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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: mtdb_base.php 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ class MTDatabaseBase extends ezsql { var $savedqueries = array(); var $_entry_id_cache = array(); var $_author_id_cache = array(); var $_comment_count_cache = array(); var $_ping_count_cache = array(); var $_cat_id_cache = array(); var $_tag_id_cache = array(); var $_blog_id_cache = array(); var $_entry_link_cache = array(); var $_cat_link_cache = array(); var $_archive_link_cache = array(); var $_entry_tag_cache = array(); var $_blog_tag_cache = array(); var $_asset_tag_cache = array(); var $_blog_asset_tag_cache = array(); var $serializer; var $id; function MTDatabaseBase($dbuser, $dbpassword = '', $dbname = '', $dbhost = '', $dbport = '') { $this->id = md5(uniqid('MTDatabaseBase',true)); $this->hide_errors(); $this->db($dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost, $dbport); } function unserialize($data) { if (!$this->serializer) { require_once("MTSerialize.php"); $this->serializer =& new MTSerialize(); } return $this->serializer->unserialize($data); } function query($query) { $this->savedqueries[] = $query; parent::query($query); } function &resolve_url($path, $blog_id) { $path = preg_replace('!/$!', '', $path); $path = $this->escape($path); $blog_id = intval($blog_id); # resolve for $path -- one of: # /path/to/file.html # /path/to/index.html # /path/to/ # /path/to global $mt; $index = $this->escape($mt->config('IndexBasename')); $escindex = $this->escape($index); foreach ( array($path, urldecode($path), urlencode($path)) as $p ) { $sql = " select * from mt_blog, mt_template, mt_fileinfo left outer join mt_templatemap on templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id where fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id and ((fileinfo_url = '%1\$s' or fileinfo_url = '%1\$s/') or (fileinfo_url like '%1\$s/$escindex%%')) and blog_id = fileinfo_blog_id and template_id = fileinfo_template_id order by length(fileinfo_url) asc "; $rows = $this->get_results(sprintf($sql,$p), ARRAY_A); if ($rows) { break; } } $path = $p; if (!$rows) return null; $found = false; foreach ($rows as $row) { $fiurl = $row['fileinfo_url']; if ($fiurl == $path) { $found = true; break; } if ($fiurl == "$path/") { $found = true; break; } $ext = $row['blog_file_extension']; if (!empty($ext)) $ext = '.' . $ext; if ($fiurl == ($path.'/'.$index.$ext)) { $found = true; break; } if ($found) break; } if (!$found) return null; $data = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)/', $key, $matches)) { $data[$matches[1]][$key] = $value; } } $this->_blog_id_cache[$data['blog']['blog_id']] =& $data['blog']; return $data; } function fetch_blogs($args) { if ($blog_ids = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $where = ' where blog_id ' . $blog_ids; } $sql = 'select * from mt_blog' . $where . ' order by blog_name'; $res = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $res; } function fetch_templates($args) { if (isset($args['type'])) { $type_filter = 'and template_type = \'' . $this->escape($args['type']) . '\''; } if (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_filter = 'and template_blog_id = ' . intval($args['blog_id']); } $sql = "select * from mt_template where 1 = 1 $blog_filter $type_filter order by template_name"; $result = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $result; } function load_index_template(&$ctx, $tmpl, $blog_id = null) { return $this->load_special_template($ctx, $tmpl, 'index'); } function load_special_template(&$ctx, $tmpl, $type, $blog_id = null) { $blog_id or $blog_id = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); $tmpl_name = $this->escape($tmpl); $sql = "select * from mt_template" . " where template_blog_id=$blog_id ". ($tmpl ? " and (template_name='". $tmpl_name . "'" . " or template_outfile='" . $tmpl_name ."'" . " or template_identifier='" . $tmpl_name . "')" : ""). " and template_type='".$this->escape($type)."'"; list($row) = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!$row) return null; return $row; } function fetch_config() { $sql = "select * from mt_config"; list($row) = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!$row) return null; return $row; } function category_link($cid, $args = null) { if (isset($this->_cat_link_cache[$cid])) { $url = $this->_cat_link_cache[$cid]; } else { $sql = "select fileinfo_url, fileinfo_blog_id from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where fileinfo_category_id = $cid and fileinfo_archive_type = 'Category' and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; $rows = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (count($rows)) { $link =& $rows[0]; } else { return null; } $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($link['fileinfo_blog_id']); $blog_url = $blog['blog_site_url']; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $link['fileinfo_url']; $url = _strip_index($url, $blog); $this->_cat_link_cache[$cid] = $url; } return $url; } function archive_link($ts, $at, $sql, $args) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); if (isset($this->_archive_link_cache[$blog_id.';'.$ts.';'.$at])) { $url = $this->_archive_link_cache[$blog_id.';'.$ts.';'.$at]; } else { if ($sql == '') { $sql = "select fileinfo_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where fileinfo_startdate = '$ts' and fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_archive_type = '".$this->escape($at)."' and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; } $rows = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (count($rows)) { $link =& $rows[0]; } else { return null; } $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($blog_id); $blog_url = $blog['blog_site_url']; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $link['fileinfo_url']; $url = _strip_index($url, $blog); $this->_archive_link_cache[$ts.';'.$at] = $url; } return $url; } function entry_link($eid, $at = "Individual", $args = null) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); if (isset($this->_entry_link_cache[$eid.';'.$at])) { $url = $this->_entry_link_cache[$eid.';'.$at]; } else { if (preg_match('/Category/', $at)) { $table = ", mt_placement"; $filter = "and placement_entry_id = $eid and fileinfo_category_id = placement_category_id and placement_is_primary = 1"; } if (preg_match('/Page/', $at)) { $entry = $this->fetch_page($eid); } else { $entry = $this->fetch_entry($eid); } $ts = $entry['entry_authored_on']; if (preg_match('/Monthly$/', $at)) { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 6) . '01000000'; } elseif (preg_match('/Daily$/', $at)) { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 8) . '000000'; } elseif (preg_match('/Weekly$/', $at)) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); list($ws, $we) = start_end_week($ts); $ts = $ws; } elseif (preg_match('/Yearly$/', $at)) { $ts = substr($ts, 0, 4) . '0101000000'; } elseif ($at == 'Individual' || $at == 'Page') { $filter .= "and fileinfo_entry_id = $eid"; } if ($ts != $entry['entry_authored_on']) { $filter .= " and fileinfo_startdate = '$ts'"; } if (preg_match('/Author/', $at)) { $filter .= " and fileinfo_author_id = ". $entry['entry_author_id']; } $sql = "select fileinfo_url, fileinfo_blog_id from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap $table where templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id $filter and templatemap_archive_type = '$at' and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; $rows = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (count($rows)) { $link =& $rows[0]; } else { return null; } $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($link['fileinfo_blog_id']); $blog_url = $blog['blog_site_url']; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $link['fileinfo_url']; $url = _strip_index($url, $blog); $this->_entry_link_cache[$eid.';'.$at] = $url; } if ($at != 'Individual' && $at != 'Page') { if (!$args || !isset($args['no_anchor'])) { $url .= '#' . (!$args || isset($args['valid_html']) ? 'a' : '') . sprintf("%06d", $eid); } } return $url; } /* recreation of generic load method functionality from MT::Object */ function &load($class, $terms = null, $args = null) { $sql = "select * from mt_$class"; $where = ''; if ($terms) { if (is_array($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $col => $val) { $column = $class . '_' . $col; if (isset($args['range']) && isset($args['range'][$col])) { $range = ''; if (isset($val[0])) $range = "$column > '" . $this->escape($val[0]) . "' "; if (isset($val[1])) { if ($range != '') $range .= ' and '; $range .= "$column < '" . $this->escape($val[0]) . "'"; } $where .= " and ($range)"; } elseif (isset($args['range_incl']) && isset($args['range_incl'][$col])) { $range = ''; if (isset($val[0])) $range = "$column >= '" . $this->escape($val[0]) . "' "; if (isset($val[1])) { if ($range != '') $range .= ' and '; $range .= "$column <= '" . $this->escape($val[0]) . "'"; } $where .= " and ($range)"; } else { if (is_array($val)) { $list = ''; foreach ($val as $item) { if ($list != '') $list .= ','; $list .= "'" . $this->escape($item). "'"; } $where .= " and ($column in ($list))"; } else { $where .= " and ($column='".$this->escape($val)."')"; } } } $where = preg_replace('/^ and/', '', $where); } else { $where = " ($class"."_id=".intval($terms).")"; } $sql .= ' where ' . $where; } if (isset($args['sort']) or isset($args['direction'])) { $order = $args['sort']; $order or $order = 'id'; $dir = $args['direction'] == 'descend' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; $sql .= " order by " . $class . "_" . $order . " $dir"; } if (isset($args['limit']) or isset($args['offset'])) { $sql .= ' <LIMIT>'; $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['limit'], $args['offset']); } return $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); } function get_template_text($ctx, $module, $blog_id = null, $type = 'custom', $global = null) { $blog_id or $blog_id = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); if (($type === 'custom' || $type === 'widget')) { $col = 'template_name'; $type_filter = "and template_type='$type'"; } else { $col = 'template_identifier'; $type_filter = ""; } if (!isset($global)) { $blog_filter = "template_blog_id in (".$this->escape($blog_id).",0)"; } elseif ($global) { $blog_filter = "template_blog_id=0"; } else { $blog_filter = "template_blog_id=".$this->escape($blog_id); } $row = $this->get_row(" select template_text, template_modified_on, template_linked_file, template_linked_file_mtime, template_linked_file_size from mt_template where $blog_filter and $col='".$this->escape($module)."' $type_filter order by template_blog_id desc", ARRAY_N); if (!$row) return ''; list($tmpl, $ts, $file, $mtime, $size) = $row; if ($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); if ($blog['blog_id'] != $blog_id) { $blog = $this->fetch_blog($blog_id); } $path = $blog['blog_site_path']; if (!preg_match('![\\/]$!', $path)) $path .= '/'; $path .= $file; if (is_file($path) && is_readable($path)) $file = $path; else $file = ''; } if ($file) { if ((filemtime($file) > $mtime) || (filesize($file) != $size)) { $contents = @file($file); $tmpl = implode('', $contents); } } } return $tmpl; } function &fetch_pages($args) { $args['class'] = 'page'; return $this->fetch_entries($args); } function &fetch_entries($args) { if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and entry_blog_id ' . $sql; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = 'and entry_blog_id = ' . $blog_id; $blog = $this->fetch_blog($blog_id); } # automatically include offset if in request if ($args['offset'] == 'auto') { $args['offset'] = 0; if ($args['limit'] || $args['lastn']) { if ($_REQUEST['offset'] > 0) { $args['offset'] = $_REQUEST['offset']; } } } if ($args['limit'] > 0) { $args['lastn'] = $args['limit']; } elseif (!isset($args['days']) && !isset($args['lastn'])) { if ($days = $blog['blog_days_on_index']) { if (!isset($args['recently_commented_on'])) { $args['days'] = $days; } } elseif ($posts = $blog['blog_entries_on_index']) { $args['lastn'] = $posts; } } if ($args['limit'] == 'auto') { if (($_REQUEST['limit'] > 0) && ($_REQUEST['limit'] < $args['lastn'])) { $args['lastn'] = intval($_REQUEST['limit']); } } if (isset($args['include_blogs']) or isset($args['exclude_blogs'])) { $blog_ctx_arg = isset($args['include_blogs']) ? array('include_blogs' => $args['include_blogs']) : array('exclude_blogs' => $args['exclude_blogs']); } # a context hash for filter routines $ctx = array(); $filters = array(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['entry_ids_published'])) { $_REQUEST['entry_ids_published'] = array(); } if (isset($args['unique'])) { $filters[] = create_function('$e,$ctx', 'return !isset($ctx["entry_ids_published"][$e["entry_id"]]);'); $ctx['entry_ids_published'] = &$_REQUEST['entry_ids_published']; } # special case for selecting a particular entry if (isset($args['entry_id'])) { $entry_filter = 'and entry_id = '.$args['entry_id']; $start = ''; $end = ''; $limit = 1; $blog_filter = ''; $day_filter = ''; } else { $entry_filter = ''; } # special case for excluding a particular entry if (isset($args['not_entry_id'])) { $entry_filter .= ' and entry_id != '.$args['not_entry_id']; } $entry_list = array(); # Adds a category filter to the filters list. $cat_class = 'category'; if (!isset($args['class'])) { $args['class'] = 'entry'; } if ($args['class'] == 'page') { $cat_class = 'folder'; } if (isset($args['category']) or isset($args['categories'])) { $category_arg = isset($args['category']) ? $args['category'] : $args['categories']; require_once("MTUtil.php"); if (!preg_match('/\b(AND|OR|NOT)\b|\(|\)/i', $category_arg)) { $not_clause = false; $cats = cat_path_to_category($category_arg, $blog_ctx_arg, $cat_class); if (count($cats)) { $category_arg = ''; foreach ($cats as $cat) { if ($category_arg != '') $category_arg .= '|| '; $category_arg .= '#' . $cat['category_id']; } $category_arg = '(' . $category_arg . ')'; } } else { $not_clause = preg_match('/\bNOT\b/i', $category_arg); if ($blog_ctx_arg) $cats =& $this->fetch_categories(array_merge($blog_ctx_arg, array('show_empty' => 1, 'class' => $cat_class))); else $cats =& $this->fetch_categories(array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'show_empty' => 1, 'class' => $cat_class)); } if (!is_array($cats)) $cats = array(); $cexpr = create_cat_expr_function($category_arg, $cats, array('children' => $args['include_subcategories'])); if ($cexpr) { $cmap = array(); $cat_list = array(); foreach ($cats as $cat) $cat_list[] = $cat['category_id']; $pl =& $this->fetch_placements(array('category_id' => $cat_list)); if ($pl) { foreach ($pl as $p) { $cmap[$p['placement_entry_id']][$p['placement_category_id']]++; if (!$not_clause) $entry_list[$p['placement_entry_id']] = 1; } } $ctx['p'] =& $cmap; $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } elseif (isset($args['category_id'])) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $cat = $this->fetch_category($args['category_id']); if ($cat) { $cats = array($cat); $cmap = array(); $cexpr = create_cat_expr_function($cat['category_label'], $cats, array('children' => $args['include_subcategories'])); $pl =& $this->fetch_placements(array('category_id' => array($cat['category_id']))); if ($pl) { foreach ($pl as $p) { $cmap[$p['placement_entry_id']][$p['placement_category_id']]++; } $ctx['p'] =& $cmap; $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { # this category have no entries (or pages) return null; } } } if ((0 == count($filters)) && (isset($args['show_empty']) && (1 == $args['show_empty']))) { return null; } # Adds a tag filter to the filters list. if (isset($args['tags']) or isset($args['tag'])) { $tag_arg = isset($args['tag']) ? $args['tag'] : $args['tags']; require_once("MTUtil.php"); $not_clause = preg_match('/\bNOT\b/i', $tag_arg); require_once("MTUtil.php"); $include_private = 0; $tag_array = tag_split($tag_arg); foreach ($tag_array as $tag) { if ($tag && (substr($tag,0,1) == '@')) { $include_private = 1; } } if (isset($blog_ctx_arg)) $tags =& $this->fetch_entry_tags(array($blog_ctx_arg, 'tag' => $tag_arg, 'include_private' => $include_private, 'class' => $args['class'])); else $tags =& $this->fetch_entry_tags(array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'tag' => $tag_arg, 'include_private' => $include_private, 'class' => $args['class'])); if (!is_array($tags)) $tags = array(); $cexpr = create_tag_expr_function($tag_arg, $tags); if ($cexpr) { $tmap = array(); $tag_list = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag_list[] = $tag['tag_id']; } if (isset($blog_ctx_arg)) $ot =& $this->fetch_objecttags(array('tag_id' => $tag_list, 'datasource' => 'entry', $blog_ctx_arg)); elseif ($args['blog_id']) $ot =& $this->fetch_objecttags(array('tag_id' => $tag_list, 'datasource' => 'entry', 'blog_id' => $args['blog_id'])); if ($ot) { foreach ($ot as $o) { $tmap[$o['objecttag_object_id']][$o['objecttag_tag_id']]++; if (!$not_clause) $entry_list[$o['objecttag_object_id']] = 1; } } $ctx['t'] =& $tmap; $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } # Adds a score or rate filter to the filters list. if (isset($args['namespace'])) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $arg_names = array('min_score', 'max_score', 'min_rate', 'max_rate', 'min_count', 'max_count' ); foreach ($arg_names as $n) { if (isset($args[$n])) { $rating_args = $args[$n]; $cexpr = create_rating_expr_function($rating_args, $n, $args['namespace']); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } } if (isset($args['scored_by'])) { $voter = $this->fetch_author_by_name($args['scored_by']); if (!$voter) { echo "Invalid scored by filter: ".$args['scored_by']; return null; } $cexpr = create_rating_expr_function($voter['author_id'], 'scored_by', $args['namespace']); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } } if (count($entry_list) && ($entry_filter == '')) { $entry_list = implode(",", array_keys($entry_list)); # set a reasonable cap on the entry list cache. if # user is selecting something too big, then they'll # just have to wait through a scan. if (strlen($entry_list) < 2048) $entry_filter = "and entry_id in ($entry_list)"; } if (isset($args['author'])) $author_filter = 'and author_name = \'' . $this->escape($args['author']) . "'"; $start = isset($args['current_timestamp']) ? $args['current_timestamp'] : null; $end = isset($args['current_timestamp_end']) ? $args['current_timestamp_end'] : null; if ($start and $end) { $start = $this->ts2db($start); $end = $this->ts2db($end); $date_filter = "and entry_authored_on between '$start' and '$end'"; } elseif ($start) { $start = $this->ts2db($start); $date_filter = "and entry_authored_on >= '$start'"; } elseif ($end) { $end = $this->ts2db($end); $date_filter = "and entry_authored_on <= '$end'"; } else { $date_filter = ''; } if (isset($args['lastn'])) { if (!isset($args['entry_id'])) $limit = $args['lastn']; } elseif (isset($args['days']) && !$date_filter) { $day_filter = 'and ' . $this->limit_by_day_sql('entry_authored_on', intval($args['days'])); } else { if ((!isset($args['current_timestamp']) && !isset($args['current_timestamp_end'])) && ($limit <= 0) && (!isset($args['category'])) && (!isset($args['categories'])) && (!isset($args['category_id'])) && (isset($blog))) { if ($days = $blog['blog_days_on_index']) { if (!isset($args['recently_commented_on'])) { $day_filter = 'and ' . $this->limit_by_day_sql('entry_authored_on', $days); } } elseif ($posts = $blog['blog_entries_on_index']) { $limit = $posts; } } } if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') { $order = 'asc'; } else if ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $order = 'desc'; } } if (!isset($order)) { $order = 'desc'; if (isset($blog) && isset($blog['blog_sort_order_posts'])) { if ($blog['blog_sort_order_posts'] == 'ascend') { $order = 'asc'; } } } if (isset($args['class'])) { $class = $this->escape($args['class']); } else { $class = 'entry'; } $class_filter = "and entry_class='$class'"; $join_score = ""; $distinct = ""; if ( isset($args['sort_by']) && (($args['sort_by'] == 'score') || ($args['sort_by'] == 'rate')) ) { $join_score = "left join mt_objectscore on objectscore_object_id = entry_id and objectscore_namespace='" . $args['namespace']."' and objectscore_object_ds='".$class."'"; $distinct = " distinct"; } if (isset($args['offset'])) $offset = $args['offset']; if (isset($args['limit'])) { if (isset($args['sort_by'])) { if ($args['sort_by'] == 'title') { $sort_field = 'entry_title'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'id') { $sort_field = 'entry_id'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'status') { $sort_field = 'entry_status'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'modified_on') { $sort_field = 'entry_modified_on'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'author_id') { $sort_field = 'entry_author_id'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'excerpt') { $sort_field = 'entry_excerpt'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'comment_created_on') { $sort_field = $args['sort_by']; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'score' || $args['sort_by'] == 'rate') { $post_sort_limit = $limit; $post_sort_offset = $offset; $limit = 0; $offset = 0; } else { $sort_field = 'entry_' . $args['sort_by']; } if ($sort_field) $no_resort = 1; } else { $sort_field ='entry_authored_on'; } if ($sort_field) { $base_order = ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); $base_order or $base_order = 'desc'; } } else { $base_order = 'desc'; if (isset($args['base_sort_order'])) { if ($args['base_sort_order'] == 'ascend') $base_order = 'asc'; } $sort_field ='entry_authored_on'; $no_resort = 0; } if (count($filters)) { $post_select_limit = $limit; $post_select_offset = $offset; $limit = 0; $offset = 0; } $sql = " select$distinct mt_entry.*, mt_placement.*, mt_author.*, mt_trackback.* from mt_entry left outer join mt_trackback on trackback_entry_id = entry_id left outer join mt_placement on placement_entry_id = entry_id $join_score and placement_is_primary = 1, mt_author where entry_status = 2 and entry_author_id = author_id $blog_filter $entry_filter $author_filter $date_filter $day_filter $class_filter "; if ($sort_field) { $sql .= " order by $sort_field $base_order"; } if (isset($args['recently_commented_on'])) { $rco = $args['recently_commented_on']; $sql = $this->entries_recently_commented_on_sql($sql); $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, count($filters) ? null : $rco); $args['sort_by'] or $args['sort_by'] = 'comment_created_on'; $args['sort_order'] or $args['sort_order'] = 'descend'; $post_select_limit = $rco; $no_resort = 1; } else { $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql . " <LIMIT>", $limit, $offset); } $result = $this->query_start($sql); if (!$result) return null; $entries = array(); $j = 0; $offset = $post_select_offset ? $post_select_offset : 0; $limit = $post_select_limit ? $post_select_limit : 0; $id_list = array(); while (true) { $e = $this->query_fetch(ARRAY_A); if (!isset($e)) break; if (count($filters)) { foreach ($filters as $f) { $old_result = $this->result; if (!$f($e, $ctx)) { $this->result = $old_result; continue 2; } $this->result = $old_result; } } if ($offset && ($j++ < $offset)) continue; $e['entry_authored_on'] = $this->db2ts($e['entry_authored_on']); $e['entry_modified_on'] = $this->db2ts($e['entry_modified_on']); $id_list[] = $e['entry_id']; $entries[] = $e; if (($limit > 0) && (count($entries) >= $limit)) break; } if (!$no_resort) { $sort_field = ''; if (isset($args['sort_by'])) { if ($args['sort_by'] == 'title') { $sort_field = 'entry_title'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'id') { $sort_field = 'entry_id'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'status') { $sort_field = 'entry_status'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'modified_on') { $sort_field = 'entry_modified_on'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'author_id') { $sort_field = 'entry_author_id'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'excerpt') { $sort_field = 'entry_excerpt'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'comment_created_on') { $sort_field = $args['sort_by']; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'score') { $sort_field = $args['sort_by']; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'rate') { $sort_field = $args['sort_by']; } else { $sort_field = 'entry_' . $args['sort_by']; } } else { $sort_field = 'entry_authored_on'; } if ($sort_field) { if ($sort_field == 'score') { $offset = $post_sort_offset ? $post_sort_offset : 0; $limit = $post_sort_limit ? $post_sort_limit : 0; $entries_tmp = array(); foreach ($entries as $e) { $entries_tmp[$e['entry_id']] = $e; } $scores = $this->fetch_sum_scores($args['namespace'], 'entry', $order, $blog_filter . "\n" . $entry_filter . "\n" . $author_filter . "\n" . $date_filter . "\n" . $day_filter . "\n" . $class_filter . "\n" ); $entries_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (--$offset >= 0) continue; if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $entries_tmp)) { array_push($entries_sorted, $entries_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($entries_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); if (--$limit == 0) break; } } foreach ($entries_tmp as $et) { if ($limit == 0) break; if ($order == 'asc') array_unshift($entries_sorted, $et); else array_push($entries_sorted, $et); $limit--; } $entries = $entries_sorted; } elseif ($sort_field == 'rate') { $offset = $post_sort_offset ? $post_sort_offset : 0; $limit = $post_sort_limit ? $post_sort_limit : 0; $entries_tmp = array(); foreach ($entries as $e) { $entries_tmp[$e['entry_id']] = $e; } $scores = $this->fetch_avg_scores($args['namespace'], 'entry', $order, $blog_filter . "\n" . $entry_filter . "\n" . $author_filter . "\n" . $date_filter . "\n" . $day_filter . "\n" . $class_filter . "\n" ); $entries_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (--$offset >= 0) continue; if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $entries_tmp)) { array_push($entries_sorted, $entries_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($entries_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); if (--$limit == 0) break; } } foreach ($entries_tmp as $et) { if ($limit == 0) break; if ($order == 'asc') array_unshift($entries_sorted, $et); else array_push($entries_sorted, $et); $limit--; } $entries = $entries_sorted; } else { if (($sort_field == 'entry_status') || ($sort_field == 'entry_author_id') || ($sort_field == 'entry_id')) { $sort_fn = "if (\$a['$sort_field'] == \$b['$sort_field']) return 0; return \$a['$sort_field'] < \$b['$sort_field'] ? -1 : 1;"; } else { $sort_fn = "return strcmp(\$a['$sort_field'],\$b['$sort_field']);"; } $sorter = create_function( $order == 'asc' ? '$a,$b' : '$b,$a', $sort_fn); usort($entries, $sorter); } } } if (count($id_list) <= 30) { # TODO: find a good upper limit # pre-cache comment counts and categories for these entries $this->cache_comment_counts($id_list); $this->cache_ping_counts($id_list); $this->cache_categories($id_list); $this->cache_permalinks($id_list); } return $entries; } function fetch_plugin_config($plugin, $scope = "system") { if ($scope != 'system') { $key = 'configuration:'.$scope; } else { $key = 'configuration'; } return $this->fetch_plugin_data($plugin, $key); } function fetch_plugin_data($plugin, $key) { $plugin = $this->escape($plugin); $key = $this->escape($key); $sql = " select plugindata_data from mt_plugindata where plugindata_plugin = '$plugin' and plugindata_key = '$key'"; $data = $this->get_var($sql); if ($data) { return $this->unserialize($data); } return null; } function &fetch_entry_tags($args) { $class = 'entry'; if (isset($args['class'])) { $class = $args['class']; } # load tags if (isset($args['entry_id'])) { if (!isset($args['tags']) && !isset($args['tag'])) { if (isset($this->_entry_tag_cache[$args['entry_id']])) { return $this->_entry_tag_cache[$args['entry_id']]; } } $entry_filter = 'and objecttag_tag_id in (select objecttag_tag_id from mt_objecttag where objecttag_object_id='.intval($args['entry_id']).')'; } $blog_filter = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args); if ($blog_filter == '' and isset($args['blog_id'])) { if (!isset($args['tags']) && !isset($args['tag'])) { if (!isset($args['entry_id'])) { if (isset($this->_blog_tag_cache[$args['blog_id'].":$class"])) { return $this->_blog_tag_cache[$args['blog_id'].":$class"]; } } } $blog_filter = ' = '. intval($args['blog_id']); } if ($blog_filter != '') $blog_filter = 'and objecttag_blog_id ' . $blog_filter; if (!isset($args['include_private'])) { $private_filter = 'and (tag_is_private = 0 or tag_is_private is null)'; } if (isset($args['tags']) && ($args['tags'] != '')) { $tag_list = ''; require_once("MTUtil.php"); $tag_array = tag_split($args['tags']); foreach ($tag_array as $tag) { if ($tag_list != '') $tag_list .= ','; $tag_list .= "'" . $this->escape($tag) . "'"; } if ($tag_list != '') { $tag_filter = 'and (tag_name in (' . $tag_list . '))'; $private_filter = ''; } } $sort_col = isset($args['sort_by']) ? $args['sort_by'] : 'name'; $sort_col = "tag_$sort_col"; if (isset($args['sort_order']) and $args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $order = 'desc'; } else { $order = 'asc'; } $id_order = ''; if ($sort_col == 'tag_name') { $sort_col = 'lower(tag_name)'; }else{ $id_order = ', lower(tag_name)'; } $sql = " select tag_id, tag_name, count(*) as tag_count from mt_tag, mt_objecttag, mt_entry where objecttag_tag_id = tag_id and entry_id = objecttag_object_id and objecttag_object_datasource='entry' and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = '$class' $blog_filter $tag_filter $entry_filter $private_filter group by tag_id, tag_name order by $sort_col $order $id_order"; $tags = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!isset($args['tag'])) { if ($args['entry_id']) $this->_entry_tag_cache[$args['entry_id']] = $tags; elseif ($args['blog_id']) $this->_blog_tag_cache[$args['blog_id'].":$class"] = $tags; } return $tags; } function &fetch_asset_tags($args) { # load tags by asset if (!isset($args['include_private'])) { $private_filter = 'and (tag_is_private = 0 or tag_is_private is null)'; } if (isset($args['asset_id'])) { if (isset($args['tags'])) { if (isset($this->_asset_tag_cache[$args['asset_id']])) return $this->_asset_tag_cache[$args['asset_id']]; } $asset_filter = 'and objecttag_object_id = '.intval($args['asset_id']); } if (isset($args['blog_id'])) { if (!isset($args['tags'])) { if (isset($this->_blog_asset_tag_cache[$args['blog_id']])) return $this->_blog_asset_tag_cache[$args['blog_id']]; } $blog_filter = 'and objecttag_blog_id = '.intval($args['blog_id']); } if (isset($args['tags']) && ($args['tags'] != '')) { $tag_list = ''; require_once("MTUtil.php"); $tag_array = tag_split($args['tags']); foreach ($tag_array as $tag) { if ($tag_list != '') $tag_list .= ','; $tag_list .= "'" . $this->escape($tag) . "'"; } if ($tag_list != '') { $tag_filter = 'and (tag_name in (' . $tag_list . '))'; $private_filter = ''; } } $sort_col = isset($args['sort_by']) ? $args['sort_by'] : 'name'; $sort_col = "tag_$sort_col"; if (isset($args['sort_order']) and $args['sort_order'] == 'descend') $order = 'desc'; else $order = 'asc'; $id_order = ''; if ($sort_col == 'tag_name') $sort_col = 'lower(tag_name)'; else $id_order = ', lower(tag_name)'; $sql = " select tag_id, tag_name, count(*) as tag_count from mt_tag, mt_objecttag, mt_asset where objecttag_tag_id = tag_id and asset_id = objecttag_object_id and objecttag_object_datasource='asset' $blog_filter $private_filter $tag_filter $asset_filter group by tag_id, tag_name order by $sort_col $order $id_order "; $tags = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (isset($args['tags'])) { if ($args['asset_id']) $this->_asset_tag_cache[$args['asset_id']] = $tags; elseif ($args['blog_id']) $this->_blog_asset_tag_cache[$args['blog_id']] = $tags; } return $tags; } function &fetch_folders($args) { $args['class'] = 'folder'; return $this->fetch_categories($args); } function &fetch_categories($args) { # load categories if ($blog_filter = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and category_blog_id '. $blog_filter; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_filter = 'and category_blog_id = '.intval($args['blog_id']); } if (isset($args['parent'])) { $parent = $args['parent']; if (is_array($parent)) { $parent_filter = 'and category_parent in (' . implode(',', $parent) . ')'; } else { $parent_filter = 'and category_parent = '.intval($parent); } } if (isset($args['category_id'])) { if (isset($args['children'])) { if (isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$args['category_id']])) { $cat = $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$args['category_id']]; if (isset($cat['_children'])) { $children = $cat['_children']; if ($children === false) { return null; } else { return $children; } } } $cat_filter = 'and category_parent = '.intval($args['category_id']); } else { $cat_filter = 'and category_id = '.intval($args['category_id']); $limit = 1; } } elseif (isset($args['label'])) { $cat_filter = 'and category_label = \''.$this->escape($args['label']).'\''; } else { $limit = $args['lastn']; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') { $sort_order = 'asc'; } elseif ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $sort_order = 'desc'; } } else { $sort_order = ''; } } $count_column = 'placement_id'; if ($args['show_empty']) { $join_clause = 'left outer join mt_placement on placement_category_id = category_id'; if (isset($args['entry_id'])) { $join_clause .= ' left outer join mt_entry on placement_entry_id = entry_id and entry_id = '.intval($args['entry_id']); } else { $join_clause .= ' left outer join mt_entry on placement_entry_id = entry_id and entry_status = 2'; } $count_column = 'entry_id'; } else { $join_clause = ', mt_entry, mt_placement'; $cat_filter .= ' and placement_category_id = category_id'; if (isset($args['entry_id'])) { $entry_filter = 'and placement_entry_id = entry_id and placement_entry_id = '.intval($args['entry_id']); } else { $entry_filter = 'and placement_entry_id = entry_id and entry_status = 2'; } } if (isset($args['class'])) { $class = $this->escape($args['class']); } else { $class = "category"; } $class_filter = "and category_class='$class'"; $sql = " select category_id, count($count_column) as category_count from mt_category $join_clause where 1 = 1 $cat_filter $entry_filter $blog_filter $parent_filter $class_filter group by category_id <LIMIT> "; $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $limit, $offset); $categories = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!$categories) { return null; } if (isset($args['children']) && isset($parent_cat)) { $parent_cat['_children'] =& $categories; } else { $ids = array(); $counts = array(); foreach ($categories as $cid => $cat) { $counts[$cat['category_id']] = $cat['category_count']; $ids[] = $cat['category_id']; } $list = implode(",", $ids); $sql2 = " select mt_category.*, mt_trackback.* from mt_category left outer join mt_trackback on trackback_category_id = category_id where category_id in ($list) order by category_label $sort_order "; $categories = $this->get_results($sql2, ARRAY_A); $id_list = array(); foreach ($categories as $cid => $cat) { $cat_id = $cat['category_id']; $categories[$cid]['category_count'] = $counts[$cat_id]; if (isset($args['top_level_categories']) || !isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id])) { $id_list[] = $cat_id; $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id] = $categories[$cid]; } if (isset($args['top_level_categories'])) { $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id]['_children'] = false; } } $top_cats = array(); foreach ($categories as $cid => $cat) { if ($cat['category_parent'] > 0) { $parent_id = $cat['category_parent']; if (isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$parent_id])) { if (isset($args['top_level_categories'])) { $parent =& $this->fetch_category($categories[$cid]['category_parent']); if (!isset($parent['_children']) || ($parent['_children'] === false)) { $parent['_children'] = array(&$categories[$cid]); } else { $parent['_children'][] = $categories[$cid]; } } } } if ((!$cat['category_parent']) && (isset($args['top_level_categories']))) { $top_cats[] = $categories[$cid]; } } $this->cache_category_links($id_list); if (isset($args['top_level_categories'])) { return $top_cats; } } return $categories; } function &fetch_entry($entry_id) { if (isset($this->_entry_id_cache['entry_id'])) { return $this->_entry_id_cache[$entry_id]; } list($entry) = $this->fetch_entries(array('entry_id' => $entry_id)); $this->_entry_id_cache[$entry_id] = $entry; return $entry; } function &fetch_page($entry_id) { if (isset($this->_entry_id_cache['entry_id'])) { return $this->_entry_id_cache[$entry_id]; } list($entry) = $this->fetch_pages(array('entry_id' => $entry_id)); $this->_entry_id_cache[$entry_id] = $entry; return $entry; } function &fetch_author($author_id) { if (isset($this->_author_id_cache[$author_id])) { return $this->_author_id_cache[$author_id]; } global $mt; $args['blog_id'] = $mt->blog_id; $args['author_id'] = $author_id; $args['any_type'] = 1; $result = $this->fetch_authors($args); $author = null; if (is_array($result)) { $author = $result[0]; $this->_author_id_cache[$author_id] = $author; } return $author; } function &fetch_author_by_name($author_name) { global $mt; $args['blog_id'] = $mt->blog_id; $args['author_name'] = $this->escape($author_name); $result = $this->fetch_authors($args); $author = null; if (is_array($result)) { $author = $result[0]; $this->_author_id_cache[$author['author_id']] = $author; } return $author; } function &fetch_authors($args) { # Adds blog join $extend_column = ''; if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_join = 'join mt_permission on permission_author_id = author_id and permission_blog_id ' . $sql; $extend_column = ', mt_permission.*'; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_join = "join mt_permission on permission_author_id = author_id and permission_blog_id = $blog_id"; $extend_column = ', mt_permission.*'; } # Adds author filter if (isset($args['author_id'])) { $author_id = intval($args['author_id']); $author_filter = " and author_id = $author_id"; } if (isset($args['author_nickname'])) { $author_filter .= " and author_nickname = '".$args['author_nickname']."'"; } if (isset($args['author_name'])) { $author_filter .= " and author_name = '".$args['author_name']."'"; } # Adds entry join and filter if ($args['need_entry']) { $entry_join = 'join mt_entry on author_id = entry_author_id'; $unique_filter = 'distinct'; $entry_filter = " and entry_status = 2"; if ($blog_join) { $entry_filter .= " and entry_blog_id = permission_blog_id"; } else { $entry_filter .= " and entry_blog_id = ".$args['blog_id']; } } else { if ( ! $args['any_type'] ) $author_filter .= " and author_type = 1"; } # a context hash for filter routines $ctx = array(); $filters = array(); if (isset($args['status'])) { $status_arg = $args['status']; require_once("MTUtil.php"); $status = array( array('name' => 'enabled', 'id' => 1), array('name' => 'disabled', 'id' => 2)); $cexpr = create_status_expr_function($status_arg, $status); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; } } if (isset($args['roles']) or isset($args['role'])) { $role_arg = isset($args['role']) ? $args['role'] : $args['roles']; require_once("MTUtil.php"); $roles =& $this->fetch_all_roles(); if (!is_array($roles)) $roles = array(); $cexpr = create_role_expr_function($role_arg, $roles); if ($cexpr) { $rmap = array(); $role_list = array(); foreach ($roles as $role) { $role_list[] = $role['role_id']; } $as =& $this->fetch_associations(array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'role_id' => $role_list)); if ($as) { foreach ($as as $a) { $rmap[$a['association_author_id']][$a['association_role_id']]++; } } $ctx['r'] =& $rmap; $filters[] = $cexpr; } } # Adds a score or rate filter to the filters list. $re_sort = false; if (isset($args['namespace'])) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $arg_names = array('min_score', 'max_score', 'min_rate', 'max_rate', 'min_count', 'max_count' ); foreach ($arg_names as $n) { if (isset($args[$n])) { $rating_args = $args[$n]; $cexpr = create_rating_expr_function($rating_args, $n, $args['namespace'], 'author'); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; $re_sort = true; } else { return null; } } } } # sort $join_score = ""; if (isset($args['sort_by'])) { if (($args['sort_by'] == 'score') || ($args['sort_by'] == 'rate')) { $join_score = "join mt_objectscore on objectscore_object_id = author_id and objectscore_namespace='".$args['namespace']."' and objectscore_object_ds='author'"; $unique_filter = 'distinct'; $order_sql = "order by author_created_on desc"; $re_sort = true; } else { $sort_col = $args['sort_by']; $order = ''; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') $order = 'asc'; else $order = 'desc'; } $order_sql = "order by $sort_col $order"; if (isset($args['start_string'])) { $val = $args['start_string']; if ($order == 'asc') $val_order = '>'; else $val_order = '<'; $sort_filter = " and $sort_col $val_order '$val'"; } if (isset($args['start_num'])) { $val = $args['start_num']; if ($order == 'asc') $val_order = '>'; else $val_order = '<'; $sort_filter .= " and $sort_col $val_order $val"; } } } $limit = 0; $offset = 0; if (isset($args['lastn'])) $limit = $args['lastn']; if (isset($args['offset'])) $limit = $args['offset']; if ($re_sort) { $post_select_limit = $limit; $post_select_offset = $offset; $limit = 0; $offset = 0; } $sql = " select $unique_filter mt_author.* $extend_column from mt_author $blog_join $entry_join $join_score where 1 = 1 $author_filter $entry_filter $sort_filter $order_sql <LIMIT> "; $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $limit, $offset); $result = $this->query_start($sql); if (!$result) return null; $authors = array(); if ($args['sort_by'] != 'score' && $args['sort_by'] != 'rate') { $offset = $post_select_offset ? $post_select_offset : 0; $limit = $post_select_limit ? $post_select_limit : 0; } $j = 0; while (true) { $e = $this->query_fetch(ARRAY_A); if ($offset && ($j++ < $offset)) continue; if (!isset($e)) break; if (count($filters)) { foreach ($filters as $f) { if (!$f($e, $ctx)) continue 2; } } $authors[] = $e; if (($limit > 0) && (count($authors) >= $limit)) break; } if (isset($args['sort_by']) && ('score' == $args['sort_by'])) { $authors_tmp = array(); $order = 'asc'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; foreach ($authors as $a) { $authors_tmp[$a['author_id']] = $a; } $scores = $this->fetch_sum_scores($args['namespace'], 'author', $order, $author_filter ); $offset = $post_select_offset ? $post_select_offset : 0; $limit = $post_select_limit ? $post_select_limit : 0; $j = 0; $authors_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $authors_tmp)) { if ($offset && ($j++ < $offset)) continue; array_push($authors_sorted, $authors_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($authors_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); if (($limit > 0) && (count($authors_sorted) >= $limit)) break; } } $authors = $authors_sorted; } elseif (isset($args['sort_by']) && ('rate' == $args['sort_by'])) { $authors_tmp = array(); $order = 'asc'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; foreach ($authors as $a) { $authors_tmp[$a['author_id']] = $a; } $scores = $this->fetch_avg_scores($args['namespace'], 'author', $order, $author_filter ); $offset = $post_select_offset ? $post_select_offset : 0; $limit = $post_select_limit ? $post_select_limit : 0; $j = 0; $authors_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $authors_tmp)) { if ($offset && ($j++ < $offset)) continue; array_push($authors_sorted, $authors_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($authors_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); if (($limit > 0) && (count($authors_sorted) >= $limit)) break; } } $authors = $authors_sorted; } return $authors; } function &fetch_all_roles() { $sql = "select * from mt_role order by role_name"; $result = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $result; } function &fetch_associations($args) { $id_list = implode(",", $args['role_id']); if (empty($id_list)) return; if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and association_blog_id ' . $sql; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_filter = 'and association_blog_id = ' . intval($args['blog_id']); } $sql = "select * from mt_association where association_role_id in ($id_list) $blog_filter"; $result = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $result; } function &fetch_tag($tag_id) { $tag_id = intval($tag_id); if (isset($this->_tag_id_cache[$tag_id])) { return $this->_tag_id_cache[$tag_id]; } $tag = $this->get_row(" select * from mt_tag where tag_id=$tag_id ", ARRAY_A); $this->_tag_id_cache[$tag_id] = $tag; return $tag; } function &fetch_tag_by_name($tag_name) { $tag_name = $this->escape($tag_name); $tag = $this->get_row(" select * from mt_tag where tag_name='$tag_name' ", ARRAY_A); $this->_tag_id_cache[$tag['tag_id']] = $tag; return $tag; } function fetch_scores($namespace, $obj_id, $datasource) { $scores = $this->get_results(" select * from mt_objectscore where objectscore_namespace='$namespace' and objectscore_object_id='$obj_id' and objectscore_object_ds='$datasource' ", ARRAY_A); return $scores; } function fetch_score($namespace, $obj_id, $user_id, $datasource) { list($score) = $this->get_results(" select * from mt_objectscore where objectscore_namespace='$namespace' and objectscore_object_id='$obj_id' and objectscore_object_ds='$datasource' and objectscore_author_id='$user_id' ", ARRAY_A); return $score; } function fetch_sum_scores($namespace, $datasource, $order, $filters) { $othertables = ''; $otherwhere = ''; if ($datasource == 'asset') { $othertables = ', mt_author'; $otherwhere = 'AND (objectscore_author_id = author_id)'; } $join_column = $datasource . '_id'; $join_where = "AND ($join_column = objectscore_object_id)"; $sql_scores = "SELECT SUM(objectscore_score) AS sum_objectscore_score, objectscore_object_id FROM mt_objectscore, mt_$datasource $othertables WHERE (objectscore_namespace = '$namespace') AND (objectscore_object_ds = '$datasource') $join_where $otherwhere $filters GROUP BY objectscore_object_id ORDER BY sum_objectscore_score " . $order; $scores = $this->get_results($sql_scores, ARRAY_A); return $scores; } function fetch_avg_scores($namespace, $datasource, $order, $filters) { $othertables = ''; $otherwhere = ''; if ($datasource == 'asset') { $othertables = ', mt_author'; $otherwhere = 'AND (objectscore_author_id = author_id)'; } $join_column = $datasource . '_id'; $join_where = "AND ($join_column = objectscore_object_id)"; $sql_scores = "SELECT AVG(objectscore_score) AS sum_objectscore_score, objectscore_object_id FROM mt_objectscore, mt_$datasource $othertables WHERE (objectscore_namespace = '$namespace') AND (objectscore_object_ds = '$datasource') $join_where $otherwhere $filters GROUP BY objectscore_object_id ORDER BY sum_objectscore_score " . $order; $scores = $this->get_results($sql_scores, ARRAY_A); return $scores; } function cache_permalinks(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_entry_link_cache[$entry_id.';Individual'])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; $this->_entry_link_cache[$entry_id.';Individual'] = ''; } } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $query = " select fileinfo_entry_id, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url, blog_file_extension from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where fileinfo_entry_id in ($id_list) and fileinfo_archive_type = 'Individual' and blog_id = fileinfo_blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $url = _strip_index($url, array('blog_file_extension' => $row[3])); $this->_entry_link_cache[$row[0].';Individual'] = $url; } } } function cache_category_links(&$cat_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($cat_list as $cat_id) { if (!isset($this->_cat_link_cache[$cat_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$cat_id; $this->_cat_link_cache[$cat_id] = ''; } } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $query = " select fileinfo_category_id, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url, blog_file_extension from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where fileinfo_category_id in ($id_list) and fileinfo_archive_type = 'Category' and blog_id = fileinfo_blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $url = _strip_index($url, array('blog_file_extension' => $row[3])); $this->_cat_link_cache[$row[0]] = $url; } } } function cache_comment_counts(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; $this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id] = 0; } } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $query = " select comment_entry_id, count(*) from mt_comment where comment_entry_id in ($id_list) and comment_visible = 1 group by comment_entry_id "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $this->_comment_count_cache[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } } function blog_entry_count($args) { if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and entry_blog_id ' . $sql; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = 'and entry_blog_id = ' . $blog_id; } $class = 'entry'; if (isset($args['class'])) { $class = $args['class']; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_entry where entry_status = 2 and entry_class='$class' $blog_filter "); return $count; } function blog_comment_count($args) { if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and comment_blog_id ' . $sql; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = 'and comment_blog_id = ' . $blog_id; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_entry, mt_comment where entry_status = 2 and comment_visible = 1 and comment_entry_id = entry_id $blog_filter "); return $count; } function category_comment_count($args) { $cat_id = (int)$args['category_id']; $sql = "select count(*) from mt_placement, mt_comment, mt_entry where placement_category_id=$cat_id and entry_id=placement_entry_id and entry_status=2 and comment_entry_id=entry_id and comment_visible=1"; return $this->get_var($sql); } function blog_ping_count($args) { if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and tbping_blog_id ' . $sql; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = 'and tbping_blog_id = ' . $blog_id; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_tbping, mt_trackback where tbping_visible = 1 and tbping_tb_id = trackback_id $blog_filter "); return $count; } function blog_category_count($args) { if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and category_blog_id ' . $sql; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = 'and category_blog_id = ' . $blog_id; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_category where 1 = 1 $blog_filter "); return $count; } function tags_entry_count($tag_id) { $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_objecttag, mt_entry where objecttag_tag_id = " . intval($tag_id) . " and entry_id = objecttag_object_id and objecttag_object_datasource='entry' and entry_status = 2 "); return $count; } function entry_comment_count($entry_id) { if (isset($this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id])) { return $this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id]; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_comment where comment_entry_id = " . intval($entry_id) . " and comment_visible = 1 "); $this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id] = $count; return $count; } function author_entry_count($args) { if ($sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args)) { $blog_filter = 'and entry_blog_id ' . $sql; } elseif (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_id = intval($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = 'and entry_blog_id = ' . $blog_id; } if (isset($args['author_id'])) { $author_id = intval($args['author_id']); $author_filter = " and entry_author_id = $author_id"; } if (isset($args['class'])) { $class = $args['class']; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_entry where entry_status = 2 and entry_class='$class' $blog_filter $author_filter "); return $count; } function &fetch_placements($args) { $category_id_list = $args['category_id']; $id_list = ''; foreach ($category_id_list as $cat_id) { $id_list .= ',' . $cat_id; } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $sql = " select mt_placement.* from mt_placement, mt_entry where placement_category_id in ($id_list) and entry_id = placement_entry_id and entry_status = 2 "; $results = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $results; } function &fetch_objecttags($args) { $tag_id_list = $args['tag_id']; $id_list = ''; foreach ($tag_id_list as $tag_id) { $id_list .= ',' . $tag_id; } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $blog_filter = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args); if ($blog_filter == '' and $args['blog_id']) $blog_filter = intval($args['blog_id']); if ($blog_filter != '') $blog_filter = 'and objecttag_blog_id = ' . $blog_filter; if (isset($args['datasource']) && strtolower($args['datasource']) == 'asset') { $datasource = $args['datasource']; $from_object = 'mt_asset'; $object_filter = 'and asset_id = objecttag_object_id'; } else { $datasource = 'entry'; $from_object = 'mt_entry'; $object_filter = 'and entry_id = objecttag_object_id and entry_status = 2'; } $sql = " select mt_objecttag.* from mt_objecttag, $from_object where objecttag_object_datasource ='$datasource' and objecttag_tag_id in ($id_list) $blog_filter $object_filter "; $results = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $results; } function &fetch_comments($args) { # load comments $entry_id = intval($args['entry_id']); $sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args); if ($sql != '') { $blog_filter = 'and comment_blog_id ' . $sql; if (isset($args['blog_id'])) $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); } elseif ($args['blog_id']) { $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = ' and comment_blog_id = ' . $blog['blog_id']; } # Adds a score or rate filter to the filters list. if (isset($args['namespace'])) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $arg_names = array('min_score', 'max_score', 'min_rate', 'max_rate', 'min_count', 'max_count' ); foreach ($arg_names as $n) { if (isset($args[$n])) { $comment_args = $args[$n]; $cexpr = create_rating_expr_function($comment_args, $n, $args['namespace'], 'comment'); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } } if (isset($args['scored_by'])) { $voter = $this->fetch_author_by_name($args['scored_by']); if (!$voter) { echo "Invalid scored by filter: ".$args['scored_by']; return null; } $cexpr = create_rating_expr_function($voter['author_id'], 'scored_by', $args['namespace'], 'comment'); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } } $order = 'desc'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') { $order = 'asc'; } } elseif (isset($blog) && isset($blog['blog_sort_order_comments'])) { if ($blog['blog_sort_order_comments'] == 'ascend') { $order = 'asc'; } } if ($order == 'asc' && $args['lastn']) { $reorder = 1; $order = 'desc'; } if ($entry_id) { $entry_filter = " and comment_entry_id = $entry_id"; $entry_join = "join mt_entry on entry_id = comment_entry_id"; } else { $entry_join = "join mt_entry on entry_id = comment_entry_id and entry_status = 2"; } $join_score = ""; $distinct = ""; if ( isset($args['sort_by']) && (($args['sort_by'] == 'score') || ($args['sort_by'] == 'rate')) ) { $join_score = "join mt_objectscore on objectscore_object_id = comment_id and objectscore_namespace='".$args['namespace']."' and objectscore_object_ds='comment'"; $distinct = " distinct"; } $limit = 0; $offset = 0; if (isset($args['lastn'])) $limit = $args['lastn']; if (isset($args['limit'])) $limit = $args['limit']; if (isset($args['offset'])) $limit = $args['offset']; if (count($filters)) { $post_select_limit = $limit; $post_select_offset = $offset; $limit = 0; $offset = 0; } $sql = " select $distinct mt_comment.*, mt_entry.* from mt_comment $entry_join $join_score where comment_visible = 1 $entry_filter $blog_filter order by comment_created_on $order <LIMIT>"; $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $limit, $offset); # Fetch resultset $result = $this->query_start($sql); if (!$result) return null; $comments = array(); while (true) { $e = $this->query_fetch(ARRAY_A); if ($offset && ($j++ < $offset)) continue; if (!isset($e)) break; if (count($filters)) { foreach ($filters as $f) { if (!$f($e, $ctx)) continue 2; } } $comments[] = $e; if (($limit > 0) && (count($comments) >= $limit)) break; } if (isset($args['sort_by']) && ('score' == $args['sort_by'])) { $comments_tmp = array(); foreach ($comments as $c) { $comments_tmp[$c['comment_id']] = $c; } $scores = $this->fetch_sum_scores($args['namespace'], 'comment', $order, $blog_filter . "\n" . $entry_filter . "\n" ); $comments_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $comments_tmp)) { array_push($comments_sorted, $comments_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($comments_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); } } foreach ($comments_tmp as $et) { array_push($comments_sorted, $et); } $comments = $comments_sorted; } elseif (isset($args['sort_by']) && ('rate' == $args['sort_by'])) { $comments_tmp = array(); foreach ($comments as $c) { $comments_tmp[$c['comment_id']] = $c; } $scores = $this->fetch_avg_scores($args['namespace'], 'comment', $order, $blog_filter . "\n" . $entry_filter . "\n" ); $comments_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $comments_tmp)) { array_push($comments_sorted, $comments_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($comments_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); } } foreach ($comments_tmp as $et) { array_push($comments_sorted, $et); } $comments = $comments_sorted; } if (!is_array($comments)) return array(); if ($reorder) { // lastn and ascending sort $asc_created_on = create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcmp($a["comment_created_on"], $b["comment_created_on"]);'); usort($comments, $asc_created_on); } return $comments; } function &fetch_comment_parent($args) { if (!$args['parent_id']) { return array(); } $parent_id = intval($args['parent_id']); $sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args); if ($sql != '') { $blog_filter = 'and comment_blog_id ' . $sql; if (isset($args['blog_id'])) $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); } elseif ($args['blog_id']) { $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = ' and comment_blog_id = ' . $blog['blog_id']; } $sql = " select * from mt_comment where 1 = 1 $blog_filter and comment_id = $parent_id and comment_visible = 1 "; $comment = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $comment; } function &fetch_comment_replies($args) { if (!$args['comment_id']) { return array(); } $comment_id = intval($args['comment_id']); $sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args); if ($sql != '') { $blog_filter = 'and comment_blog_id ' . $sql; if (isset($args['blog_id'])) $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); } elseif ($args['blog_id']) { $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = ' and comment_blog_id = ' . $blog['blog_id']; } $order = 'asc'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $order = 'desc'; } } elseif (isset($blog) && isset($blog['blog_sort_order_comments'])) { if ($blog['blog_sort_order_comments'] == 'ascend') { $order = 'asc'; } } if ($order == 'asc' && $args['lastn']) { $reorder = 1; $order = 'desc'; } $sql = " select * from mt_comment where 1 = 1 $blog_filter and comment_parent_id = $comment_id and comment_visible = 1 order by comment_created_on $order <LIMIT>"; $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $comments = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!is_array($comments)) return array(); if ($reorder) { // lastn and ascending sort $asc_created_on = create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcmp($a["comment_created_on"], $b["comment_created_on"]);'); usort($comments, $asc_created_on); } return $comments; } function cache_ping_counts(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; $this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id] = 0; } } $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); if (empty($id_list)) return; $query = " select trackback_entry_id, count(*) from mt_trackback, mt_tbping where trackback_entry_id in ($id_list) and tbping_tb_id = trackback_id and tbping_visible = 1 group by trackback_entry_id "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $this->_ping_count_cache[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } } function entry_ping_count($entry_id) { if (isset($this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id])) { return $this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id]; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_trackback, mt_tbping where trackback_entry_id = " . intval($entry_id) . " and tbping_visible = 1 and tbping_tb_id = trackback_id "); $this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id] = $count; return $count; } function category_ping_count($cat_id) { $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_trackback, mt_tbping where trackback_category_id = " . intval($cat_id) . " and tbping_visible = 1 and tbping_tb_id = trackback_id "); return $count; } function &fetch_pings($args) { $entry_id = $args['entry_id']; # load pings $sql = $this->include_exclude_blogs($args); if ($sql != '') { $blog_filter = 'and tbping_blog_id ' . $sql; if (isset($args['blog_id'])) $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); } elseif ($args['blog_id']) { $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); $blog_filter = ' and tbping_blog_id = ' . $blog['blog_id']; } $order = isset($args['lastn']) ? 'desc' : 'asc'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $order = 'desc'; } elseif ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') { $order = 'asc'; } } if ($entry_id) $entry_filter = 'and trackback_entry_id = ' . intval($entry_id); $sql = " select mt_trackback.*, mt_tbping.*, mt_entry.entry_class from mt_trackback, mt_tbping, mt_entry where tbping_tb_id = trackback_id and trackback_entry_id = entry_id $entry_filter $blog_filter and tbping_visible = 1 order by tbping_created_on $order <LIMIT>"; $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); $pings = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $pings; } function cache_categories(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_cat_id_cache['e'.$entry_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; } } $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); if (!$id_list) return; $query = " select * from mt_category, mt_placement where placement_entry_id in ($id_list) and placement_category_id = category_id and placement_is_primary = 1 "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_A); foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { $this->_cat_id_cache['e'.$entry_id] = null; } if (is_array($results)) { foreach ($results as $row) { $entry_id = $row['placement_entry_id']; $this->_cat_id_cache['e'.$entry_id] = $row; $cat_id = $row['category_id']; $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id] = $row; } } } function &fetch_category($cat_id) { if (isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id])) { return $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id]; } $cats =& $this->fetch_categories(array('category_id' => $cat_id, 'show_empty' => 1)); if ($cats && (count($cats) > 0)) { $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id] = $cats[0]; return $cats[0]; } else { return null; } } function &fetch_blog($blog_id) { if (isset($this->_blog_id_cache[$blog_id])) { return $this->_blog_id_cache[$blog_id]; } list($blog) = $this->load('blog', $blog_id); $this->_blog_id_cache[$blog_id] = $blog; return $blog; } function &get_archive_list($args) { $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $at = $args['archive_type']; $group_sql = $this->archive_list_sql($args); $results = $this->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { if ($at == 'Daily') { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $results[0][1], $results[0][2], $results[0][3]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2], $results[count($results)-1][3]); } elseif ($at == 'Weekly') { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $week_yr = substr($results[0][1], 0, 4); $week_num = substr($results[0][1], 4); list($y,$m,$d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_num); $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $y, $m, $d); $week_yr = substr($results[count($results)-1][1], 0, 4); $week_num = substr($results[count($results)-1][1], 4); list($y,$m,$d) = week2ymd($week_yr, $week_num); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $y, $m, $d); } elseif ($at == 'Monthly') { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d32", $results[0][1], $results[0][2]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d00", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2]); } elseif ($at == 'Yearly') { $hi = sprintf("%04d0000", $results[0][1]); $low = sprintf("%04d0000", $results[count($results)-1][1]); } elseif ($at == 'Individual') { $hi = $results[0][1]; $low = $results[count($results)-1][1]; } $range = "'$low' and '$hi'"; $link_cache_sql = " select fileinfo_startdate, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url, blog_file_extension from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where fileinfo_startdate between $range and fileinfo_archive_type = '$at' and blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_blog_id = blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $cache_results = $this->get_results($link_cache_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($cache_results)) { foreach ($cache_results as $row) { $date = $this->db2ts($row[0]); $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $url = _strip_index($url, array('blog_file_extension' => $row[3])); $this->_archive_link_cache[$date.';'.$at] = $url; } } } return $results; } function asset_count($args) { if (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_filter = 'and asset_blog_id = '.intval($args['blog_id']); } # Adds a type filter if (isset($args['type'])) { $type_filter = "and asset_class ='" . $args['type'] . "'"; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_asset where 1 = 1 $blog_filter $type_filter "); return $count; } function fetch_assets($args) { # load assets if (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_filter = 'and asset_blog_id = '.intval($args['blog_id']); } # Adds a thumbnail filter to the filters list. if(isset($args['exclude_thumb']) && $args['exclude_thumb']) { $thumb_filter = ' and asset_parent is null'; } # Adds a tag filter to the filters list. if (isset($args['tags']) or isset($args['tag'])) { $tag_arg = isset($args['tag']) ? $args['tag'] : $args['tags']; require_once("MTUtil.php"); if (!preg_match('/\b(AND|OR|NOT)\b|\(|\)/i', $tag_arg)) { $not_clause = false; } else { $not_clause = preg_match('/\bNOT\b/i', $tag_arg); } $include_private = 0; $tag_array = tag_split($tag_arg); foreach ($tag_array as $tag) { if ($tag && (substr($tag,0,1) == '@')) { $include_private = 1; } } $tags =& $this->fetch_asset_tags(array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'tag' => $tag_arg, 'include_private' => $include_private)); if (!is_array($tags)) $tags = array(); $cexpr = create_tag_expr_function($tag_arg, $tags, 'asset'); if ($cexpr) { $tmap = array(); $tag_list = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag_list[] = $tag['tag_id']; } $ot =& $this->fetch_objecttags(array('tag_id' => $tag_list, 'datasource' => 'asset')); if ($ot) { foreach ($ot as $o) { $tmap[$o['objecttag_object_id']][$o['objecttag_tag_id']]++; if (!$not_clause) $asset_list[$o['objecttag_object_id']] = 1; } } $ctx['t'] =& $tmap; $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } # Adds an author filter if (isset($args['author'])) { $author_filter = 'and author_name = \''.$this->escape($args['author']) . "'"; } # Adds an entry filter if (isset($args['entry_id'])) { $entry_filter = 'and (objectasset_object_ds = \'entry\' and objectasset_object_id = \'' . $this->escape($args['entry_id']) . '\' and asset_id = objectasset_asset_id)'; $entry_join = ', mt_objectasset.*'; $entry_join_tbl = ', mt_objectasset'; } # Adds an ID filter if (isset($args['id'])) $id_filter = 'and asset_id = '.$args['id']; # Adds a days filter if (isset($args['days'])) { $day_filter = 'and ' . $this->limit_by_day_sql('asset_created_on', intval($args['days'])); } # Adds a type filter if (isset($args['type'])) { $type_filter = "and asset_class ='" . $args['type'] . "'"; } # Adds a file extension filter if (isset($args['file_ext'])) { $ext_filter = "and asset_file_ext ='" . $args['file_ext'] . "'"; } # Adds a score or rate filter to the filters list. if (isset($args['namespace'])) { require_once("MTUtil.php"); $arg_names = array('min_score', 'max_score', 'min_rate', 'max_rate', 'min_count', 'max_count' ); foreach ($arg_names as $n) { if (isset($args[$n])) { $rating_args = $args[$n]; $cexpr = create_rating_expr_function($rating_args, $n, $args['namespace'], 'asset'); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } } if (isset($args['scored_by'])) { $voter = $this->fetch_author_by_name($args['scored_by']); if (!$voter) { echo "Invalid scored by filter: ".$args['scored_by']; return null; } $cexpr = create_rating_expr_function($voter['author_id'], 'scored_by', $args['namespace'], 'asset'); if ($cexpr) { $filters[] = $cexpr; } else { return null; } } } # Adds sort order $order = 'desc'; $sort_by = 'asset_created_on'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') $order = 'asc'; else if ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') $order = 'desc'; } if (isset($args['sort_by'])) { if ('score' != $args['sort_by'] && 'rate' != $args['sort_by']) { $sort_by = 'asset_' . $args['sort_by']; } } if (isset($args['lastn'])) $order = 'desc'; $join_score = ""; $distinct = ""; if ( isset($args['sort_by']) && (($args['sort_by'] == 'score') || ($args['sort_by'] == 'rate')) ) { $join_score = "left join mt_objectscore on objectscore_object_id = asset_id"; $distinct = " distinct"; } $limit = 0; $offset = 0; if (isset($args['lastn'])) $limit = $args['lastn']; if (isset($args['limit'])) $limit = $args['limit']; if (isset($args['offset'])) $offset = $args['offset']; if (count($filters)) { $post_select_limit = $limit; $post_select_offset = $offset; $limit = 0; $offset = 0; } # Build SQL $sql = " select $distinct mt_asset.*, mt_author.* $entry_join from mt_asset $join_score, mt_author $entry_join_tbl where author_id = asset_created_by $id_filter $blog_filter $author_filter $entry_filter $day_filter $type_filter $ext_filter $thumb_filter order by $sort_by $order <LIMIT> "; # Added Limit and offset $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $limit, $offset); # Fetch resultset $result = $this->query_start($sql); if (!$result) return null; $assets = array(); $offset = $post_select_offset ? $post_select_offset : 0; $limit = $post_select_limit ? $post_select_limit : 0; while (true) { $e = $this->query_fetch(ARRAY_A); if ($offset && ($j++ < $offset)) continue; if (!isset($e)) break; if (count($filters)) { foreach ($filters as $f) { if (!$f($e, $ctx)) continue 2; } } $e = $this->expand_meta($e); $assets[] = $e; if (($limit > 0) && (count($assets) >= $limit)) break; } $order = 'desc'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') $order = 'asc'; else if ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') $order = 'desc'; } if (isset($args['sort_by']) && ('score' == $args['sort_by'])) { $assets_tmp = array(); foreach ($assets as $a) { $assets_tmp[$a['asset_id']] = $a; } $scores = $this->fetch_sum_scores($args['namespace'], 'asset', $order, $id_filter . "\n" . $blog_filter . "\n" . $author_filter . "\n" . $day_filter . "\n" . $type_filter . "\n" . $ext_filter . "\n" . $thumb_filter . "\n" ); $assets_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $assets_tmp)) { array_push($assets_sorted, $assets_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($assets_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); } } foreach ($assets_tmp as $et) { if ($order == 'asc') array_unshift($assets_sorted, $et); else array_push($assets_sorted, $et); } $assets = $assets_sorted; } elseif (isset($args['sort_by']) && ('rate' == $args['sort_by'])) { $assets_tmp = array(); foreach ($assets as $a) { $assets_tmp[$a['asset_id']] = $a; } $scores = $this->fetch_avg_scores($args['namespace'], 'asset', $order, $id_filter . "\n" . $blog_filter . "\n" . $author_filter . "\n" . $day_filter . "\n" . $type_filter . "\n" . $ext_filter . "\n" . $thumb_filter . "\n" ); $assets_sorted = array(); foreach($scores as $score) { if (array_key_exists($score['objectscore_object_id'], $assets_tmp)) { array_push($assets_sorted, $assets_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); unset($assets_tmp[$score['objectscore_object_id']]); } } foreach ($assets_tmp as $et) { if ($order == 'asc') array_unshift($assets_sorted, $et); else array_push($assets_sorted, $et); } $assets = $assets_sorted; } return $assets; } function archive_list_sql($args) { $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $at = $args['archive_type']; $order = $args['sort_order'] == 'ascend' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $year_ext = $this->apply_extract_date('year', 'entry_authored_on'); $month_ext = $this->apply_extract_date('month', 'entry_authored_on'); $day_ext = $this->apply_extract_date('day', 'entry_authored_on'); $date_filter = ''; $inside = $args['inside_archive_list']; if ($inside) { $ts = $args['current_timestamp']; $tsend = $args['current_timestamp_end']; if ($ts && $tsend) { $ts = $this->ts2db($ts); $tsend = $this->ts2db($tsend); $date_filter = "and (entry_authored_on between '$ts' and '$tsend')"; } } if ($at == 'Daily') { $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, $month_ext as m, $day_ext as d from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' $date_filter group by $year_ext, $month_ext, $day_ext order by $year_ext $order, $month_ext $order, $day_ext $order <LIMIT>"; } elseif ($at == 'Weekly') { $sql = " select count(*), entry_week_number from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' $date_filter group by entry_week_number order by entry_week_number $order <LIMIT>"; } elseif ($at == 'Monthly') { $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y, $month_ext as m from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' $date_filter group by $year_ext, $month_ext order by $year_ext $order, $month_ext $order <LIMIT>"; } elseif ($at == 'Yearly') { $sql = " select count(*), $year_ext as y from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' group by $year_ext order by $year_ext $order <LIMIT>"; } elseif ($at == 'Individual') { $sql = " select entry_id, entry_authored_on from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_class = 'entry' order by entry_authored_on $order <LIMIT>"; } $sql = $this->apply_limit_sql($sql, $args['lastn'], $args['offset']); return $sql; } function db2ts($dbts) { $dbts = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $dbts); return $dbts; } function ts2db($ts) { preg_match('/^(\d\d\d\d)?(\d\d)?(\d\d)?(\d\d)?(\d\d)?(\d\d)?$/', $ts, $matches); list($all, $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s) = $matches; return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s); } function get_results($query = null, $output = ARRAY_A) { $rows = parent::get_results($query, $output); if (is_array($rows)) { $rows = array_map(array($this,"convert_fieldname"), $rows); } return $this->expand_meta($rows); } function &convert_fieldname($array) { return $array; } function expand_meta($rows) { $expanded = array(); if (is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $expanded[$key] = $this->expand_meta($value); } else { if (preg_match('/(\w+)_meta$/', $key, $prefix)) { $data = $this->unserialize($value); if (isset($data)) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $expanded[$prefix[1] . '_' . $k] = $v; } } } else { $expanded[$key] = $value; } } } } return $expanded; } function include_exclude_blogs(&$args) { if (isset($args['blog_ids']) || isset($args['include_blogs'])) { // The following are aliased $args['blog_ids'] and $args['include_blogs'] = $args['blog_ids']; $attr = $args['include_blogs']; unset($args['blog_ids']); $is_excluded = 0; } elseif (isset($args['exclude_blogs'])) { $attr = $args[exclude_blogs]; $is_excluded = 1; } else { return; } if (preg_match('/-/', $attr)) { # parse range blog ids out $list = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $attr); $attr = ''; foreach ($list as $item) { if (preg_match('/(\d+)-(\d+)/', $item, $matches)) { for ($i = $matches[1]; $i <= $matches[2]; $i++) { if ($attr != '') $attr .= ','; $attr .= $i; } } else { if ($attr != '') $attr .= ','; $attr .= $item; } } } $blog_ids = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $attr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $sql = ''; if ($is_excluded) { $sql = 'not in ( ' . implode(',', $blog_ids) . ' )'; } elseif ($args[include_blogs] == 'all') { $sql = '> 0'; } else { if (count($blog_ids)) { $sql = 'in ( ' . implode(',', $blog_ids) . ' )'; } else { $sql = '> 0'; } } return $sql; } function apply_limit_sql($sql, $limit, $offset = 0) { $limit = intval($limit); $offset = intval($offset); $limitStr = ''; if ($limit) $limitStr = 'limit ' . $limit; if ($offset) $limitStr .= ' offset ' . $offset; $sql = preg_replace('/<LIMIT>/', $limitStr, $sql); return $sql; } function limit_by_day_sql($column, $days) { die("abstract function-- implement in child class!"); } function entries_recently_commented_on_sql($subsql) { $sql = " select distinct subs.* from ($subsql) as subs inner join mt_comment on comment_entry_id = entry_id and comment_visible = 1 order by comment_created_on desc <LIMIT> "; return $sql; } function apply_extract_date($part, $column) { return "extract($part from $column)"; } } ?>