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<?php // ================================================================== // Author: Justin Vincent (justin@visunet.ie) // Web: http://php.justinvincent.com // Name: ezSQL // Desc: Class to make it very easy to deal with MS SQL database connections. // // N.B. ezSQL was converted for use with MS SQL // by Tom De Bruyne (tom@challenge.be). // // !! IMPORTANT !! // // Please send me a mail telling me what you think of ezSQL // and what your using it for!! Cheers. [ justin@visunet.ie ] // // ================================================================== // User Settings -- CHANGE HERE define("EZSQL_DB_USER", ""); // <-- MS SQL Server db user define("EZSQL_DB_PASSWORD", ""); // <-- MS SQL Server db password define("EZSQL_DB_NAME", ""); // <-- MS SQL Server db pname define("EZSQL_DB_HOST", ""); // <-- MS SQL Server server host // ================================================================== // ezSQL Constants define("EZSQL_VERSION","1.26"); define("OBJECT","OBJECT",true); define("ARRAY_A","ARRAY_A",true); define("ARRAY_N","ARRAY_N",true); // ================================================================== // The Main Class class ezsql { var $debug_called; var $vardump_called; var $show_errors = true; var $num_queries = 0; var $debug_all = false; var $last_query; var $col_info; // ================================================================== // DB Constructor - connects to the server and selects a database function db($dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost) { $this->dbh = @mssql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); if ( ! $this->dbh ) { $this->print_error("<ol><b>Error establishing a database connection!</b><li>Are you sure you have the correct user/password?<li>Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?<li>Are you sure that the database server is running?</ol>"); } $this->select("[$dbname]"); } // ================================================================== // Select a DB (if another one needs to be selected) function select($db) { if ( FALSE == mssql_select_db ($db) ) { $this->print_error("<ol><b>Error establishing a database connection!</b><li>Are you sure you have the correct user/password?<li>Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?<li>Are you sure that the database server is running?</ol>"); die; } } // ==================================================================== // Format a string correctly for safe insert under all PHP conditions function escape($str) { // This deals with quote escaping $str = str_replace("'","''",str_replace("\'","'",$str)); // These values need to be escaped for ms sql $escape = array ( "\n"=>"\\\\012","\r"=>"\\\\015"); // Firstly unescape foreach ( $escape as $match => $replace ) { $str = str_replace($match,$replace,$str); } return $str; } // ================================================================== // Print SQL/DB error. function print_error($str = "") { // All erros go to the global error array $EZSQL_ERROR.. global $EZSQL_ERROR; // if no special error, take last mssql error if ( !$str ) $str = mssql_get_last_message(); // Log this error to the global array.. $EZSQL_ERROR[] = array ( "query" => $this->last_query, "error_str" => $str ); // Is error output turned on or not.. if ( $this->show_errors ) { // If there is an error then take note of it print "<blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=ff0000>"; print "<b>SQL/DB Error --</b> "; print "[<font color=000077>$str</font>]"; print "</font></blockquote>"; } else { return false; } } // ================================================================== // Turn error handling on or off.. function show_errors() { $this->show_errors = true; } function hide_errors() { $this->show_errors = false; } // ================================================================== // Kill cached query results function flush() { // Get rid of these $this->last_result = null; $this->col_info = null; $this->last_query = null; } // ================================================================== // Basic Query - see docs for more detail function query($query) { // For reg expressions $query = trim($query); // Flush cached values.. $this->flush(); // Log how the function was called $this->func_call = "\$db->query(\"$query\")"; // Keep track of the last query for debug.. $this->last_query = $query; // Perform the query via std mssql_query function.. $this->result = @mssql_query($query, $this->dbh); $this->num_queries++; // Unfortunately, PHP fuctions for MS SQL currently don't offer a decent way // to retrieve errors from MS SQL // Make sure not to run a query between the actual query and this one ! $get_errorcode = "SELECT @@ERROR as errorcode"; $error_res = @mssql_query($get_errorcode, $this->dbh); $errorcode = @mssql_result($error_res, 0, "errorcode"); // If there was an insert, delete or update see how many rows were affected // (Also, If there there was an insert take note of the last OID $query_type = array("insert","delete","update","replace"); // loop through the above array foreach ( $query_type as $word ) { // This is true if the query starts with insert, delete or update if ( preg_match("/^$word\s+/i",$query) ) { $this->rows_affected = @mssql_rows_affected ($this->dbh); // This gets the insert ID if ( $word == "insert" || $word == "replace" ) { $get_last_ident = "SELECT @@IDENTITY as id"; $last_res = @mssql_query($get_last_ident, $this->dbh); $this->insert_id = @mssql_result($last_res, 0, "id"); // If insert id then return it - true evaluation return $this->insert_id; } // Set to false if there was no insert id $this->result = false; } } if ($errorcode <> 0) { // there is an error $this->print_error(); } else { // ======================================================= // Take note of column info $i=0; while ($i < @mssql_num_fields($this->result)) { $this->col_info[$i]->name = @mssql_field_name($this->result,$i); $this->col_info[$i]->type = @mssql_field_type($this->result,$i); $this->col_info[$i]->size = @mssql_field_length($this->result,$i); $i++; } // ======================================================= // Store Query Results $i=0; while ( $row = @mssql_fetch_object($this->result) ) { // Store relults as an objects within main array $this->last_result[$i] = $row; $i++; } // Log number of rows the query returned $this->num_rows = $i; //} @mssql_free_result($this->result); // If this was a select.. if ( preg_match("/^(select|show|desc)\s+/i",$query) ) { // If debug ALL queries $this->debug_all ? $this->debug() : null ; // If there were results then return true for $db->query if ( $i ) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { // If debug ALL queries $this->debug_all ? $this->debug() : null ; // Update insert etc. was good.. return true; } } } // ================================================================== // Get one variable from the DB - see docs for more detail function get_var($query=null,$x=0,$y=0) { // Log how the function was called $this->func_call = "\$db->get_var(\"$query\",$x,$y)"; // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results.. if ( $query ) { $this->query($query); } // Extract var out of cached results based x,y vals if ( $this->last_result[$y] ) { $values = array_values(get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y])); } // If there is a value return it else return null return (isset($values[$x]) && $values[$x]!=='')?$values[$x]:null; } // ================================================================== // Get one row from the DB - see docs for more detail function get_row($query=null,$output=OBJECT,$y=0) { // Log how the function was called $this->func_call = "\$db->get_row(\"$query\",$output,$y)"; // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results.. if ( $query ) { $this->query($query); } // If the output is an object then return object using the row offset.. if ( $output == OBJECT ) { return $this->last_result[$y]?$this->last_result[$y]:null; } // If the output is an associative array then return row as such.. elseif ( $output == ARRAY_A ) { return $this->last_result[$y]?get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y]):null; } // If the output is an numerical array then return row as such.. elseif ( $output == ARRAY_N ) { return $this->last_result[$y]?array_values(get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y])):null; } // If invalid output type was specified.. else { $this->print_error(" \$db->get_row(string query, output type, int offset) -- Output type must be one of: OBJECT, ARRAY_A, ARRAY_N"); } } // ================================================================== // Function to get 1 column from the cached result set based in X index // se docs for usage and info function get_col($query=null,$x=0) { // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results.. if ( $query ) { $this->query($query); } // Extract the column values for ( $i=0; $i < count($this->last_result); $i++ ) { $new_array[$i] = $this->get_var(null,$x,$i); } return $new_array; } // ================================================================== // Return the the query as a result set - see docs for more details function get_results($query=null, $output = OBJECT) { // Log how the function was called $this->func_call = "\$db->get_results(\"$query\", $output)"; // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results.. if ( $query ) { $this->query($query); } // Send back array of objects. Each row is an object if ( $output == OBJECT ) { return $this->last_result; } elseif ( $output == ARRAY_A || $output == ARRAY_N ) { if ( $this->last_result ) { $i=0; foreach( $this->last_result as $row ) { $new_array[$i] = get_object_vars($row); if ( $output == ARRAY_N ) { $new_array[$i] = array_values($new_array[$i]); } $i++; } return $new_array; } else { return null; } } } // ================================================================== // Function to get column meta data info pertaining to the last query // see docs for more info and usage function get_col_info($info_type="name",$col_offset=-1) { if ( $this->col_info ) { if ( $col_offset == -1 ) { $i=0; foreach($this->col_info as $col ) { $new_array[$i] = $col->{$info_type}; $i++; } return $new_array; } else { return $this->col_info[$col_offset]->{$info_type}; } } } // ================================================================== // Dumps the contents of any input variable to screen in a nicely // formatted and easy to understand way - any type: Object, Var or Array function vardump($mixed='') { echo "<p><table><tr><td bgcolor=ffffff><blockquote><font color=000090>"; echo "<pre><font face=arial>"; if ( ! $this->vardump_called ) { echo "<font color=800080><b>ezSQL</b> (v".EZSQL_VERSION.") <b>Variable Dump..</b></font>\n\n"; } $var_type = gettype ($mixed); print_r(($mixed?$mixed:"<font color=red>No Value / False</font>")); echo "\n\n<b>Type:</b> " . ucfirst($var_type) . "\n"; echo "<b>Last Query</b> [$this->num_queries]<b>:</b> ".($this->last_query?$this->last_query:"NULL")."\n"; echo "<b>Last Function Call:</b> " . ($this->func_call?$this->func_call:"None")."\n"; echo "<b>Last Rows Returned:</b> ".count($this->last_result)."\n"; echo "</font></pre></font></blockquote></td></tr></table>".$this->donation(); echo "\n<hr size=1 noshade color=dddddd>"; $this->vardump_called = true; } // Alias for the above function function dumpvar($mixed) { $this->vardump($mixed); } // ================================================================== // Displays the last query string that was sent to the database & a // table listing results (if there were any). // (abstracted into a seperate file to save server overhead). function debug() { echo "<blockquote>"; // Only show ezSQL credits once.. if ( ! $this->debug_called ) { echo "<font color=800080 face=arial size=2><b>ezSQL</b> (v".EZSQL_VERSION.") <b>Debug..</b></font><p>\n"; } echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Query</b> [$this->num_queries] <b>--</b> "; echo "[<font color=000000><b>$this->last_query</b></font>]</font><p>"; echo "<font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Query Result..</b></font>"; echo "<blockquote>"; if ( $this->col_info ) { // ===================================================== // Results top rows echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=555555>"; echo "<tr bgcolor=eeeeee><td nowrap valign=bottom><font color=555599 face=arial size=2><b>(row)</b></font></td>"; for ( $i=0; $i < count($this->col_info); $i++ ) { echo "<td nowrap align=left valign=top><font size=1 color=555599 face=arial>{$this->col_info[$i]->type} {$this->col_info[$i]->max_length}</font><br><span style='font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;'>{$this->col_info[$i]->name}</span></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; // ====================================================== // print main results if ( $this->last_result ) { $i=0; foreach ( $this->get_results(null,ARRAY_N) as $one_row ) { $i++; echo "<tr bgcolor=ffffff><td bgcolor=eeeeee nowrap align=middle><font size=2 color=555599 face=arial>$i</font></td>"; foreach ( $one_row as $item ) { echo "<td nowrap><font face=arial size=2>$item</font></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } } // if last result else { echo "<tr bgcolor=ffffff><td colspan=".(count($this->col_info)+1)."><font face=arial size=2>No Results</font></td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } // if col_info else { echo "<font face=arial size=2>No Results</font>"; } echo "</blockquote></blockquote>".$this->donation()."<hr noshade color=dddddd size=1>"; $this->debug_called = true; } // ======================================================= // Naughty little function to ask for some remuniration! function donation() { return "<font size=1 face=arial color=000000>If ezSQL has helped <a href=\"https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=justin%40justinvincent.com&item_name=ezSQL&no_note=1&tax=0\" style=\"color: 0000CC;\">make a donation!?</a> [ go on! you know you want to! ]</font>"; } } // automatically create a new $db object #$db = new db(EZSQL_DB_USER, EZSQL_DB_PASSWORD, EZSQL_DB_NAME, EZSQL_DB_HOST); ?>