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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: prefilter.mt_to_smarty.php 1187 2008-01-10 14:27:38Z takayama $ /* Movable Type template -> Smarty template <$MTVariable$> -> {Variable} <MTVariable> -> {Variable} <MTVariable this="that"> -> {Variable this="that"} <MTVariable dirify="1"> -> {Variable|dirify:"1"} <MTEntries>...</MTEntries> -> {Entries}...{/Entries} <MTIfNonEmpty var="MTVariable"> ... <MTElse>...</MTElse> </MTIfNonEmpty> -> {IfNonEmpty var="MTVariable"}{if $conditional} ... {/if}{if !$conditional}...{/if}{if $conditional} {/if}{/IfNonEmpty} Note that all MT 'variable' tags are translated to functions. This is necessary since you can't preload all the data that a MT template may require. This is equivalent to the MT::Template::Context approach-- every 'Variable' tag invokes a handler function. The "Else" tag was a tricky beast. Ironic since I added that syntax to MT myself. Here's how I decided to implement it. Each 'conditional' tag is handled a little differently than regular block tags. They have a requirement to set a 'conditional' template variable to 1 or 0 depending on whether the condition is met or not. The setting for 'conditional' must be preserved and restored using the 'localize' and 'restore' routines. Regardless of the value of $conditional, the block function must return $content either way. This allows the inner 'if' statements to do their work. See above for how the '$conditional' variable is used. */ function smarty_prefilter_mt_to_smarty($tpl_source, &$ctx2) { // used to serialize attributes when creating tag stack for // function tags. $var_export = function_exists('var_export'); global $mt; $ctx =& $mt->context(); $ldelim = $ctx->left_delimiter; $rdelim = $ctx->right_delimiter; $smart_source = ''; $tokenstack = array(); $tagstack = array(); # special tag step for stripping any conditional 'static' code. $tpl_source = preg_replace('/<MT:?IfStatic[^>]*?>.*?<\/MT:?IfStatic>/is', '', $tpl_source); $tpl_source = preg_replace('/<MT:?Ignore\b[^>]*?>.*?<\/MT:?Ignore>/is', '', $tpl_source); if ($parts = preg_split('!(<(?:\$?|/)MT(?:(?:<[^>]*?>|\'[^\']*?\'|"[^"]*?"|.)+?)(?:\$?|/)>)!is', $tpl_source, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) { foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!preg_match('!<(\$?|/)(MT:?(?:<[^>]*?>|\'[^\']*?\'|"[^"]*?"|.)+?)(\$?|/)>!is', $part, $matches)) { $smart_source .= $part; continue; } list($wholetag, $open, $tag, $close) = $matches; $attrargs = ''; $modargs = ''; list($mttag, $args) = preg_split('!\s+!s', $tag, 2); $mttag or $mttag = $tag; // ignore namespace delimiter, for now $mttag = preg_replace('/:/', '', strtolower($mttag)); $attrs = array(); if (preg_match_all('!(?:(\w+)\s*=\s*(["\'])((?:<[^>]*?>|\'[^\']*?\'|"[^"]*?"|.)*?)?\2((?:[,:](["\'])((?:<[^>]*?>|.)*?)?\5)*)?|(\w+))!s', $args, $arglist, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { for ($a = 0; $a < count($arglist); $a++) { if (isset($arglist[$a][7])) { $attr = 'name'; $attrs[$attr] = $arglist[$a][7]; $quote = '"'; } else { $attr = $arglist[$a][1]; $attrs[$attr] = $arglist[$a][3]; $quote = $arglist[$a][2]; } if (preg_match('/^\$([A-Za-z_](\w|\.)*)$/', $attrs[$attr], $matches)) { if (preg_match('/^(config|request)\.(.+)$/i', $matches[1], $m)) { if (strtolower($m[1]) == 'config') { $attrs[$attr] = $mt->config[strtolower($m[2])]; } elseif (strtolower($m[1]) == 'request') { $attrs[$attr] = '$smarty.request.' . $m[2]; } } else { $attrs[$attr] = '$vars.' . $matches[1]; } $quote = ''; } else { if (!preg_match('/`/', $attrs[$attr])) { $attrs[$attr] = preg_replace('/\$/', '\\\\$', $attrs[$attr]); } } if ($ctx->global_attr[$attr]) { $modargs .= '|'; if ($ctx->global_attr[$attr] != '1') { $modargs .= $ctx->global_attr[$attr]; } else { $modargs .= $attr; } $modargs .= ':' . $quote . $attrs[$attr] . $quote; if (isset($arglist[$a][4])) { $modargs .= _parse_modifier($arglist[$a][4]); } } else { // reconstruct attribute in case we modified // the attribute to handle variable references $attrargs .= ' ' . $attr . '=' . $quote . $attrs[$attr] . $quote; if (isset($arglist[$a][4])) { $attrargs .= _parse_modifier($arglist[$a][4]); } } } } if (isset($ctx->sanitized[$mttag])) { if (!isset($attrs['sanitize'])) { $modargs = '|sanitize:"1"' . $modargs; } } if (isset($ctx->nofollowed[$mttag])) { if (!isset($attrs['nofollowfy'])) { $modargs .= "|nofollowfy:\"$mttag\""; } } if (preg_match('!^MTIf!i', $mttag) || preg_match('!^MTHas!i', $mttag) || (preg_match('![a-z]If[A-Z]!i', $mttag) && !preg_match('![a-z]Modified[A-Z]!i', $mttag) && !preg_match('![a-z]Notify[A-Z]!i', $mttag)) || isset($ctx->conditionals[$mttag])) { $conditional = 1; } elseif (($mttag == 'mtentries') || ($mttag == 'mtcomments') || ($mttag == 'mtpages') || ($mttag == 'mtcommentreplies')) { $conditional = 1; } else { $conditional = 0; } // force the elements in $vars to always to act like a function if ($open == '$') { $open = ''; } if ((($open == '/' && $conditional) || ($mttag == 'mtelse' || $mttag == 'mtelseif')) && $close != '/') { $smart_source .= $ldelim.'/if'.$rdelim; } $tokname = null; if (isset($ctx->needs_tokens[$mttag])) { if ($open != '/') { $tokname = uniqid(rand()); $attrargs .= ' token_fn="smarty_fun_'.$tokname.'"'; array_push($tokenstack, $tokname); } else { $tokname = array_pop($tokenstack); $smart_source .= $ldelim.'/defun'.$rdelim; } } $open_mod_args = false; $close_mod_args = ''; $uniqid = ''; $fn_tag = 0; if (_block_handler_exists($ctx2, $mttag)) { if ($open == '/') { $tag = array_pop($tagstack); if (preg_match('/^(.+?)(\|.+)$/', $tag, $matches)) { $tag = $matches[1]; $close_mod_args = $matches[2]; } if (($tag == 'mtelse' || $tag == 'mtelseif') && ($tag != $mttag)) { $smart_source .= $ldelim . '/' . $tag . $rdelim; if ($mttag == $tagstack[count($tagstack)-1]) { $tag = array_pop($tagstack); } elseif (preg_match('/^('. $mttag . ')(\|.+)$/', $tagstack[count($tagstack)-1], $matches)) { $tag = array_pop($tagstack); $tag = $matches[1]; $close_mod_args = $matches[2]; } } if ($tag != $mttag) { die("error in template: $tag found but $mttag was expected\n"); } } else { if ($mttag == 'mtelse' || $mttag == 'mtelseif') { if ($tagstack[count($tagstack)-1] == 'mtelse' || $tagstack[count($tagstack)-1] == 'mtelseif') { $smart_source .= $ldelim . '/' . $tagstack[count($tagstack)-1] . $rdelim; array_pop($tagstack); } } $tagstack[] = $mttag . $modargs; if ($modargs != '') { $modargs = ''; $open_mod_args = true; } } } else { if ($close == '/') $close = ''; $fn_tag = 1; } if ($open_mod_args) { $smart_source .= $ldelim . 'capture' . $rdelim; } if ($fn_tag) { $smart_source .= $ldelim . 'php' . $rdelim . '$this->_tag_stack[] = array("' . $mttag . '"' // . ', array(' . implode(',', $ctx2->_compile_arg_list(null, null, $attrs, $dummy)) . '));' . ($var_export ? ', ' . var_export($attrs, true) : '') . ');' . $ldelim . '/php' . $rdelim; } $smart_source .= $ldelim.$open. $mttag. $modargs. $attrargs. $rdelim; if ($fn_tag) { $smart_source .= $ldelim . 'php' . $rdelim . 'array_pop($this->_tag_stack);' . $ldelim . '/php' . $rdelim; } if ($close_mod_args) { $smart_source .= $ldelim . '/capture' . $rdelim . $ldelim . '$smarty.capture.default' . $close_mod_args . $rdelim; } if (isset($tokname)) { if ($open != '/') { $smart_source .= $ldelim.'defun name="'.$tokname.'"'.$rdelim; } } if ($mttag == 'mtelse') { if ($open != '/') { if (count($args)) { # else-if $smart_source .= $ldelim.'if $elseif_conditional'.$rdelim; } else { # else $smart_source .= $ldelim.'if !$conditional'.$rdelim; } } else { $smart_source .= $ldelim.'if $conditional'.$rdelim; } } elseif ($mttag == 'mtelseif') { if ($open != '/') { if (count($args)) { # else-if $smart_source .= $ldelim.'if $elseif_conditional'.$rdelim; } } } elseif ($open != '/' && $conditional && $close != '/') { $smart_source .= $ldelim.'if $conditional'.$rdelim; } elseif ($close == '/') { $smart_source .= $ldelim.'/'.$mttag.$rdelim; } } } else { $smart_source = $tpl_source; } // allow normal php markers to work-- change them to // smarty php blocks... $smart_source = preg_replace('/<\?php(\s*.*?)\?>/s', $ldelim.'php'.$rdelim.'\1'.';'.$ldelim.'/php'.$rdelim, $smart_source); # echo $smart_source; return $smart_source; } function _parse_modifier($str) { if (!preg_match('/,/', $str)) { return $str; } $result = ''; if (preg_match_all('/(?:[,:]((["\'])((?:<[^>]*?>|.)*?)?\2)+)/', $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { for ($a = 0; $a < count($matches); $a++) { $val = $matches[$a][1]; if (strlen($val)) { if (preg_match('/^([\'"])\$([A-Za-z_]\w*)\1$/', $val, $matches)) { if (preg_match('/^(config|request)\.(.+)$/i', $matches[2], $m)) { if (strtolower($m[1]) == 'config') { $val = $mt->config[strtolower($m[2])]; } elseif (strtolower($m[1]) == 'request') { $val = '$smarty.request.' . $m[2]; } } else { $val = '$vars.' . $matches[2]; } } $result .= ':' . $val; } } return $result; } else { return $str; } } function _block_handler_exists(&$smarty, $name) { if ($smarty->_plugins['block'][$name]) return true; if ($smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('block', $name)) return true; return false; } ?>