Ghazascanner File Manager
server :Linux phosweb011 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 19 16:18:59 UTC 2020 x86_64
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# Movable Type (r) (C) 2005-2008 Six Apart, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # This code cannot be redistributed without permission from www.sixapart.com. # For more information, consult your Movable Type license. # # $Id: WidgetManager.pl 1174 2008-01-08 21:02:50Z bchoate $ # WidgetManager plugin for Movable Type # Author: Byrne Reese, Six Apart (http://www.sixapart.com) # Released under the Artistic and GPLv2 License package MT::Plugin::WidgetManager; use strict; use base qw( MT::Plugin ); use constant DEBUG => 0; our $VERSION = '1.0'; my $plugin = MT::Plugin::WidgetManager->new({ id => 'WidgetManager', name => 'Widget Manager', description => q(<MT_TRANS phrase="Maintain your blog's widget content using a handy drag and drop interface.">), version => $VERSION, author_name => 'Six Apart', key => 'widget-manager', l10n_class => 'WidgetManager::L10N', }); MT->add_plugin($plugin); sub instance { $plugin; } sub init_registry { my $plugin = shift; $plugin->registry({ tags => { help_url => sub { MT->translate('http://www.movabletype.org/documentation/appendices/tags/%t.html') }, function => { WidgetManager => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::Plugin::_hdlr_widget_manager', WidgetSet => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::Plugin::_hdlr_widget_manager', }, }, callbacks => { 'clone_blog_widgets' => { callback => 'MT::Blog::post_clone', handler => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::Plugin::clone_blog_widgemanagers', }, 'remove_blog_widgets' => { callback => 'MT::Blog::post_remove', handler => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::Plugin::remove_blog_widgetmanager', }, 'DefaultTemplateFilter' => '$WidgetManager::MT::Plugin::WidgetManager::default_templates', 'MT::Blog::post_create_default_templates' => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::Plugin::create_default_widgetsets', }, applications => { cms => { methods => { list_widget => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::CMS::list', edit_widget => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::CMS::edit', delete_widget => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::CMS::delete', save_widget => '$WidgetManager::WidgetManager::CMS::save', }, menus => { 'design:widgets' => { label => 'Widget Sets', mode => 'list_widget', order => 201, permission => 'edit_templates', view => "blog", }, }, template_snippets => { 'widget_manager' => { label => 'Widget Set', content => '<$mt:WidgetSet name="$0"$>', trigger => 'widget', }, }, list_filters => { template => { widget_templates => { label => "Widgets", order => 500, handler => sub { my ($terms) = @_; $terms->{type} = 'widget'; }, }, }, }, }, }, }); } sub load_selected_modules { require WidgetManager::Plugin; WidgetManager::Plugin::load_selected_modules(@_); } sub default_templates { my $cb = shift; my ($tmpl_list) = @_; my $widgetmgr = MT::Plugin::WidgetManager->instance; my $widget_tmpls = $widgetmgr->templates(MT->instance); push @$tmpl_list, @$widget_tmpls; } sub templates { my $plugin = shift; my ($app) = @_; my $default_widget_templates; use File::Spec; my $widgets_dir = File::Spec->catfile($plugin->{full_path}, 'default_widgets'); my $cfg_file = File::Spec->catfile($widgets_dir, 'widgets.cfg'); local(*FH, $_, $/); $/ = "\n"; open FH, $cfg_file or return $app->error(MT->translate( "Error opening file '[_1]': [_2]", $cfg_file, "$!" )); my $cfg = join('',<FH>); eval "$cfg;"; close FH; my @tmpls; require MT::Template; foreach (@$default_widget_templates) { open(TMPL, File::Spec->catfile($widgets_dir, $_->{template})) or die "Error: $!\n"; while (my $line = <TMPL>) { $_->{text} .= $line; } close TMPL; my $tmpl = MT::Template->new; $tmpl->{type} = 'widget'; $tmpl->{name} = $plugin->translate($_->{label}); $tmpl->{text} = $plugin->translate_templatized($_->{text}); push @tmpls, $tmpl; } return \@tmpls; } 1; __END__