Ghazascanner File Manager
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<mt:setvar name="page_title" value="<__trans phrase="Address Book">"> <mt:setvarblock name="system_msg"> <mt:if name="error"> <mtapp:statusmsg id="generic-error" class="error"> <mt:var name="error"> </mtapp:statusmsg> </mt:if> <mt:if name="saved"> <mtapp:statusmsg id="saved" class="success"> <__trans phrase="You have added [_1] to your address book." params="<strong><$mt:var name="saved" escape="html"$></strong>"> </mtapp:statusmsg> </mt:if> <mt:if name="saved_deleted"> <mtapp:statusmsg id="saved-deleted" class="success"> <__trans phrase="You have successfully deleted the selected contacts from your address book."> </mtapp:statusmsg> </mt:if> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:setvarblock name="related_content"> <mt:if name="notification_count"> <mtapp:widget id="useful-links" label="<__trans phrase="Useful links">"> <ul> <li><a href="<MT_ACTION mode="export_notification" <mt:if name="blog_id">blog_id="<mt:var name="blog_id">"</mt:if> magic_token="<mt:var name="magic_token">" return_args="<mt:var name="return_args">">" class="icon-left icon-download"><__trans phrase="Download Address Book (CSV)"></a></li> </ul> </mtapp:widget> </mt:if> <$mtapp:PageActions$> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:setvarblock name="html_body_footer"> <$mt:include name="include/display_options.tmpl"$> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:setvarblock name="html_head" append="1"> <script type="text/javascript" src="<mt:var name="static_uri">js/tc/client.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var current_edit = 0; var old_note_email = ''; var old_note_url = ''; function highlight_note(id) { if (current_edit) return; var note_link = getByID('note-link-' + id); if (!note_link) return; note_link.style.backgroundColor = '#FFC'; note_link.style.borderColor = '#FFC'; } function unhighlight_note(id) { var note_link = getByID('note-link-' + id); if (!note_link) return; note_link.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; note_link.style.borderColor = '#3F658C'; } function edit_note(id) { if (current_edit) return; var note_links = new Array(); note_links.push(getByID('note-email-link-' + id)); note_links.push(getByID('note-url-link-' + id)); var note_fields = new Array(); note_fields.push(getByID('note-email-field-' + id)); note_fields.push(getByID('note-url-field-' + id)); var note_email = getByID('note-email-' + id); var note_url = getByID('note-url-' + id); if (!note_links.length || !note_fields.length || !note_email) return; current_edit = id; old_note_email = note_email.value; old_note_url = note_url.value; for (i=0;i<2;++i) { note_links[i].style.display = 'none'; note_fields[i].style.display = 'inline'; } note_email.focus(); note_email.select(); unhighlight_note(id); return false; } function cancel_edit(id) { var note_links = new Array(); note_links.push(getByID('note-email-link-' + id)); note_links.push(getByID('note-url-link-' + id)); var note_fields = new Array(); note_fields.push(getByID('note-email-field-' + id)); note_fields.push(getByID('note-url-field-' + id)); var note_email = getByID('note-email-' + id); var note_url = getByID('note-url-' + id); if (!note_links.length || !note_fields.length || !note_email) return; note_email.value = old_note_email; old_note_email = ''; note_url.value = old_note_url; old_note_url = ''; current_edit = 0; for (i=0;i<2;++i) { note_links[i].style.display = 'inline'; note_fields[i].style.display = 'none'; } return false; } function submit_edit(id) { if ((0 != current_edit) && (id != current_edit)) id = current_edit; // if old email matches new email, ignore submission (same as cancel) // if new email is already in our noteList array, warn user // if not in noteList and not in range of noteList notes, check with server. var note_form = getByID('create-inline-notification-form'); var note_email = getByID('note-email-' + id); var note_url = getByID('note-url-' + id); if (!note_form || !note_email || !note_url) return false; var new_note_email = note_email.value; var new_note_url = note_url.value; if ((old_note_email == new_note_email) && (old_note_url == new_note_url)) { cancel_edit(id); return false; } return submit_edit_form(id); } function submit_edit_form(id) { var note_form = getByID('create-inline-notification-form'); var note_email = getByID('note-email-' + id); var note_url = getByID('note-url-' + id); if (!note_form || !note_email) return false; note_form['id'].value = id; note_form['email'].value = note_email.value; note_form['url'].value = note_url.value; note_form.submit(); return false; } function setCreateMode () { getByID('email').value = ''; getByID('url').value = ''; getByID('create-inline-notification').style.display = 'block'; getByID('create-contact').style.display = 'none'; var el = getByID('saved-msg'); if (el) el.style.display = 'none'; var el = getByID('saved-deleted-msg'); if (el) el.style.display = 'none'; getByID('email').focus(); } function cancelCreateMode () { getByID('create-inline-notification').style.display = 'none'; getByID('create-contact').style.display = 'block'; } var tableSelect; function init() { // setup tableSelect = new TC.TableSelect( "notification-listing-table" ); } TC.attachLoadEvent( init ); //--> </script> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:setvarblock name="action_buttons"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="doRemoveItems(getByID('<$mt:var name="object_type"$>-listing-form'), '<__trans phrase="contact" escape="js">', '<__trans phrase="contacts" escape="js">'); return false;" accesskey="x" title="<__trans phrase="Delete selected [_1] (x)" params="<$mt:var name="object_label_plural"$>">" ><__trans phrase="Delete"></a> </mt:setvarblock> <mt:include name="include/header.tmpl"> <p id="create-contact"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="setCreateMode()" class="icon-left icon-create"><__trans phrase="Create Contact"></a></p> <div class="create-inline" id="create-inline-notification"> <form method="post" action="<mt:var name="script_url">" id="create-inline-notification-form"> <input type="hidden" name="blog_id" value="<mt:var name="blog_id">" /> <input type="hidden" name="__mode" value="save" /> <input type="hidden" name="_type" value="notification" /> <input type="hidden" name="return_args" value="<mt:var name="return_args" escape="html">" /> <input type="hidden" name="magic_token" value="<mt:var name="magic_token">" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="" /> <mtapp:setting id="email" label="<__trans phrase="Email">" label_class="inline" hint="" show_hint="0"> <input name="email" id="email" value="<mt:var name="email">" /> </mtapp:setting> <mtapp:setting id="website" label="<__trans phrase="Website URL">" label_class="inline" hint="" show_hint="0"> <input name="url" id="url" value="<mt:var name="url">"> </mtapp:setting> <mtapp:setting id="actions" label="<__trans phrase="Actions">" label_class="inline field-no-header" hint="" show_hint="0"> <span class="buttons"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" mt:command="submit" ><__trans phrase="Add Contact"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="cancelCreateMode(); return false" ><__trans phrase="Cancel"></a> </span> </mtapp:setting> </form> </div> <mt:include name="include/notification_table.tmpl"> <mt:include name="include/footer.tmpl">