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# Movable Type (r) (C) 2006-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: MultiBlog.pm 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ # Original Copyright (c) 2004-2006 David Raynes package MultiBlog; use strict; use warnings; # Blog-level Access override statuses use constant DENIED => 1; use constant ALLOWED => 2; sub preprocess_native_tags { my ( $ctx, $args, $cond ) = @_; my $plugin = MT::Plugin::MultiBlog->instance; my $tag = lc $ctx->stash('tag'); # If we're running under MT-Search, set the context based on the search # parameters available. unless ($args->{blog_id} || $args->{include_blogs} || $args->{exclude_blogs}) { my $app = MT->instance; if ($app->isa('MT::App::Search')) { if (my $excl = $app->{searchparam}{ExcludeBlogs}) { $args->{exclude_blogs} ||= join ',', keys %$excl; } elsif (my $incl = $app->{searchparam}{IncludeBlogs}) { $args->{include_blogs} = join ',', keys %$incl; } if (($args->{include_blogs} || $args->{exclude_blogs}) && $args->{blog_id}) { delete $args->{blog_id}; } } } # Filter through MultiBlog's access controls. If no blogs # are accessible given the specified attributes, we return # NULL or an error if one occured. if ( ! filter_blogs_from_args($plugin, $ctx, $args) ) { return $ctx->errstr ? $ctx->error($ctx->errstr) : ''; } # Explicity set blog_id for MTInclude if not specified # so that it never gets a multiblog context from MTMultiBlog elsif ($tag eq 'include' and ! exists $args->{blog_id}) { my $local_blog_id = $ctx->stash('local_blog_id'); if (defined $local_blog_id) { $args->{blog_id} = $ctx->stash('local_blog_id'); } } # If no include_blogs/exclude_blogs specified look for a # previously set MTMultiBlog context elsif ( my $mode = $ctx->stash('multiblog_context') ) { $args->{$mode} = $ctx->stash('multiblog_blog_ids'); } # Save local blog ID for all tags other than # MTMultiBlog since that tag handles it itself. local $ctx->{__stash}{local_blog_id} = $ctx->stash('blog_id') unless $ctx->stash('multiblog_context'); # Remove local blog ID from MTTags since it is cross-blog # and hence MTMultiBlogIfLocalBlog doesn't make sense there. local $ctx->{__stash}{local_blog_id} = 0 if $tag eq 'tags'; # Call original tag handler with new args defined(my $result = $ctx->super_handler( $args, $cond )) or return $ctx->error($ctx->errstr); return $result; } sub post_feedback_save { my $plugin = shift; my ( $trigger, $eh, $feedback ) = @_; if ( $feedback->visible ) { my $blog_id = $feedback->blog_id; my $app = MT->instance; foreach my $scope ("blog:$blog_id", "system") { my $d = $plugin->get_config_value( $scope eq 'system' ? 'all_triggers' : 'other_triggers', $scope ); while ( my ( $id, $a ) = each( %{ $d->{$trigger} } ) ) { next if $id == $blog_id; perform_mb_action( $app, $id, $_ ) foreach keys %$a; } } } } sub post_entry_save { my $plugin = shift; my ( $eh, $app, $entry ) = @_; my $blog_id = $entry->blog_id; foreach my $scope ("blog:$blog_id", "system") { my $d = $plugin->get_config_value( $scope eq 'system' ? 'all_triggers' : 'other_triggers', $scope ); while ( my ( $id, $a ) = each( %{ $d->{'entry_save'} } ) ) { next if $id == $blog_id; perform_mb_action( $app, $id, $_ ) foreach keys %$a; } require MT::Entry; if ( ( $entry->status || 0 ) == MT::Entry::RELEASE() ) { while ( my ( $id, $a ) = each( %{ $d->{'entry_pub'} } ) ) { next if $id == $blog_id; perform_mb_action( $app, $id, $_ ) foreach keys %$a; } } } } sub perform_mb_action { my ( $app, $blog_id, $action ) = @_; # Don't rebuild the same thing twice in a request require MT::Request; my $r = MT::Request->instance; my $rebuilt = $r->stash('multiblog_rebuilt') || {}; return if exists $rebuilt->{"$blog_id,$action"}; $rebuilt->{"$blog_id,$action"} = 1; $r->stash('multiblog_rebuilt', $rebuilt); # If the action we are performing starts with ri # we rebuild indexes for the given blog_id if ( $action =~ /^ri/ ) { $app->rebuild_indexes( BlogID => $blog_id ); # And if the action contains a p # we send out pings for the given blog_id too if ( $action =~ /p/ ) { $app->ping( BlogID => $blog_id ); } } } sub filter_blogs_from_args { my ($plugin, $ctx, $args) = @_; # SANITY CHECK ON ARGUMENTS my $err; # Set and clean up working variables my $incl = $args->{include_blogs} || $args->{blog_id} || $args->{blog_ids}; my $excl = $args->{exclude_blogs}; for ($incl,$excl) { next unless $_; s{\s+}{}g ; # Remove spaces } # If there are no multiblog arguments to filter, we don't need to be here return 1 unless $incl or $excl; # Only one multiblog argument can be used my $arg_count = scalar grep { $_ and $_ ne '' } $args->{include_blogs}, $args->{blog_id}, $args->{blog_ids}, $args->{exclude_blogs}; if ($arg_count > 1) { $err = $plugin->translate('The include_blogs, exclude_blogs, blog_ids and blog_id attributes cannot be used together.'); } # exclude_blogs="all" is not allowed elsif ($excl and $excl =~ /all/i) { $err = $plugin->translate('The attribute exclude_blogs cannot take "all" for a value.'); } # blog_id only accepts a single blog ID elsif ($args->{blog_id} and $args->{blog_id} !~ /^\d+$/) { $err = $plugin->translate('The value of the blog_id attribute must be a single blog ID.'); } # Make sure include_blogs/exclude_blogs is valid elsif (($incl || $excl) ne 'all' and ($incl || $excl) !~ /^\d+([,-]\d+)*$/) { $err = $plugin->translate('The value for the include_blogs/exclude_blogs attributes must be one or more blog IDs, separated by commas.'); } return $ctx->error($err) if $err; # Prepare for filter_blogs my ($attr, $val, @blogs); if ($incl) { ($attr, $val) = ('include_blogs', $incl); } else { ($attr, $val) = ('exclude_blogs', $excl); } if ($val =~ m/-/) { my @list = split /\s*,\s*/, $val; foreach my $id (@list) { if ($id =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { push @blogs, $_ for $1..$2; } else { push @blogs, $id; } } } else { @blogs = split(/\s*,\s*/, $val); } # Filter the blogs using the MultiBlog access controls ($attr, @blogs) = filter_blogs($plugin, $ctx, $attr, @blogs); return unless $attr && @blogs; # Rewrite the args to the modifed value delete $args->{blog_ids} if exists $args->{blog_ids}; # Deprecated if ($args->{blog_id}) { $args->{'blog_id'} = $blogs[0]; } else { delete $args->{include_blogs}; delete $args->{exclude_blogs}; $args->{$attr} = join(',', @blogs); } 1; } ## Get a mode (include/exclude) and list of blogs ## Process list using system default access setting and ## any blog-level overrides. ## Returns empty list if no blogs can be used sub filter_blogs { my $plugin = shift; my ( $ctx, $is_include, @blogs ) = @_; # Set flag to indicate whether @blogs are to be included or excluded $is_include = $is_include eq 'include_blogs' ? 1 : 0; # Set local blog my $this_blog = $ctx->stash('blog_id') || 0; # Get the MultiBlog system config for default access and overrides my $default_access_allowed = $plugin->get_config_value( 'default_access_allowed', 'system' ); my $access_overrides = $plugin->get_config_value( 'access_overrides', 'system' ) || {}; # System setting allows access by default if ($default_access_allowed) { # include_blogs="all" if ($is_include and $blogs[0] eq "all") { # Check for any deny overrides. # If found, switch to exclude_blogs="..." my @deny = grep { $_ != $this_blog and exists $access_overrides->{$_} and $access_overrides->{$_} == DENIED } keys %$access_overrides; return @deny ? ('exclude_blogs', @deny) : ('include_blogs', 'all'); } # include_blogs="1,2,3,4" elsif ($is_include and @blogs) { # Remove any included blogs that are specifically deny override # Return undef is all specified blogs are deny override my @allow = grep { $_ == $this_blog or ! exists $access_overrides->{$_} or $access_overrides->{$_} == ALLOWED } @blogs; return @allow ? ('include_blogs', @allow) : undef; } # exclude_blogs="1,2,3,4" else { # Add any deny overrides blogs to the list and de-dupe push(@blogs, grep { $_ != $this_blog and $access_overrides->{$_} == DENIED } keys %$access_overrides); my %seen; @seen{@blogs} = (); @blogs = keys %seen; return ('exclude_blogs', @blogs); } } # System setting does not allow access by default else { # include_blogs="all" if ($is_include and $blogs[0] eq "all") { # Enumerate blogs from allow override # Hopefully this is significantly smaller than @all_blogs my @allow = grep { $_ == $this_blog or $access_overrides->{$_} == ALLOWED } ($this_blog, keys %$access_overrides); return @allow ? ('include_blogs', @allow) : undef; } # include_blogs="1,2,3,4" elsif ($is_include and @blogs) { # Filter @blogs returning only those with allow override my @allow = grep { $_ == $this_blog or ( exists $access_overrides->{$_} and $access_overrides->{$_} == ALLOWED) } @blogs; return @allow ? ('include_blogs', @allow) : undef; } # exclude_blogs="1,2,3,4" else { # Get allow override blogs and then omit # the specified excluded blogs. my @allow = grep { $_ == $this_blog or $access_overrides->{$_} == ALLOWED } ($this_blog, keys %$access_overrides); my %seen; @seen{@blogs} = (); @blogs = grep { ! $seen{$_} } @allow; return @blogs ? ('include_blogs', @blogs) : undef; } } } 1;