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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: MTUtil.php 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ function start_end_ts($ts) { if ($ts) { if (strlen($ts) == 4) { $ts_start = $ts . '0101'; $ts_end = $ts . '1231'; } elseif (strlen($ts) == 6) { $ts_start = $ts . '01'; $ts_end = $ts . sprintf("%02d", days_in(substr($ts, 4, 2), substr($ts, 0, 4))); } else { $ts_start = $ts; $ts_end = $ts; } } return array($ts_start . '000000', $ts_end . '235959'); } function start_end_month($ts) { $y = substr($ts, 0, 4); $mo = substr($ts, 4, 2); $start = sprintf("%04d%02d01000000", $y, $mo); $end = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d235959", $y, $mo, days_in($mo, $y)); return array($start, $end); } function days_in($m, $y) { return date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y)); } function start_end_day($ts) { $day = substr($ts, 0, 8); return array($day . "000000", $day . "235959"); } function start_end_year($ts) { $year = substr($ts, 0, 4); return array($year . "0101000000", $year . "1231235959"); } function start_end_week($ts) { $y = substr($ts, 0, 4); $mo = substr($ts, 4, 2); $d = substr($ts, 6, 2); $h = substr($ts, 8, 2); $s = substr($ts, 10, 2); $wday = wday_from_ts($y, $mo, $d); list($sd, $sm, $sy) = array($d - $wday, $mo, $y); if ($sd < 1) { $sm--; if ($sm < 1) { $sm = 12; $sy--; } $sd += days_in($sm, $sy); } $start = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%s", $sy, $sm, $sd, "000000"); list($ed, $em, $ey) = array($d + 6 - $wday, $mo, $y); if ($ed > days_in($em, $ey)) { $ed -= days_in($em, $ey); $em++; if ($em > 12) { $em = 1; $ey++; } } $end = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%s", $ey, $em, $ed, "235959"); return array($start, $end); } global $In_Year; $In_Year = array( array( 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 ), array( 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 ), ); function week2ymd($y, $week) { $jan_one_dow_m1 = (ymd2rd($y, 1, 1) + 6) % 7; if ($jan_one_dow_m1 < 4) $week--; $day_of_year = $week * 7 - $jan_one_dow_m1; $leap_year = is_leap_year($y); if ($day_of_year < 1) { $y--; $day_of_year = ($leap_year ? 366 : 365) + $day_of_year; } if ($leap_year) { $ref = array(0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335); } else { $ref = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334); } $m = 0; for ($i = count($ref); $i > 0; $i--) { if ($day_of_year > $ref[$i-1]) { $m = $i; break; } } return array($y, $m, $day_of_year - $ref[$m-1]); } function is_leap_year($y) { return (!($y % 4) && ($y % 100)) || !($y % 400) ? true : false; } function ymd2rd($y,$m,$d) { # make month in range 3..14 (treat Jan & Feb as months 13..14 of # prev year) if ( $m <= 2 ) { $adj = (int)(( 14 - $m ) / 12); $y -= $adj; $m += 12 * $adj; } elseif ( $m > 14 ) { $adj = (int)(( $m - 3 ) / 12); $y += $adj; $m -= 12 * $adj; } # make year positive (oh, for a use integer 'sane_div'!) if ( $y < 0 ) { $adj = (int)(( 399 - $y ) / 400); $d -= 146097 * $adj; $y += 400 * $adj; } # add: day of month, days of previous 0-11 month period that began # w/March, days of previous 0-399 year period that began w/March # of a 400-multiple year), days of any 400-year periods before # that, and 306 days to adjust from Mar 1, year 0-relative to Jan # 1, year 1-relative (whew) $d += (int)(( $m * 367 - 1094 ) / 12) + (int)((($y % 100) * 1461) / 4) + ( (int)($y / 100) * 36524 + (int)($y / 400) ) - 306; return $d; } function wday_from_ts($y, $m, $d) { global $In_Year; $leap = $y % 4 == 0 && ($y % 100 != 0 || $y % 400 == 0) ? 1 : 0; $y--; ## Copied from Date::Calc. $days = $y * 365; $days += $y >>= 2; $days -= intval($y /= 25); $days += $y >> 2; $days += $In_Year[$leap][$m-1] + $d; return $days % 7; } function yday_from_ts($y, $m, $d) { global $In_Year; $leap = $y % 4 == 0 && ($y % 100 != 0 || $y % 400 == 0) ? 1 : 0; return $In_Year[$leap][$m-1] + $d; } function substr_wref($str, $start, $length) { if (preg_match_all('/(&[^;]*;|.)/', $str, $character_entities)) { return implode('', array_slice($character_entities[0], $start, $length)); } else { return ''; } } function format_ts($format, $ts, $blog, $lang = null) { global $Languages; if (!isset($lang) || empty($lang)) { global $mt; $lang = ($blog && $blog['blog_language'] ? $blog['blog_language'] : $mt->config('DefaultLanguage')); } if ($lang == 'jp') { $lang = 'ja'; } $lang = strtolower(substr($lang, 0, 2)); if (!isset($format) || empty($format)) { if (count($Languages[$lang]) >= 4) $format = $Languages[$lang][3]; $format or $format = "%B %e, %Y %l:%M %p"; } global $_format_ts_cache; if (!isset($_format_ts_cache)) { $_format_ts_cache = array(); } if (isset($_format_ts_cache[$ts.$lang])) { $f = $_format_ts_cache[$ts.$lang]; } else { $L = $Languages[$lang]; $tsa = array(substr($ts, 0, 4), substr($ts, 4, 2), substr($ts, 6, 2), substr($ts, 8, 2), substr($ts, 10, 2), substr($ts, 12, 2)); list($f['Y'], $f['m'], $f['d'], $f['H'], $f['M'], $f['S']) = $tsa; $f['w'] = wday_from_ts($tsa[0],$tsa[1],$tsa[2]); $f['j'] = yday_from_ts($tsa[0],$tsa[1],$tsa[2]); $f['y'] = substr($f['Y'], 2); $f['b'] = substr_wref($L[1][$f['m']-1], 0, 3); $f['B'] = $L[1][$f['m']-1]; if ($lang == 'ja') { $f['a'] = substr($L[0][$f['w']], 0, 8); } else { $f['a'] = substr_wref($L[0][$f['w']], 0, 3); } $f['A'] = $L[0][$f['w']]; $f['e'] = $f['d']; $f['e'] = preg_replace('!^0!', ' ', $f['e']); $f['I'] = $f['H']; if ($f['I'] > 12) { $f['I'] -= 12; $f['p'] = $L[2][1]; } elseif ($f['I'] == 0) { $f['I'] = 12; $f['p'] = $L[2][0]; } elseif ($f['I'] == 12) { $f['p'] = $L[2][1]; } else { $f['p'] = $L[2][0]; } $f['I'] = sprintf("%02d", $f['I']); $f['k'] = $f['H']; $f['k'] = preg_replace('!^0!', ' ', $f['k']); $f['l'] = $f['I']; $f['l'] = preg_replace('!^0!', ' ', $f['l']); $f['j'] = sprintf("%03d", $f['j']); $f['Z'] = ''; $_format_ts_cache[$ts . $lang] = $f; } $date_format = null; if (count($Languages[$lang]) >= 5) $date_format = $Languages[$lang][4]; $date_format or $date_format = "%B %e, %Y"; $time_format = null; if (count($Languages[$lang]) >= 6) $time_format = $Languages[$lang][5]; $time_format or $time_format = "%l:%M %p"; $format = preg_replace('!%x!', $date_format, $format); $format = preg_replace('!%X!', $time_format, $format); ## This is a dreadful hack. I can't think of a good format specifier ## for "%B %Y" (which is used for monthly archives, for example) so ## I'll just hardcode this, for Japanese dates. if ($lang == 'ja') { if (count($Languages[$lang]) >= 8) { $format = preg_replace('!%B %Y!', $Languages[$lang][6], $format); $format = preg_replace('!%B %E,? %Y!i', $Languages[$lang][4], $format); $format = preg_replace('!%B %E!', $Languages[$lang][7], $format); } } if (isset($format)) { $format = preg_replace('!%(\w)!e', '\$f[\'\1\']', $format); } return $format; } function dirify($s, $sep = '_') { global $mt; $charset = $mt->config('PublishCharset'); $charset or $charset = 'utf-8'; if (preg_match('/utf-?8/i', $charset)) { return utf8_dirify($s, $sep); } else { return iso_dirify($s, $sep); } } function utf8_dirify($s, $sep = '_') { if ($sep == '1') $sep = '_'; $s = xliterate_utf8($s); ## convert high-ASCII chars to 7bit. $s = strtolower($s); ## lower-case. $s = strip_tags($s); ## remove HTML tags. $s = preg_replace('!&[^;\s]+;!', '', $s); ## remove HTML entities. $s = preg_replace('![^\w\s]!', '', $s); ## remove non-word/space chars. $s = preg_replace('/\s+/',$sep,$s); ## change space chars to underscores. return($s); } global $Utf8_ASCII; $Utf8_ASCII = array( "\xc3\x80" => 'A', # A` "\xc3\xa0" => 'a', # a` "\xc3\x81" => 'A', # A' "\xc3\xa1" => 'a', # a' "\xc3\x82" => 'A', # A^ "\xc3\xa2" => 'a', # a^ "\xc4\x82" => 'A', # latin capital letter a with breve "\xc4\x83" => 'a', # latin small letter a with breve "\xc3\x86" => 'AE', # latin capital letter AE "\xc3\xa6" => 'ae', # latin small letter ae "\xc3\x85" => 'A', # latin capital letter a with ring above "\xc3\xa5" => 'a', # latin small letter a with ring above "\xc4\x80" => 'A', # latin capital letter a with macron "\xc4\x81" => 'a', # latin small letter a with macron "\xc4\x84" => 'A', # latin capital letter a with ogonek "\xc4\x85" => 'a', # latin small letter a with ogonek "\xc3\x84" => 'A', # A: "\xc3\xa4" => 'a', # a: "\xc3\x83" => 'A', # A~ "\xc3\xa3" => 'a', # a~ "\xc3\x88" => 'E', # E` "\xc3\xa8" => 'e', # e` "\xc3\x89" => 'E', # E' "\xc3\xa9" => 'e', # e' "\xc3\x8a" => 'E', # E^ "\xc3\xaa" => 'e', # e^ "\xc3\x8b" => 'E', # E: "\xc3\xab" => 'e', # e: "\xc4\x92" => 'E', # latin capital letter e with macron "\xc4\x93" => 'e', # latin small letter e with macron "\xc4\x98" => 'E', # latin capital letter e with ogonek "\xc4\x99" => 'e', # latin small letter e with ogonek "\xc4\x9a" => 'E', # latin capital letter e with caron "\xc4\x9b" => 'e', # latin small letter e with caron "\xc4\x94" => 'E', # latin capital letter e with breve "\xc4\x95" => 'e', # latin small letter e with breve "\xc4\x96" => 'E', # latin capital letter e with dot above "\xc4\x97" => 'e', # latin small letter e with dot above "\xc3\x8c" => 'I', # I` "\xc3\xac" => 'i', # i` "\xc3\x8d" => 'I', # I' "\xc3\xad" => 'i', # i' "\xc3\x8e" => 'I', # I^ "\xc3\xae" => 'i', # i^ "\xc3\x8f" => 'I', # I: "\xc3\xaf" => 'i', # i: "\xc4\xaa" => 'I', # latin capital letter i with macron "\xc4\xab" => 'i', # latin small letter i with macron "\xc4\xa8" => 'I', # latin capital letter i with tilde "\xc4\xa9" => 'i', # latin small letter i with tilde "\xc4\xac" => 'I', # latin capital letter i with breve "\xc4\xad" => 'i', # latin small letter i with breve "\xc4\xae" => 'I', # latin capital letter i with ogonek "\xc4\xaf" => 'i', # latin small letter i with ogonek "\xc4\xb0" => 'I', # latin capital letter with dot above "\xc4\xb1" => 'i', # latin small letter dotless i "\xc4\xb2" => 'IJ', # latin capital ligature ij "\xc4\xb3" => 'ij', # latin small ligature ij "\xc4\xb4" => 'J', # latin capital letter j with circumflex "\xc4\xb5" => 'j', # latin small letter j with circumflex "\xc4\xb6" => 'K', # latin capital letter k with cedilla "\xc4\xb7" => 'k', # latin small letter k with cedilla "\xc4\xb8" => 'k', # latin small letter kra "\xc5\x81" => 'L', # latin capital letter l with stroke "\xc5\x82" => 'l', # latin small letter l with stroke "\xc4\xbd" => 'L', # latin capital letter l with caron "\xc4\xbe" => 'l', # latin small letter l with caron "\xc4\xb9" => 'L', # latin capital letter l with acute "\xc4\xba" => 'l', # latin small letter l with acute "\xc4\xbb" => 'L', # latin capital letter l with cedilla "\xc4\xbc" => 'l', # latin small letter l with cedilla "\xc4\xbf" => 'l', # latin capital letter l with middle dot "\xc5\x80" => 'l', # latin small letter l with middle dot "\xc3\x92" => 'O', # O` "\xc3\xb2" => 'o', # o` "\xc3\x93" => 'O', # O' "\xc3\xb3" => 'o', # o' "\xc3\x94" => 'O', # O^ "\xc3\xb4" => 'o', # o^ "\xc3\x96" => 'O', # O: "\xc3\xb6" => 'o', # o: "\xc3\x95" => 'O', # O~ "\xc3\xb5" => 'o', # o~ "\xc3\x98" => 'O', # O/ "\xc3\xb8" => 'o', # o/ "\xc5\x8c" => 'O', # latin capital letter o with macron "\xc5\x8d" => 'o', # latin small letter o with macron "\xc5\x90" => 'O', # latin capital letter o with double acute "\xc5\x91" => 'o', # latin small letter o with double acute "\xc5\x8e" => 'O', # latin capital letter o with breve "\xc5\x8f" => 'o', # latin small letter o with breve "\xc5\x92" => 'OE', # latin capital ligature oe "\xc5\x93" => 'oe', # latin small ligature oe "\xc5\x94" => 'R', # latin capital letter r with acute "\xc5\x95" => 'r', # latin small letter r with acute "\xc5\x98" => 'R', # latin capital letter r with caron "\xc5\x99" => 'r', # latin small letter r with caron "\xc5\x96" => 'R', # latin capital letter r with cedilla "\xc5\x97" => 'r', # latin small letter r with cedilla "\xc3\x99" => 'U', # U` "\xc3\xb9" => 'u', # u` "\xc3\x9a" => 'U', # U' "\xc3\xba" => 'u', # u' "\xc3\x9b" => 'U', # U^ "\xc3\xbb" => 'u', # u^ "\xc3\x9c" => 'U', # U: "\xc3\xbc" => 'u', # u: "\xc5\xaa" => 'U', # latin capital letter u with macron "\xc5\xab" => 'u', # latin small letter u with macron "\xc5\xae" => 'U', # latin capital letter u with ring above "\xc5\xaf" => 'u', # latin small letter u with ring above "\xc5\xb0" => 'U', # latin capital letter u with double acute "\xc5\xb1" => 'u', # latin small letter u with double acute "\xc5\xac" => 'U', # latin capital letter u with breve "\xc5\xad" => 'u', # latin small letter u with breve "\xc5\xa8" => 'U', # latin capital letter u with tilde "\xc5\xa9" => 'u', # latin small letter u with tilde "\xc5\xb2" => 'U', # latin capital letter u with ogonek "\xc5\xb3" => 'u', # latin small letter u with ogonek "\xc3\x87" => 'C', # ,C "\xc3\xa7" => 'c', # ,c "\xc4\x86" => 'C', # latin capital letter c with acute "\xc4\x87" => 'c', # latin small letter c with acute "\xc4\x8c" => 'C', # latin capital letter c with caron "\xc4\x8d" => 'c', # latin small letter c with caron "\xc4\x88" => 'C', # latin capital letter c with circumflex "\xc4\x89" => 'c', # latin small letter c with circumflex "\xc4\x8a" => 'C', # latin capital letter c with dot above "\xc4\x8b" => 'c', # latin small letter c with dot above "\xc4\x8e" => 'D', # latin capital letter d with caron "\xc4\x8f" => 'd', # latin small letter d with caron "\xc4\x90" => 'D', # latin capital letter d with stroke "\xc4\x91" => 'd', # latin small letter d with stroke "\xc3\x91" => 'N', # N~ "\xc3\xb1" => 'n', # n~ "\xc5\x83" => 'N', # latin capital letter n with acute "\xc5\x84" => 'n', # latin small letter n with acute "\xc5\x87" => 'N', # latin capital letter n with caron "\xc5\x88" => 'n', # latin small letter n with caron "\xc5\x85" => 'N', # latin capital letter n with cedilla "\xc5\x86" => 'n', # latin small letter n with cedilla "\xc5\x89" => 'n', # latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe "\xc5\x8a" => 'N', # latin capital letter eng "\xc5\x8b" => 'n', # latin small letter eng "\xc3\x9f" => 'ss', # double-s "\xc5\x9a" => 'S', # latin capital letter s with acute "\xc5\x9b" => 's', # latin small letter s with acute "\xc5\xa0" => 'S', # latin capital letter s with caron "\xc5\xa1" => 's', # latin small letter s with caron "\xc5\x9e" => 'S', # latin capital letter s with cedilla "\xc5\x9f" => 's', # latin small letter s with cedilla "\xc5\x9c" => 'S', # latin capital letter s with circumflex "\xc5\x9d" => 's', # latin small letter s with circumflex "\xc8\x98" => 'S', # latin capital letter s with comma below "\xc8\x99" => 's', # latin small letter s with comma below "\xc5\xa4" => 'T', # latin capital letter t with caron "\xc5\xa5" => 't', # latin small letter t with caron "\xc5\xa2" => 'T', # latin capital letter t with cedilla "\xc5\xa3" => 't', # latin small letter t with cedilla "\xc5\xa6" => 'T', # latin capital letter t with stroke "\xc5\xa7" => 't', # latin small letter t with stroke "\xc8\x9a" => 'T', # latin capital letter t with comma below "\xc8\x9b" => 't', # latin small letter t with comma below "\xc6\x92" => 'f', # latin small letter f with hook "\xc4\x9c" => 'G', # latin capital letter g with circumflex "\xc4\x9d" => 'g', # latin small letter g with circumflex "\xc4\x9e" => 'G', # latin capital letter g with breve "\xc4\x9f" => 'g', # latin small letter g with breve "\xc4\xa0" => 'G', # latin capital letter g with dot above "\xc4\xa1" => 'g', # latin small letter g with dot above "\xc4\xa2" => 'G', # latin capital letter g with cedilla "\xc4\xa3" => 'g', # latin small letter g with cedilla "\xc4\xa4" => 'H', # latin capital letter h with circumflex "\xc4\xa5" => 'h', # latin small letter h with circumflex "\xc4\xa6" => 'H', # latin capital letter h with stroke "\xc4\xa7" => 'h', # latin small letter h with stroke "\xc5\xb4" => 'W', # latin capital letter w with circumflex "\xc5\xb5" => 'w', # latin small letter w with circumflex "\xc3\x9d" => 'Y', # latin capital letter y with acute "\xc3\xbd" => 'y', # latin small letter y with acute "\xc5\xb8" => 'Y', # latin capital letter y with diaeresis "\xc3\xbf" => 'y', # latin small letter y with diaeresis "\xc5\xb6" => 'Y', # latin capital letter y with circumflex "\xc5\xb7" => 'y', # latin small letter y with circumflex "\xc5\xbd" => 'Z', # latin capital letter z with caron "\xc5\xbe" => 'z', # latin small letter z with caron "\xc5\xbb" => 'Z', # latin capital letter z with dot above "\xc5\xbc" => 'z', # latin small letter z with dot above "\xc5\xb9" => 'Z', # latin capital letter z with acute "\xc5\xba" => 'z', # latin small letter z with acute ); function xliterate_utf8($s) { global $Utf8_ASCII; return strtr($s, $Utf8_ASCII); } function iso_dirify($s, $sep = '_') { if ($sep == '1') $sep = '_'; $s = convert_high_ascii($s); ## convert high-ASCII chars to 7bit. $s = strtolower($s); ## lower-case. $s = strip_tags($s); ## remove HTML tags. $s = preg_replace('!&[^;\s]+;!', '', $s); ## remove HTML entities. $s = preg_replace('![^\w\s]!', '', $s); ## remove non-word/space chars. $s = preg_replace('/\s+/',$sep,$s); ## change space chars to underscores. return($s); } global $Latin1_ASCII; $Latin1_ASCII = array( "\xc0" => 'A', # A` "\xe0" => 'a', # a` "\xc1" => 'A', # A' "\xe1" => 'a', # a' "\xc2" => 'A', # A^ "\xe2" => 'a', # a^ "\xc4" => 'A', # A: "\xe4" => 'a', # a: "\xc5" => 'A', # Aring "\xe5" => 'a', # aring "\xc6" => 'AE', # AE "\xe6" => 'ae', # ae "\xc3" => 'A', # A~ "\xe3" => 'a', # a~ "\xc8" => 'E', # E` "\xe8" => 'e', # e` "\xc9" => 'E', # E' "\xe9" => 'e', # e' "\xca" => 'E', # E^ "\xea" => 'e', # e^ "\xcb" => 'E', # E: "\xeb" => 'e', # e: "\xcc" => 'I', # I` "\xec" => 'i', # i` "\xcd" => 'I', # I' "\xed" => 'i', # i' "\xce" => 'I', # I^ "\xee" => 'i', # i^ "\xcf" => 'I', # I: "\xef" => 'i', # i: "\xd2" => 'O', # O` "\xf2" => 'o', # o` "\xd3" => 'O', # O' "\xf3" => 'o', # o' "\xd4" => 'O', # O^ "\xf4" => 'o', # o^ "\xd6" => 'O', # O: "\xf6" => 'o', # o: "\xd5" => 'O', # O~ "\xf5" => 'o', # o~ "\xd8" => 'O', # O/ "\xf8" => 'o', # o/ "\xd9" => 'U', # U` "\xf9" => 'u', # u` "\xda" => 'U', # U' "\xfa" => 'u', # u' "\xdb" => 'U', # U^ "\xfb" => 'u', # u^ "\xdc" => 'U', # U: "\xfc" => 'u', # u: "\xc7" => 'C', # ,C "\xe7" => 'c', # ,c "\xd1" => 'N', # N~ "\xf1" => 'n', # n~ "\xdd" => 'Y', # Yacute "\xfd" => 'y', # yacute "\xdf" => 'ss', # szlig "\xff" => 'y' # yuml ); function convert_high_ascii($s) { global $mt; $lang = $mt->config('DefaultLanguage'); if ($lang == 'ja') { $s = mb_convert_encoding($s, 'UTF-8'); return $s; } global $Latin1_ASCII; return strtr($s, $Latin1_ASCII); } global $Languages; $Languages = array( 'en' => array( array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'), array('January','February','March','April','May','June', 'July','August','September','October','November','December'), array('AM','PM'), ), 'fr' => array( array('dimanche','lundi','mardi','mercredi','jeudi','vendredi','samedi' ), array('janvier', "février", 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', "août", 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', "décembre"), array('AM','PM'), ), 'es' => array( array('Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', "Miércoles", 'Jueves', 'Viernes', "Sábado"), array('Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio','Julio','Agosto', 'Septiembre','Octubre','Noviembre','Diciembre'), array('AM','PM'), ), 'pt' => array( array('domingo', 'segunda-feira', "terça-feira", 'quarta-feira', 'quinta-feira', 'sexta-feira', "sábado"), array('janeiro', 'fevereiro', "março", 'abril', 'maio', 'junho', 'julho', 'agosto', 'setembro', 'outubro', 'novembro', 'dezembro' ), array('AM','PM'), ), 'nl' => array( array('zondag','maandag','dinsdag','woensdag','donderdag','vrijdag', 'zaterdag'), array('januari','februari','maart','april','mei','juni','juli','augustus', 'september','oktober','november','december'), array('am','pm'), "%d %B %Y %H:%M", "%d %B %Y" ), 'dk' => array( array("søndag", 'mandag', 'tirsdag', 'onsdag', 'torsdag', 'fredag', "lørdag"), array('januar','februar','marts','april','maj','juni','juli','august', 'september','oktober','november','december'), array('am','pm'), "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%Y", "%H:%M", ), 'se' => array( array("söndag", "måndag", 'tisdag', 'onsdag', 'torsdag', 'fredag', "lördag"), array('januari','februari','mars','april','maj','juni','juli','augusti', 'september','oktober','november','december'), array('FM','EM'), ), 'no' => array( array("Søndag", "Mandag", 'Tirsdag', 'Onsdag', 'Torsdag', 'Fredag', "Lørdag"), array('Januar','Februar','Mars','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August', 'September','Oktober','November','Desember'), array('FM','EM'), ), 'de' => array( array('Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag', 'Samstag'), array('Januar', 'Februar', "März", 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'), array('FM','EM'), "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%y", "%H:%M", ), 'it' => array( array('Domenica', "Lunedì", "Martedì", "Mercoledì", "Giovedì", "Venerdì", 'Sabato'), array('Gennaio','Febbraio','Marzo','Aprile','Maggio','Giugno','Luglio', 'Agosto','Settembre','Ottobre','Novembre','Dicembre'), array('AM','PM'), "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%y", "%H:%M", ), 'pl' => array( array('niedziela', "poniedziałek", 'wtorek', "środa", 'czwartek', "piątek", 'sobota'), array('stycznia', 'lutego', 'marca', 'kwietnia', 'maja', 'czerwca', 'lipca', 'sierpnia', "września", "października", 'listopada', 'grudnia'), array('AM','PM'), "%e %B %Y %k:%M", "%e %B %Y", "%k:%M", ), 'fi' => array( array('sunnuntai','maanantai','tiistai','keskiviikko','torstai','perjantai', 'lauantai'), array('tammikuu', 'helmikuu', 'maaliskuu', 'huhtikuu', 'toukokuu', "kesäkuu", "heinäkuu", 'elokuu', 'syyskuu', 'lokakuu', 'marraskuu', 'joulukuu'), array('AM','PM'), "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", ), 'is' => array( array('Sunnudagur', "Mánudagur", "Þriðjudagur", "Miðvikudagur", 'Fimmtudagur', "Föstudagur", 'Laugardagur'), array("janúar", "febrúar", 'mars', "apríl", "maí", "júní", "júlí", "ágúst", 'september', "október", "nóvember", 'desember'), array('FH','EH'), "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", ), 'si' => array( array('nedelja', 'ponedeljek', 'torek', 'sreda', "ãetrtek", 'petek', 'sobota'), array('januar','februar','marec','april','maj','junij','julij','avgust', 'september','oktober','november','december'), array('AM','PM'), "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", ), 'cz' => array( array('Neděle', 'Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota'), array('Leden', 'Únor', 'Březen', 'Duben', 'Květen', 'Červen', 'Červenec', 'Srpen', 'Září', 'Øíjen', 'Listopad', 'Prosinec'), array('AM','PM'), "%e. %B %Y %k:%M", "%e. %B %Y", "%k:%M", ), 'sk' => array( array('nedeľa', 'pondelok', 'utorok', 'streda', 'štvrtok', 'piatok', 'sobota'), array('január', 'február', 'marec', 'apríl', 'máj', 'jún', 'júl', 'august', 'september', 'október', 'november', 'december'), array('AM','PM'), "%e. %B %Y %k:%M", "%e. %B %Y", "%k:%M", ), 'jp' => array( array('日曜日', '月曜日', '火曜日', '水曜日', '木曜日', '金曜日', '土曜日'), array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12'), array('AM','PM'), "%Y年%b月%e日 %H:%M", "%Y年%b月%e日", "%H:%M", "%Y年%b月", "%b月%e日", ), 'ja' => array( array('日曜日', '月曜日', '火曜日', '水曜日', '木曜日', '金曜日', '土曜日'), array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12'), array('AM','PM'), "%Y年%b月%e日 %H:%M", "%Y年%b月%e日", "%H:%M", "%Y年%b月", "%b月%e日", ), 'et' => array( array('ipühapäev','esmaspäev','teisipäev', 'kolmapäev','neljapäev','reede','laupäev'), array('jaanuar', 'veebruar', 'märts', 'aprill', 'mai', 'juuni', 'juuli', 'august', 'september', 'oktoober', 'november', 'detsember'), array('AM','PM'), "%m.%d.%y %H:%M", "%e. %B %Y", "%H:%M", ), ); global $_encode_xml_Map; $_encode_xml_Map = array('&' => '&', '"' => '"', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '\'' => '''); function encode_xml($str, $nocdata = 0) { global $mt, $_encode_xml_Map; $cfg_nocdata = $mt->config('NoCDATA'); $nocdata or (isset($cfg_nocdata) and $nocdata = $cfg_nocdata); if ((!$nocdata) && (preg_match('/ <[^>]+> ## HTML markup | ## or &(?:(?!(\#([0-9]+)|\#x([0-9a-fA-F]+))).*?); ## something that looks like an HTML entity. /x', $str))) { ## If ]]> exists in the string, encode the > to >. $str = preg_replace('/]]>/', ']]>', $str); $str = '<![CDATA[' . $str . ']]>'; } else { $str = strtr($str, $_encode_xml_Map); $str = preg_replace('/&((\#([0-9]+)|\#x([0-9a-fA-F]+)).*?);/', "&$1;", $str); } return $str; } function decode_xml($str) { if (preg_match('/<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)]]>/', $str)) { $str = preg_replace('/<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)]]>/', '\1', $str); ## Decode encoded ]]> $str = preg_replace('/]]&(gt|#62);/', ']]>', $str); } else { global $_encode_xml_Map; $str = strtr($str, array_flip($_encode_xml_Map)); } return $str; } function encode_js($str) { if (!isset($str)) return ''; $str = preg_replace('!\\\\!', '\\\\', $str); $str = preg_replace('!>!', '\\>', $str); $str = preg_replace('!<!', '\\<', $str); $str = preg_replace('!(s)(cript)!i', '$1\\\\$2', $str); $str = preg_replace('!</!', '<\\/', $str); # </ is supposed to be the end of Javascript (</script in most UA) $str = preg_replace('!\'!', '\\\'', $str); $str = preg_replace('!"!', '\\"', $str); $str = preg_replace('!\n!', '\\n', $str); $str = preg_replace('!\f!', '\\f', $str); $str = preg_replace('!\r!', '\\r', $str); $str = preg_replace('!\t!', '\\t', $str); return $str; } function gmtime($ts = null) { if (!isset($ts)) { $ts = time(); } $offset = date('Z', $ts); $ts -= $offset; $tsa = localtime($ts); $tsa[8] = 0; return $tsa; } function is_hash($array) { if ( is_array($array) ) { if ( array_keys($array) === range(0, count($array) - 1) ) { // 0,1,2,3... must be an array return false; } return true; } return false; } function offset_time_list($ts, $blog = null, $dir = null) { return gmtime(offset_time($ts, $blog, $dir)); } function strip_hyphen($s) { return preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $s); } function first_n_words($text, $n) { $text = strip_tags($text); $words = preg_split('/\s+/', $text); $max = count($words) > $n ? $n : count($words); return join(' ', array_slice($words, 0, $max)); } function html_text_transform($str = '') { $paras = preg_split('/\r?\n\r?\n/', $str); if ($str == '') { return ''; } foreach ($paras as $k => $p) { if (!preg_match('/^<\/?(?:h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|table|ol|dl|ul|menu|dir|p|pre|center|form|select|fieldset|blockquote|address|div|hr)/', $p)) { $p = preg_replace('/\r?\n/', "<br />\n", $p); $p = "<p>$p</p>"; $paras[$k] = $p; } } return implode("\n\n", $paras); } function encode_html($str, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT) { if (!isset($str)) return ''; $trans_table = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style); if( $trans_table["'"] != ''' ) { # some versions of PHP match single quotes to ' $trans_table["'"] = '''; } return (strtr($str, $trans_table)); } function decode_html($str, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT) { if (!isset($str)) return ''; $trans_table = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style); if( $trans_table["'"] != ''' ) { # some versions of PHP match single quotes to ' $trans_table["'"] = '''; } return (strtr($str, array_flip($trans_table))); } function get_category_context(&$ctx) { # Get our hands on the category for the current context # Either in MTCategories, a Category Archive Template # Or the category for the current entry $cat = $ctx->stash('category') or $ctx->stash('archive_category'); if (!isset($cat)) { # No category found so far, test the entry if ($ctx->stash('entry')) { $entry = $ctx->stash('entry'); $cat = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_category($entry['placement_category_id']); # Return empty string if entry has no category # as the tag has been used in the correct context # but there is no category to work with if (!isset($cat)) { return null; } } else { $tag = $ctx->this_tag(); return $ctx->error("$tag must be used in a category context"); } } return $cat; } function munge_comment($text, $blog) { if (!$blog['blog_allow_comment_html']) { $text = strip_tags($text); } if ($blog['blog_autolink_urls']) { $text = preg_replace('!(^|\s|>)(https?://[^\s<]+)!s', '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>', $text); } return $text; } function length_text($text) { if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $len = strlen($text); } else { $len = mb_strlen($text); } return $len; } function substr_text($text, $startpos, $length) { if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $text = substr($text, $startpos, $length); } else { $text = mb_substr($text, $startpos, $length); } return $text; } function first_n_text($text, $n) { if (!isset($lang) || empty($lang)) { global $mt; $lang = ($blog && $blog['blog_language'] ? $blog['blog_language'] : $mt->config('DefaultLanguage')); } if ($lang == 'jp') { $lang = 'ja'; } if ($lang == 'ja') { $text = strip_tags($text); $text = preg_replace('/\r?\n/', " ", $text); return substr_text($text, 0, $n); }else{ return first_n_words($text, $n); } } function tag_split_delim($delim, $str) { $delim = quotemeta($delim); $tags = array(); $str = trim($str); while (strlen($str) && (preg_match("/^(((['\"])(.*?)\3[^$delim]*?|.*?)($delim\s*|$))/s", $str, $match))) { $str = substr($str, strlen($match[1])); $tag = (isset($match[4]) && $match[4] != '') ? $match[4] : $match[2]; $tag = trim($tag); $tag = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $tag); $n8d_tag = tag_normalize($tag); if ($n8d_tag != '') if ($tag != '') $tags[] = $tag; } return $tags; } function tag_split($str) { return tag_split_delim(',', $str); } function catarray_path_length_sort($a, $b) { $al = strlen($a['category_label_path']); $bl = strlen($b['category_label_path']); return $al == $bl ? 0 : $al < $bl ? 1 : -1; } # sorts by length of category label, from longest to shortest function catarray_length_sort($a, $b) { $al = strlen($a['category_label']); $bl = strlen($b['category_label']); return $al == $bl ? 0 : $al < $bl ? 1 : -1; } function create_expr_exception($m) { if ($m[2]) return '(0)'; else return $m[1]; } function create_cat_expr_function($expr, &$cats, $param) { global $mt; $cats_used = array(); $orig_expr = $expr; $include_children = $param['children'] ? 1 : 0; $cats_used = array(); if (preg_match('/\//', $expr)) { foreach ($cats as $id => $cat) { $catp = category_label_path($cat); $cats[$id]['category_label_path'] = $catp; } $cols = array('category_label_path', 'category_label'); } else { $cols = array('category_label'); } foreach ($cols as $col) { if ($col == 'category_label_path') { usort($cats, 'catarray_path_length_sort'); } else { usort($cats, 'catarray_length_sort'); } $cats_replaced = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $catl = $cat[$col]; $catid = $cat['category_id']; $catre = preg_quote($catl, "/"); if (!preg_match("/(?:(?<![#\d])\[$catre\]|$catre)|(?:#$catid\b)/", $expr)) continue; if ($include_children) { $kids = array($cat); $child_cats = array(); while ($c = array_shift($kids)) { $child_cats[$c['category_id']] = $c; $children = $mt->db->fetch_categories(array('category_id' => $c['category_id'], 'children' => 1, 'show_empty' => 1, 'class' => $c['category_class'])); if ($children) { foreach ($children as $child) { $kids[] = $child; } } } $repl = ''; foreach ($child_cats as $ccid => $cc) { $repl .= '||#' . $ccid; } if (strlen($repl)) $repl = substr($repl, 2); $repl = '(' . $repl . ')'; } else { $repl = "(#$catid)"; } if (isset($cats_replaced[$catl])) { $last_catid = $cats_replaced[$catl]; $expr = preg_replace("/(#$last_catid\b)/", '($1 || #' . $catid . ')', $expr); } else { $expr = preg_replace("/(?:(?<!#)(?:\[$catre\]|$catre))|#$catid\b/", $repl, $expr); $cats_replaced[$catl] = $catid; } if ($include_children) { foreach ($child_cats as $ccid => $cc) $cats_used[$ccid] = $cc; } else { $cats_used[$catid] = $cat; } } } $expr = preg_replace('/\bAND\b/i', '&&', $expr); $expr = preg_replace('/\bOR\b/i', '||', $expr); $expr = preg_replace('/\bNOT\b/i', '!', $expr); $expr = preg_replace_callback('/( |#\d+|&&|\|\||!|\(|\))|([^#0-9&|!()]+)/', 'create_expr_exception', $expr); # strip out all the 'ok' stuff. if anything is left, we have # some invalid data in our expression: $test_expr = preg_replace('/!|&&|\|\||\(0\)|\(|\)|\s|#\d+/', '', $expr); if ($test_expr != '') { echo "Invalid category filter: $orig_expr"; return; } if (!preg_match('/!/', $expr)) $cats = array_values($cats_used); $expr = preg_replace('/#(\d+)/', "array_key_exists('\\1', \$pm)", $expr); $expr = '$pm = array_key_exists($e["entry_id"], $c["p"]) ? $c["p"][$e["entry_id"]] : array(); return (' . $expr . ');'; $fn = create_function('&$e,&$c', $expr); if ($fn === FALSE) { echo "Invalid category filter: $orig_expr"; return; } return $fn; } function category_label_path($cat) { global $mt; $mtdb =& $mt->db; if (isset($cat['__label_path'])) return $cat['__label_path']; $result = preg_match('/\//', $cat['category_label']) ? '[' . $cat['category_label'] . ']' : $cat['category_label']; while ($cat) { $cat = $cat['category_parent'] ? $mtdb->fetch_category($cat['category_parent']) : null; if ($cat) $result = (preg_match('/\//', $cat['category_label']) ? '[' . $cat['category_label'] . ']' : $cat['category_label']) . '/' . $result; } # caching this information may be problematic IF # parent category labels are changed. $cat['__label_path'] = $result; return $result; } function cat_path_to_category($path, $blogs = null, $class = 'category') { global $mt; if (!$blogs) $blogs = array('include_blogs' => $mt->blog_id); $mtdb =& $mt->db; if (preg_match_all('/(\[[^]]+?\]|[^]\/]+)/', $path, $matches)) { # split on slashes, fields quoted by [] $cat_path = $matches[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($cat_path); $i++) { $cat_path[$i] = preg_replace('/^\[(.*)\]$/', '\1', $cat_path[$i]); # remove any [] } $last_cat_ids = array(0); foreach ($cat_path as $label) { $cats = $mtdb->fetch_categories(array_merge($blogs, array('label' => $label, 'parent' => $last_cat_ids, 'show_empty' => 1, 'class' => $class))); if (!$cats) break; $last_cat_ids = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) $last_cat_ids[] = $cat['category_id']; } } if ($cats) return $cats; if (!$cats && $path) { $cats = $mtdb->fetch_categories(array_merge($blogs, array('label' => $path, 'show_empty' => 1, 'class' => $class))); if ($cats) return $cats; } return null; } # sorts by length of tag name, from longest to shortest function tagarray_length_sort($a, $b) { $al = strlen($a['tag_name']); $bl = strlen($b['tag_name']); return $al == $bl ? 0 : $al < $bl ? 1 : -1; } function create_tag_expr_function($expr, &$tags, $datasource = 'entry') { $tags_used = array(); $orig_expr = $expr; # Sort in descending order by length usort($tags, 'tagarray_length_sort'); # Modify the tag argument, replacing the tag name with '#TagID' # Create a ID-based hash of the tags that are used in the arg foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagn = $tag['tag_name']; $tagid = $tag['tag_id']; $oldexpr = $expr; $expr = preg_replace("!(?:\Q[$tagn]\E|\Q$tagn\E)!", "#$tagid", $expr); if ($oldexpr != $expr) $tags_used[$tagid] = $tag; } # Replace logical constructs with their PHP equivalents $expr = preg_replace('/\bAND\b/i', '&&', $expr); $expr = preg_replace('/\bOR\b/i', '||', $expr); $expr = preg_replace('/\bNOT\b/i', '!', $expr); # The following is no more readable in PHP than it is in Perl $expr = preg_replace_callback('/( |#\d+|&&|\|\||!|\(|\))|([^#0-9&|!()]+)/', 'create_expr_exception', $expr); # Syntax check on 'tag' argument # Strip out all the valid stuff. if anything is left, we have # some invalid data in our expression $test_expr = preg_replace('/!|&&|\|\||\(0\)|\(|\)|\s|#\d+/', '', $expr); if ($test_expr != '') { echo "Invalid tag filter: $orig_expr"; return; } # Populate array (passed in by reference) of used tags # but only if expression is positive (i.e. not NOT) if (!preg_match('/!/', $expr)) $tags = array_values($tags_used); # Replace '#TagID' with a hash lookup function. # Function confirms/denies use of tag on entry (by IDs) $column_name = $datasource . '_id'; $expr = preg_replace('/#(\d+)/', "array_key_exists('\\1', \$tm)", $expr); # Create a PHP-blessed function of that code and return it # if all is well. This function will be used later to # test for existence of specified tags in entries. $expr = '$tm = array_key_exists($e["'.$datasource.'_id"], $c["t"]) ? $c["t"][$e["'.$datasource.'_id"]] : array(); return ' . $expr . ';'; $fn = create_function('&$e,&$c', $expr); if ($fn === FALSE) { echo "Invalid tag filter: $orig_expr"; return; } return $fn; } function tag_normalize($str) { # FIXME: character set issues here... $private = preg_match('/^@/', $str) ? 1 : 0; $str = preg_replace('/[@!`\\<>\*&#\/~\?\'"\.\,=\(\)\${}\[\];:\ \+\-\r\n]+/', '', $str); $str = strtolower($str); if ($private) $str = '@' . $str; return $str; } function static_path($host) { global $mt; $path = $mt->config('StaticWebPath'); if (!$path) { $path = $mt->config('CGIPath'); if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') { # relative if (!preg_match('!/$!', $host)) $host .= '/'; if (preg_match('!^(https?://[^/:]+)(:\d+)?/!', $host, $matches)) { $path = $matches[1] . $path; } } if (substr($path, strlen($path) - 1, 1) != '/') $path .= '/'; $path .= 'mt-static/'; } elseif (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') { if (!preg_match('!/$!', $host)) $host .= '/'; if (preg_match('!^(https?://[^/:]+)(:\d+)?/!', $host, $matches)) { $path = $matches[1] . $path; } } if (substr($path, strlen($path) - 1, 1) != '/') $path .= '/'; return $path; } function static_file_path() { global $mt; $path = $mt->config('StaticFilePath'); if (!$path) { $path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mt-static' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (substr($path, strlen($path) - 1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $path; } function asset_path($path, $blog) { $site_path = $blog['blog_site_path']; $site_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $site_path); $path = preg_replace('/^%r/', $site_path, $path); $static_file_path = static_file_path(); $static_file_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $static_file_path); $path = preg_replace('/^%s/', $static_file_path, $path); $archive_path = $blog['blog_archive_path']; if ($archive_path) { $archive_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $archive_path); $path = preg_replace('/^%a/', $archive_path, $path); } return $path; } function userpic_url($asset, $blog, $author) { $url = $asset['asset_url']; $static_path = static_path($blog['blog_site_url']); $static_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $static_path); $static_path .= '/support'; global $mt; $cache_path = $mt->config('AssetCacheDir'); $image_path = $cache_path . '/' . 'userpics'; $format = $mt->translate('userpic-[_1]-%wx%h%x', array($author['author_id'])); $max_dim = $mt->config('UserpicThumbnailSize'); $ext = '.' . 'png'; $patterns[0] = '/%w/'; $patterns[1] = '/%h/'; $patterns[2] = '/%x/'; $replacement[0] = $max_dim; $replacement[1] = $max_dim; $replacement[2] = $ext; $filename = preg_replace($patterns, $replacement, $format); $url = sprintf("%s/%s/%s", $static_path, $image_path, $filename); return $url; } function get_thumbnail_file($asset, $blog, $width = 0, $height = 0, $scale = 0, $format = '%f-thumb-%wx%h%x') { # Get parameter $site_path = $blog['blog_site_path']; $site_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $site_path); $filename = asset_path($asset['asset_file_path'], $blog); # Get source image information list($src_w, $src_h, $src_type, $src_attr) = getimagesize($filename); # Load source image $src_img; switch($src_type) { case 1: #GIF $src_img = @imagecreatefromgif($filename); break; case 2: #JPEG $src_img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); break; case 3: #PNG $src_img = @imagecreatefrompng($filename); break; default: #Unsupported format return ''; } if (!$src_img) { return ''; } # Calculate thumbnail size $thumb_w = $src_w; $thumb_h = $src_h; $name_w = 'auto'; $name_h = 'auto'; if ($width > 0) $name_w = $width; if ($height > 0) $name_h = $height; if ($scale > 0) { $thumb_w = $src_w * $scale / 100; $thumb_h = $src_h * $scale / 100; } elseif ($width > 0 || $height > 0) { $x = $width; if ($width > 0) $thumb_w; $y = $height; if ($height > 0) $thumb_h; $pct = $width > 0 ? ($x / $thumb_w) : ($y / $thumb_h); $thumb_w = (int)($thumb_w * $pct); $thumb_h = (int)($thumb_h * $pct); } # Generate thumbnail file name $basename = basename($asset['asset_file_name'], '.' . $asset['asset_file_ext']); $id = $asset['asset_id']; $ext = '.' . $asset['asset_file_ext']; $patterns[0] = '/%w/'; $patterns[1] = '/%h/'; $patterns[2] = '/%f/'; $patterns[3] = '/%i/'; $patterns[4] = '/%x/'; $replacement[0] = $name_w; $replacement[1] = $name_h; $replacement[2] = $basename; $replacement[3] = $id; $replacement[4] = $ext; $thumb_filename = preg_replace($patterns, $replacement, $format); # Retrieve thumbnail global $mt; $path_parts = pathinfo($filename); $cache_path = $mt->config('AssetCacheDir'); $ts = preg_replace('![^0-9]!', '', $asset['asset_created_on']); $date_stamp = format_ts('%Y/%m', $ts, $blog); $cache_dir = $site_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cache_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $date_stamp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $thumb_name = $cache_dir . $thumb_filename; if(!file_exists($thumb_name)) { if (!file_exists($cache_dir)) { mkdir($cache_dir, 0777, true); } if (!is_writable($cache_dir)) return ''; # Create thumbnail $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor ( $thumb_w, $thumb_h ); $result = imagecopyresampled ( $dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $src_w, $src_h); switch($src_type) { case 1: #GIF imagegif($dst_img, $thumb_name); break; case 2: #JPEG imagejpeg($dst_img, $thumb_name); break; case 3: #PNG imagepng($dst_img, $thumb_name); break; } imagedestroy($dst_img); } imagedestroy($src_img); # make url $basename = basename($thumb_name); $thumb_url = $blog['blog_site_url'] . $cache_path . '/' . $date_stamp . '/' . $basename; return array($thumb_url, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $thumb_name); } function asset_cleanup($str) { $str = preg_replace_callback('/<(?:[Ff][Oo][Rr][Mm]|[Ss][Pp][Aa][Nn])([^>]*?)\smt:asset-id="\d+"([^>]+?>)(.*?)<\/(?:[Ff][Oo][Rr][Mm]|[Ss][Pp][Aa][Nn])>/s', 'asset_cleanup_cb', $str); return $str; } function asset_cleanup_cb($matches) { $attr = $matches[1] . $matches[2]; $inner = $matches[3]; $attr = preg_replace('/\s[Cc][Oo][Nn][Tt][Ee][Nn][Tt][Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Aa][Bb][Ll][Ee]=([\'"][^\'"]*?[\'"]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])/', '', $attr); return '<span' . $attr . $inner . '</span>'; } function create_role_expr_function($expr, &$roles, $datasource = 'author') { $roles_used = array(); $orig_expr = $expr; foreach ($roles as $role) { $rolen = $role['role_name']; $roleid = $role['role_id']; $oldexpr = $expr; $expr = preg_replace("!(?:\Q[$rolen]\E|\Q$rolen\E)!", "#$roleid", $expr); if ($oldexpr != $expr) $roles_used[$roleid] = $role; } $expr = preg_replace('/\bOR\b/i', '||', $expr); $expr = preg_replace_callback('/( |#\d+|&&|\|\||!|\(|\))|([^#0-9&|!()]+)/', 'create_expr_exception', $expr); $test_expr = preg_replace('/!|&&|\|\||\(0\)|\(|\)|\s|#\d+/', '', $expr); if ($test_expr != '') { echo "Invalid role filter: $orig_expr"; return; } if (!preg_match('/!/', $expr)) $roles = array_values($roles_used); $column_name = $datasource . '_id'; $expr = preg_replace('/#(\d+)/', "array_key_exists('\\1', \$tm)", $expr); $expr = '$tm = array_key_exists($e["'.$datasource.'_id"], $c["r"]) ? $c["r"][$e["'.$datasource.'_id"]] : array(); return ' . $expr . ';'; $fn = create_function('&$e,&$c', $expr); if ($fn === FALSE) { echo "Invalid role filter: $orig_expr"; return; } return $fn; } function create_status_expr_function($expr, &$status, $datasource = 'author') { $orig_expr = $expr; foreach ($status as $s) { $statusn = $s['name']; $statusid = $s['id']; $oldexpr = $expr; $expr = preg_replace("!(?:\Q[$statusn]\E|\Q$statusn\E)!", "#$statusid", $expr); } $expr = preg_replace('/\bOR\b/i', '||', $expr); $expr = preg_replace_callback('/( |#\d+|&&|\|\||!|\(|\))|([^#0-9&|!()]+)/', 'create_expr_exception', $expr); $test_expr = preg_replace('/!|&&|\|\||\(0\)|\(|\)|\s|#\d+/', '', $expr); if ($test_expr != '') { echo "Invalid status filter: $orig_expr"; return; } $expr = preg_replace('/#(\d+)/', '$e["'.$datasource.'_status"] == \\1', $expr); $expr = 'return ' . $expr . ';'; $fn = create_function('&$e,&$c', $expr); if ($fn === FALSE) { echo "Invalid status filter: $orig_expr"; return; } return $fn; } function create_rating_expr_function($expr, $filter, $namespace, $datasource = 'entry') { $orig_expr = $expr; require_once 'rating_lib.php'; $expr = '$ctx = $c; if ($ctx == null) { global $mt; $ctx = $mt->context(); } $old = $ctx->mt->db->result; '; if ($filter == 'min_score') { $expr .= '$ret = score_for($ctx, $e["'.$datasource.'_id"], "'.$datasource.'", "'.$namespace.'") >= '.$orig_expr.';'; } elseif ($filter == 'max_score') { $expr .= '$ret = score_for($ctx, $e["'.$datasource.'_id"], "'.$datasource.'", "'.$namespace.'") <= '.$orig_expr.';'; } elseif ($filter == 'min_rate') { $expr .= '$ret = score_avg($ctx, $e["'.$datasource.'_id"], "'.$datasource.'", "'.$namespace.'") >= '.$orig_expr.';'; } elseif ($filter == 'max_rate') { $expr .= '$ret = score_avg($ctx, $e["'.$datasource.'_id"], "'.$datasource.'", "'.$namespace.'") <= '.$orig_expr.';'; } elseif ($filter == 'min_count') { $expr .= '$ret = score_count($ctx, $e["'.$datasource.'_id"], "'.$datasource.'", "'.$namespace.'") >= '.$orig_expr.';'; } elseif ($filter == 'max_count') { $expr .= '$ret = score_count($ctx, $e["'.$datasource.'_id"], "'.$datasource.'", "'.$namespace.'") <= '.$orig_expr.';'; } elseif ($filter == 'scored_by') { $expr .= '$ret = get_score($ctx, $e["'.$datasource.'_id"], "'.$datasource.'", "'.$namespace.'", '.$orig_expr.') > 0;'; } $expr .= ' $ctx->mt->db->result = $old; return $ret;'; $fn = create_function('&$e,&$c', $expr); if ($fn === FALSE) { echo "Invalid rating filter: $orig_expr"; return; } return $fn; } function _math_operation($op, $lvalue, $rvalue) { if (!preg_match('/^\-?[\d\.]+$/', $lvalue)) return; if ( isset($rvalue) && !preg_match('/^\-?[\d\.]+$/', $rvalue)) return; if ( !isset($rvalue) && $op != 'inc' && $op != 'dec' && $op != '++' && $op != '--' ) return; if ( ( '+' == $op ) || ( 'add' == $op ) ) { return $lvalue + $rvalue; } elseif ( ( '++' == $op ) || ( 'inc' == $op ) ) { return $lvalue + 1; } elseif ( ( '-' == $op ) || ( 'sub' == $op ) ) { return $lvalue - $rvalue; } elseif ( ( '--' == $op ) || ( 'dec' == $op ) ) { return $lvalue - 1; } elseif ( ( '*' == $op ) || ( 'mul' == $op ) ) { return $lvalue * $rvalue; } elseif ( ( '/' == $op ) || ( 'div' == $op ) ) { if ( $rvalue == 0 ) return; return $lvalue / $rvalue; } elseif ( ( '%' == $op ) || ( 'mod' == $op ) ) { // to be in line with perl equivalent $lvalue = floor($lvalue); $rvalue = floor($rvalue); if ( $rvalue == 0 ) return; return $lvalue % $rvalue; } return; } ?>