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<?php function smarty_block_mtsubcategories($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { $localvars = array('subCatTokens', 'subCatsSortOrder', 'subCatsSortMethod', '__categories', 'inside_mt_categories', '_subcats_counter', 'entries', 'subCatIsFirst', 'subCatIsLast', 'category','current_archive_type'); if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); $token_fn = $args['token_fn']; $blog_id = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); $class = 'category'; if (isset($args['class'])) { $class = $args['class']; } # Do we want the current category? $include_current = $args['include_current']; $top = $args['top']; # Sorting information# sort_order ::= 'ascend' | 'descend' # sort_method ::= method name (e.g. package::method) # # sort_method takes precedence $sort_order = $args['sort_order'] or 'ascend'; $sort_method = $args['sort_method']; # Store the tokens for recursion $ctx->stash('subCatTokens', $token_fn); $ctx->stash('current_archive_type', 'Category'); # If we find ourselves in a category context if (!$top) { if ($args['category']) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $current_cat = cat_path_to_category($args['category'], $blog_id); } if ($current_cat == NULL) { $current_cat = $ctx->stash('category') or $ctx->stash('archive_category'); } } if (!$top && !$args['top_level_categories'] && $current_cat) { if ($include_current) { # If we're to include it, just use it to seed the category list $cats = array($current_cat); } else { # Otherwise, use its children $cats = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_categories(array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'category_id' => $current_cat['category_id'], 'children' => 1, 'show_empty' => 1, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, 'class' => $class)); } } if (($top || $args['top_level_categories']) && !$cats) { # Otherwise, use the top level categories $cats = $ctx->mt->db->fetch_categories(array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'top_level_categories' => 1, 'show_empty' => 1, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, 'class' => $class)); } if (!$cats) { $ctx->restore($localvars); $repeat = false; return ''; } $ctx->stash('__categories', $cats); # Be sure the regular MT tags know we're in a category context $ctx->stash('inside_mt_categories', 1); $ctx->stash('subCatsSortOrder', $sort_order); $ctx->stash('subCatsSortMethod', $sort_method); $ctx->stash('_subcats_counter', 0); $count = 0; } else { # Init variables $cats = $ctx->stash('__categories'); $count = $ctx->stash('_subcats_counter'); } # Loop through the immediate children (or the current cat, # depending on the arguments if ($count < count($cats)) { $category = $cats[$count]; $ctx->stash('category', $category); $ctx->stash('entries', null); $ctx->stash('subCatIsFirst', $count == 0); $ctx->stash('subCatIsLast', $count == (count($cats) - 1)); $ctx->stash('subFolderHead', $count == 0); $ctx->stash('subFolderFoot', $count == (count($cats) - 1)); $ctx->stash('_subcats_counter', $count + 1); $repeat = true; } else { $ctx->restore($localvars); $repeat = false; } return $content; } ?>