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<?php /* ================================================== * comments-post.php * based on wp-comments-post.php of WP 2.2.3 ================================================== */ if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST") { header('Allow: POST'); header("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed"); header("Content-type: text/plain"); exit; } require dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/wp-config.php'; global $allowedtags; if ($allowedtags) { $allowedtags['img'] = array('localsrc' => array(), 'alt' => array()); } nocache_headers(); $comment_post_ID = (int) $_POST['comment_post_ID']; $status = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT post_status, comment_status FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = $comment_post_ID"); if ( empty($status->comment_status) ) { do_action('comment_id_not_found', $comment_post_ID); Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('No target for your post.', 'ktai_style')); exit; } elseif ( 'closed' == $status->comment_status ) { do_action('comment_closed', $comment_post_ID); Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('Sorry, comments are closed for this item.')); } elseif ( 'draft' == $status->post_status ) { do_action('comment_on_draft', $comment_post_ID); Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('No target for your post.', 'ktai_style')); exit; } global $Ktai_Style; $charset = $Ktai_Style->detect_encoding(@$_POST['charset_detect']); $comment_author = $_POST['author']; $comment_content = $_POST['comment']; if ($Ktai_Style->get_option('ks_allow_pictograms') && $Ktai_Style->compare_encoding($charset, $Ktai_Style->get('charset'))) { $comment_author = $Ktai_Style->ktai->pickup_pics(stripslashes($comment_author)); $comment_content = $Ktai_Style->ktai->pickup_pics(stripslashes($comment_content)); } $comment_author = trim(strip_tags(mb_convert_encoding($comment_author, get_bloginfo('charset'), $charset))); $comment_author_email = trim($_POST['email']); $comment_author_url = trim($_POST['url']); $comment_content = trim(mb_convert_encoding($comment_content, get_bloginfo('charset'), $charset)); // If the user is logged in $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( $user->ID ) { $comment_author = $wpdb->escape($user->display_name); $comment_author_email = $wpdb->escape($user->user_email); $comment_author_url = $wpdb->escape($user->user_url); if ( current_user_can('unfiltered_html') ) { if ( wp_create_nonce('unfiltered-html-comment_' . $comment_post_ID) != $_POST['_wp_unfiltered_html_comment'] ) { kses_remove_filters(); // start with a clean slate kses_init_filters(); // set up the filters } } } else { if ( get_option('comment_registration') ) Ktai_Style::ks_die( __('Sorry, you must be logged in to post a comment.') ); } try { $comment_type = ''; if (! $user->ID && ks_option('ks_require_term_id') && is_ktai() != 'Unknown' && is_ktai() != 'WILLCOM') { global $Ktai_Style; if (! $Ktai_Style->get('term_ID') && ! $Ktai_Style->get('sub_ID')) { $message = $Ktai_Style->get('require_id_msg'); if (empty($message)) { $message = __('Error: please configure to send your terminal ID (serial number, EZ number etc).', 'ktai_style'); } throw new Exception($message); } } if (get_option('require_name_email') && ! $user->ID) { if ( 6 > strlen($comment_author_email) || '' == $comment_author ) throw new Exception(__('Error: please fill the required fields (name, email).')); elseif (! is_email($comment_author_email)) throw new Exception(__('Error: please enter a valid email address.')); } if ('' == $comment_content) { throw new Exception(__('Error: please type a comment.')); } $commentdata = compact('comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_content', 'comment_type', 'user_ID'); $comment_id = wp_new_comment($commentdata); $comment = get_comment($comment_id); $location = ( empty($_POST['redirect_to']) ? get_permalink($comment_post_ID) : $_POST['redirect_to'] ); $location = apply_filters('comment_post_redirect', $location, $comment); if ( $user->ID && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . KS_ADMIN_DIR)) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . KS_ADMIN_DIR . '/class.php'; $admin = new Ktai_Style_Admin; $sid = $admin->get_sid(); if ($sid) { $admin->unset_session($sid); $admin->unset_prev_session($sid); do_action('wp_logout'); } } wp_redirect($location); exit; } catch (Exception $e) { if (! isset($_POST['inline'])) { Ktai_Style::ks_die($e->getMessage()); exit(); } global $Ktai_Style, $ks_commentdata, $withcomments, $comment_post_ID, $comment_author, $comment_author_email, $comment_author_url, $comment_content; $ks_commentdata['author'] = $comment_author; $ks_commentdata['email'] = $comment_author_email; $ks_commentdata['url'] = $comment_author_url; $ks_commentdata['content'] = $comment_content; $ks_commentdata['message'] = $e->getMessage(); unset($_POST['author']); unset($_POST['email']); unset($_POST['url']); unset($_POST['comment']); $_POST['view'] = 'co_post'; // force ks_is_comment_post() to true query_posts("p=$comment_post_ID"); $withcomments = TRUE; $Ktai_Style->output(); exit; } ?>