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<?php # Movable Type (r) (C) 2001-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: init.MultiBlog.php 1185 2008-01-10 06:42:38Z auno $ global $mt; $ctx = &$mt->context(); # Check to see if MultiBlog is disabled... $switch = $mt->config('PluginSwitch'); if (isset($switch) && isset($switch['MultiBlog/multiblog.pl'])) { if (!$switch['MultiBlog/multiblog.pl']) { define('MULTIBLOG_ENABLED', 0); return; } } define('MULTIBLOG_ENABLED', 1); define('MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_DENIED', 1); define('MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_ALLOWED', 2); # override handler for the following tags. the overridden version # will, in turn call the MT native handlers... global $multiblog_orig_handlers; $multiblog_orig_handlers = array(); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtblogpingcount'] = $ctx->add_tag('blogpingcount', 'multiblog_MTBlogPingCount'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtblogcommentcount'] = $ctx->add_tag('blogcommentcount', 'multiblog_MTBlogCommentCount'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtblogcategorycount'] = $ctx->add_tag('blogcategorycount', 'multiblog_MTBlogCategoryCount'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtblogentrycount'] = $ctx->add_tag('blogentrycount', 'multiblog_MTBlogEntryCount'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtauthors'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('authors', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtentries'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('entries', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtcomments'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('comments', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtcategories'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('categories', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtpages'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('pages', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtfolders'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('folders', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtpings'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('pings', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtblogs'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('blogs', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mttags'] = $ctx->add_container_tag('tags', 'multiblog_block_wrapper'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtinclude'] = $ctx->add_tag('include', 'multiblog_MTInclude'); $multiblog_orig_handlers['mttagsearchlink'] = $ctx->add_tag('tagsearchlink', 'multiblog_MTTagSearchLink'); $ctx->add_conditional_tag('mtmultiblogiflocalblog'); function multiblog_MTBlogCategoryCount($args, &$ctx) { return multiblog_function_wrapper('mtblogcategorycount', $args, $ctx); } function multiblog_MTBlogCommentCount($args, &$ctx) { return multiblog_function_wrapper('mtblogcommentcount', $args, $ctx); } function multiblog_MTBlogPingCount($args, &$ctx) { return multiblog_function_wrapper('mtblogpingcount', $args, $ctx); } function multiblog_MTBlogEntryCount($args, &$ctx) { return multiblog_function_wrapper('mtblogentrycount', $args, $ctx); } function multiblog_MTTagSearchLink($args, &$ctx) { return multiblog_function_wrapper('mttagsearchlink', $args, $ctx); } # Special handler for MTInclude function multiblog_MTInclude($args, &$ctx) { if (isset($args['blog_id'])) { if (!multiblog_filter_blogs_from_args($ctx, $args)) return ''; } else { # Explicitly set blog_id attribute to local blog. # so MTInclude is never affected by multiblog context $args['blog_id'] = $ctx->stash('local_blog_id'); $args['blog_id'] or $args['blog_id'] = $ctx->mt->blog['blog_id']; } global $multiblog_orig_handlers; $fn = $multiblog_orig_handlers['mtinclude']; $result = $fn($args, $ctx); return $result; } # MultiBlog plugin wrapper for function tags (i.e. variable tags) function multiblog_function_wrapper($tag, $args, &$ctx) { $localvars = array('local_blog_id'); $ctx->localize($localvars); # Filter blogs from multiblog tag attributes if any if (!multiblog_filter_blogs_from_args($ctx, $args)) { $result = 0; # Set multiblog tag context if applicable } elseif ($mode = $ctx->stash('multiblog_context')) { $args[$mode] = $ctx->stash('multiblog_blog_ids'); } # Call original tag handler with new multiblog args global $multiblog_orig_handlers; $fn = $multiblog_orig_handlers[$tag]; $result = $fn($args, $ctx); # Restore localized variables $ctx->restore($localvars); return $result; } # MultiBlog plugin wrapper for block tags (i.e. container/conditional) function multiblog_block_wrapper($args, $content, &$ctx, &$repeat) { $tag = $ctx->this_tag(); $localvars = array('local_blog_id'); if (!isset($content)) { $ctx->localize($localvars); # Filter blogs from multiblog tag attributes if any if (!multiblog_filter_blogs_from_args($ctx, $args)) { $repeat = false; $ctx->restore($localvars); return ''; # Set multiblog tag context if applicable } elseif ($mode = $ctx->stash('multiblog_context')) { $args[$mode] = $ctx->stash('multiblog_blog_ids'); } } # Fix for MTMultiBlogIfLocalBlog which should never return # true with MTTags block because tags are cross-blog if ($ctx->this_tag() == 'mttags') $ctx->stash('local_blog_id', 0); # Call original tag handler with new multiblog args global $multiblog_orig_handlers; $fn = $multiblog_orig_handlers[$tag]; $result = $fn($args, $content, $ctx, $repeat); # Restore localized variables if last loop if (!$repeat) $ctx->restore($localvars); return $result; } function multiblog_filter_blogs_from_args(&$ctx, &$args) { # SANITY CHECK ON ARGUMENTS # Set and clean up working variables $incl = $args['include_blogs']; $incl or $incl = $args['blog_ids']; $incl or $incl = $args['blog_id']; $excl = $args['exclude_blogs']; # Remove spaces $incl = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $incl); $excl = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $excl); # If there are no multiblog arguments to filter, we don't need to be here if (! ($incl or $excl)) return true; # Only one multiblog argument can be used $tagcount = 0; $possible_args = array( $args['include_blogs'], $args['blog_ids'], $args['blog_id'], $args['exclude_blogs']); foreach ($possible_args as $arg) $arg != '' and $tagcount++; if ($tagcount > 1) return false; # exclude_blogs="all" is not allowed if ($excl and ($excl == 'all')) return false; # blog_id attribute only accepts a single blog ID if ($args['blog_id'] and !preg_match('/^\d+$/', $args['blog_id'])) return false; # Make sure include_blogs/exclude_blogs is valid if (($incl or $excl) != 'all' and !preg_match('/^\d+([,-]\d+)*$/', $incl or $excl)) { return false; } # Prepare for filter_blogs $blogs = array(); $attr = $incl ? 'include_blogs' : 'exclude_blogs'; $val = $incl ? $incl : $excl; if (preg_match('/-/', $val)) { # parse range blog ids out $list = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $val); foreach ($list as $item) { if (preg_match('/(\d+)-(\d+)/', $item, $matches)) { for ($i = $matches[1]; $i <= $matches[2]; $i++) $blogs[] = $i; } else { $blogs[] = $item; } } } else { $blogs = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $val); } # Filter the blogs using the MultiBlog access controls list($attr, $blogs) = multiblog_filter_blogs($ctx, $attr, $blogs); if (!($attr && count($blogs))) return false; # Rewrite the args to the modifed value if ($args['blog_ids']) unset($args['blog_ids']); // Deprecated if ($args['blog_id']) { $args['blog_id'] = $blogs[0]; } else { unset($args['include_blogs']); unset($args['exclude_blogs']); $args[$attr] = implode(',', $blogs); } return true; } ## Get a mode (include/exclude) and list of blogs ## Process list using system default access setting and ## any blog-level overrides. ## Returns empty list if no blogs can be used function multiblog_filter_blogs(&$ctx, $is_include, $blogs) { # Set flag to indicate whether @blogs are to be included or excluded $is_include = $is_include == 'include_blogs' ? 1 : 0; # Set local blog $this_blog = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); global $multiblog_system_config; global $mt; if (!$multiblog_system_config) $multiblog_system_config = $mt->db->fetch_plugin_config('MultiBlog', 'system'); # Get the MultiBlog system config for default access and overrides if (isset($multiblog_system_config['default_access_allowed'])) $default_access_allowed = $multiblog_system_config['default_access_allowed']; else $default_access_allowed = 1; $access_overrides = $multiblog_system_config['access_overrides']; if (!$access_overrides) $access_overrides = array(); # System setting allows access by default if ($default_access_allowed) { # include_blogs="all" if ($is_include && ($blogs[0] == "all")) { # Check for any deny overrides. # If found, switch to exclude_blogs="..." $deny = array(); foreach (array_keys($access_overrides) as $o) { if (($o != $this_blog) && (isset($access_overrides[$o]) && ($access_overrides[$o] == MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_DENIED))) $deny[] = $o; } return count($deny) ? array('exclude_blogs', $deny) : array('include_blogs', array('all')); } # include_blogs="1,2,3,4" elseif ($is_include && count($blogs)) { # Remove any included blogs that are specifically deny override # Return undef is all specified blogs are deny override $allow = array(); foreach ($blogs as $b) if ($b == $this_blog || (!isset($access_overrides[$b])) || ($access_overrides[$b] == MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_ALLOWED)) $allow[] = $b; return count($allow) ? array('include_blogs', $allow) : null; } # exclude_blogs="1,2,3,4" else { # Add any deny overrides blogs to the list and de-dupe foreach (array_keys($access_overrides) as $o) if (($o != $this_blog) && (isset($access_overrides[$o]) && ($access_overrides[$o] == MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_DENIED))) $blogs[] = $o; $seen = array(); foreach ($blogs as $b) $seen[$b] = 1; $blogs = array_keys($seen); return array('exclude_blogs', $blogs); } } # System setting does not allow access by default else { # include_blogs="all" if ($is_include && ($blogs[0] == "all")) { # Enumerate blogs from allow override # Hopefully this is significantly smaller than @all_blogs $allow = array(); foreach (array_keys($access_overrides) as $o) if (($o == $this_blog) || (isset($access_overrides[$o]) && ($access_overrides[$o] == MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_ALLOWED))) $allow[] = $o; if (!isset($access_overrides[$this_blog])) $allow[] = $this_blog; return count($allow) ? array('include_blogs', $allow) : null; } # include_blogs="1,2,3,4" elseif ($is_include && count($blogs)) { # Filter @blogs returning only those with allow override $allow = array(); foreach ($blogs as $b) if ($b == $this_blog || (isset($access_overrides[$b]) && ($access_overrides[$b] == MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_ALLOWED))) $allow[] = $b; return count($allow) ? array('include_blogs', $allow) : null; } # exclude_blogs="1,2,3,4" else { # Get allow override blogs and then omit # the specified excluded blogs. $allow = array(); foreach (array_keys($access_overrides) as $o) if (($o == $this_blog) || (isset($access_overrides[$o]) && ($access_overrides[$o] == MULTIBLOG_ACCESS_ALLOWED))) $allow[] = $o; if (!isset($access_overrides[$this_blog])) $allow[] = $this_blog; $seen = array(); foreach ($blogs as $b) $seen[$b] = 1; $blogs = array(); foreach ($allow as $a) if (!isset($seen[$a])) $blogs[] = $a; return count($blogs) ? array('include_blogs', $blogs) : null; } } } ?>