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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: block.mtentries.php 1301 2008-01-21 10:05:43Z takayama $ function smarty_block_mtentries($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { $localvars = array('entry', '_entries_counter','entries','current_timestamp','modification_timestamp','_entries_lastn', 'current_timestamp_end', 'DateHeader', 'DateFooter', '_entries_glue', 'blog', 'blog_id', 'conditional', 'else_content'); if (isset($args['sort_by']) && $args['sort_by'] == 'score' && !isset($args['namespace'])) { return $ctx->error($ctx->mt->translate('sort_by="score" must be used in combination with namespace.')); } if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); // If we have a set of entries that were set based on context, // but the user has specified attributes that effectively // break that context, clear the stashed entries so fetch_entries // can reselect. if ($ctx->stash('entries') && (isset($args['category']) || isset($args['categories']) || isset($args['tag']) || isset($args['tags']) || isset($args['id']) || isset($args['author']) || isset($args['recently_commented_on']) || isset($args['include_subcategories']) || isset($args['days']) )) $ctx->__stash['entries'] = null; $counter = 0; $lastn = $args['lastn']; $ctx->stash('_entries_lastn', $lastn); } else { $lastn = $ctx->stash('_entries_lastn'); $counter = $ctx->stash('_entries_counter'); } if (!isset($args['class'])) { $args['class'] = 'entry'; } $entries = $ctx->stash('entries'); if (!isset($entries)) { global $_archivers; if (!isset($_archivers)) { require_once('archive_lib.php'); } $at = $ctx->stash('current_archive_type'); $archiver = $_archivers[$at]; $args['blog_id'] = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); if (isset($args['id'])) { $args['entry_id'] = $args['id']; } $ts = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp'); $tse = $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end'); if ($ts && $tse) { # assign date range if we have both # start and end date $args['current_timestamp'] = $ts; $args['current_timestamp_end'] = $tse; } if (isset($archiver)) { ($args['limit'] || $args['lastn']) or $args['lastn'] = -1; $archiver->setup_args($ctx, $args); } if (($cat = $ctx->stash('category')) && ($args['class'] == 'entry' || $args['class'] == 'page')) { $args['category'] or $args['categories'] or $args['category_id'] = $cat['category_id']; if ($ctx->stash('inside_mt_categories')) { $args['category_id'] = $cat['category_id']; $args['show_empty'] = $ctx->stash('show_empty'); } else { $args['category'] or $args['categories'] or $args['category_id'] = $cat['category_id']; } } if ($tag = $ctx->stash('Tag')) { $args['tag'] or $args['tags'] or $args['tags'] = is_array($tag) ? $tag['tag_name'] : $tag; } $entries =& $ctx->mt->db->fetch_entries($args); $ctx->stash('entries', $entries); } $ctx->stash('conditional', empty($entries) ? 0 : 1); if (empty($entries)) { $ret = $ctx->_hdlr_if($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat, 0); if (!$repeat) $ctx->restore($localvars); return $ret; } $ctx->stash('_entries_glue', $args['glue']); if (($lastn > count($entries)) || ($lastn == -1)) { $lastn = count($entries); $ctx->stash('_entries_lastn', $lastn); } if ($lastn ? ($counter < $lastn) : ($counter < count($entries))) { $blog_id = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); $entry = $entries[$counter]; if ($blog_id != $entry['entry_blog_id']) { $blog_id = $entry['entry_blog_id']; $ctx->stash('blog_id', $blog_id); $ctx->stash('blog', $ctx->mt->db->fetch_blog($blog_id)); } if ($counter > 0) { $last_entry_created_on = $entries[$counter-1]['entry_authored_on']; } else { $last_entry_created_on = ''; } if ($counter < count($entries)-1) { $next_entry_created_on = $entries[$counter+1]['entry_authored_on']; } else { $next_entry_created_on = ''; } $ctx->stash('DateHeader', !(substr($entry['entry_authored_on'], 0, 8) == substr($last_entry_created_on, 0, 8))); $ctx->stash('DateFooter', (substr($entry['entry_authored_on'], 0, 8) != substr($next_entry_created_on, 0, 8))); $ctx->stash('entry', $entry); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp', $entry['entry_authored_on']); $ctx->stash('current_timestamp_end', null); $ctx->stash('modification_timestamp', $entry['entry_modified_on']); $ctx->stash('_entries_counter', $counter + 1); $_REQUEST['entry_ids_published'][$entry['entry_id']] = 1; $glue = $ctx->stash('_entries_glue'); if ($glue != '') $content = $content . $glue; $repeat = true; } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); $repeat = false; } return $content; } ?>