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<?php /* ================================================== * Ktai Admin Process Posts * based on wp-admin/post.php of WP 2.3 ================================================== */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin.php'; $parent_file = 'edit.php'; $Page = new KS_Admin_Posts($KS_Admin); /* ================================================== * KS_Admin_Posts class ================================================== */ class KS_Admin_Posts { private $admin; public function __construct($admin) { $this->admin = $admin; global $action, $posts; wp_reset_vars(array('action', 'posts')); if (isset($_POST['selcats'])) { $action = 'selcats'; } switch ($action) { case 'post': $this->post($action); exit(); case 'edit': $this->edit(); break; case 'editpost': $this->editpost(); exit(); case 'delete': $this->delete(); exit(); case 'selcats': $this->select_cats(); break; case 'changecats': $this->change_cats(); break; default: $this->admin->redirect('edit.php'); exit(); } } // ================================================== private function post($action) { global $parent_file, $submenu_file; $parent_file = 'post-new.php'; $submenu_file = 'post-new.php'; check_admin_referer('add-post'); $post_ID = $this->write_post(); // Redirect. if (! empty($_POST['mode'])) { $location = 'post-new.php'; } else { $location = "post-new.php?posted=$post_ID"; } if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $location = "post.php?action=edit&post=$post_ID"; } if (empty($post_ID)) { $location = 'post-new.php'; } $this->admin->redirect($location); } // ================================================== private function edit() { global $post_ID; $post_ID = (int) $_GET['post']; $post = $this->get_post($post_ID); $title = __('Edit'); $action = 'edit'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-header.php'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/edit-form.php'; $referer = $this->admin->get_referer(); if ($referer) { echo '<div><img localsrc="64" alt="' . __('<-', 'ktai_style') . '" />' . sprintf(__('Back to <a href="%s">the previous page</a>.', 'ktai_style'), clean_url($referer)) . '</div>'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-footer.php'; } } // ================================================== private function editpost() { $post_ID = (int) $_POST['post_ID']; check_admin_referer('update-post_' . $post_ID); $post_ID = $this->edit_post($post_ID); if ( 'post' == $_POST['originalaction'] ) { if (! empty($_POST['mode'])) { $location = 'post-new.php'; } else { $location = "post-new.php?posted=$post_ID"; } if ( isset($_POST['save']) ) $location = "post.php?action=edit&post=$post_ID"; } else { $referredby = ''; if (!empty($_POST['referredby'])) { $referredby = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $_POST['referredby']); } $referer = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $this->admin->get_referer()); if ($_POST['save']) { $location = "post.php?action=edit&post=$post_ID"; } elseif (!empty($referredby) && $referredby != $referer) { $location = $_POST['referredby']; if ( $_POST['referredby'] == 'redo' ) $location = get_permalink( $post_ID ); } else { $location = 'post-new.php'; } } $this->admin->redirect($location); // Send user on their way while we keep working } // ================================================== private function delete() { $post_id = (isset($_GET['post'])) ? intval($_GET['post']) : intval($_POST['post_ID']); check_admin_referer('delete-post_' . $post_id); $post = & get_post($post_id); if (! current_user_can('delete_post', $post_id)) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('You are not allowed to delete this post.')); } if ( $post->post_type == 'attachment' ) { if (! wp_delete_attachment($post_id)) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('Error in deleting...')); } } else { if (! wp_delete_post($post_id)) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('Error in deleting...')); } } $sendback = $this->admin->get_referer(); if (strpos($sendback, 'post.php') !== false) { $sendback = ks_admin_url(FALSE) . 'post-new.php'; } $sendback = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:]|i', '', $sendback); $this->admin->redirect($sendback); } // ================================================== private function select_cats() { global $post_ID; if ($_POST['originalaction'] == 'editpost') { $post_ID = (int) $_POST['post_ID']; if ($post_ID < 1) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__("You attempted to edit a post that doesn't exist. Perhaps it was deleted?")); } check_admin_referer('update-post_' . $post_ID); } else { $post_ID = 0; check_admin_referer('add-post'); } foreach (array('post_ID', 'post_cats', 'originalaction', 'referredby') as $k) { if (isset($_POST[$k])) { $this->admin->set_data($k, $_POST[$k]); } } $charset = ks_detect_encoding(); $this->admin->set_data('post_title', ks_mb_get_form('post_title', $charset)); $this->admin->set_data('post_content', ks_mb_get_form('content', $charset)); $title = __('Select Category', 'ktai_style'); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-header.php';?> <form action="post.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="changecats" /> <?php $this->admin->sid_field(); wp_nonce_field('change-cats_' . $post_ID); $this->checkbox_categories(array_map('intval', explode(',', $_POST['post_cats']))); ?> <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php _e('Cancel', 'ktai_style'); ?>" /> <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Set Category', 'ktai_style'); ?>" /> </form> <?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-footer.php'; } // ================================================== private function change_cats() { global $post_ID; if ($this->admin->get_data('originalaction') == 'editpost') { $title = __('Edit'); $action = 'edit'; $post_ID = intval($this->admin->get_data('post_ID')); $post = $this->get_post($post_ID); } else { $parent_file = 'post-new.php'; $title = __('Create New Post'); $post_ID = 0; $post = get_default_post_to_edit(); } check_admin_referer('change-cats_' . $post_ID); $post->post_title = $this->admin->get_data('post_title'); $post->post_content = $this->admin->get_data('post_content'); $post_referredby = $this->admin->get_data('referredby'); if (! isset($_POST['cancel'])) { $checked_cats = array(); if (is_array($_POST['cat']) && count($_POST['cat']) >= 1) { foreach ($_POST['cat'] as $c) { $checked_cats[] = intval($c); } } else { $checked_cats[] = get_option('default_category'); } } else { $checked_cats = array_map('intval', explode(',', $this->admin->get_data('post_cats'))); } include dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-header.php'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/edit-form.php'; if ($this->admin->get_data('originalaction') == 'editpost') { $referer = $post_referredby; if ($referer && $post_referredby != 'redo') { echo '<div><img localsrc="64" alt="' . __('<-', 'ktai_style') . '" />' . sprintf(__('Back to <a href="%s">the previous page</a>.', 'ktai_style'), clean_url($referer)) . '</div>'; } } include dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-footer.php'; } // ================================================== private function get_post($post_ID) { $post = get_post($post_ID); if (empty($post->ID)) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__("You attempted to edit a post that doesn't exist. Perhaps it was deleted?")); } if ('page' == $post->post_type) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('Ktai Style is not available for page editing.', 'ktai_style')); } $post = get_post_to_edit($post_ID); if (! current_user_can('edit_post', $post_ID) ) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('You are not allowed to edit this post.')); } return $post; } /* ================================================== * @param none * @return int $post_ID * based on write_post() at wp-admin/includes/post.php of WP 2.3 */ private function write_post() { global $current_user; if (! current_user_can('edit_posts')) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('You are not allowed to create posts or drafts on this blog.')); } $charset = ks_detect_encoding(); $_POST['post_title'] = trim(strip_tags(ks_mb_get_form('post_title', $charset))); $_POST['post_content'] = trim(ks_mb_get_form('content', $charset)); if (isset($_POST['tags_input'])) { $_POST['tags_input'] = trim(strip_tags(ks_mb_get_form('tags_input', $charset))); } $_POST['post_excerpt'] = ''; $_POST['post_date'] = current_time('mysql'); $_POST['post_date_gmt'] = get_gmt_from_date($_POST['post_date']); $_POST['post_name'] = date('His', strtotime($_POST['post_date'])); $_POST['post_author'] = (int) $_POST['user_ID']; if (isset($_POST['post_cats'])) { $_POST['post_category'] = array_map('intval', explode(',', $_POST['post_cats'])); } // What to do based on which button they pressed if (isset($_POST['saveasdraft']) && '' != $_POST['saveasdraft']) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'draft'; } if (isset($_POST['saveasprivate']) && '' != $_POST['saveasprivate']) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'private'; } if (isset($_POST['publish']) && '' != $_POST['publish'] && $_POST['post_status'] != 'private') { $_POST['post_status'] = 'publish'; } if (isset($_POST['advanced']) && '' != $_POST['advanced']) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'draft'; } if ('publish' == $_POST['post_status'] && ! current_user_can('publish_posts')) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'pending'; } if (! isset( $_POST['comment_status'])) { $_POST['comment_status'] = 'closed'; } if (! isset( $_POST['ping_status'])) { $_POST['ping_status'] = 'closed'; } $post_ID = wp_insert_post($_POST); if (is_wp_error($post_ID)) { Ktai_Style::ks_die($post_ID->get_error_message()); } else { return $post_ID; } } /* ================================================== * @param none * @return int $post_ID * based on edit_post() at wp-admin/includes/post.php of WP 2.3 */ private function edit_post($post_ID) { global $current_user; if (! $post_ID) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__("You attempted to edit a post that doesn't exist. Perhaps it was deleted?")); } elseif (! current_user_can('edit_post', $post_ID)) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('You are not allowed to edit this post.')); } $post = wp_get_single_post($post_ID, ARRAY_A); $charset = ks_detect_encoding(); $_POST['ID'] = intval($post_ID); $_POST['post_title'] = trim(strip_tags(ks_mb_get_form('post_title', $charset))); $_POST['post_content'] = trim(ks_mb_get_form('content', $charset)); if (isset($_POST['tags_input'])) { $_POST['tags_input'] = trim(ks_mb_get_form('tags_input', $charset)); } if ($post['post_author'] != $current_user->ID && ! current_user_can('edit_others_posts')) { Ktai_Style::ks_die(__('You are not allowed to edit posts as this user.')); } if (isset($_POST['post_cats'])) { $_POST['post_category'] = array_map('intval', explode(',', $_POST['post_cats'])); } // What to do based on which button they pressed if (isset($_POST['saveasdraft']) && '' != $_POST['saveasdraft']) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'draft'; } if (isset($_POST['saveasprivate']) && '' != $_POST['saveasprivate']) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'private'; } if (isset($_POST['publish']) && '' != $_POST['publish']) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'publish'; } if (isset($_POST['advanced']) && '' != $_POST['advanced']) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'draft'; } if (! current_user_can('edit_published_posts')) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'pending'; } /* if ('publish' == $_POST['post_status'] && ! current_user_can('publish_posts')) { $_POST['post_status'] = 'pending'; } */ if (! isset( $_POST['comment_status'])) { $_POST['comment_status'] = 'closed'; } if (! isset( $_POST['ping_status'])) { $_POST['ping_status'] = 'closed'; } wp_update_post( $_POST ); return intval($post_ID); } /* ================================================== * @param array $checked * @return none */ private function checkbox_categories($checked = NULL) { if (empty($checked)) { $checked[] = get_option('default_category'); } $categories = get_nested_categories(); $this->write_checkbox_categories($categories, $checked); return; } /* ================================================== * @param array $categories * @param array $checked * @return none * based on write_nested_categories() at wp-admin/includes/template.php of WP 2.3.1 */ private function write_checkbox_categories($categories, $checked) { if (count($categories) < 1) { return; } foreach ($categories as $c) { echo '<input type="checkbox" name="cat[]" value="' . intval($c['cat_ID']) . '"' . (in_array($c['cat_ID'], $checked) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />' . wp_specialchars(apply_filters('the_category', $c['cat_name'])) . '<br />'; if ($c['children']) { $this->write_checkbox_categories($c['children'], $checked); } } return; } // ===== End of class ==================== } ?>