ) continue; if( this.fractured[ i ].charAt( 0 ) == '<' ) html += this.fractured[ i ]; else { // split the line var line = this.fractured[ i ].match( TC.Preview.fractureLineRegExp ); if( !line ) { html += this.fractured[ i ]; continue; } // walk the line for( var j = 0; j < line.length; j++ ) { // find each word for( var k = 0; k < this.badWordList.length; k++ ) { var word = this.words[ this.badWordList[ k ] ]; if( line[ j ].match( word.regExp ) ) { line[ j ] = line[ j ].replace( word.regExp, "<span class='wrong' id='word_" + this.id + "_" + this.clickWords.length + "_0" + "' onClick='return window.parent.TC.Preview.clickWord( event );'>" + RegExp.$1 + "</span>" ); this.clickWords.push( word ); } } } // add line html += line.join( '' ); } } // push to preview this.setPreviewHTML( html ); } } TC.Preview.prototype.cancelUpdatePreview = function() { if( this.previewTimeout ) window.clearTimeout( this.previewTimeout ); } TC.Preview.prototype.initSpellCheck = function() { this.cancelSpellCheck(); if( !this.spellCheck ) return; if( !this.extractNewWords() ) return; // flatten word list var newWords = this.newWordList.join( ' ' ); if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) this.xmlRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); else if( window.ActiveXObject ) this.xmlRequest = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ); if( this.xmlRequest ) { var self = this; var processSpellCheck = function() { return self.processSpellCheck(); } this.xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = processSpellCheck; this.xmlRequest.open( "POST", this.spellCheckURL, true ); this.xmlRequest.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); this.xmlRequest.send( "words=" + newWords ); this.processSpellCheck(); } } TC.Preview.prototype.cancelSpellCheck = function() { if( this.spellCheckTimeout ) window.clearTimeout( this.spellCheckTimeout ); if( this.xmlRequest && this.xmlRequest.readyState < 4 ) this.xmlRequest.abort(); } TC.Preview.prototype.processSpellCheck = function() { if( !this.xmlRequest || this.xmlRequest.readyState < 4 || !this.xmlRequest.responseXML ) return; // debug code //var textarea = document.getElementById( this.id + "_text" ); //textarea.value = this.xmlRequest.responseText; // extract word list var wordNodes = this.xmlRequest.responseXML.getElementsByTagName( 'word' ); for( var i = 0; i < wordNodes.length; i++ ) { // only allow valid non-zero length words var wordValue = wordNodes[ i ].getAttribute( "value" ); if( !wordValue || !wordValue.length ) continue; // create new word object if necessary if( !this.words[ wordValue ] ) this.words[ wordValue ] = new TC.Preview.Word( wordValue ); var word = this.words[ wordValue ]; if( word.ignored ) continue; // mark as checked, wrong and clear suggestion list word.checked = true; word.good = false; word.clearSuggestions(); // get suggestions var sugNodes = wordNodes[ i ].getElementsByTagName( 'sug' ); for( var j = 0; j < sugNodes.length; j++ ) { var sug = sugNodes[ j ].getAttribute( "value" ); word.addSuggestion( sug ); } }; this.makeBadWordList(); this.updatePreview(); } TC.Preview.fractureHTMLRegExp = /(\<[^\>]+\>)?([^\<]+)?/g; TC.Preview.prototype.fractureHTML = function() { this.fractured = new Array(); var self = this; var fractureFunc = function( zero, one, two ) { if( one && one.length ) self.fractured.push( one ); if( two && two.length ) self.fractured.push( two ); return ''; }; var fractureFuncOld = function() { // ie can't use RegExp object, but can use arguments array if( arguments[ 1 ] ) self.fractured.push( arguments[ 1 ] ); else if( RegExp.$0 && RegExp.$1 ) self.fractured.push( RegExp.$1 ); if( arguments[ 2 ] ) self.fractured.push( arguments[ 2 ] ); else if( RegExp.$0 && RegExp.$2 ) self.fractured.push( RegExp.$2 ); }; // odd hack this.textarea.value.replace( TC.Preview.fractureHTMLRegExp, fractureFunc ); // debug code var textarea = document.getElementById( this.id + "_text" ); textarea.value = self.fractured.join( "" ); } // TC.Preview.matchWordsRegExp = /\b(\S|'+?)\b/g; TC.Preview.matchWordsRegExp = /(\S+)/g; TC.Preview.prototype.extractNewWords = function() { if( !this.words ) this.words = new Array(); if( !this.newWordList ) this.newWordList = new Array(); this.newWordList.length = 0; this.fractureHTML(); if( this.fractured.length ) { // skip tag lines var i = this.fractured[ 0 ].length && this.fractured[ 0 ].charAt( 0 ) == '<' ? 1 : 0; for( i; i < this.fractured.length; i += 2 ) { var lineWords = this.fractured[ i ].match( TC.Preview.matchWordsRegExp ); if( !lineWords || lineWords.length == 0 ) continue; for( var j = 0; j < lineWords.length; j++ ) { var wordValue = lineWords[ j ].toLowerCase(); if( !this.words[ wordValue ] ) this.words[ wordValue ] = new TC.Preview.Word( wordValue ); if( this.words[ wordValue ].checked || this.words[ wordValue ].ignored ) continue; this.newWordList.push( wordValue ); } } } return this.newWordList.length; } TC.Preview.prototype.makeBadWordList = function() { if( !this.words ) return; this.badWordList = new Array(); for( var wordValue in this.words ) { var word = this.words[ wordValue ]; if( word.ignored || word.good ) continue; this.badWordList.push( word.word ); } } TC.Preview.prototype.clickWord = function( evt, wordNum ) { evt = evt || event; var element = evt.target || evt.srcElement; var word = this.clickWords[ wordNum ]; if( !word ) return M; // fixme: do cool stuff here var text = word.word + "\n"; for( var sug in word.suggestions ) text += "---> " + sug + "\n"; alert( text ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TC.Preview.Word spellcheck word class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TC.Preview.Word = function( word ) { this.word = word; this.escaped = escape( word ); this.regExp = new RegExp( "\\b(" + word + ")\\b", "i" ); this.good = true; this.ignored = false; this.checked = false; this.count = 0; this.suggestions = new Array(); } TC.Preview.Word.prototype.addSuggestion = function( sug ) { if( !sug || sug.length == 0 || this.suggestions[ sug ] ) return; this.suggestions[ sug ] = true; } TC.Preview.Word.prototype.removeSuggestion = function( sug ) { if( !sug || sug.length == 0 || !this.suggestions[ sug ] ) return; delete this.suggestions[ sug ]; } TC.Preview.Word.prototype.clearSuggestions = function() { this.suggestions = new Array(); }