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# WXRImporter plugin for Movable Type # Author: Six Apart (http://www.sixapart.com) # Released under the Artistic License # # $Id: WXRHandler.pm 1104 2007-12-12 01:49:35Z hachi $ package WXRImporter::WXRHandler; use strict; use XML::SAX::Base; use Time::Local qw( timegm ); use MT; use MT::Util qw( offset_time_list ); @WXRImporter::WXRHandler::ISA = qw(XML::SAX::Base); use constant POST_SEPARATOR => '<!--more-->'; # WordPress's separator string sub new { my $class = shift; my (%param) = @_; my $self = bless \%param, $class; return $self; } sub start_document { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; $self->{start} = 1; $self->{basename_limit} = 255; # max length of the column 1; } sub start_element { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $name = $data->{LocalName}; my $prefix = $data->{Prefix}; my $attrs = $data->{Attributes}; my $ns = $data->{NamespaceURI}; if (exists $self->{in_wp_comment_content}) { # wordpress's comment content consists of mixed contents (tags and texts)... my $element_data = '<' . $data->{Name}; for my $attr (keys %$attrs) { $element_data .= ' ' . $attrs->{$attr}->{Name} . '=' . $attrs->{$attr}->{Value}; } $element_data .= '>'; $data->{Data} = $element_data; $self->characters($data); return; } if ($self->{start}) { die MT->translate("File is not in WXR format.") unless (('rss' eq $name) && ('2.0' eq $attrs->{'{}version'}->{Value})); ## FIXME: This is checking RSS2. $self->{start} = 0; $self->{'bucket'} = []; return 1; } my %values = map { $attrs->{$_}->{LocalName} => MT::I18N::encode_text(MT::I18N::utf8_off($attrs->{$_}->{Value}), 'utf-8') } keys(%$attrs); $self->{in_wp_comment_content} = 1 if ('wp' eq $prefix) && ('comment_content' eq $name); push @{$self->{'bucket'}}, \%values if scalar(%values); push @{$self->{'bucket'}}, $prefix . '_' . $name; 1; } sub characters { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; return unless ($data->{Data} !~ /^\s+$/) || (exists $self->{in_wp_comment_content}); # see if we need to process whitespaces my $element = pop @{$self->{'bucket'}}; return unless $element; my $chars = MT::I18N::utf8_off($data->{Data}); if ('HASH' eq ref($element)) { my @hash_array = %$element; return unless $hash_array[0]; my $val = $element->{$hash_array[0]}; $val .= $chars; $element->{$hash_array[0]} = $val; } elsif ($element) { $element = { $element => $chars }; } push @{$self->{'bucket'}}, $element; 1; } sub end_element { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $name = $data->{LocalName}; my $prefix = $data->{Prefix}; if ((exists $self->{in_wp_comment_content}) && ('wp:comment_content' ne $data->{Name})) { # wordpress's comment content consists of mixed contents (tags and texts)... my $element_data = '</' . $data->{Name} . '>'; $data->{Data} = $element_data; $self->characters($data); return; } my $element = pop @{$self->{'bucket'}}; if ('HASH' eq ref($element)) { $element->{$prefix . '_' . $name} = MT::I18N::encode_text($element->{$prefix . '_' . $name}, 'utf-8') if exists $element->{$prefix . '_' . $name}; } push @{$self->{'bucket'}}, $element; my $name_element = $prefix . '_' . $name; if ('_item' eq $name_element) { $self->_create_item($data); } elsif ('wp_postmeta' eq $name_element) { $self->_setup_metadata($data); } elsif ('wp_category' eq $name_element) { $self->_create_category($data); } elsif ('wp_comment' eq $name_element) { $self->_create_feedback($data); } elsif ('_channel' eq $name_element) { $self->_update_blog($data); } elsif ('wp_comment_content' eq $name_element) { delete $self->{in_wp_comment_content}; } 1; } sub _setup_metadata { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $cb = $self->{callback}; my $blog = $self->{blog}; my $meta = {}; my $current_key; my $current_value; while (my $hash = pop @{$self->{'bucket'}}) { last if 'wp_postmeta' eq $hash; next if 'HASH' ne ref $hash; my @hash_array = %$hash; my $key = $hash_array[0]; my $value = $hash_array[1]; if ('wp_meta_key' eq $key) { $current_key = $value; } elsif ('wp_meta_value' eq $key) { $current_value = $value; } if ($current_key && $current_value) { $meta->{$current_key} = $current_value; $current_key = $current_value = undef; } } push @{$self->{'bucket'}}, { 'wp_postmeta' => $meta }; } sub _update_blog { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $cb = $self->{callback}; my $blog = $self->{blog}; while (my $hash = pop @{$self->{'bucket'}}) { last if '_channel' eq $hash; next if 'HASH' ne ref $hash; my @hash_array = %$hash; my $key = $hash_array[0]; my $value = $hash_array[1]; if ('_description' eq $key) { $blog->description($value) unless $blog->description; # Should we do these? # } elsif ('_link' eq $key) { # $blog->site_url($value) unless $blog->site_url; # } elsif ('_title' eq $key) { # $blog->name($value) if 'First Weblog' eq $blog->name; # } elsif ('_language' eq $key) { # $blog->language($value); } } $blog->save; } sub _create_category { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $cb = $self->{callback}; my $blog = $self->{blog}; require MT::Category; ##FIXME: don't directly reference packages my $cat = MT::Category->new; while (my $hash = pop @{$self->{'bucket'}}) { last if 'wp_category' eq $hash; next if 'HASH' ne ref $hash; my @hash_array = %$hash; my $key = $hash_array[0]; my $value = $hash_array[1]; $cat->blog_id($blog->id); if ('wp_category_nicename' eq $key) { my $dash = MT->instance->config('CategoryNameNodash') ? '' : '-'; my $base = MT::Util::dirify(MT::Util::decode_url($value)) || ("cat" . $dash . $cat->id); $base = substr($base, 0, $self->{basename_limit}); $base =~ s/_+$//; $base = 'cat' if $base eq ''; my $i = 1; my $base_copy = $base; while (MT::Category->count({ blog_id => $blog->id, basename => $base })) { $base = $base_copy . '_' . $i++; } $cat->basename($base); } elsif ('wp_category_parent' eq $key) { my $parent = MT::Category->load( { label => $value, blog_id => $self->{blog}->id }); $cat->parent($parent->id) if defined $parent; } elsif ('wp_posts_private' eq $key) { # skip } elsif ('wp_posts_private' eq $key) { # skip } elsif ('wp_cat_name' eq $key) { return if (MT::Category->load({ label => $value })); $cat->label($value); } elsif ('wp_category_description' eq $key) { $cat->description($value); } } if (defined $cat) { if (exists $self->{author}) { $cat->author_id($self->{author}->id); } elsif (exists $self->{parent}) { $cat->author_id($self->{parent}->id); } $cb->(MT->translate("Creating new category ('[_1]')...", $cat->label)); if ($cat->save) { $cb->(MT->translate("ok") . "\n"); } else { $cb->(MT->translate("failed") . "\n"); return die MT->translate( "Saving category failed: [_1]", $cat->errstr); } } } sub _create_feedback { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $cb = $self->{callback}; my $feedback_data = {}; my $type = 'comment'; while (my $hash = pop @{$self->{'bucket'}}) { last if 'wp_comment' eq $hash; next if 'HASH' ne ref $hash; my @hash_array = %$hash; my $key = $hash_array[0]; my $value = $hash_array[1]; if ('wp_comment_type' eq $key) { $type = $value; } else { $feedback_data->{$key} = $value; } } push @{$self->{'bucket'}}, { $type => $feedback_data }; } sub _create_item { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my @hashes; my $post_type = 'post'; ## TODO: default? while (my $hash = pop @{$self->{'bucket'}}) { last if '_item' eq $hash; next if 'HASH' ne ref $hash; $post_type = $hash->{'wp_post_type'}, next if exists $hash->{'wp_post_type'}; push @hashes, $hash if 'HASH' eq ref($hash); } my $blog = $self->{blog}; return unless $blog; if ('post' eq $post_type) { $self->_create_post('entry', \@hashes); } elsif ('page' eq $post_type) { $self->_create_post('page', \@hashes); } elsif ('attachment') { $self->_create_asset(\@hashes); } 1; } sub _create_asset { my $self = shift; my ($hashes) = @_; my $blog = $self->{blog}; my $cb = $self->{callback}; my @tags; my %meta_hash; my $asset_values = { 'blog_id' => $blog->id }; for my $hash (@$hashes) { my @hash_array = %$hash; my $key = $hash_array[0]; my $value = $hash_array[1]; if ('_title' eq $key) { $asset_values->{'label'} = $value; } elsif ('_link' eq $key) { # skip } elsif ('_pubDate' eq $key) { # skip - we use post_date_gmt; } elsif ('dc_creator' eq $key) { $asset_values->{'created_by'} = $self->_get_author_id($cb, $value); } elsif ('_category' eq $key) { # TODO: is it ok to make it tags? push @tags, $value; } elsif ('_guid' eq $key) { $asset_values->{'url'} = $value; } elsif ('_description' eq $key) { # skip } elsif ('content_encoded' eq $key) { $asset_values->{'description'} = $value; } elsif ('wp_post_id' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('wp_post_date' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('wp_post_date_gmt' eq $key) { $asset_values->{'created_on'} = $self->_gmt2blogtime($value, $blog); } elsif ('wp_comment_status' eq $key) { # skip } elsif ('wp_ping_status' eq $key) { # skip } elsif ('wp_post_name' eq $key) { # skip - we don't have an equivalent. } elsif ('wp_status' eq $key) { # skip possible values: inherit, } elsif ('wp_post_parent' eq $key) { # skip - entry association? } elsif ('wp_postmeta' eq $key) { for my $meta_key (keys %$value) { if ('_wp_attached_file' eq $meta_key) { $asset_values->{'file_path'} = $value->{$meta_key}; } elsif ('_wp_attachment_metadata' eq $meta_key) { # only parse width and height my $serialized = $value->{$meta_key}; if ($serialized =~ m!s:5:"width";i:(\d+);s:6:"height";i:(\d+);!i) { $asset_values->{'image_width'} = $1; $asset_values->{'image_height'} = $2; } $meta_hash{$meta_key} = $value->{$meta_key}; } else { $meta_hash{$meta_key} = $value->{$meta_key}; } } } } my $wp_path = $self->{'wp_path'}; my $mt_path = $self->{'mt_path'}; my $path = $asset_values->{'file_path'}; if ($wp_path && $mt_path) { $path =~ s/^.*$wp_path(.+)$/$mt_path$1/i; $path = File::Spec->canonpath($path); } $asset_values->{'file_path'} = $path; my $mt_url = $self->{'mt_url'}; my $url = $asset_values->{'url'}; my $old_url = $url; if ($mt_url) { $url =~ s/^.*$wp_path(.+)$/$mt_url$1/i; } $asset_values->{'url'} = $url; require MT::Asset; # Check dupe if ( MT::Asset->count( { blog_id => $asset_values->{blog_id}, label => $asset_values->{label}, file_path => $asset_values->{file_path}, } )) { $cb->(MT->translate("Duplicate asset ('[_1]') found. Skipping.", $asset_values->{label})); $cb->("\n"); return 1; } require File::Basename; my $local_basename = File::Basename::basename($path); my $ext = (File::Basename::fileparse($path, qr/[A-Za-z]+$/))[2]; $asset_values->{'file_name'} = $local_basename; $asset_values->{'file_ext'} = $ext; # Now save the asset. my $asset_pkg = MT::Asset->handler_for_file($local_basename); my $asset = $asset_pkg->new(); my $w = delete $asset_values->{'image_width'}; my $h = delete $asset_values->{'image_height'}; $asset->set_values($asset_values); if ( $h && $w ) { $asset->image_width($w); $asset->image_height($h); } $cb->(MT->translate("Saving asset ('[_1]')...", $asset->label)); $asset->add_tags(@tags) if 0 < scalar(@tags); $cb->(MT->translate(" and asset will be tagged ('[_1]')...", join(',', @tags))); if ($asset->save) { $cb->(MT->translate("ok (ID [_1])", $asset->id) . "\n"); if ( exists($self->{'wp_download'}) && $self->{'wp_download'} ) { _get_item_via_http($asset->id, $old_url); } } else { $cb->(MT->translate("failed") . "\n"); die MT->translate( "Saving entry failed: [_1]", $asset->errstr); } } sub _create_post { my $self = shift; my ($class_type, $hashes) = @_; my $blog = $self->{blog}; my $cb = $self->{callback}; my %cat_ids; my $primary_cat_id; my $feedbacks = { 'comments' => [], 'trackbacks' => [], }; my %meta_hash; my $class = MT->model($class_type); require MT::Comment; require MT::TBPing; require MT::Trackback; my $post = $class->new; $post->blog_id($blog->id); $post->convert_breaks($self->{convert_breaks}); for my $hash (@$hashes) { my @hash_array = %$hash; my $key = $hash_array[0]; my $value = $hash_array[1]; if ('_title' eq $key) { $post->title($value); } elsif ('_link' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('_pubDate' eq $key) { # skip - we use post_date_gmt; } elsif ('dc_creator' eq $key) { $post->author_id($self->_get_author_id($cb, $value)); } elsif ('_category' eq $key) { my $cat_class = MT->model( $class_type eq 'entry' ? 'category' : 'folder'); my $cat = $cat_class->load( { label => $value, blog_id => $self->{blog}->id }); if (defined $cat) { $cat_ids{$cat->id} = 1; $primary_cat_id = $cat->id unless $primary_cat_id; } } elsif ('_guid' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('_description' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('content_encoded' eq $key) { my $pos = index $value, POST_SEPARATOR(); if (-1 == $pos) { $post->text($value); } else { $post->text(substr $value, 0, $pos); $post->text_more(substr $value, $pos + length(POST_SEPARATOR())); } } elsif ('wp_post_id' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('wp_post_date' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('wp_post_date_gmt' eq $key) { $post->authored_on($self->_gmt2blogtime($value, $blog)); } elsif ('wp_comment_status' eq $key) { $post->allow_comments('open' eq $value ? 1 : 0); } elsif ('wp_ping_status' eq $key) { $post->allow_pings('open' eq $value ? 1 : 0); } elsif ('wp_post_name' eq $key) { my $base = MT::Util::decode_url($value); $base = MT::Util::dirify($base) if $base ne $value; $base = substr($base, 0, $self->{basename_limit}); $base =~ s/_+$//; $base = 'post' if $base eq ''; my $i = 1; my $base_copy = $base; while ($class->count({ blog_id => $blog->id, basename => $base })) { $base = $base_copy . '_' . $i++; } $post->basename($base); } elsif ('wp_status' eq $key) { $post->status(MT::Entry::HOLD()) unless 'publish' eq $value; $post->status(MT::Entry::RELEASE()) if 'publish' eq $value; } elsif ('wp_post_parent' eq $key) { # skip; } elsif ('wp_postmeta' eq $key) { for my $meta_key (keys %$value) { $meta_hash{$meta_key} = $value->{$meta_key}; } # TODO: how we should handle metadata is to be decided later } elsif ('comment' eq $key) { my $cmt = MT::Comment->new; $cmt->blog_id($blog->id); $cmt->author($value->{'wp_comment_author'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_author'}; $cmt->email($value->{'wp_comment_author_email'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_author_email'}; $cmt->url($value->{'wp_comment_author_url'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_author_url'}; $cmt->ip($value->{'wp_comment_author_IP'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_author_IP'}; my $date = $value->{'wp_comment_date_gmt'}; $cmt->created_on($self->_gmt2blogtime($date, $blog)); $cmt->text($value->{'wp_comment_content'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_content'}; my $status = $value->{'wp_comment_approved'}; if ($status eq '1') { $cmt->approve; } elsif ('spam' eq $status) { $cmt->junk; } # skip wp:comment_id # skip wp:comment_parent push @{$feedbacks->{comments}}, $cmt; } elsif (('trackback' eq $key) || ('pingback' eq $key)) { # TODO: are trackback and pingback the same in its data structure? my $ping = MT::TBPing->new; $ping->blog_id($blog->id); $ping->blog_name($value->{'wp_comment_author'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_author'}; $ping->source_url($value->{'wp_comment_author_url'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_author_url'}; $ping->ip($value->{'wp_comment_author_IP'}) if exists $value->{'wp_comment_author_IP'}; my $date = $value->{'wp_comment_date_gmt'}; $ping->created_on($self->_gmt2blogtime($date, $blog)); if (exists $value->{'wp_comment_content'}) { my $content = $value->{'wp_comment_content'} ; if ($content =~ m!^<strong>(.+)</strong>\n*(.+)$!m) { # this is exactly how wordpress stores trackbacks in its database as of v2.1. $ping->title($1); $ping->excerpt($2); } } my $status = $value->{'wp_comment_approved'}; if ($status eq '1') { $ping->approve; } elsif ('spam' eq $status) { $ping->junk; } push @{$feedbacks->{trackbacks}}, $ping; } } # Check dupe if ( $class->count( { class => $class_type, blog_id => $post->blog_id, title => $post->title, authored_on => $post->authored_on } )) { $cb->(MT->translate("Duplicate entry ('[_1]') found. Skipping.", $post->title)); $cb->("\n"); return 1; } # Now save the entry/page. if ('entry' eq $class_type) { $cb->(MT->translate("Saving entry ('[_1]')...", $post->title)); } elsif ('page' eq $class_type) { $cb->(MT->translate("Saving page ('[_1]')...", $post->title)); } if ($post->save) { $cb->(MT->translate("ok (ID [_1])", $post->id) . "\n"); } else { $cb->(MT->translate("failed") . "\n"); die MT->translate( "Save failed: [_1]", $post->errstr); } # Associate the entry to categories. $primary_cat_id = $self->{def_cat_id} unless $primary_cat_id; if ($primary_cat_id) { my $place = MT::Placement->new; $place->is_primary(1); $place->entry_id($post->id); $place->blog_id($self->{blog}->id); $place->category_id($primary_cat_id); $place->save or die MT->translate( "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr); delete $cat_ids{$primary_cat_id}; } for my $cat_id (keys %cat_ids) { my $place = MT::Placement->new; $place->is_primary(0); $place->entry_id($post->id); $place->blog_id($self->{blog}->id); $place->category_id($cat_id); $place->save or die MT->translate( "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr); } # Associate comments to the entry. for my $comment (@{$feedbacks->{comments}}) { $comment->entry_id($post->id); $cb->(MT->translate("Creating new comment (from '[_1]')...", $comment->author)); if ($comment->save) { $cb->(MT->translate("ok (ID [_1])", $comment->id) . "\n"); } else { $cb->(MT->translate("failed") . "\n"); die MT->translate( "Saving comment failed: [_1]", $comment->errstr); } } # Associate trackbacks to the entry. if (scalar @{$feedbacks->{trackbacks}}) { my $tb = $post->trackback; unless ($tb) { $tb = MT::Trackback->new; $tb->blog_id($post->blog_id); $tb->entry_id($post->id); $tb->category_id(0); ## category_id can't be NULL } $tb->title($post->title); $tb->description($post->get_excerpt); $tb->url($post->permalink); $tb->is_disabled($post->allow_pings); $tb->save; unless ($tb) { die MT->translate("Entry has no MT::Trackback object!"); } $post->trackback($tb); for my $ping (@{$feedbacks->{trackbacks}}) { $ping->tb_id($tb->id); $cb->(MT->translate("Creating new ping ('[_1]')...", $ping->title)); if ($ping->save) { $cb->(MT->translate("ok (ID [_1])", $ping->id) . "\n"); } else { $cb->(MT->translate("failed") . "\n"); die MT->translate( "Saving ping failed: [_1]", $ping->errstr); } } } 1; } sub _get_author_id { my $self = shift; my ($cb, $value) = @_; my $author = $self->{author}; unless ($author) { require MT::BasicAuthor; $author = MT::BasicAuthor->load({ name => $value }); unless (defined $author) { my $parent_author = $self->{parent}; my $pass = $self->{pass}; $author = MT::Author->new; $author->created_by($parent_author->id) if defined $parent_author; $author->name($value); $author->email(''); $author->type(MT::Author::AUTHOR()); if ($pass) { $author->set_password($pass); } else { $author->password('(none)'); } $cb->(MT->translate("Creating new user ('[_1]')...", $value)); if ($author->save) { $cb->(MT->translate("ok") . "\n"); } else { $cb->(MT->translate("failed") . "\n"); die MT->translate( "Saving user failed: [_1]", $author->errstr); } $cb->(MT->translate("Assigning permissions for new user...")); require MT::Role; require MT::Association; my $role = MT::Role->load_by_permission('post'); if ($role) { my $assoc; if ($assoc = MT::Association->link($author => $role => $self->{blog})) { $cb->(MT->translate("ok") . "\n"); } else { $cb->(MT->translate("failed") . "\n"); die MT->translate( "Saving permission failed: [_1]", $assoc->errstr); } } } } defined $author ? $author->id : undef; } sub _gmt2blogtime { my $self = shift; my ($datetime, $blog) = @_; if ($datetime =~ /^(\d{4})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})\s?(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/) { my($y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s) = ($1, $2 || 1, $3 || 1, $4 || 0, $5 || 0, $6 || 0); my $time = eval { timegm($s, $m, $h, $d, $mo-1, $y); } or return undef; ($s, $m, $h, $d, $mo, $y) = offset_time_list($time, $blog); $y += 1900; $mo++; return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s; } return undef; } sub _get_item_via_http { my ($asset_id, $url) = @_; require MT::TheSchwartz; require TheSchwartz::Job; my $job = TheSchwartz::Job->new(); $job->funcname('WXRImporter::Worker::Downloader'); $job->uniqkey( $asset_id ); $job->arg( { old_url => $url } ); $job->coalesce( $$ . ':' . ( time - ( time % 100 ) ) ); MT::TheSchwartz->insert($job); } 1;