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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: MTViewer.php 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ include_once("Smarty.class.php"); class MTViewer extends Smarty { var $varstack = array(); var $__stash; var $mt; var $last_ts = 0; var $id; var $path_sep; var $conditionals = array( 'mtparentcategory' => 1, 'mttoplevelparent' => 1, 'mtunless' => 1, 'mtfolderheader' => 1, 'mtfolderfooter' => 1, 'mtpagesheader' => 1, 'mtpagesfooter' => 1, 'mthassubfolders' => 1, 'mthasparentfolders' => 1, 'mthasparentfolder' => 1, 'mtauthorhasentry' => 1, 'mtauthorhaspage' => 1, ); var $sanitized = array( 'mtcommentauthor' => 1, 'mtcommentemail' => 1, 'mtcommenturl' => 1, 'mtcommentbody' => 1, 'mtpingtitle' => 1, 'mtpingurl' => 1, 'mtpingexcerpt' => 1, 'mtpingblogname' => 1, ); var $nofollowed = array( 'mtcommentauthorlink' => 1, 'mtcommenturl' => 1, 'mtcommentbody' => 1, 'mtpings' => 1, ); var $global_attr = array( 'filters' => 1, 'trim_to' => 1, 'trim' => 1, 'ltrim' => 1, 'rtrim' => 1, 'decode_html' => 1, 'decode_xml' => 1, 'remove_html' => 1, 'dirify' => 1, 'sanitize' => 1, 'encode_html' => 1, 'encode_xml' => 1, 'encode_js' => 1, 'encode_php' => 1, 'encode_url' => 1, 'upper_case' => 1, 'lower_case' => 1, 'strip_linefeeds' => 1, 'space_pad' => 1, 'zero_pad' => 1, 'sprintf' => 1, 'wrap_text' => 1, 'setvar' => 1, # native smarty modifiers 'regex_replace' => 1, 'capitalize' => 1, 'count_characters' => 1, 'cat' => 1, 'count_paragraphs' => 1, 'count_sentences' => 1, 'count_words' => 1, 'date_format' => 1, '_default' => 'default', 'escape' => 1, 'indent' => 1, 'nl2br' => 1, 'replace' => 1, 'spacify' => 1, 'string_format' => 1, 'strip' => 1, 'strip_tags' => 1, 'truncate' => 1, 'wordwrap' => 1, ); var $needs_tokens = array( 'mtsubcategories' => 1, 'mttoplevelcategories' => 1, 'mtsubfolers' => 1, 'mttoplevelfolders' => 1, 'mtcommentreplies' => 1, 'mtsetvartemplate' => 1, ); function MTViewer(&$mt) { // prevents an unknown index error within Smarty.class.php $this->id = md5(uniqid('MTViewer',true)); $_COOKIE['SMARTY_DEBUG'] = 0; $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']['SMARTY_DEBUG'] = 0; $this->path_sep = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') ? ';' : ':'; $this->Smarty(); $this->mt =& $mt; $this->__stash =& $this->_tpl_vars; $this->left_delimiter = "{{"; $this->right_delimiter = "}}"; $this->load_filter('pre', 'mt_to_smarty'); $this->register_block('mtdynamic', array(&$this, 'smarty_block_dynamic'), false); $this->register_block('mtelse', array(&$this, 'smarty_block_else')); $this->register_block('mtelseif', array(&$this, 'smarty_block_elseif')); # Unregister the 'core' regex_replace so we can replace it $this->register_modifier('regex_replace', array(&$this, 'regex_replace')); } function add_plugin_dir($plugin_dir) { ini_set('include_path', $plugin_dir . $this->path_sep . ini_get('include_path')); $this->plugins_dir[] = $plugin_dir; } function regex_replace($string, $search, $replace) { if (preg_match('!([a-zA-Z\s]+)$!s', $search, $match) && (preg_match('/[eg]/', $match[1]))) { if (strpos($match[1], "g") !== false) $global = 1; /* remove eval-modifier from $search */ $search = substr($search, 0, -strlen($match[1])) . preg_replace('![eg\s]+!', '', $match[1]); } return preg_replace($search, $replace, $string, $global ? -1 : 1); } function add_token_tag($name) { $this->needs_tokens[$name] = 1; } function add_conditional_tag($name, $code = null, $cacheable = null, $cache_attrs = null) { $this->conditionals[$name] = 1; if (isset($code)) { $this->register_block($name, $code, $cacheable, $cache_attrs); } } function add_global_filter($name, $code = null) { $this->global_attr[$name] = 1; if (isset($code)) { $this->register_modifier($name, $code); } } function error($err, $error_type = E_USER_ERROR) { trigger_error($err, $error_type); return ''; } function this_tag() { $ts = $this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack)-1]; if ($ts) { return $ts[0]; } else { return null; } } function stash($name,$value=null) { if(isset($this->__stash[$name])) $old_val = $this->__stash[$name]; else $old_val = null; if(func_num_args() > 1) $this->__stash[$name] = $value; return $old_val; } function localize($vars) { foreach ($vars as $v) { if (!isset($this->varstack[$v])) $this->varstack[$v] = array(); $this->varstack[$v][] = isset($this->__stash[$v]) ? $this->__stash[$v] : null; } } function restore($vars) { foreach ($vars as $v) { $this->__stash[$v] = (isset($this->varstack[$v]) && count($this->varstack[$v]) > 0) ? array_pop($this->varstack[$v]) : null; } } function last_ts($ts = 0) { if ($ts > 0) { $ts = preg_replace('/[ :-]/', '', $ts); if ($ts > $this->last_ts) { $this->last_ts = $ts; } } return $this->last_ts; } function smarty_block_dynamic($param, $content, &$smarty) { return $content; } function _hdlr_if($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $cond_tag = 1) { if (!isset($content)) { if (!isset($args['elseif'])) { $ctx->localize(array('conditional', 'else_content', 'elseif_content', 'elseif_conditional')); unset($ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional']); unset($ctx->_tpl_vars['else_content']); unset($ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_content']); unset($ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_conditional']); } if ($cond_tag == '1' or $cond_tag == '0') $ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional'] = $cond_tag; else $ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional'] = $ctx->_tpl_vars[$cond_tag]; } else { if (!$ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional']) { if (isset($ctx->_tpl_vars['else_content'])) { $content = $ctx->_tpl_vars['else_content']; } else { $content = ''; } } else { if (isset($ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_content'])) { $content = $ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_content']; } } if (!isset($args['elseif'])) { $ctx->restore(array('conditional', 'else_content', 'elseif_content', 'elseif_conditional')); } } return $content; } function smarty_block_elseif($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { return $this->smarty_block_else($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); } function smarty_block_else($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { if (isset($ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_content']) or ($ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional'])) { $repeat = false; return ''; } if (!isset($args['name']) && !isset($args['var']) && !isset($args['tag'])) { require_once("function.mtgetvar.php"); $var = smarty_function_mtgetvar(array('name' => '__name__'), $ctx); if (isset($var) && $var != '') $args['name'] = $var; } if (count($args) > 1) { # else-if case require_once("block.mtif.php"); $args['elseif'] = 1; if (!isset($content)) { $out = smarty_block_mtif($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); if ($ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional']) { $ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_conditional'] = 1; unset($ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional']); } } else { // $out = smarty_block_mtif($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); if ($ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_conditional']) { $ctx->_tpl_vars['elseif_content'] = $content; $ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional'] = 1; } } return ''; } if (!isset($content)) { if ($ctx->_tpl_vars['conditional']) $repeat = false; } else { $else_content = $ctx->_tpl_vars['else_content']; $else_content .= $content; $ctx->_tpl_vars['else_content'] = $else_content; } return ''; } function _hdlr_date($args, &$ctx) { $ts = null; if (isset($args['ts'])) { $ts = $args['ts']; } $ts or $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $ts = preg_replace('![^0-9]!', '', $ts); $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); if ($ts == '') { $t = time(); if ($args['utc']) { $ts = gmtime($t); } else { $ts = offset_time_list($t, $blog); } $ts = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $ts[5]+1900, $ts[4]+1, $ts[3], $ts[2], $ts[1], $ts[0]); } if (isset($args['utc'])) { if (!is_array($blog)) { $blog = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_blog($blog); } preg_match('/(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/', $ts, $matches); list($all, $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s) = $matches; $so = $blog['blog_server_offset']; $timelocal = mktime($h, $m, $s, $mo, $d, $y); $localtime = localtime($timelocal); if ($localtime[8]) $so += 1; $partial_hour_offset = 60 * abs($so - intval($so)); $four_digit_offset = sprintf('%s%02d%02d', $so < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs($so), $partial_hour_offset); $ts = gmdate('YmdHis', strtotime("$y-$mo-$d $h:$m:$s $four_digit_offset")); } if (isset($args['format_name'])) { if ($format = $args['format_name']) { $tz = 'Z'; if (!$args['utc']) { $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); if (!is_array($blog)) { $blog = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_blog($blog); } $so = $blog['blog_server_offset']; $partial_hour_offset = 60 * abs($so - intval($so)); if ($format == 'rfc822') { $tz = sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $so < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs($so), $partial_hour_offset); } elseif ($format == 'iso8601') { $tz = sprintf("%s%02d:%02d", $so < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs($so), $partial_hour_offset); } } if ($format == 'rfc822') { $args['format'] = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ' . $tz; $args['language'] = 'en'; } elseif ($format == 'iso8601') { $args['format'] = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'. $tz; } } } if (!isset($args['format'])) $args['format'] = null; require_once("MTUtil.php"); return format_ts($args['format'], $ts, $blog, isset($args['language']) ? $args['language'] : null); } function tag($tag, $args = array()) { $tag = preg_replace('/^mt:?/i', '', strtolower($tag)); if ((array_key_exists('mt' . $tag, $this->conditionals)) || (preg_match('/^if/i', $tag) || preg_match('/^has/', $tag) || preg_match('/[a-z](header|footer|previous|next)$/i', $tag))) { list($hdlr) = $this->handler_for($tag); if (!$hdlr) { $fntag = 'smarty_block_mt' . $tag; if (!function_exists($fntag)) @include_once("block.mt$tag.php"); if (function_exists($fntag)) $hdlr = $fntag; } if ($hdlr) { $hdlr($args, NULL, $this, $repeat = true); if ($repeat) { $content = 'true'; $this->_tag_stack[] = array("mt$tag", $args); $content = $hdlr($args, $content, $this, $repeat = false); array_pop($this->_tag_stack); return isset($content) && ($content === 'true'); } else { return false; } } } else { list($hdlr) = $this->handler_for("mt" . $tag); if (!$hdlr) { $fntag = 'smarty_function_mt'.$tag; if (!function_exists($fntag)) @include_once("function.mt$tag.php"); if (function_exists($fntag)) $hdlr = $fntag; } if ($hdlr) { $this->_tag_stack[] = array("mt$tag", $args); $content = $hdlr($args, $this); foreach ($args as $k => $v) { if (array_key_exists($k, $this->global_attr)) { $fnmod = 'smarty_modifier_' . $k; if (!function_exists($fnmod)) $this->load_modifier($k); if (function_exists($fnmod)) $content = $fnmod($content, $v); } } array_pop($this->_tag_stack); return $content; } } return $this->error("Tag <mt$tag> does not exist."); } function load_modifier($name) { $params = array('plugins' => array(array('modifier', $name, null, null, false))); smarty_core_load_plugins($params, $this); return true; } function register_tag_handler($tag, $fn, $type) { if (substr($tag, 0, 2) != 'mt') { $tag = 'mt' . $tag; } if ($type == 'block') $this->register_block($tag, $fn); elseif ($type == 'function') $this->register_function($tag, $fn); $old_handler = $this->_handlers[$tag]; $this->_handlers[$tag] = array( $fn, $type ); if ($old_handler) { $fn = $old_handler[0]; } else { if ($type == 'block') $fn = create_function('$args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat', 'if (!isset($content)) @include_once "block.' . $tag . '.php"; if (function_exists("smarty_block_' . $tag . '")) { return smarty_block_' . $tag . '($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); } $repeat = false; return "";'); elseif ($type == 'function') { $fn = create_function('$args, &$ctx', '@include_once "function.' . $tag . '.php"; if (function_exists("smarty_function_' . $tag . '")) { return smarty_function_' . $tag . '($args, $ctx); } return "";'); } } return $fn; } function add_container_tag($tag, $fn = null) { return $this->register_tag_handler($tag, $fn, 'block'); } function add_tag($tag, $fn) { return $this->register_tag_handler($tag, $fn, 'function'); } function handler_for($tag) { if (isset($this->_handlers[$tag])) return $this->_handlers[$tag]; else return null; } } ?>