Ghazascanner File Manager
server :Linux phosweb008 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 19 16:18:59 UTC 2020 x86_64
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<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function calcDim (val, type, full) { return val.value; } function adjustPixelsPct (f, width) { // if (!f.constrain.checked) return; var e, s, full; if (width) { e = f.thumb_width; s = f.thumb_width_type; full = f.full_width.value; } else { e = f.thumb_height; s = f.thumb_height_type; full = f.full_height.value; } e.value = Math.floor(full * e.value / 100); return true; } function checkThumbs(f) { f = document.forms[0]; adjustWidthHeight(f,1); } function adjustWidthHeight (f, width) { // if (!f.constrain.checked) return; var w = f.thumb_width; var wt = f.thumb_width_type; var wf = f.full_width.value; var h = f.thumb_height; var ht = f.thumb_height_type; var hf = f.full_height.value; var pct; var s = width ? wt : ht; pct = width ? (w.value / wf) : (h.value / hf); var e = width ? h : w; var s = width ? ht : wt; var full = width ? hf : wf; e.value = Math.floor(pct * full); return true; } function widthKeyPress(e) { var key; if (window.event) { key = window.event.keyCode; e = window.event; } else if (e) key = e.which; else return true; if (( key == null) || ( key == 0 ) || ( key == 8 ) || ( key == 9 ) || ( key == 13 ) || ( key == 27 )) return true; if (key > 60000) // handles range of special keys such as arrow keys return true; if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) return true; if ((e.charCode < 48) || (e.charCode > 57)) return TC.stopEvent(e); return true; } //--> </script> <mt:if name="do_thumb"> <input type="hidden" name="full_width" value="<mt:var name="width">" /> <input type="hidden" name="full_height" value="<mt:var name="height">" /> </mt:if> <input type="hidden" name="wrap_text" value="1" /> <div id="new_entry_prefs"> <mtapp:setting id="display_image" label="<__trans phrase="Display image in entry">" label_class="no-header" hint="" show_hint="0" help_page="" help_section=""> <input type="checkbox" name="include" id="display_image" value="1" checked="checked" onclick="toggleSubPrefs(this); return true;" /> <label for="display_image"><__trans phrase="Display image in entry"></label> </mtapp:setting> <div id="include_prefs"> <mtapp:setting id="image_alignment" label="<__trans phrase="Alignment">" label_class="top-header" hint="" show_hint="0"> <input type="radio" name="align" id="align-left" class="rb" value="none" <mt:if name="align_none">checked="checked" </mt:if>/> <label class="icon-left icon-left-xwide icon-align icon-align-none"><__trans phrase="None"></label> <input type="radio" name="align" id="align-left" class="rb" value="left" <mt:if name="align_left">checked="checked" </mt:if>/> <label class="icon-left-xwide icon-align icon-align-left"><__trans phrase="Left"></label> <input type="radio" name="align" id="align-center" class="rb" value="center" <mt:if name="align_center">checked="checked" </mt:if>/> <label class="icon-left-xwide icon-align icon-align-center"><__trans phrase="Center"></label> <input type="radio" name="align" id="align-right" class="rb" value="right" <mt:if name="align_right">checked="checked" </mt:if>/> <label class="icon-left-xwide icon-align icon-align-right"><__trans phrase="Right"></label> </mtapp:setting> <mt:if name="do_thumb"> <mtapp:setting id="create_thumbnail" label="<__trans phrase="Use thumbnail">" label_class="no-header" hint="" show_hint="0" help_page="file_upload" help_section="creating_thumbnails"> <input type="checkbox" name="thumb" value="1" <mt:if name="make_thumb">checked="checked" </mt:if>/> <label for="create_thumbnail"><__trans phrase="Use thumbnail"></label> (<label for="thumb_width"><__trans phrase="width:"></label> <input name="thumb_width" id="thumb_width" value="<mt:var name="thumb_width">" onkeypress="widthKeyPress(event)" onchange="adjustWidthHeight(this.form, 1)" size="4" /> <__trans phrase="pixels">) <input type="hidden" name="thumb_height" value="<mt:var name="thumb_height">" /> <img onload="checkThumbs('now');" src="<mt:var name="static_uri">images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" /> </mtapp:setting> </mt:if> <mtapp:setting id="link_to_popup" label="<__trans phrase="Link image to full-size version in a popup window.">" label_class="no-header" hint="" show_hint="0"> <input type="checkbox" name="popup" id="link_to_popup" value="1" <mt:if name="popup">checked="checked" </mt:if>/> <label for="link_to_popup"><__trans phrase="Link image to full-size version in a popup window."></label> </mtapp:setting> <mt:if name="can_save_image_defaults"> <mtapp:setting id="save_settings" label="<__trans phrase="Remember these settings">" label_class="no-header" hint="" show_hint="0"> <input type="checkbox" name="image_defaults" value="1" /> <label for="save_settings"><__trans phrase="Remember these settings"></label> </mtapp:setting> </mt:if> </div> </div>