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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MT-Textile Text Formatter # A plugin for Movable Type # # Release 2.0.2 # # Brad Choate # http://www.bradchoate.com/ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is provided as-is. # You may use it for commercial or personal use. # If you distribute it, please keep this notice intact. # # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Brad Choate # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: textile2.pl 1101 2007-12-12 01:49:00Z hachi $ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- package MT::Plugin::Textile; use strict; use MT; use base qw( MT::Plugin ); our $VERSION = 2.04; our ($_initialized, $Have_SmartyPants); MT->add_plugin(__PACKAGE__->new({ name => "Textile", description => '<MT_TRANS phrase="A humane web text generator.">', author_name => "Brad Choate", author_link => "http://bradchoate.com/", version => $VERSION, registry => { text_filters => { textile_2 => { label => "Textile 2", code => \&textile_2, docs => "http://www.bradchoate.com/mt/docs/mtmanual_textile2.html", }, }, tags => { help_url => sub { MT->translate('http://www.movabletype.org/documentation/appendices/tags/%t.html') }, block => { Textile => \&Textile, }, function => { TextileOptions => \&TextileOptions, TextileHeadOffset => \&TextileHeadOffset, }, }, }, })); sub _init { require Text::Textile; @MT::Textile::ISA = qw(Text::Textile); #$Have_Encode = eval 'use Encode; 1;' ? 1 : 0; $Have_SmartyPants = defined &SmartyPants::SmartyPants ? 1 : 0; $_initialized = 1; } sub textile_2 { my ($str, $ctx) = @_; _init() unless $_initialized; my $textile; if ((defined $ctx) && (ref($ctx) eq 'MT::Template::Context')) { $textile = $ctx->stash('TextileObj'); unless ($textile) { $textile = _new_textile($ctx); $ctx->stash('TextileObj', $textile); } $textile->head_offset($ctx->stash('TextileHeadOffsetStart') || 0); if (my $opts = $ctx->stash('TextileOptions')) { $textile->set($_, $opts->{$_}) foreach keys %$opts; # now clear the options from the stash so we don't # repeat this for each invocation of textile... $ctx->stash('TextileOptions', undef); } $textile->filter_param($ctx); } else { # no Context object... $textile = _new_textile(); } require MT::I18N; $str = MT::I18N::encode_text( $str, MT->instance->config->PublishCharset, 'utf-8' ); #if (my $charset = $textile->charset) { # $str = Encode::decode($charset, $str) if $Have_Encode; #} $str = $textile->process($str); if ((defined $ctx) && (ref($ctx) eq 'MT::Template::Context')) { my $entry = $ctx->stash('entry'); if ($entry && $entry->id) { my $link = $entry->permalink; $link =~ s/#.+$//; $str =~ s/(<a .*?(?<=[ ])href=")(#fn(?:\d)+".*?>)/$1$link$2/g; } } # invoke MT-CodeBeautifier for any <code> or <blockcode> tags that # specify a 'language' attribute: my $beautifier = defined &Voisen::CodeBeautifier::beautifier; if ($beautifier) { $str =~ s|<((block)?code)([^>]*?) language="([^"]+?)"([^>]*?)>(.+?)</\1>|_highlight($1, $3, $5, $4, $textile->decode_html($6))|ges; # " } $str = MT::I18N::encode_text( $str, 'utf-8', MT->instance->config->PublishCharset ); # translate from utf8 characters back to # bytes, as MT expects... #if (my $charset = $textile->charset) { # $str = Encode::encode($charset, $str) if $Have_Encode; #} $str; } sub _new_textile { my ($ctx) = @_; my $textile = new MT::Textile; # this copies the named filters from MT to TextileFormat my %list; my $filters = MT::all_text_filters(); foreach my $name (keys %$filters) { $list{$name} = $filters->{$name}{on_format}; } $textile->filters(\%list); my $cfg = MT::ConfigMgr->instance; if ($cfg->NoHTMLEntities) { $textile->char_encoding(0); } # if ($cfg->PublishCharset) { # $textile->charset($cfg->PublishCharset); # } $textile->charset('utf-8'); $textile; } sub Textile { my ($ctx, $args, $cond) = @_; _init() unless $_initialized; local $ctx->{__stash}{TextileObj} = _new_textile($ctx); local $ctx->{__stash}{TextileOptions} = $args if keys %$args; my $str = $ctx->slurp; textile_2($str, $ctx); } sub TextileHeadOffset { my ($ctx, $args, $cond) = @_; my $start = $args->{start}; if ($start && $start =~ m/^\d+$/ && $start >= 1 && $start <= 6) { $ctx->stash('TextileHeadOffsetStart', $start); } ''; } sub TextileOptions { my ($ctx, $args, $cond) = @_; $ctx->stash('TextileOptions', $args); ''; } sub _highlight { my ($tag, $attr1, $attr2, $lang, $code) = @_; my $tagopen = '<'.$tag; $tagopen .= $attr1 if defined $attr1; $tagopen .= $attr2 if defined $attr2; $tagopen .= '>'; if ($lang =~ m/perl/i) { $code = Voisen::CodeBeautifier::highlight_perl($code); } elsif ($lang =~ m/php/i) { $code = Voisen::CodeBeautifier::highlight_php3($code); } elsif ($lang =~ m/java/i) { $code = Voisen::CodeBeautifier::highlight_java($code); } elsif (($lang =~ m/actionscript/i) || ($lang =~ m/as/i)) { $code = Voisen::CodeBeautifier::highlight_as($code); } elsif ($lang =~ m/scheme/i) { $code = Voisen::CodeBeautifier::highlight_scheme($code); } $code =~ s!^<pre>!!; $code =~ s!</pre>$!!; return $tagopen . $code .'</'.$tag.'>'; } # This is a Text::Textile subclass that provides enhanced # functionality for Movable Type integration package MT::Textile; sub image_size { my $self = shift; my ($src) = @_; my $ctx = $self->filter_param; if ($src !~ m|^http:| && $ctx) { my $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); if ($blog) { require File::Spec; # local image -- calc size my $file; if (($src =~ m!^/!) && (exists $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT})) { $file = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}, $src); } else { $file = File::Spec->catfile($blog->site_path, $src); } if (-f $file) { eval {require MT::Image;}; if (!$@) { my $img = MT::Image->new(Filename => $file); if ($img) { return $img->get_dimensions; } } } } } undef; } sub format_link { my $self = shift; my (%args) = @_; my $title = exists $args{title} ? $args{title} : ''; my $url = exists $args{url} ? $args{url} : ''; my $ctx = $self->filter_param; if ($url =~ m/^\d+$/ && $ctx) { my $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); if ($blog) { require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load({ blog_id => $blog->id, id => $url }); if ($entry) { local $ctx->{__stash}{entry} = $entry; my $relurl = MT::Template::Context::_hdlr_blog_url($ctx); my $regrelurl = quotemeta($relurl); $args{url} = MT::Template::Context::_hdlr_entry_permalink($ctx); $args{url} =~ s/^.*?($regrelurl)/$1/; if ((!exists $args{title}) && ($entry->title)) { require MT::Util; my $title = MT::Util::remove_html($entry->title); # strip HTML $title =~ s/"/"/g; # convert double quotes to entities $args{title} = $title; } } } } $self->SUPER::format_link(%args); } sub process_quotes { my $self = shift; my ($str) = @_; return $str unless $self->{do_quotes}; if ($plugins::textile2::Have_SmartyPants) { $str = SmartyPants::SmartyPants($str, $self->{smarty_mode}); } $str; } sub format_url { my $self = shift; my (%args) = @_; my $url = exists $args{url} ? $args{url} : ''; my $ctx = $self->filter_param; if ($url =~ m/^\d+$/ && $ctx) { # looks like an entry id, so let's link it my $blog = $ctx->stash('blog'); if ($blog) { require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load({'blog_id' => $blog->id, 'id'=>$url}); if ($entry) { local $ctx->{__stash}{entry} = $entry; my $relurl = MT::Template::Context::_hdlr_blog_relative_url($ctx); my $regrelurl = quotemeta($relurl); $args{url} = MT::Template::Context::_hdlr_entry_permalink($ctx); $args{url} =~ s/^.+?($regrelurl)/$1/; } } } elsif ($url =~ m/^imdb(?::(.+))?$/) { my $term = $1; $term ||= MT::Util::remove_html($args{linktext}||''); $args{url} = 'http://www.imdb.com/Find?for=' . $term; } elsif ($url =~ m/^google(?::(.+))?$/) { my $term = $1; $term ||= MT::Util::remove_html($args{linktext}||''); $args{url} = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=' . $term; } elsif ($url =~ m/^dict(?::(.+))?$/) { my $term = $1; $term ||= MT::Util::remove_html($args{linktext}||''); $args{url} = 'http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=' . $term; } elsif ($url =~ m/^amazon(?::(.+))?$/) { my $term = $1; $term ||= MT::Util::remove_html($args{linktext}||''); $args{url} = 'http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/external-search?index=blended&keyword=' . $term; } $self->SUPER::format_url(%args); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Textile - A plugin for Movable Type. =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin integrates the Perl Text::Textile module with Movable Type. =head1 INSTALLATION To install, place the 'textile2.pl' file in your Movable Type 'plugins' directory. Install the 'Textile.pm' file in a 'Text' subdirectory underneath the Movable Type 'extlib' directory. Your installation should look like this: (mt home)/plugins/textile2.pl (mt home)/extlib/Text/Textile.pm You may also consider installing the Smarty Pants plugin by John Gruber. MT-Textile uses this plugin to translate normal quote characters into typographic quotes. The Code Beautifier plugin by Sean Voisen is also supported by MT-Textile. If you specify a language modifier for "bc" blocks or for "@...@" strings, it will invoke the Code Beautifier to colorize the code. =head1 TEXT FORMATTERS =head2 textile_2 The text formatter identified by "textile_2" invokes the Textile formatter. You can select "Textile 2" from the Movable Type interface to use this option to format your entries and/or comments. You may also invoke the formatter on any Movable Type tag, like this: <$MTBlogDescription filters="textile_2"$> For specific documentation on how this text formatter processes text (a writing guide), please refer to the online documentation available here: L<http://www.bradchoate.com/mt/docs/mtmanual_textile2.html> A copy of that document is available in the distribution of this plugin. Located in the file "docs/mtmanual_textile2.html". =head1 TAGS =head2 E<lt>MTTextileE<gt> A container tag that also allows you to invoke the Textile formatter. Anything placed within this tag will be fed into the formatter for processing. Additionally, all attributes passed to this tag are processed as options for the Textile engine. Attributes available: =over =item charset Set this to the character set of the incoming data. This value will default to the "PublishCharset" value in your mt.cfg file. If no charset is given anywhere, it will default to ISO-8859-1. =item char_encoding Set to 1 to encode special characters to HTML entities. If you're outputting utf-8 data, this can be set to '0' to output plaintext instead. In fact, if you set your PublishCharset for Movable Type to utf-8, it will effectively set this setting to '0'. Otherwise, the default value is 1. =item do_quotes Sets the option for processing quotes into curly quotes. Defaults to 1. The "Smarty" plugin will be used as a default, if available. =item trim_spaces Set to '1' to cause any trailing whitespace on lines to be trimmed. Default is 0 (disabled). =item smarty_mode Controls the Smarty plugin for processing quotes. The value given is passed through to the Smarty plugin to control how it behaves. Please refer to the documentation for the Smarty Pants plugin for the available values for this attribute. You can simply specify '1' for the default mode of operation. =item preserve_spaces Set to '1' to cause multiple, continuous spaces to be preserved by changing them to the HTML entity  . If '0', spaces are left as-is, which means they will appear as a single space when rendered to HTML. Default is '0'. =item head_offset Set to a number from "1" to "5" to control the numbering of the "h1" to "h6" paragraph block codes. For example, if a head_offset of "1" is given, any "h1" paragraph blocks will produce "h2" HTML tags. Or "h3" HTML tags if a head_offset of "2" is specified. =item flavor Use the flavor attribute to identify whether the HTML produced should be HTML, XHTML 1.x or XHTML 2 compliant. Available values include: html html/css xhtml1 xhtml2 The default flavor is "xhtml1". =item css Set to '1' to allow the Textile formatter to use CSS classes and style attributes to format any output. Specifying '0' will avoid the use of style and class attributes. This attribute will default to '1' when a flavor of "html/css" or "xhtml1" or "xhtml2" is given. =back =head2 E<lt>$MTTextileOptions$E<gt> A standalone tag that can also be used to configure the Textile text formatter. See the attributes available to the E<lt>MTTextileE<gt> tag for what is available. =head2 E<lt>$MTTextileHeadOffset$E<gt> Another tag that can be used to set the "head_offset" attribute. This tag is left for backward compability. Please use the E<lt>MTTextileOptionsE<gt> tag in the future. =head1 LICENSE Released under the MIT license. Please see L<http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php> for details. =head1 SUPPORT If you have questions or need assistance with this plugin, please use the following link: L<http://www.bradchoate.com/mt-plugins/textile> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002-2004, Brad Choate =cut