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<?php /* ================================================== * Ktai Content Shrinkage ================================================== */ global $KS_Shrinkage; $KS_Shrinkage = new Ktai_Content_Shrinkage; add_filter('attribute_escape', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'attribute_escape_filter'), 90, 2); add_filter('the_title', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'shrink_title'), 90); add_filter('the_content', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'shrink_content'), 90); remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt'); add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'trim_excerpt'), 9); add_filter('get_comment_text', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'shrink_content'), 90); add_filter('post_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('page_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('attachment_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('year_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('month_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('day_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('category_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('list_cats', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('tag_link', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'strip_host'), 90); add_filter('wp_generate_tag_cloud', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'shrink_tag_cloud'), 90, 3); add_filter('split_page/ktai_style.php', array($KS_Shrinkage, 'add_url_inline_image'), 7); define (KS_THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE, 96); define (KS_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME, '.ktai'); define (KS_SIZE_EXCEED_COLOR, '#808080'); // define (KS_SHRINKAGE_DEBUG, TRUE); class Ktai_Content_Shrinkage { private $num_image ; private $url; private $url_pat; private $wpurl; private $wpurl_pat; private $short_links; private $internal_pat; private $short_int_pat; private $host_pat; private $scheme_pat; private $leave_pat; private $mobile_pat; private $none_mobile_pat; static public $mobile_same_url = array( // Use same URL for PC and mobile 'http://[-\w]+\.blog\d+\.fc2\.com/', 'http://(jugem|yaplog)\.jp/[-\w]+/', 'http://[-\w]+\.seesaa\.net/', 'http://blog\.goo\.ne\.jp/[-\w]+/', 'http://blogs\.dion\.ne\.jp/[-\w]+/', 'http://[-\w]+\.blog\.so-net\.ne\.jp/', 'http://[-\w]+\.paslog\.jp/', 'http://[-\w]+\.vox\.com/', // Redirect mobile URL from PC 'http://d\.hatena\.ne\.jp/[-\w]+/', 'http://blog\.livedoor\.jp/[-\w]+/', 'http://[-\w]+.(cocolog|air|moe|tea|txt|way)-nifty\.com/', 'http://[-\w]+\.at\.webry\.info/', 'http://[-\w]+\.spaces\.live\.com/', 'http://plaza\.rakuten\.co\.jp/[-\w]+(/|$)', // 'http://mixi\.jp/', ); static public $none_mobile_url = array( 'http://(www|support|app)\.cocolog-nifty\.com/', ); // ================================================== public function __construct() { $this->num_image = 0; $this->url = $this->strip_host(get_bloginfo('url') . '/'); $this->url_pat = '!^(' . preg_quote(get_bloginfo('url'), '!') . '/|' . preg_quote($this->url, '!') . ')!'; $this->wpurl = $this->strip_host(get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/'); $this->wpurl_pat = '!^(' . preg_quote(get_bloginfo('wpurl'), '!') . '/|' . preg_quote($this->wpurl, '!') . ')!'; $this->short_links[0] = $this->wpurl; $this->internal_pat[0] = '!^' . preg_quote(get_bloginfo('wpurl'), '!') . '/?!'; if (get_bloginfo('url') && strcmp(get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('wpurl') !== 0)) { $this->short_links[] = $this->url; $this->internal_pat[] = '!^' . preg_quote(get_bloginfo('url'), '!') . '/?!'; } $this->short_int_pat = '!^(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $this->short_links)) . ')!'; if (preg_match('!^(https?://[^/]*)/?!', get_bloginfo('wpurl'), $host)) { $this->host_pat = '!^(/|' . preg_quote($host[1], '!') . '/)!'; } else { $this->host_pat = '!^/!'; } $leave_schemes = apply_filters('leave_scheme/ktai_style.php', array('tel:', 'tel-av:', 'vtel:', 'mailto:', 'device:', 'location:')); $leave_sites = preg_split('/\\s+/', ks_option('ks_treat_as_internal'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $this->scheme_pat = '!^(#|' . implode('|', $leave_schemes) . ')!'; $this->leave_pat = '!^(#|' . implode('|', array_merge($leave_schemes, array_map('preg_quote', $leave_sites))) . ')!'; $this->mobile_pat = '!^(' . implode('|', apply_filters('mobile_same_url/ktai_style.php', self::$mobile_same_url)) . ')!'; $this->none_mobile_pat = '!^(' . implode('|', apply_filters('none_mobile_url/ktai_style.php', self::$none_mobile_url)) . ')!'; return; } // ================================================== public function get($key) { return @$this->$key; } // ================================================== public function added_image() { return ++$this->num_image; } // ================================================== public function has_inline_images() { return $this->num_image; } /* ================================================== * @param string $safe_text * @param string $text * @return string $safe_text */ public function attribute_escape_filter($safe_text, $text) { return str_replace('&', '&', $safe_text); } /* ================================================== * @param string $url * @return string $url */ public function strip_host($url = '/') { return preg_replace('!^https?://[^/]*/?!', '/', $url); } /* ================================================== * @param string $title * @return string $title */ public function shrink_title($title) { $phrase[0] = str_replace('%s', '', __('Protected: %s')); $phrase_pat[0] = '/^' . preg_quote($phrase[0]) . '/'; $icon[0] = '<img localsrc="279" alt="' . $phrase[0] . '" />'; $phrase[1] = str_replace('%s', '', __('Private: %s')); $phrase_pat[1] = '/^' . preg_quote($phrase[1]) . '/'; $icon[1] = '<img localsrc="501" alt="' . $phrase[1] . '" />'; return preg_replace($phrase_pat, $icon, $title); } /* ================================================== * @param string $content * @return string $content */ public function convert_links($content) { for ($offset = 0, $replace = 'X' ; preg_match('!<a ([^>]*?)>(.*?)</a>!', $content, $l, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset) ; $offset += strlen($replace)) { $orig = $l[0][0]; $offset = $l[0][1]; $attr = $l[1][0]; $label = $l[2][0]; preg_match('/href=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\1\\\\]*?)*)\\1/', $attr, $h); $href = $h[2]; $replace = $orig; $link_html = $label; // default is stripping links $is_ktai = preg_match('/class=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\1\\\\]*?)*)\\1/', $attr, $class) && preg_match('/\\bktai\\b/', $class[2]); if (preg_match('!<img [^>]*?src=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\1\\\\]*?)*)\\1[^>]*? ?/?>!', $label, $image)) { $src = $image[2]; if (preg_match('!' . PLUGINDIR . '!', $src)) { // skip plug-in's icon continue; // leave links } elseif (preg_match($this->wpurl_pat, $href) && preg_match($this->wpurl_pat, $src)) { // both internal link $path = preg_replace($this->wpurl_pat, ABSPATH . '/', $href); if (! is_dir($path) && $imagesize = @filesize($path)) { // a thumbnail linked to original image $thumbnail = str_replace('<img ', '<img has_orig="true" ', $label); // inform existance of original to images_to_link() $link_html = $thumbnail . '<img src="' . $href . '" alt="' . sprintf(__('Original(%dKB)', 'ktai_style'), intval($imagesize / 1024)) . '" filesize="' . $imagesize . '"/>'; // pass filesize to images_to_link() } else { // internal link to other than images $link_html = $label . '(<a href="' . $href . '">' . __('Link Target', 'ktai_style') . '</a>)'; } } elseif (preg_match($this->host_pat, $href) && preg_match($this->host_pat, $src) && $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) { // both in-host link $path = preg_replace($this->host_pat, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/', $href); if (! is_dir($path) && $imagesize = @filesize($path)) { // a thumbnail linked to original image $thumbnail = str_replace('<img ', '<img has_orig="true" ', $label); // inform existance of original to images_to_link() $link_html = $thumbnail . '<img src="' . $href . '" alt="' . sprintf(__('Original(%dKB)', 'ktai_style'), intval($imagesize / 1024)) . '" filesize="' . $imagesize . '"/>'; // pass filesize to images_to_link() } else { // internal link to other than images $link_html = $label . '(<a href="' . $href . '">' . __('Link Target', 'ktai_style') . '</a>)'; } } else { // external link $link_html = $this->rewrite_link($href, __('Link Target', 'ktai_style'), $is_ktai); if (is_null($link_html)) { $link_html = '<a href="' . $href . '">' . __('Link Target', 'ktai_style') . '</a>'; } $link_html = "{$label}($link_html)"; } } else { $link_html = $this->rewrite_link($href, $label, $is_ktai); } $replace = apply_filters('convert_links/ktai_style.php', $link_html, $orig, $href, $label); if (! is_null($replace)) { $content = substr_replace($content, $replace, $offset, strlen($orig)); // convert links } else { $offset += strlen($orig); } } return $content; } /* ================================================== * @param string $href * @param string $label * @param boolean $is_ktai * @return string $link_html */ private function rewrite_link($href, $label, $is_ktai) { global $Ktai_Style; $clipped = preg_replace($this->internal_pat, $this->short_links, $href, 1, $is_internal); $leave_pat = ks_is_loggedin() ? $this->scheme_pat : $this->leave_pat; if ($is_internal) { $link_html = '<a href="' . $clipped . '">' . $label . '</a>'; } elseif (preg_match($this->short_int_pat, $href) || preg_match($leave_pat, $href)) { $link_html = NULL; // leave links } else { $icon = '<img localsrc="337" alt="' . __('[for PC]', 'ktai_style') . '" />'; $redir_link = '<a href="' . ks_plugin_url(FALSE) . 'redir.php?url=' . rawurlencode($href) . '">'; $direct_link = '<a href="' . attribute_escape($href) . '">'; $colored_label = '<font color="' . ks_option('ks_external_link_color') . '">' . $label . '</font></a>'; if (ks_is_loggedin()) { $link_html = $icon . $redir_link . $colored_label; } elseif ($is_ktai || $this->has_mobile_sites($href)) { $link_html = $direct_link . $label . '</a>'; } elseif ($Ktai_Style->is_ktai() == 'DoCoMo' || $Ktai_Style->is_ktai() == 'KDDI' || $Ktai_Style->is_ktai() == 'SoftBank') { $link_html = $icon . $redir_link . $colored_label; } else { $link_html = $icon . $direct_link . $colored_label; } $link_html = apply_filters('external_link/ktai_style.php', $link_html, $href, $label); } return $link_html; } // ================================================== private function has_mobile_sites($url) { try { if (preg_match($this->none_mobile_pat, $url)) { return FALSE; } return preg_match($this->mobile_pat, $url); } catch (Exception $e) { return FALSE; if (preg_match('!^(' . implode('|', self::$none_mobile_url) . ')!', $url)) { return FALSE; } return preg_match('!^(' . implode('|', self::$mobile_same_url) . ')!', $url); } } /* ================================================== * @param string $content * @return string $content */ public function convert_images($content) { for ($offset = 0, $replace = 'X'; preg_match('!<img ([^>]*?)src=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\2\\\\]*?)*)\\2([^>]*?) ?/?>!', $content, $img, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset) ; $offset += strlen($replace)) { $orig = $img[0][0]; $offset = $img[0][1]; $q = $img[2][0]; $src = $img[3][0]; $attr = $img[1][0] . $img[5][0]; $replace = $orig; if (preg_match('/local$/', $img[1][0])) { // ezweb pict chars continue; } list($replace, $has_image) = $this->image_to_link($orig, $src, $q, $attr); $replace = apply_filters('image_to_link/ktai_style.php', $replace, $orig, $src); if (! is_null($replace)) { $content = substr_replace($content, $replace, $offset, strlen($orig)); if ($has_image) { $this->added_image(); } } else { $offset += strlen($orig); } } return $content; } /* ================================================== * @param string $html * @param string $src * @param string $q * @param string $attr * @return string $replace * @return boolean $has_image */ private function image_to_link($html, $src, $q, $attr) { global $Ktai_Style; $replace = $html; $has_image = FALSE; if (preg_match('/alt=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\1\\\\]*?)*)\\1/', $attr, $a)) { $alt = stripslashes($a[2]); } else { $alt = basename(parse_url($src, PHP_URL_PATH)); } if (empty($alt)) { $replace = ''; // hide images if the alt string is empty. return array($replace, $has_image); } if (preg_match('/(width|height)=(([\'"])1\\3|1\b)/', $attr)) { $replace = ''; // hide 1 pixel width/height images. } elseif (preg_match('/class=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\1\\\\]*?)*)\\1/', $attr, $class) && preg_match('/\\b(wp-smiley|ktai)\\b/', $class[2])) { $short_src = preg_replace($this->host_pat, '/', $src); $replace = "<img src=$q$short_src$q alt=" . '"' . addslashes($alt) . '" class="' . $class[2] . '" />'; } elseif (preg_match('!' . PLUGINDIR . '!', $src)) { // plug-in's icon or what $replace = "[$alt]"; } elseif (preg_match('/filesize="(\d*)"/', $attr, $filesize)) { // original image for thumbnail passed by convert_links() $cache_size = $Ktai_Style->get('cache_size'); if ($filesize[1] && $cache_size > 0 && $filesize[1] > $cache_size) { $replace = '<font color="' . KS_SIZE_EXCEED_COLOR . '">' . $alt . '</font>]'; } else { $replace = '<a href=' . "$q$src$q" . '>' . $alt . '</a>]'; } } else { // normal image or thumbnail image list($img_path, $thumbpath, $thumburl) = array(NULL, NULL, NULL); if (preg_match($this->wpurl_pat, $src)) { list($img_path, $thumbpath, $thumburl) = $this->check_thumbnail($src, $this->wpurl_pat, ABSPATH, $this->wpurl); } elseif (preg_match($this->host_pat, $src) && $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) { list($img_path, $thumbpath, $thumburl) = $this->check_thumbnail($src, $this->host_pat, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/', '/'); } if (defined('KS_SHRINKAGE_DEBUG') && is_array($thumbpath)) { $replace = '[[' . $thumbpath[0] . ']]'; } elseif (ks_is_image_inline() && $thumbpath) { $replace = '<img src="' . $thumburl . '" alt="' . $alt . '" />'; $replace .= preg_match('/has_orig="true"/', $attr) ? '[' : ''; $has_image = TRUE; } else { $replace = '[<img localsrc="94" alt="' . __('IMAGE:', 'ktai_style') . '" />'; if (! $img_path) { // link to a image of external sites $replace .= '<a href=' . "$q$src$q" . '>' . $alt . '</a>'; } elseif (! is_dir($img_path) && $size = @filesize($img_path) && $size <= $Ktai_Style->get('cache_size')) { // link to the image $replace .= '<a href=' . "$q$src$q" . '>' . $alt . '</a>'; $has_image = TRUE; } elseif ($thumbpath && $thumburl) { // link to a thumbnail $replace .= '<a href=' . "$q$thumburl$q" . '>' . $alt . '</a>'; $has_image = TRUE; } else { // no link to images $replace .= '<font color="' . KS_SIZE_EXCEED_COLOR . '">' . $alt . '</font>'; } $replace .= preg_match('/has_orig="true"/', $attr) ? ' | ' : ']'; } } return array($replace, $has_image); } /* ================================================== * @param string $img_src * @param string $url_pat * @param string $path_pre * @param string $short_url * @return string $img_path * @return string $thumbpath * @return string $thumburl */ private function check_thumbnail($img_src, $url_pat, $path_pre, $short_url) { $target = $img_path = preg_replace($url_pat, $path_pre, $img_src); $orig = preg_replace('!^(cropped-)?(.*?)(\.thumbnail|-\d+x\d+)(\.[^.]+)?$!', '$2$4', $img_path, 1, $count); if ($count && file_exists($orig)) { $target = $orig; // Use the original image to make a smaller thumbnail. } $thumbpath = preg_replace('!(cropped-)?(.*?)(\.thumbnail|-\d+x\d+)?(\.[^.]+)?$!', '$2' . KS_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME .'$4', $img_path, 1); if (! file_exists($thumbpath)) { $thumbpath = $this->create_thumbnail($target, $thumbpath); } if ($thumbpath) { $thumburl = preg_replace('!^' . preg_quote($path_pre, '!') . '!', $short_url, $thumbpath); } else { $thumburl = NULL; } return array($img_path, $thumbpath, $thumburl); } /* ================================================== * @param string $img_path * @param string $thumbpath * @return string $thumbpath */ private function create_thumbnail($img_path, $thumbpath) { try { if (empty($img_path)) { throw new Exception('No file name'); } if (! file_exists($img_path)) { throw new Exception('No such a file:' . $img_path); } $size = @getimagesize($img_path); if (! $size) { throw new Exception('Cannot access to image:' . $img_path); } $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; $type = $size[2]; if ($width <= 0 || $height <= 0) { throw new Exception('Zero size image'); } $result = TRUE; switch ($type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $image = @imagecreatefromgif($img_path); $other_path = preg_replace('|\.gif$|i', '.png', $img_path); if ($image && ! file_exists($other_path)) { $result = @imagepng($image, $other_path); } break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $image = @imagecreatefrompng($img_path); $other_path = preg_replace('|\.png$|i', '.gif', $img_path); if ($image && ! file_exists($other_path)) { $result = @imagegif($image, $other_path); } break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: default: $image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($img_path); break; } if (! $image) { throw new Exception('Invalid image file: ' . $img_path); } if (! $result) { throw new Exception('Cannot write PNG/GIF image: ' . $other_path); } if ($width <= KS_THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE && $height <= KS_THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE) { // No need to make thumbnail return $img_path; } if ($width > $height) { $image_ratio = $width / KS_THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE; $new_width = KS_THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE; $new_height = $height / $image_ratio; } else { $image_ratio = $height / KS_THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE; $new_height = KS_THUMBNAIL_MAX_SIZE; $new_width = $width / $image_ratio; } $thumbnail = @imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); if (! $thumbnail) { throw new Exception('Thumbnail creation failed'); } if (function_exists('imageantialias')) { imageantialias($thumbnail, TRUE); } if (! imagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height)) { throw new Exception('Resample failed'); } // move the thumbnail to it's final destination $other_path = NULL; switch ($type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $result = @imagegif($thumbnail, $thumbpath); if ($result) { $other_path = preg_replace('|\.gif$|i', '.png', $thumbpath); $result2 = @imagepng($thumbnail, $other_path); } break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $result = @imagepng($thumbnail, $thumbpath); if ($result) { $other_path = preg_replace('|\.png$|i', '.gif', $thumbpath); $result2 = @imagegif($thumbnail, $other_path); } break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: default: $result = @imagejpeg($thumbnail, $thumbpath); break; } @imagedestroy($thumbnail); if (! $result || ! file_exists($thumbpath)) { throw new Exception('Thumbnail file not written'); } @chmod($thumbpath, 0646); if ($other_path) { @chmod($other_path, 0646); } return $thumbpath; } catch (Exception $e) { return defined('KS_SHRINKAGE_DEBUG') ? array($e->getMessage()) : NULL; } } /* ================================================== * @param string $content * @return string $content */ public function shrink_content($content) { global $Ktai_Style; $content = preg_replace('!<del[^>]*>.*?</del>!s', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('!<(script|style)[^>]*>.*?</\\1>!s', '', $content); $content = $Ktai_Style->filter_tags($content); $content = $this->convert_links($content); $content = $this->convert_images($content); return $content; } /* ================================================== * @param string $text * @param string $text * Based on wp_trim_excerpt at formatting.php of WP 2.5 */ function trim_excerpt($text) { // Fakes an excerpt if needed if ( '' == $text ) { global $Ktai_Style; $text = get_the_content(''); $text = $Ktai_Style->filter_tags($text); $text = preg_replace('!<del[^>]*>.*?</del>!s', '', $text); $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text); $text = strip_tags($text); $excerpt_length = 300; if (strlen($text) > $excerpt_length) { $text = mb_strcut($text, 0, $excerpt_length) . '[...]'; } } return $text; } /* ================================================== * @param string $content * @param array $tags * @param array $args * @return string $content */ public function shrink_tag_cloud($content, $tags, $args) { for ($offset = 0, $replace = 'X' ; preg_match('!<a href=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\1\\\\]*?)*)\\1([^>]*?)>(.*?)</a>!', $content, $l, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset); $offset += strlen($replace)) { $orig = $l[0][0]; $offset = $l[0][1]; $q = $l[1][0]; $href = $l[2][0]; $attr = $l[4][0]; $label = $l[5][0]; $replace = $orig; preg_match('/ style=([\'"])[^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\1\\\\]*?)*\\1/', $attr, $style); $replace = '<a href=' . $q . $href . $q . $style[0] . '>' . $label . '</a>'; $content = substr_replace($content, $replace, $offset, strlen($orig)); } return $content; } /* ================================================== * @param string $buffer * @return string $buffer */ public function add_url_inline_image($buffer) { global $Ktai_Style; if ($Ktai_Style->ktai->get('image_inline_default') == $Ktai_Style->ktai->get('image_inline')) { return $buffer; } $value = ks_is_image_inline() ? 'inline' : 'link'; $wpcontent_pat = preg_replace('/\)!$/', ')wp-content/!', $this->wpurl_pat); for ($offset = 0, $replace = 'X' ; preg_match('!<a ([^>]*?)href=([\'"])([^\\\\]*?(\\\\.[^\\2\\\\]*?)*)\\2([^>]*?)>!', $buffer, $l, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset) ; $offset += strlen($replace)) { $orig = $l[0][0]; $offset = $l[0][1]; $q = $l[2][0]; $href = $l[3][0]; $href = _quoted_remove_query_arg('img', $href); $attr1 = $l[1][0]; $attr2 = $l[5][0]; $replace = $orig; if (! preg_match($this->url_pat, $href) || preg_match($wpcontent_pat, $href) || preg_match('/id="inline"/', $attr1 . $attr2)) { continue; } $href .= (strpos($href, '?') === FALSE ? '?' : '&' ) . "img=$value"; $replace = "<a {$attr1}href=$q$href$q$attr2>"; $buffer = substr_replace($buffer, $replace, $offset, strlen($orig)); // convert links } return $buffer; } /* ================================================== * @param string $buffer * @return string $buffer */ public function strip_styles_scripts($buffer) { $buffer = preg_replace('|<style[^.]*>.*?</style>|s', '', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('|<script[^.]*>.*?</script>|s', '', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('|<!--.*?-->|', '', $buffer); return $buffer; } // ===== End of class ==================== } ?>