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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: archive_lib.php 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ require_once("MTUtil.php"); // Create default archivers global $_archivers; // Date-based archives register_archiver(new YearlyArchiver()); register_archiver(new MonthlyArchiver()); register_archiver(new WeeklyArchiver()); register_archiver(new DailyArchiver()); register_archiver(new MonthlyArchiver()); // Indivudual archives register_archiver(new IndividualArchiver()); register_archiver(new PageArchiver()); // Author-based archives register_archiver(new AuthorBasedArchiver()); register_archiver(new YearlyAuthorBasedArchiver()); register_archiver(new MonthlyAuthorBasedArchiver()); register_archiver(new WeeklyAuthorBasedArchiver()); register_archiver(new DailyAuthorBasedArchiver()); // Date-based category archives register_archiver(new YearlyCategoryArchiver()); register_archiver(new MonthlyCategoryArchiver()); register_archiver(new DailyCategoryArchiver()); register_archiver(new WeeklyCategoryArchiver()); function register_archiver($archiver) { global $_archivers; $_archivers[$archiver->get_archive_name()] = $archiver; } function _hdlr_archive_prev_next($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $tag) { global $_archivers; $at = $args['archive_type']; $at or $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); if ($at == 'Category') { require_once("block.mtcategorynext.php"); return smarty_block_mtcategorynext($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); } $archiver = $_archivers[$at]; if (!isset($archiver)) { $repeat = false; return ''; } return $archiver->archive_prev_next($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, $tag, $at); } class BaseArchiver { // Abstract Method (needs override) function get_label($args, $ctx) { } function get_title($args, $ctx) { } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { } function get_archive_name() { } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { } function archive_prev_next($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $tag) { } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { } function setup_args($ctx, &$args) { } function template_params(&$ctx) { } } class PageArchiver extends BaseArchiver { function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate("Page"); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Page'; } function template_params(&$ctx) { $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['page_template'] = 1; $vars['feedback_template'] = 1; $vars['page_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'page-archive'; } } class IndividualArchiver extends BaseArchiver { // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate("Individual"); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->tag('EntryTitle', $args); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $period_start = $row[1]; } else { $period_start = $row; } $period_start = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $period_start); return start_end_day($period_start, $ctx->stash('blog')); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Individual'; } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { return $ctx->mt->db->get_archive_list($args); } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { return ''; } function archive_prev_next($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $tag) { return $ctx->error( "You used an <mt$tag> without a date context set up."); } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $entry_id = $row[0]; $entry = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_entry($entry_id); $ctx->stash('entry', $entry); $ctx->stash('entries', array()); } function template_params(&$ctx) { $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['entry_template'] = 1; $vars['feedback_template'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'entry-archive'; } } class DateBasedArchiver extends BaseArchiver { // Override Method function archive_prev_next($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $tag, $at) { $localvars = array('current_timestamp', 'current_timestamp_end', 'entries'); if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); $is_prev = $tag == 'archiveprevious'; $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); if (!$ts) { return $ctx->error( "You used an <mt$tag> without a date context set up."); } $order = $is_prev ? 'previous' : 'next'; $helper = $this->get_helper($at); if ($entry = $this->get_entry($ts, $ctx->stash('blog_id'), $at, $order)) { $ctx->stash('entries', array( $entry )); list($start, $end) = $helper($entry['entry_authored_on']); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp', $start); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end', $end); } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); $repeat = false; } } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); } return $content; } // Functions function get_helper($at) { if (strtoupper($at) == 'YEARLY') { return 'start_end_year'; } elseif (strtoupper($at) == 'MONTHLY') { return 'start_end_month'; } elseif (strtoupper($at) == 'WEEKLY') { return 'start_end_week'; } elseif (strtoupper($at) == 'DAILY') { return 'start_end_day'; } else { return null; } } function get_entry($ts, $blog_id, $at, $order) { $helper = $this->get_helper($at); list($start, $end) = $helper($ts); $args = array(); if ($order == 'previous') { $args['current_timestamp_end'] = $this->dec_ts($start); } else { $args['current_timestamp'] = $this->inc_ts($end); $args['base_sort_order'] = 'ascend'; # ascending order } $args['lastn'] = 1; $args['blog_id'] = $blog_id; global $mt; list($entry) = $mt->db->fetch_entries($args); return $entry; } function dec_ts($ts) { $y = substr($ts, 0, 4); $mo = substr($ts, 4, 2); $d = substr($ts, 6, 2); $h = substr($ts, 8, 2); $m = substr($ts, 10, 2); $s = substr($ts, 12, 2); $s--; if ($s == -1) { $s = 59; $m--; if ($m == -1) { $m = 59; $h--; if ($h == -1) { $h = 23; $d--; if ($d == 0) { $mo--; if ($mo == 0) { $mo = 12; $y--; } $d = days_in($mo, $y); } } } } return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s); } function inc_ts($ts) { $y = substr($ts, 0, 4); $mo = substr($ts, 4, 2); $d = substr($ts, 6, 2); $h = substr($ts, 8, 2); $m = substr($ts, 10, 2); $s = substr($ts, 12, 2); $s++; if ($s == 60) { $s = 0; $m++; if ($m == 60) { $m = 0; $h++; if ($h == 24) { $h = 0; $d++; $days = days_in($mo, $y); if ($d > $days) { $d = 1; $mo++; if ($mo == 13) { $mo = 1; $y++; } } } } } return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s); } function template_params(&$ctx) { $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['datebased_archive'] = 1; } } class YearlyArchiver extends DateBasedArchiver { function YearlyArchiver() { } // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Yearly'); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Yearly'; } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start) = start_end_year($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); global $mt; $lang = ($blog && $blog['blog_language'] ? $blog['blog_language'] : $mt->config('DefaultLanguage')); if (strtolower($lang) == 'jp' || strtolower($lang) == 'ja') { $format or $format = "%Y年"; } else { $format or $format = "%Y"; } return $ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $period_start = sprintf("%04d0101000000", $row[0]); } else { $period_start = $row; } return start_end_year($period_start, $ctx->stash('blog')); } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { return $ctx->mt->db->get_archive_list($args); } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { return ''; } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['datebased_only_archive'] = 1; $vars['datebased_yearly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'datebased-yearly-archive'; $vars['module_yearly_archives'] = 1; } } class MonthlyArchiver extends DateBasedArchiver { function MonthlyArchiver() { } // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Monthly'); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Monthly'; } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start) = start_end_month($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%B %Y"; return $ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $period_start = sprintf("%04d%02d01000000", $row[0], $row[1]); } else { $period_start = $row; } return start_end_month($period_start, $ctx->stash('blog')); } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } $args['inside_archive_list'] = $inside; $args['current_timestamp'] = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $args['current_timestamp_end'] = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); return $ctx->mt->db->get_archive_list($args); } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { return ''; } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['datebased_only_archive'] = 1; $vars['datebased_monthly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'datebased-monthly-archive'; } } class DailyArchiver extends DateBasedArchiver { function DailyArchiver() { } // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Daily'); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Daily'; } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start) = start_end_day($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%x"; return $ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $period_start = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2]); } else { $period_start = $row; } return start_end_day($period_start, $ctx->stash('blog')); } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } $args['inside_archive_list'] = $inside; $args['current_timestamp'] = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $args['current_timestamp_end'] = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); return $ctx->mt->db->get_archive_list($args); } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { return ''; } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['datebased_only_archive'] = 1; $vars['datebased_daily_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'datebased-daily-archive'; } } class WeeklyArchiver extends DateBasedArchiver { function WeeklyArchiver() { } // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Weekly'); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Weekly'; } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start, $end) = start_end_week($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%x"; return $ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx) . ' - ' . $ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $end, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $week_yr = substr($row[0], 0, 4); $week_wk = substr($row[0], 4); list($y, $m, $d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_wk); $period_start = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $y, $m, $d); } else { $period_start = $row; } return start_end_week($period_start, $ctx->stash('blog')); } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } $args['inside_archive_list'] = $inside; $args['current_timestamp'] = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $args['current_timestamp_end'] = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); return $ctx->mt->db->get_archive_list($args); } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { return ''; } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['datebased_only_archive'] = 1; $vars['datebased_weekly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'datebased-weekly-archive'; } } class AuthorBasedArchiver extends BaseArchiver { // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Author'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $author_name = ''; $author = $ctx->stash('archive_author'); if (!isset($archive_author)) { $author = $ctx->stash('author'); if (isset($author)) { $author_name = $author['author_nickname']; $author_name or $author_name = $ctx->mt->translate('(Display Name not set)'); } } return $author_name; } function get_archive_name() { return 'Author'; } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { global $mt; list($results, $hi, $low) = $this->get_archive_list_data($args); if(is_array($results)) { $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; if (isset($low) && isset($hi)) { $range = "fileinfo_startdate between '$low' and '$hi' and"; } $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $link_cache_sql = " select fileinfo_startdate, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url, blog_file_extension from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where $range fileinfo_archive_type = '$at' and blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_blog_id = blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $cache_results = $mt->db->get_results($link_cache_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($cache_results)) { foreach ($cache_results as $row) { $date = $ctx->mt->db->db2ts($row[0]); $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $url = _strip_index($url, array('blog_file_extension' => $row[3])); $mt->db->_archive_link_cache[$date.';'.$at] = $url; } } } return $results; } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $author = $ctx->stash('author'); $auth_id = $author['author_id']; $at or $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); if ($at == 'Author-Monthly') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 6) . '01000000'; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Daily') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 8) . '000000'; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Weekly') { require_once("MTUtil.php"); list($ws, $we) = start_end_week($ts); $ts = $ws; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Yearly') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 4) . '0101000000'; } else { $ts = ''; } $sql = "select fileinfo_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where " . ($ts ? "fileinfo_startdate = '$ts' and" : "") . " fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_archive_type = '".$ctx->mt->db->escape($at)."' and fileinfo_author_id = '$auth_id' and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; return $sql; } function archive_prev_next($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $tag) { if ($tag == 'archiveprevious') { require_once('block.mtauthorprevious.php'); return smarty_block_mtauthorprevious($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); } elseif ($tag == 'archivenext') { require_once('block.mtauthornext.php'); return smarty_block_mtauthornext($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); } return $ctx->error("Error in tag: $tag"); } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $author_id = $row[1]; $author = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_author($author_id); $ctx->stash('author', $author); } function setup_args($ctx, &$args) { if ($auth = $ctx->stash('author')) { $args['author'] = $auth['author_name']; } } // Functions function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $sql = " select count(*), entry_author_id from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 group by entry_author_id order by entry_author_id $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); return array($results, null, null);; } function template_params(&$ctx) { $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['author_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'author-archive'; $vars['module_author-monthly_archives'] = 1; } } class DateBasedAuthorArchiver extends DateBasedArchiver { function setup_args($ctx, &$args) { if ($auth = $ctx->stash('author')) { $args['author'] = $auth['author_name']; } } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $author = $ctx->stash('author'); $auth_id = $author['author_id']; $at or $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); if ($at == 'Author-Monthly') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 6) . '01000000'; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Daily') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 8) . '000000'; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Weekly') { require_once("MTUtil.php"); list($ws, $we) = start_end_week($ts); $ts = $ws; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Yearly') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 4) . '0101000000'; } else { $ts = ''; } $sql = "select fileinfo_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where " . ($ts ? "fileinfo_startdate = '$ts' and" : "") . " fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_archive_type = '".$ctx->mt->db->escape($at)."' and fileinfo_author_id = '$auth_id' and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; return $sql; } function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { global $mt; list($results, $hi, $low) = $this->get_archive_list_data($args); if(is_array($results)) { $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; if (isset($low) && isset($hi)) { $range = "fileinfo_startdate between '$low' and '$hi' and"; } $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $link_cache_sql = " select fileinfo_startdate, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url, blog_file_extension from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where $range fileinfo_archive_type = '$at' and blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_blog_id = blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $cache_results = $mt->db->get_results($link_cache_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($cache_results)) { foreach ($cache_results as $row) { $date = $ctx->mt->db->db2ts($row[0]); $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $url = _strip_index($url, array('blog_file_extension' => $row[3])); $mt->db->_archive_link_cache[$date.';'.$at] = $url; } } } return $results; } function archive_prev_next($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $tag) { $localvars = array('current_timestamp', 'current_timestamp_end', 'entries'); if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); $is_prev = $tag == 'archiveprevious'; $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $author = $ctx->stash('author'); if (!$ts || !$author) { return $ctx->error( "You used an <mt$tag> without a date context set up."); } $order = $is_prev ? 'previous' : 'next'; $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); if ($at == 'Author-Monthly') { $wide = 'MONTHLY'; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Daily') { $wide = 'DAILY'; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Weekly') { $wide = 'WEEKLY'; } elseif ($at == 'Author-Yearly') { $wide = 'YEARLY'; } if ($entry = $this->get_author_entry($ts, $ctx->stash('blog_id'), $author['author_name'], $wide, $order)) { $helper = $this->get_helper($wide); $ctx->stash('entries', array( $entry )); list($start, $end) = $helper($entry['entry_authored_on']); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp', $start); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end', $end); $ctx->stash('author', $author); } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); $repeat = false; } } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); } return $content; } function get_author_entry($ts, $blog_id, $auth_name, $at, $order) { $helper = $this->get_helper($at); list($start, $end) = $helper($ts); $args = array(); if ($order == 'previous') { $args['current_timestamp_end'] = $this->dec_ts($start); } else { $args['current_timestamp'] = $this->inc_ts($end); $args['base_sort_order'] = 'ascend'; # ascending order } $args['lastn'] = 1; $args['blog_id'] = $blog_id; $args['author'] = $auth_name; global $mt; list($entry) = $mt->db->fetch_entries($args); return $entry; } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['author_archive'] = 1; } function get_author_name ($ctx) { global $_archivers; $curr_at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $archiver = $_archivers[$curr_at]; $auth = $ctx->stash('author'); $author_name = ''; if ($ctx->stash('index_archive') || !isset($archiver) || (isset($archiver) && !isset($auth)) || !$ctx->stash('inside_archive_list')) { $author = $ctx->stash('archive_author'); $author or $author = $ctx->stash('author'); if (isset($author)) { $author_name = $author['author_nickname']; $author_name or $author_name = 'Author (#'.$author['author_id'].')'; $author_name .= ': '; } } return $author_name; } } class YearlyAuthorBasedArchiver extends DateBasedAuthorArchiver { // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Author Yearly'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $author_name = parent::get_author_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); list($start) = start_end_year($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); global $mt; $lang = ($blog && $blog['blog_language'] ? $blog['blog_language'] : $mt->config('DefaultLanguage')); if (strtolower($lang) == 'jp' || strtolower($lang) == 'ja') { $format or $format = "%Y年"; } else { $format or $format = "%Y"; } return $author_name.$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Author-Yearly'; } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { return start_end_year($row[0]); } else { return start_end_year($row); } } // Functions function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $auth_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $year_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); #if (!$index) { $author = $ctx->stash('archive_author'); $author or $author = $ctx->stash('author'); if (isset($author)) { $author_filter = " and entry_author_id=".$author['author_id']; } #} $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, entry_author_id from mt_entry join mt_author on entry_author_id = author_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 $author_filter group by $year_ext, entry_author_id order by $year_ext $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $hi = sprintf("%04d0000000000", $results[0][1]); $low = sprintf("%04d0000000000", $results[count($results)-1][1]); } return array($results, null, null);; } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $author_id = $row[2]; $author = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_author($author_id); $ctx->stash('author', $author); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['author_yearly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'author-yearly-archive'; } } class MonthlyAuthorBasedArchiver extends DateBasedAuthorArchiver { // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Author Monthly'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $author_name = parent::get_author_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start) = start_end_month($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%B %Y"; return $author_name.$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Author-Monthly'; } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { return start_end_month(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $row[0], $row[1], '01')); } else { return start_end_month($row); } } // Functions function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $auth_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $year_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $month_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('month', 'entry_authored_on'); $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); #if (!$index) { $author = $ctx->stash('archive_author'); $author or $author = $ctx->stash('author'); if (isset($author)) { $author_filter = " and entry_author_id=".$author['author_id']; } #} $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } if ($inside) { $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tsend = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $mt->db->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $mt->db->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and (entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend')"; } } $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, $month_ext as m, entry_author_id from mt_entry join mt_author on entry_author_id = author_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 $date_filter $author_filter group by $year_ext, $month_ext, entry_author_id order by $year_ext $order, $month_ext $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d00000000", $results[0][1], $results[0][2]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d00000000", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2]); } return array($results, null, null);; } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $author_id = $row[3]; $author = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_author($author_id); $ctx->stash('author', $author); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['author_monthly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'author-monthly-archive'; $vars['module_author-monthly_archives'] = 1; } } class DailyAuthorBasedArchiver extends DateBasedAuthorArchiver { // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Author Daily'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $author_name = parent::get_author_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start) = start_end_day($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%x"; return $author_name.$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Author-Daily'; } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $d = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2]); return start_end_day($d); } else { return start_end_day($row); } } // Functions function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $auth_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $year_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $month_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('month', 'entry_authored_on'); $day_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('day', 'entry_authored_on'); $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); #if (!$index) { $author = $ctx->stash('archive_author'); $author or $author = $ctx->stash('author'); if (isset($author)) { $author_filter = " and entry_author_id=".$author['author_id']; } #} $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } if ($inside) { $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tsend = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $mt->db->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $mt->db->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and (entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend')"; } } $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, $month_ext as m, $day_ext as d, entry_author_id from mt_entry join mt_author on entry_author_id = author_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 $date_filter $author_filter group by $year_ext, $month_ext, $day_ext, entry_author_id order by $year_ext $order, $month_ext $order, $day_ext $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $results[0][1], $results[0][2], $results[0][3]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2], $results[count($results)-1][3]); } return array($results, null, null);; } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $author_id = $row[4]; $author = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_author($author_id); $ctx->stash('author', $author); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['author_daily_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'author-daily-archive'; } } class WeeklyAuthorBasedArchiver extends DateBasedAuthorArchiver { // Override Method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Author Weekly'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $author_name = parent::get_author_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start, $end) = start_end_week($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%x"; return $author_name .$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx) .' - '.$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $end, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Author-Weekly'; } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $week_yr = substr($row[0], 0, 4); $week_wk = substr($row[0], 4); list($y, $m, $d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_wk); return start_end_week(sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $y, $m, $d)); } else { return start_end_week($row); } } // Functions function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $auth_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $year_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $month_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('month', 'entry_authored_on'); $day_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('day', 'entry_authored_on'); $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); #if (!$index) { $author = $ctx->stash('archive_author'); $author or $author = $ctx->stash('author'); if (isset($author)) { $author_filter = " and entry_author_id=".$author['author_id']; } #} $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } if ($inside) { $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tsend = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $mt->db->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $mt->db->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and (entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend')"; } } $sql = " select count(*), entry_week_number, entry_author_id from mt_entry join mt_author on entry_author_id = author_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 $date_filter $author_filter group by entry_week_number, entry_author_id order by entry_week_number $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $week_yr = substr($results[0][1], 0, 4); $week_num = substr($results[0][1], 4); list($y, $m, $d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_num); $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $y, $m, $d); $week_yr = substr($results[count($result)-1][1], 0, 4); $week_num = substr($results[count($result)-1][1], 4); list($y, $m, $d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_num); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $y, $m, $d); } return array($results, null, null);; } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $author_id = $row[2]; $author = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_author($author_id); $ctx->stash('author', $author); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['author_weekly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'author-weekly-archive'; } } class DateBasedCategoryArchiver extends DateBasedArchiver { // Override method function &get_archive_list($ctx, $args) { global $mt; list($results, $hi, $low) = $this->get_archive_list_data($args); if(is_array($results)) { $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $range = "'$low' and '$hi'"; $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $link_cache_sql = " select fileinfo_startdate, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url, blog_file_extension from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where fileinfo_startdate between $range and fileinfo_archive_type = '$at' and blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_blog_id = blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $cache_results = $mt->db->get_results($link_cache_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($cache_results)) { foreach ($cache_results as $row) { $date = $ctx->mt->db->db2ts($row[0]); $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $url = _strip_index($url, array('blog_file_extension' => $row[3])); $mt->db->_archive_link_cache[$date.';'.$at] = $url; } } } return $results; } function get_archive_link_sql($ctx, $ts, $at, $args) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_id or $blog_id = intval($ctx->stash('blog_id')); $cat = $ctx->stash('category'); $cat_id = $cat['category_id']; if (isset($ts)) { if ($at == 'Category-Monthly') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 6) . '01000000'; } elseif ($at == 'Category-Daily') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 8) . '000000'; } elseif ($at == 'Category-Weekly') { require_once("MTUtil.php"); list($ws, $we) = start_end_week($ts); $ts = $ws; } elseif ($at == 'Category-Yearly') { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 4) . '0101000000'; } $start_filter = "and fileinfo_startdate = '$ts'"; } else { // find a most oldest link when timestamp was not presented $order = "order by fileinfo_startdate asc"; } $sql = "select fileinfo_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_archive_type = '".$ctx->mt->db->escape($at)."' and fileinfo_category_id = '$cat_id' and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 $start_filter $order"; return $sql; } function archive_prev_next($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat, $tag) { $localvars = array('current_timestamp', 'current_timestamp_end', 'entries'); if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); $is_prev = $tag == 'archiveprevious'; $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $category = $ctx->stash('category'); if (!$ts || !$category) { return $ctx->error( "You used an <mt$tag> without a date context set up."); } $order = $is_prev ? 'previous' : 'next'; $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); if ($at == 'Category-Monthly') { $wide = 'MONTHLY'; } elseif ($at == 'Category-Daily') { $wide = 'DAILY'; } elseif ($at == 'Category-Weekly') { $wide = 'WEEKLY'; } elseif ($at == 'Category-Yearly') { $wide = 'YEARLY'; } if ($entry = $this->get_categorized_entry($ts, $ctx->stash('blog_id'), $category['category_id'], $wide, $order)) { $helper = $this->get_helper($wide); $ctx->stash('entries', array( $entry )); list($start, $end) = $helper($entry['entry_authored_on']); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp', $start); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end', $end); $ctx->stash('category', $category); } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); $repeat = false; } } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); } return $content; } function setup_args($ctx, &$args) { if ($cat = $ctx->stash('category')) { $args['category_id'] = $cat['category_id']; } } function get_categorized_entry($ts, $blog_id, $cat_id, $at, $order) { $helper = $this->get_helper($at); list($start, $end) = $helper($ts); $args = array(); if ($order == 'previous') { $args['current_timestamp_end'] = $this->dec_ts($start); } else { $args['current_timestamp'] = $this->inc_ts($end); $args['base_sort_order'] = 'ascend'; # ascending order } $args['lastn'] = 1; $args['blog_id'] = $blog_id; $args['category_id'] = $cat_id; global $mt; list($entry) = $mt->db->fetch_entries($args); return $entry; } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_template'] = 1; $vars['main_template'] = 1; $vars['category_archive'] = 1; } function get_category_name ($ctx) { global $_archivers; $curr_at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $archiver = $_archivers[$curr_at]; $cat = $ctx->stash('category'); $cat_name = ''; if ($ctx->stash('index_archive') || !isset($archiver) || (isset($archiver) && !isset($cat)) || !$ctx->stash('inside_archive_list')) { $cat = $ctx->stash('archive_category'); $cat or $cat = $ctx->stash('category'); if (isset($cat)) { $cat_name = $cat['category_label'].": "; } } return $cat_name; } } class YearlyCategoryArchiver extends DateBasedCategoryArchiver { // Override method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Category Yearly'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $cat_name = parent::get_category_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); list($start) = start_end_year($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); global $mt; $lang = ($blog && $blog['blog_language'] ? $blog['blog_language'] : $mt->config('DefaultLanguage')); if (strtolower($lang) == 'jp' || strtolower($lang) == 'ja') { $format or $format = "%Y年"; } else { $format or $format = "%Y"; } return $cat_name.$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { return start_end_year($row[0]); } else { return start_end_year($row); } } function get_archive_name() { return 'Category-Yearly'; } function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $cat_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $year_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } if ($inside) { $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tsend = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $mt->db->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $mt->db->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend'"; } } #if (!$index) { $cat = $ctx->stash('archive_category'); $cat or $cat = $ctx->stash('category'); if (isset($cat)){ $cat_filter = " and placement_category_id=".$cat['category_id']; } #} $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, placement_category_id from mt_entry join mt_placement on entry_id = placement_entry_id join mt_category on placement_category_id = category_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' $cat_filter $date_filter group by $year_ext, placement_category_id order by $year_ext $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $hi = sprintf("%04d0000000000", $results[0][1]); $low = sprintf("%04d0000000000", $results[count($results)-1][1]); } return array($results, $hi, $low); } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $category_id = $row[2]; $category = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_category($category_id); $ctx->stash('category', $category); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['category_yearly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'category-yearly-archive'; } } class MonthlyCategoryArchiver extends DateBasedCategoryArchiver { // Override method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Category Monthly'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $cat_name = parent::get_category_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start) = start_end_month($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%B %Y"; return $cat_name.$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { return start_end_month(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $row[0], $row[1], "01")); } else { return start_end_month($row); } } function get_archive_name() { return 'Category-Monthly'; } function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $cat_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $year_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $month_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('month', 'entry_authored_on'); $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } if ($inside) { $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tsend = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $mt->db->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $mt->db->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend'"; } } #if (!$index) { $cat = $ctx->stash('archive_category'); $cat or $cat = $ctx->stash('category'); if(isset($cat)) { $cat_filter = " and placement_category_id=".$cat['category_id']; } #} $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, $month_ext as m, placement_category_id from mt_entry join mt_placement on entry_id = placement_entry_id join mt_category on placement_category_id = category_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' $cat_filter $date_filter group by $year_ext, $month_ext, placement_category_id order by $year_ext $order, $month_ext $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d00000000", $results[0][1], $results[0][2]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d00000000", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2]); } return array($results, $hi, $low);; } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $category_id = $row[3]; $category = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_category($category_id); $ctx->stash('category', $category); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['archive_class'] = 'category-monthlyl-archive'; $vars['category-monthly_archive'] = 1; $vars['module_category-monthly_archives'] = 1; } } class DailyCategoryArchiver extends DateBasedCategoryArchiver { // Override method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Category Daily'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $cat_name = parent::get_category_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start) = start_end_day($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%x"; return $cat_name.$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { return start_end_day(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $row[0], $row[1], $row[2])); } else { return start_end_day($row); } } function get_archive_name() { return 'Category-Daily'; } function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $cat_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $year_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $month_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('month', 'entry_authored_on'); $day_ext = $mt->db->apply_extract_date('day', 'entry_authored_on'); $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } if ($inside) { $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tsend = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $mt->db->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $mt->db->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend'"; } } #if (!$index) { $cat = $ctx->stash('archive_category'); $cat or $cat = $ctx->stash('category'); if(isset($cat)) { $cat_filter = " and placement_category_id=".$cat['category_id']; } #} $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, $month_ext as m, $day_ext as d, placement_category_id from mt_entry join mt_placement on entry_id = placement_entry_id join mt_category on placement_category_id = category_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' $cat_filter $date_filter group by placement_category_id, $year_ext, $month_ext, $day_ext order by $year_ext $order, $month_ext $order, $day_ext $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $results[0][1], $results[0][2], $results[0][3]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2], $results[count($results)-1][3]); } return array($results, $hi, $low); } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $category_id = $row[4]; $category = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_category($category_id); $ctx->stash('category', $category); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['category_daily_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'category-daily-archive'; } } class WeeklyCategoryArchiver extends DateBasedCategoryArchiver { // Override method function get_label($args, $ctx) { return $ctx->mt->translate('Category Weekly'); } function get_title($args, $ctx) { $cat_name = parent::get_category_name($ctx); $stamp = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); #$entry['entry_authored_on']; list($start, $end) = start_end_week($stamp, $ctx->stash('blog')); $format = $args['format']; $format or $format = "%x"; return $cat_name .$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $start, 'format' => $format), $ctx) ." - ".$ctx->_hdlr_date(array('ts' => $end, 'format' => $format), $ctx); } function get_range(&$ctx, &$row) { if (is_array($row)) { $week_yr = substr($row[0], 0, 4); $week_wk = substr($row[0], 4); list($y, $m, $d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_wk); $period_start = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $y, $m, $d); } else { $period_start = $row; } return start_end_week($period_start, $ctx->stash('blog')); } function get_archive_name() { return 'Category-Weekly'; } function get_archive_list_data($args) { global $mt; $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $cat_order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : $args['sort_order'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : ''; $ctx = $mt->context(); $index = $ctx->stash('index_archive'); $inside = $ctx->stash('inside_archive_list'); if (!isset($inside)) { $inside = false; } if ($inside) { $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tsend = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $mt->db->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $mt->db->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend'"; } } #if (!$index) { $cat = $ctx->stash('archive_category'); $cat or $cat = $ctx->stash('category'); if(isset($cat)) { $cat_filter = " and placement_category_id=".$cat['category_id']; } #} $sql = " select count(*), entry_week_number, placement_category_id from mt_entry join mt_placement on entry_id = placement_entry_id join mt_category on placement_category_id = category_id where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' $cat_filter $date_filter group by entry_week_number, placement_category_id order by entry_week_number $order <LIMIT>"; $group_sql = $mt->db->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $results = $mt->db->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { $week_yr = substr($results[0][1], 0, 4); $week_num = substr($results[0][1], 4); list($y, $m, $d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_num); $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $y, $m, $d); $week_yr = substr($results[count($result)-1][1], 0, 4); $week_num = substr($results[count($result)-1][1], 4); list($y, $m, $d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_num); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000", $y, $m, $d); } return array($results, $hi, $low); } function prepare_list(&$ctx, &$row) { $category_id = $row[2]; $category = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_category($category_id); $ctx->stash('category', $category); } function template_params(&$ctx) { parent::template_params($ctx); $vars =& $ctx->__stash['vars']; $vars['category_weekly_archive'] = 1; $vars['archive_class'] = 'category-weekly-archive'; } } ?>