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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: block.mtifisancestor.php 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ function smarty_block_mtifisancestor($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { $localvars = array('conditional', 'else_content'); if (!isset($content)) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $cat = get_category_context($ctx); $ctx->localize($localvars); $children = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_categories(array('label' => $args['child'], 'blog_id' => $ctx->stash('blog_id'), 'show_empty' => 1)); $ret = false; if ($children) { foreach ($children as $child) { if (_is_ancestor($cat, $child, $ctx)) { $ret = true; break; } } unset($child); } $ctx->stash('else_content', null); $ctx->stash('conditional', $ret ? 1 : 0); } else { if (!$ctx->stash('conditional')) $content = $ctx->stash('else_content'); $ctx->restore($localvars); } return $content; } function _is_ancestor($cat, $possible_child, $ctx) { # Catch the different blog edge case if ($cat['category_blog_id'] != $possible_child['category_blog_id']) return 0; if ($cat['category_id'] == $possible_child['category_id']) return 1; # Keep having the child bump up one level in the hierarchy # to see if it ever reaches the current category # (more efficient than descending from the current category # as the children lists do not need to be calculated) while ($id = $possible_child['category_parent']) { $possible_child = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_category($id); if ($cat['category_id'] == $id) return 1; } # Looks like we didn't find it return 0; } ?>