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/* $Id: Iframe.js 199 2007-05-24 12:59:30Z ddavis $ Copyright Six Apart, Ltd. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms is subject to the Six Apart JavaScript license: http://code.sixapart.com/svn/js/trunk/LICENSE.txt */ Editor.Iframe = new Class( Component, { FORMAT_BLOCK_TAG: "div", /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param element <code>Node</code> The dom node to use for the rich-text editor area. * @param editor <code>Editor</code> The "manager" of this object. */ initObject: function( element, editor ) { arguments.callee.applySuper( this, arguments ); this.editor = editor; this.window = this.element.contentWindow; this.document = this.element.contentDocument || this.element.contentWindow.document; if( defined( this.document.body.contentEditable ) ) this.document.body.contentEditable = true; else this.document.designMode = "on"; try { this.document.execCommand( "useCSS", false, true ); this.document.execCommand( "styleWithCSS", false, false ); } catch( e ) {} // clear out the document completely this.document.body.innerHTML = " "; }, destroyObject: function() { this.savedSelection = null; this.document = null; this.window = null; this.editor = null; arguments.callee.applySuper( this, arguments ); }, /* events */ /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> */ initEventListeners: function() { this.addEventListener( this.document, "mousedown", "eventMouseDown", true ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "mouseup", "eventMouseUp", true ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "mouseover", "eventMouseOver", false ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "mouseout", "eventMouseOut", false ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "click", "eventClick", true ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "dblclick", "eventDoubleClick", true ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "contextmenu", "eventContextMenu" ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "keydown", "eventKeyDown", true ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "keypress", "eventKeyPress", true ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "keyup", "eventKeyUp", true ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "focus", "eventFocus" ); this.addEventListener( this.document, "focusin", "eventFocusIn" ); this.addEventListener( this.window, "blur", "eventBlur" ); this.addEventListener( this.element, "beforedeactivate", "eventBeforeDeactivate" ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * See the class-level jsdoc on this event. * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. */ eventBlur: function( event ) { this.saveSelection(); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * See class-level jsdoc on this event. * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. */ eventBeforeDeactivate: function( event ) { if( event.target !== this.element ) return; this.saveSelection(); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> See doc on <code>this.eventKeyPress</code>. * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. * @return variant <ul> * <li><code>boolean</code> <code>false</code> if keydown was an * application-level command (i.e., save-post). </li> * <li>. . . or otherwise, <code>undefined</code> if no character deletion was performed</li> * <li> . . . or otherwise, <code>variant</code> -- the result of the * <code>this.captureDelete</code> method</li> * </ul> */ eventKeyDown: function( event ) { if( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) { // Here is a hook to allow the application ('app') responds to its own keybindings. var appBinding = app.eventKeyDown ? app.eventKeyDown( event ) : void 0; if( defined( appBinding ) ) return appBinding; } this.monitorSelection(); this.editor.setChanged(); switch( event.keyCode ) { case 8: // backspace case 46: // delete return this.captureDelete( event ); } }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> This method is used for handling * application-specific event-modifier-key commands, such as save-post. However, the * specific commands themselves are left up to extending classes of <code>Editor</code>. * The associciated events need to be stopped to prevent them from triggering operating-system specific * actions, such as the save-this-page-as dialog on ('cntrl/cmd-s'). * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. * @return variant <ul> * <li><code>boolean</code> <code>false</code>if a valid Editor command was * sent in the event (i.e., bold, * italic, etc.) or application-level command (i.e., save-post) * exists in the key event command</li> * <li> . . . or otherwise, nothing (result <code>undefined</code>)</li> * </ul> */ eventKeyPress: function( event ) { var command = this.editor.getKeyEventCommand( event ); if( command ) { this.execCommand( command, false, null ); return event.stop(); } }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. */ eventKeyUp: function( event ) { this.monitorSelection( event ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. * @return boolean true (always -- for IE 6: Ensure the survival of this event beyond the capturing.) */ eventMouseDown: function( event ) { this.monitorSelection( event ); return true; }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. */ eventMouseUp: function( event ) { this.eventClick( event ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. */ eventClick: function( event ) { this.monitorSelection( event ); }, /* misc */ /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. */ focus: function( event ) { if( this.element.focus ) { // try-catches silence incorrect NS error on Mozilla (FF 1.5). try { this.element.focus(); } catch ( e ) {}; } if( this.window.focus ) { try { this.window.focus(); } catch ( e ) {}; } this.monitorSelection( event ); }, /* selection */ /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @return Selection The current selection in the rich-text editor, or the * insertion point (collapsed selection). */ getSelection: function() { return DOM.getSelection( this.window, this.document ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * Used for saving the selection on browsers that lose the current selection when * a screen element outside of the current selection is clicked/selected. */ saveSelection: function() { var selection = this.getSelection(); if( selection.createRange ) { var range = selection.createRange(); if( range.parentElement ) { var element = range.parentElement(); if( element && element.ownerDocument === this.document ) this.savedSelection = range.getBookmark(); } } else if( selection.getRangeAt ) this.savedSelection = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneRange(); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> */ restoreSelection: function() { this.focus(); if( !this.savedSelection ) return; var selection = this.getSelection(); if( selection.createRange ) { var range = this.document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToBookmark( this.savedSelection ); range.select(); } else if( selection.getRangeAt ) { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange( this.savedSelection ); } this.savedSelection = null; }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> */ deleteSelection: function() { var selection = this.getSelection(); // internet explorer if( selection.createRange ) { var range = selection.createRange(); range.execCommand( "delete", false, null ); } // mozilla else { this.document.execCommand( "delete", false, null ); } }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * Keep the insertion point and selection in sane condition. * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. */ monitorSelection: function( event ) { var selection = this.getSelection(); // mozilla/w3c: if( selection.rangeCount ) { this.editor.updateToolbar( selection ); var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneRange(); var collapsed = range.collapsed; if( event && event.type == "mousedown" && event.button != 2 ) { // The 'range' methods don't deselect. selection.collapse( selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset ); // Don't do this on right-click collapsed = true; } // test for immutable elements var immutable = DOM.getImmutable( range.startContainer ); if( immutable ) { range.setStartBefore( immutable ); if( collapsed ) range.collapse( true ); else range.setEndAfter( immutable ); } // test for mouseup, setting caret at the end of a link else if( collapsed && event && event.type && event.type.match( /keyup|mouseup/ ) ) { var arrowKey = ""; if( event.keyCode == 37 ) arrowKey = "left"; else if( event.keyCode == 39 ) arrowKey = "right"; this.setCaretOutsideElement( selection, range, arrowKey, event.type.match( /mouseup/ ) ); } // nada else return; // do it selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange( range ); } else { // If the user did not type a printing character, update the toolbar button state: if( event && event.type.match( /keyup|mouseup/ ) ) { // Note: 'jsc' doesn't work with literal w.s. in literal regexps. if( event.keyCode && ( new RegExp( "\\w| " ).test( String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode ) ) ) ) return; // ** FIX - regexp above won't work with non-Latin charsets; check range.text.length, etc. instead. var updateToolbar = this.editor.getIndirectMethod( "updateToolbar" ); var callUpdate = function() { updateToolbar( selection ); }; // IE needs the time; otherwise, new Timer( callUpdate, 400, 1 ); // it sometimes returns the wrong object as the selection. } } }, /* immutables */ /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param node <code>Node</code> Any dom node. * @return Node If element is not a text node and meets requirements of method * <code>DOM.isImmutable</code> (<code>null</code> otherwise). */ isContentOrImmutable: function( node ) { if( node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue.match( /\S/ ) ) return null; if( DOM.isImmutable( node ) ) return node; }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param node <code>Node</code> Any dom node. * @return Node (<code>null</code> if none) */ getPreviousImmutable: function( node ) { return DOM.Proxy.forPrevious( node, this.isContentOrImmutable ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param node <code>Node</code> Any dom node. * @return Node (<code>null</code> if none) */ getNextImmutable: function( node ) { return DOM.Proxy.forNext( node, this.isContentOrImmutable ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * Perform deletion in a manner pleasing to the user. * @param event <code>Event</code> A prepared event object. * @return variant <ul> * <li><code>undefined</code> if <code>event.ctrlKey</code> or * w3c/mozilla selection</li> * <li> . . . or otherwise, <code>boolean</code> <code>false</code>.</li> * </ul> */ captureDelete: function( event ) { var selection = this.getSelection(); if( event.ctrlKey ) return; // Control deletes/backspaces work fine natively. // internet explorer control selection if( selection.type == "Control" ) this.deleteSelection(); // internet explorer zero-width text selection else if( selection.createRange && selection.type == "None" ) { var range = selection.createRange(); var bookmark = range.getBookmark(); // - - - - Prep range for deletion: if( event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 46 ) { // backspace is 8; delete is 46. var vector = event.keyCode == 8 ? -1 : 1; var originalText = range.text; range.moveStart( "character", vector ); // Avoid getting stuck behind a block-level element: If not on text, go into fight-IE-to-the-death mode: if( vector == -1 && !range.text.length ) { range.moveStart( "character", vector ); // Pegged! if( range.text.length ) // Catch-and-release if in a block level element containing text. range.moveStart( "character", ( -1 ) * vector ); var nonCharDelete = true; } } range.select(); // - - - - Do deletion: selection = this.getSelection(); if( selection.type == "Control" || nonCharDelete ) { // Handle non-characters and hard-to-delete situ's: // .*. // Nuke! '''*((@))*''' this.deleteSelection(); // . . ' ._|_. ' . . range.select(); // Needed to avoid cursor jumping after deletion. } else { // Easy deletions: Handle deletion/backspace of a character and other situations: if( vector == 1 ) { // IE needs a helping-hand with forward-delete: range.moveToBookmark( bookmark ); range.select(); } else if( range.text == originalText ) { // Avoid forward-deleting on backspace at top of post: range.collapse( true ); // Keeps the selection easy for IE to handle (avoid lock-up). return false; } // Catch-all for the easy deletions: this.document.execCommand( "delete", false, null ); } } // mozilla else if( selection.getRangeAt ) { if( !selection.isCollapsed ) return; var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ); var node = range.startContainer; var offset = range.startOffset; var immutable; // backspace if( event.keyCode == 8 && ( node.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE || offset == 0 ) ) { immutable = this.getPreviousImmutable( node ); try { if( immutable ) range.setStartBefore( immutable ); } catch( e ) {} } // delete else if( event.keyCode == 46 && ( node.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE || offset == node.nodeValue.length ) ) { immutable = this.getNextImmutable( node ); try { if( immutable ) range.setEndAfter( immutable ); } catch( e ) {} } // set the selection to enclose the immutable if( immutable ) { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange( range ); this.deleteSelection(); // let mozilla handle deletion? } return; } // anything else else this.document.execCommand( "delete", false, null ); // we own these keys return event.stop(); }, /* html filtering */ /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @return string The html "behind" the display in the rich-text editor area. */ getHTML: function() { var html = this.document.body.innerHTML; return html; }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * Set all the html of the rich-text editor. * @param html <code>string</code> The html to set. */ setHTML: function( html ) { this.formatBlock(); // bugid: 39059 this.document.body.innerHTML = html; }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param html <code>string</code> The html to insert at point. * @param select <code>boolean</code> OPTIONAL Whether or not to select the inserted html (works on * text selections only). * @param id <code>string</code> OPTIONAL Only needed and used on IE (6 at this time). * An i.d. to use to retrieve the inserted element, used if * element cannot be found via the <code>selection</code> object (as is the case on IE 6 * when pasting in an html element). * @param isTempId <code>boolean</code> OPTIONAL If <code>true</code>, remove the <code>id</code> * attribute supplied above after the method is done using it. * @return Node An object that is the inserted element. */ insertHTML: function( html, select, id, isTempId ) { this.beginCommand(); this.restoreSelection(); var selection = this.getSelection(); var inserted = null; if( selection.createRange ) { // Internet Explorer (IE) var range = selection.createRange(); if( selection.type == "None" || selection.type == "Text" ) { try { range.pasteHTML( html ); } catch ( err ) { log( "Error pasting html on selection of type 'Text' or 'None': " + err ); } if( defined( id ) ) { inserted = this.document.getElementById( id ); if( select ) range.moveToElementText( inserted ); } else { if( range.moveStart ) { range.moveStart( "character", ( ( html.length ) * ( -1 ) ) ); inserted = range.parentElement(); } } if( select ) range.select(); } else { // IE 'Control' selection range.item( 0 ).outerHTML = html; // Not perfect but much better than nothing. inserted = range.item( 0 ); } } // mozilla: Try to use w3c "range" methods where possible instead of proprietary "selection" methods. else if( selection.getRangeAt ) { var range; if( selection.rangeCount ) range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ); else { range = this.document.createRange(); range.setStart( this.document.body, 0 ); range.setEnd( this.document.body, 0 ); selection.addRange( range ); } var anchor = range.startContainer; // Enable the user to set caret after inserted element by clicking there: if( selection && range && this.isCaretAtEnd( selection, range ) ) { var paragraph = this.document.createElement( this.FORMAT_BLOCK_TAG ); paragraph.insertBefore( this.document.createElement( "br" ), null ); this.document.getElementsByTagName( "body" )[ 0 ].insertBefore( paragraph, null ); } if( select && anchor.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && !html.match( /<[a-z][a-z]*\s/i ) ) { // Consider improving. range.setStart( anchor, selection.anchorOffset ); var insertNode = this.document.createTextNode( html ); range.insertNode( insertNode ); var inserted = insertNode; } else { var pS = anchor.previousSibling; // Cache for check below: var nS = anchor.nextSibling; this.document.execCommand( "insertHTML", false, html ); if( pS !== anchor.previousSibling ) // We simply check what changed to find the target to select. inserted = anchor.previousSibling; else if( nS !== anchor.nextSibling ) inserted = anchor.nextSibling; else inserted = anchor.firstChild; } if( defined( id ) ) // Final optional override of 'inserted' value: inserted = this.document.getElementById( id ); if( inserted && inserted.tagName && inserted.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a" ) this.tagJustInserted = true; // See class-level jsdoc. if( select ) { range.selectNode( inserted ); this.monitorSelection(); // Required for Mozilla for proper arrow keys on highlighted link. } selection.addRange( range ); } if( isTempId && inserted ) { inserted.id = undefined; // For IE 6. inserted.removeAttribute( "id" ); } this.endCommand(); return inserted; }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * Set the caret outside of the first inline ancestor element, if any, of the starting container of the * first range in the current selection <em>if</em> the user has tried (via the arrow or mousebutton) * to get out of the element. For example, put the caret outside of a link (anchor element) * when the user is at an edge of the link. This method is needed since FF 1+ will not otherwise easily * "end" hyperlinks and other inline containers as the user is typing. * @param selection <code>Selection</code> The current selection. * @param range <code>Range</code> OPTIONAL The first range from the current selection * @param arrowKey <code>String</code> OPTIONAL If supplied, value must be 'left' or 'right'. As a workaround * for FF 1.5, when 'tagJustInserted' is <code>true</code> (see jsdoc above), method will * put the caret to the side specified by 'arrowKey' of the first inline ancestor element, if any. * @param mouseUp <code>boolean</code> OPTIONAL Whether the user has just moused-up. */ setCaretOutsideElement: function( selection, range, arrowKey, mouseUp ) { if( selection.rangeCount ) { // w3c (Mozilla, etc) if( !range ) range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneRange(); var node = range.startContainer; var nodeLength = node.data ? node.data.length : node.childNodes.length; var element = this.getFirstAncestorElementByDisplayType( node, true, true ); if( element && DOM.isInlineNode( element ) ) { if( !arrowKey && !mouseUp ) return; if( ( ( arrowKey == "left" && this.tagJustInserted ) || range.startOffset == 0 ) && !node.previousSibling ) { // 'tagJustInserted' is a workaround for FF 1.5; see jsdoc above. var t = ( element.previousSibling && element.previousSibling.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) ? element.previousSibling : element.ownerDocument.createTextNode( "" ); element.parentNode.insertBefore( t, element ); range.setStart( t, t.data.length ); range.collapse( true ); } else if( ( ( arrowKey == "right" && this.tagJustInserted ) || range.endOffset >= nodeLength ) && !node.nextSibling ) { var t = ( element.nextSibling && element.nextSibling.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) ? element.nextSibling : element.ownerDocument.createTextNode( "" ); element.parentNode.insertBefore( t, element.nextSibling ); range.setEnd( t, 0 ); range.collapse( false ); } } } }, isCaretAtEnd: function( selection, range ) { var focusNode = range.endContainer; // Return 'false' if there exists a following node: if( focusNode.nextSibling ) return false; var node = focusNode; while ( node && node.parentNode && ( !node.parentNode.tagName || node.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != "body" ) ) { node = node.parentNode; if( node.nextSibling ) return false; } if( focusNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) { if( range.endOffSet < focusNode.nodeValue.length ) return false; // 'false' if text node and not at end of text. } return true; }, getFirstAncestorElementByDisplayType: function( element, inline, includeSelf ) { var ancestors = DOM.getAncestors( element, includeSelf ); for( var i = 0; i < ancestors.length; i++ ) { if( ancestors[ i ].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) continue; if( inline && DOM.isInlineNode( ancestors[ i ] ) || !inline && !DOM.isInlineNode( ancestors[ i ] ) ) return ancestors[ i ]; } }, isTextSelected: function() { var selection = this.getSelection(); if( !selection ) return; if( (selection.type && selection.type == "Text") || // IE 6 (selection.toString && (selection + '').length) ) // w3c return true; }, getSelectedLink: function() { var selection = this.getSelection(); var selectionRange = new SelectionRange( selection ); return DOM.getFirstAncestorByTagName( selectionRange.getCommonAncestorContainer(), "a" ) || DOM.filterElementsByTagName( selectionRange.getNodes(), "a" )[ 0 ]; }, /* commands */ /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * Prepares the <code>body</code> element with the appropriate css classname. */ beginCommand: function() { DOM.addClassName( this.document.body, "editor-transient" ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * Removes the appropriate css classname from the <code>body</code> element. */ endCommand: function() { DOM.removeClassName( this.document.body, "editor-transient" ); }, /** * class: <code>Editor.Iframe</code><br/> * @param command <code>string</code> A valid rich-text-editor command identifier. These can be * either application-specific (non-native) commands, or native commands. The native commands are * identified and defined in the user-agent OEM <a * href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/commandids.asp">documentation</a> * on msdn.com for the Internet Explorer browser, which is a de-facto standard followed by the other * rich-text editor, and in the Mozilla <a * href="http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midas-spec.html">Midas documentation.</a><br/> * Note: The result of the execCommand operation does return a boolean value (<code>true</code> if * successful), but this is not wired currently. * @param userInterface <code>boolean</code> See the documentation linked above. * @param argument <code>string</code> See the documentation linked above. */ execCommand: function( command, userInterface, argument ) { this.beginCommand(); this.restoreSelection(); log( command ); switch( command ) { case "unlink": this.commandUnlink( argument ); break; case "createLink": if( command == "createLink" ) { var selection = this.getSelection(); this.tagJustInserted = true; // See jsdoc. } default: this.extendedExecCommand( command, userInterface, argument ); } this.monitorSelection(); this.endCommand(); this.editor.setChanged(); }, /** * Override this method with extended <code>execCommand</code> functionality, if any. * @param command <code>string</code> A valid rich-text-editor command identifier. See the * documentation of the <code>execCommand</code> method. * @param userInterface <code>boolean</code> See the documentation linked above. * @param argument <code>string</code> See the documentation linked above. */ extendedExecCommand: function( command, userInterface, argument ) { this.document.execCommand( command, userInterface, argument ); }, commandUnlink: function( argument ) { var element = this.getSelectedLink(); if( !element ) return false; var selection = this.getSelection(); if( selection.getRangeAt ) { var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ); range.selectNode( element ); } else if( element.select ) element.select(); this.document.execCommand( "unlink", false, null ); }, formatBlock: function() { this.document.execCommand( "formatBlock", false, this.FORMAT_BLOCK_TAG ); } } );