Ghazascanner File Manager
server :Linux phosweb010 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 19 16:18:59 UTC 2020 x86_64
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package URI::_query; use strict; use URI (); use URI::Escape qw(uri_unescape); sub query { my $self = shift; $$self =~ m,^([^?\#]*)(?:\?([^\#]*))?(.*)$,s or die; if (@_) { my $q = shift; $$self = $1; if (defined $q) { $q =~ s/([^$URI::uric])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/go; $$self .= "?$q"; } $$self .= $3; } $2; } # Handle ...?foo=bar&bar=foo type of query sub query_form { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->query; if (@_) { # Try to set query string my @query; while (my($key,$vals) = splice(@_, 0, 2)) { $key = '' unless defined $key; $key =~ s/([;\/?:@&=+,\$%])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/g; $key =~ s/ /+/g; $vals = [ref($vals) ? @$vals : $vals]; for my $val (@$vals) { $val = '' unless defined $val; $val =~ s/([;\/?:@&=+,\$%])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/g; $val =~ s/ /+/g; push(@query, "$key=$val"); } } $self->query(join('&', @query)); } return if !defined($old) || !length($old) || !defined(wantarray); return unless $old =~ /=/; # not a form map { s/\+/ /g; uri_unescape($_) } map { /=/ ? split(/=/, $_, 2) : ($_ => '')} split(/&/, $old); } # Handle ...?dog+bones type of query sub query_keywords { my $self = shift; my $old = $self->query; if (@_) { # Try to set query string my @copy = @_; for (@copy) { s/([;\/?:@&=+,\$%])/$URI::Escape::escapes{$1}/g; } $self->query(join('+', @copy)); } return if !defined($old) || !defined(wantarray); return if $old =~ /=/; # not keywords, but a form map { uri_unescape($_) } split(/\+/, $old, -1); } # Some URI::URL compatibility stuff *equery = \&query; 1;