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# WXRImporter plugin for Movable Type # Author: Six Apart (http://www.sixapart.com) # Released under the Artistic License # # $Id: Import.pm 1104 2007-12-12 01:49:35Z hachi $ package WXRImporter::Import; use strict; use base qw(MT::ErrorHandler); sub import_contents { my $class = shift; my %param = @_; my $iter = $param{Iter}; my $blog = $param{Blog} or return $class->error(MT->translate("No Blog")); my $cb = $param{Callback} || sub { }; my $encoding = $param{Encoding}; my($root_path, $root_url, $relative_path); if (my $p = delete $param{'mt_site_path'}) { $root_path = $root_url = '%r'; } else { $root_path = $root_url = '%a'; } if ($root_path && $root_url) { $relative_path = delete $param{'mt_extra_path'}; my $path = $root_path; if ($relative_path) { if ($relative_path =~ m!\.\.|\0|\|!) { return $class->error(MT->translate( "Invalid extra path '[_1]'", $relative_path)); } $path = File::Spec->catdir($path, $relative_path); } ## $path should be local path to file now (we don't create/upload files nor mkpath) my $url = $path; $url =~ s!\\!/!g; $param{'mt_path'} = $path; $param{'mt_url'} = $url; } if (exists $param{ImportAs}) { } elsif (exists $param{ParentAuthor}) { require MT::Auth; return $class->error(MT->translate( "You need to provide a password if you are going to " . "create new users for each user listed in your blog.")) if MT::Auth->password_exists && !(exists $param{NewAuthorPassword}); } else { return $class->error(MT->translate( "Need either ImportAs or ParentAuthor")); } $cb->("\n"); my $import_result = eval { while (my $stream = $iter->()) { my $result = eval { $class->start_import($stream, %param); }; $cb->($@) unless $result; } $class->errstr ? undef : 1; }; $import_result; } sub start_import { my $self = shift; my ($stream, %param) = @_; #if (ref($stream) eq 'Fh') { # $stream = WXRImporter::Stream->new($stream); #} my $xml = do { local $/ = undef; <$stream>} || ''; $xml =~ s{<wp:comment_content>(?:<!\[CDATA\[)?(.*?)(?:\]\]>)?</wp:comment_content>} {<wp:comment_content><![CDATA[$1]]></wp:comment_content>}sg; use HTML::Entities::Numbered; $xml = HTML::Entities::Numbered::name2hex_xml($xml); require WXRImporter::WXRHandler; my $handler = WXRImporter::WXRHandler->new( callback => $param{Callback}, blog => $param{Blog}, def_cat_id => $param{DefaultCategoryID}, convert_breaks => $param{ConvertBreaks}, (exists $param{ImportAs}) ? ( author => $param{ImportAs} ) : ( parent => $param{ParentAuthor} ), pass => $param{NewAuthorPassword}, wp_path => $param{wp_path}, mt_path => $param{mt_path}, mt_url => $param{mt_url}, wp_download => $param{wp_download}, ); require MT::Util; my $parser = MT::Util::sax_parser(); $param{Callback}->(ref($parser) . "\n") if MT::ConfigMgr->instance->DebugMode; $parser->{Handler} = $handler; my $e; eval { $parser->parse_string($xml); }; #eval { $parser->parse_file($stream); }; $e = $@ if $@; if ($e) { $param{Callback}->($e); return $self->error($e); } 1; } sub get_param { my $class = shift; my ($blog_id) = @_; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id) or return $class->error(MT->translate('No Blog')); my $param = { blog_id => $blog_id }; my $label_path; if ($blog->column('archive_path')) { $param->{enable_archive_paths} = 1; $label_path = MT->translate('Archive Root'); } else { $label_path = MT->translate('Site Root'); } $param->{missing_paths} = ((defined $blog->site_path || defined $blog->archive_path) && (-d $blog->site_path || -d $blog->archive_path)) ? 0 : 1; $param; } ## This package will be removed once WordPress fixes issues ## which it generates non-well formed XML (therefore it's ## not even XML at all). See: ## http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4242 ## http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4452 #package WXRImporter::Stream; # #use Symbol; # #use vars qw( $fh ); #sub new { # my $class = shift; # my $this = bless Symbol::gensym(), $class; # tie *$this, $this; # $fh = $_[0]; # return $this; #} # #sub read { # my $this = shift; # my $res = read($fh, $_[0], $_[1], $_[2] || 0); # my $string = $_[0]; # $string = _encode_wp_comment($string); # $_[0] = $string; # $res; #} # #sub binmode { # my $this = shift; # binmode $fh; #} # #sub eof { # my $this = shift; # eof $fh; #} # #sub close { # my $this = shift; # close $fh; #} # #*READ = \&read; #*BINMODE = \&binmode; #*EOF = \&eof; #*CLOSE = \&close; # #sub TIEHANDLE { # return $_[0] if ref($_[0]); # my $class = shift; # my $this = bless Symbol::gensym(), $class; # $fh = $_[0]; # return $this; #} # #sub _encode_wp_comment { # my ($str) = @_; # # use HTML::Entities::Numbered; # $str = name2hex_xml($str); # return $str; #} 1; __END__